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Süzgeç Tipinin Düşük Sürüklenme Potansiyelli (AD) ve Yüksek Etki Alanlı (LU) Yelpaze Hüzmeli Memelerin Akış Karakteristiklerine Etkisi

Year 2015, , 558 - 571, 15.12.2015


Bu çalışmada dört farklı süzgeç tipinin değişik meme tiplerinin akış karakteristikleri (orifis katsayısı (k), üs kuvvet katsayısı (n), bireysel debi sapma oranı (φ) ve akış katsayısı (Cd)) üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Üç farklı orifis ölçüsüne sahip düşük sürüklenme potansiyelli (AD) ve yüksek etki alanlı (LU) yelpaze hüzmeli memelerin farklı işletme basınçlarında (1.5, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 ve 8.0 bar) hacimsel debileri belirlenmiştir. Her bir denemede memeler yuvarlak süzgeç, yarıklı süzgeç, 40-, 50- ve 80-mesh’lik silindirik süzgeçler ile 50- ve 80-mesh’lik çek-valfli silindirik süzgeçlerle birlikte kullanılmıştır. Debi ölçümleri süzgeç kullanılmadan da yapılmıştır. Her bir meme kombinasyonu için (meme tipi, süzgeç tipi ve orifis ölçüsü) debi (Q) ve püskürtme basıncı (P) arasındaki ilişki üssel regresyon eşitliği kullanılarak verilmiştir. Meme debisi ve püskürtme basıncı arasındaki ilişkiye ait doğrunun eğimi olan “k” katsayısı meme kombinasyonları arasında bir karşılaştırma parametresi olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çek-valfli silindirik süzgeçle kullanılan meme tiplerinin “k” ortalama değeri süzgeçsiz, yuvarlak, yarıklı ve silindirik süzgeçlerin kullanımlarından daha düşük bulunmuştur. Bu sonuç, hacimsel debinin aynı işletme basıncında işletilen diğer meme kombinasyonlarına göre azaldığını göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, çek-valfli süzgeçlerle kullanılan memelerin nominal debideki sapma oranı ±% 10’luk limiti aşmıştır. Yuvarlak süzgeç, yarıklı süzgeç, silindirik süzgeç ve süzgeçsiz kullanılan LU ve AD tip memelerin “n” katsayısı 0.50’ye yakın iken, çek-valfli silindirik süzgeçler, her iki meme tipinin “n” katsayısının artmasına neden olmuştur. 50- ve 80-mesh’lik çek-valfli silindirik süzgeçlerle kullanılan AD tip memelerin “n” katsayısı sırasıyla 0.586 ve 0.608 olarak bulunmuştur. LU tip memelerde ise “n” katsayısı 50- ve 80- mesh’lik çek-valfli silindirik süzgeçler için sırasıyla 0.576 ve 0.584 olarak belirlenmiştir. Diğer süzgeçlerle ve süzgeçsiz kullanımla karşılaştırıldığında çek-valfli olanlar memelerin ortalama akış katsayısını (Cd) azaltmıştır. Yuvarlak, yarıklı ve silindirik süzgeçlerle ve süzgeçsiz kullanımda AD memenin Cd ortalaması 0.67-0.77 ve LU memenin 0.91-0.94 aralığında değişmiştir. 50- ve 80- mesh’lik çek valfli süzgeçlerle kullanılan AD memenin Cd ortalaması sırasıyla 0.39 ve 0.34 iken LU memenin 0.56 ve 0.53 olarak belirlenmiştir


  • ASABE Standards (2006). ASAE EP367.2 FEB03: Guide for preparing field sprayer calibration procedures. St. Joseph, Michigan
  • ASABE Standards (2009). ANSI/ASAE S572.1: MAR2009. Spray nozzle classification by droplet spectra. St. Joseph, Michigan
  • ASME (1961). Flowmeter computational hand book. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York
  • Ballester J & Dopazo C (1994). Discharge coefficient and spray angle measurements for small pressure-swirl nozzles. Atomization and Sprays 4: 351-367
  • Ergül İ & Dursun E (2003a). Farklı malzemelerden yapılan konik hüzmeli memelerde aşınmanın verdi artışına etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(1): 73-78
  • Ergül İ & Dursun E (2003b). Farklı malzemelerden yapılan konik hüzmeli memelerde aşınmanın ilaç dağılım paternine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(3): 278-283
  • Fritz B K, Hoffmann W C, Czaczyk C Z, Bagley W, Kruger G & Henry R (2012). Measurement and classification methods using the ASAE S572.1 reference nozzles. Journal of Plant Protