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Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments

Year 2010, , 26 - 36, 04.03.2010


In this study, influence of various microwave-convective air drying applications on drying kinetics, color and sensory
quality of dill leaves (Anethum graveolens L.) were investigated. In general, increasing the drying air temperature
decreased the drying time, and increased the drying rate. Increasing microwave pulse ratio increased the drying time.
Page, Logarithmic, Midilli et al, Wang & Singh and Logistic models were fitted to drying data and the Page model
was found to satisfactorily describe the microwave-convective air drying curves of dill leaves. Comparing to the fresh
dill, lightness (L*), greenness (-a*) and yellowness (+b*) decreased for all drying applications. The deviation from
fresh product color (∆E*) increased as pulse ratio increased and drying air temperature decreased. Considering the
product quality, continuous microwave-convective air drying combinations gave better results than intermittent
microwave-convective air drying in terms of color and sensory evaluation results. 


  • Alibas I (2006). Characteristics of chard leaves during microwave, convective, and combined microwaveconvective drying. Drying Technology 24(11): 1425- 1435 AOAC 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International I Edition. Association Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, Virginia
  • Arslan D & Ozcan M M (2008). Evaluation of drying methods with respect to drying kinetics, mineral content and colour characteristics of rosemary leaves. Energy Conversion and Management 49(5): 1258- 1264
  • Beaudry C, Raghavan G S V & Rennie T J (2003). Microwave finish drying of osmotically dehydrated cranberries. Drying Technology 21(9): 1797-1810 Buffler C R 1993. Microwave cooking and processing: Engineering fundamentals for the food scientist. Avi Book, New York
  • Chua K J & Chou S K (2005). A comparative study between intermittent microwave and infrared drying of bioproducts. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 40(1): 23-39
  • Dadali G & Ozbek B (2008). Microwave heat treatment of leek: drying kinetic and effective moisture diffusivity. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 43(8): 1443-1451
  • Diamante L M & Munro P A (1993). Mathematicalmodeling of the thin-layer solar drying of sweetpotato slices. Solar Energy 51(4): 271-276 Feng H, Tang J & Cavalieri R P (2002). Dielectric properties of dehydrated apples as affected by moisture and temperature. Transactions of the ASAE 45(1): 129-135
  • Funebo T & Ohlsson T (1998). Microwave-assisted air dehydration of apple and mushroom. Journal of Food Engineering 38(3): 353-367
  • Gunasekaran S (1999). Pulsed microwave-vacuum drying of food materials. Drying Technology 17(3): 395-412
  • Maskan M (2000). Microwave/air and microwave finish drying of banana. Journal of Food Engineering 44(2): 71-78
  • Midilli A, Kucuk H & Yapar Z (2002). A new model for single-layer drying. Drying Technology 20(7): 1503- 1513
  • Nijhuis H H, Torringa E, Luyten H, Rene F, Jones P, Funebo T & Ohlsson T (1996). Research needs and opportunities in the dry conservation of fruits and vegetables. Drying Technology 14(6): 1429-1457
  • Nindo C I, Sun T, Wang S W, Tang J & Powers J R (2003). Evaluation of drying technologies for retention of physical quality and antioxidants in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis, L.). LWT-Food Science and Technology 36(5): 507-516
  • Perre P & May B (2007). The existence of a first drying stage for potato proved by two independent methods. Journal of Food Engineering 78(4): 1134-1140
  • Prabhanjan D G, Ramaswamy H S & Raghavan G S V (1995). Microwave-assisted convective air-drying of thin-layer carrots. Journal of Food Engineering 25(2): 283-293
  • Sharma G P & Prasad S (2001). Drying of garlic (Allium sativum) cloves by microwave-hot air combination. Journal of Food Engineering 50(2): 99-105
  • Soysal Y (2004). Microwave drying characteristics of parsley. Biosystems Engineering 89(2): 167-173 Soysal Y (2005). Mathematical modeling and evaluation of microwave drying kinetics of mint (Mentha spicata L.). Journal of Applied Science 5(7): 1266- 1274
  • Soysal Y, Ayhan Z, Esturk O & Arikan M F (2009). Intermittent microwave-convective drying of red pepper: Drying kinetics, physical (colour and texture) and sensory quality. Biosystems Engineering 103(4): 455-463
  • Soysal Y, Oztekin S & Eren O (2005). Microwave drying kinetics of thyme. Poljoprivredna Tehnika 30(2): 69- 78
  • Soysal Y, Oztekin S & Eren O (2006). Microwave drying of parsley: Modelling, kinetics, and energy aspects. Biosystems Engineering 93(4): 403-413
  • Therdthai N & Zhou W B (2009). Characterization of microwave vacuum drying and hot air drying of mint leaves (Mentha cordifolia Opiz ex Fresen). Journal of Food Engineering 91(3): 482-489
  • Torringa E, Esveld E, Scheewe I, van den Berg R & Bartels P (2001). Osmotic dehydration as a pretreatment before combined microwave-hot-air drying of mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering 49(2-3): 185-191
  • Venkatesh M S & Raghavan G S V (2004). An overview of microwave processing and dielectric properties of agri-food materials. Biosystems Engineering 88(1): 1- 18
  • Wang J, Xiong Y S & Yu Y (2004). Microwave drying characteristics of potato and the effect of different microwave powers on the dried quality of potato. European Food Research and Technology 219(5): 500-506
  • Yaldiz O, Ertekin C & Uzun H I (2001). Mathematical modeling of thin layer solar drying of sultana grapes. Energy 26(5): 457-465
  • Yongsawatdigul J & Gunasekaran S (1996). Microwavevacuum drying of cranberries .1. Energy use and efficiency. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 20(2): 121-143
  • Yousif A N, Durance T D, Scaman C H & Girard B (2000). Headspace volatiles and physical characteristics of vacuum-microwave, air, and freezedried oregano (Lippia berlandieri Schauer). Journal of Food Science 65(6): 926-930
  • Zhang M, Tang J, Mujumdar A S & Wang S (2006). Trends in microwave-related drying of fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science & Technology 17(10): 524-534

Kesikli ve Sürekli Mikrodalga-Taşınım Hava Uygulamaları ile Kurutulan Dereotunun Kuruma Özelliklerinin ve Kalite Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2010, , 26 - 36, 04.03.2010


Bu çalışmada, farklı mikrodalga-taşınım sıcak hava kurutma uygulamalarının dereotu yapraklarının (Anethum graveolens) kuruma kinetiği, renk kalitesi ve duyusal kalitesi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kurutma işleminde uygulanan hava sıcaklığı arttıkça kuruma süresi kısalmış, kuruma hızı ise artmış ve kesiklilik oranı arttıkça kuruma süresi uzamıştır. Deneysel olarak elde edilen kuruma eğrileri Page, Logarithmic, Midilli et al, Wang & Singh ve Logistic eşitlikleri kullanılarak modellenmiştir. Dereotu yapraklarının mikrodalga-taşınım hava kuruma eğrilerinin matematiksel olarak ifade edilmesinde Page modeli tatmin edici bulunmuştur. Taze ürünle kıyaslandığında, mikrodalga-taşınım hava ile kurutulan ürünlerin tamamında renk parlaklığı (L*), renk yeşilliği (-a*) ve renk sarılığı (+b*) azalmıştır. Mikrodalga kesiklilik oranı arttıkça ve kullanılan hava sıcaklığı düştükçe taze ürün renginden sapma (∆E*) artmıştır. Renk ve duyusal değerlendirme sonuçlarına göre ürün kalitesi dikkate alındığında, sürekli mikrodalgataşınım hava kurutma uygulamaları kesikli mikrodalga-taşınım hava uygulamalarına göre daha iyi sonuç vermiştir. 


  • Alibas I (2006). Characteristics of chard leaves during microwave, convective, and combined microwaveconvective drying. Drying Technology 24(11): 1425- 1435 AOAC 2000. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International I Edition. Association Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, Virginia
  • Arslan D & Ozcan M M (2008). Evaluation of drying methods with respect to drying kinetics, mineral content and colour characteristics of rosemary leaves. Energy Conversion and Management 49(5): 1258- 1264
  • Beaudry C, Raghavan G S V & Rennie T J (2003). Microwave finish drying of osmotically dehydrated cranberries. Drying Technology 21(9): 1797-1810 Buffler C R 1993. Microwave cooking and processing: Engineering fundamentals for the food scientist. Avi Book, New York
  • Chua K J & Chou S K (2005). A comparative study between intermittent microwave and infrared drying of bioproducts. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 40(1): 23-39
  • Dadali G & Ozbek B (2008). Microwave heat treatment of leek: drying kinetic and effective moisture diffusivity. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 43(8): 1443-1451
  • Diamante L M & Munro P A (1993). Mathematicalmodeling of the thin-layer solar drying of sweetpotato slices. Solar Energy 51(4): 271-276 Feng H, Tang J & Cavalieri R P (2002). Dielectric properties of dehydrated apples as affected by moisture and temperature. Transactions of the ASAE 45(1): 129-135
  • Funebo T & Ohlsson T (1998). Microwave-assisted air dehydration of apple and mushroom. Journal of Food Engineering 38(3): 353-367
  • Gunasekaran S (1999). Pulsed microwave-vacuum drying of food materials. Drying Technology 17(3): 395-412
  • Maskan M (2000). Microwave/air and microwave finish drying of banana. Journal of Food Engineering 44(2): 71-78
  • Midilli A, Kucuk H & Yapar Z (2002). A new model for single-layer drying. Drying Technology 20(7): 1503- 1513
  • Nijhuis H H, Torringa E, Luyten H, Rene F, Jones P, Funebo T & Ohlsson T (1996). Research needs and opportunities in the dry conservation of fruits and vegetables. Drying Technology 14(6): 1429-1457
  • Nindo C I, Sun T, Wang S W, Tang J & Powers J R (2003). Evaluation of drying technologies for retention of physical quality and antioxidants in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis, L.). LWT-Food Science and Technology 36(5): 507-516
  • Perre P & May B (2007). The existence of a first drying stage for potato proved by two independent methods. Journal of Food Engineering 78(4): 1134-1140
  • Prabhanjan D G, Ramaswamy H S & Raghavan G S V (1995). Microwave-assisted convective air-drying of thin-layer carrots. Journal of Food Engineering 25(2): 283-293
  • Sharma G P & Prasad S (2001). Drying of garlic (Allium sativum) cloves by microwave-hot air combination. Journal of Food Engineering 50(2): 99-105
  • Soysal Y (2004). Microwave drying characteristics of parsley. Biosystems Engineering 89(2): 167-173 Soysal Y (2005). Mathematical modeling and evaluation of microwave drying kinetics of mint (Mentha spicata L.). Journal of Applied Science 5(7): 1266- 1274
  • Soysal Y, Ayhan Z, Esturk O & Arikan M F (2009). Intermittent microwave-convective drying of red pepper: Drying kinetics, physical (colour and texture) and sensory quality. Biosystems Engineering 103(4): 455-463
  • Soysal Y, Oztekin S & Eren O (2005). Microwave drying kinetics of thyme. Poljoprivredna Tehnika 30(2): 69- 78
  • Soysal Y, Oztekin S & Eren O (2006). Microwave drying of parsley: Modelling, kinetics, and energy aspects. Biosystems Engineering 93(4): 403-413
  • Therdthai N & Zhou W B (2009). Characterization of microwave vacuum drying and hot air drying of mint leaves (Mentha cordifolia Opiz ex Fresen). Journal of Food Engineering 91(3): 482-489
  • Torringa E, Esveld E, Scheewe I, van den Berg R & Bartels P (2001). Osmotic dehydration as a pretreatment before combined microwave-hot-air drying of mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering 49(2-3): 185-191
  • Venkatesh M S & Raghavan G S V (2004). An overview of microwave processing and dielectric properties of agri-food materials. Biosystems Engineering 88(1): 1- 18
  • Wang J, Xiong Y S & Yu Y (2004). Microwave drying characteristics of potato and the effect of different microwave powers on the dried quality of potato. European Food Research and Technology 219(5): 500-506
  • Yaldiz O, Ertekin C & Uzun H I (2001). Mathematical modeling of thin layer solar drying of sultana grapes. Energy 26(5): 457-465
  • Yongsawatdigul J & Gunasekaran S (1996). Microwavevacuum drying of cranberries .1. Energy use and efficiency. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 20(2): 121-143
  • Yousif A N, Durance T D, Scaman C H & Girard B (2000). Headspace volatiles and physical characteristics of vacuum-microwave, air, and freezedried oregano (Lippia berlandieri Schauer). Journal of Food Science 65(6): 926-930
  • Zhang M, Tang J, Mujumdar A S & Wang S (2006). Trends in microwave-related drying of fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science & Technology 17(10): 524-534
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Okan Eştürk

Publication Date March 4, 2010
Submission Date August 29, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2010


APA Eştürk, O. (2010). Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(1), 26-36.
AMA Eştürk O. Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2010;16(1):26-36. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001118
Chicago Eştürk, Okan. “Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried With Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-Convective Air Treatments”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16, no. 1 (March 2010): 26-36.
EndNote Eştürk O (March 1, 2010) Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16 1 26–36.
IEEE O. Eştürk, “Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 26–36, 2010, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001118.
ISNAD Eştürk, Okan. “Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried With Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-Convective Air Treatments”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16/1 (March 2010), 26-36.
JAMA Eştürk O. Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2010;16:26–36.
MLA Eştürk, Okan. “Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried With Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-Convective Air Treatments”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 16, no. 1, 2010, pp. 26-36, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001118.
Vancouver Eştürk O. Drying Properties and Quality Parameters of Dill Dried with Intermittent and Continuous Microwave-convective Air Treatments. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2010;16(1):26-3.

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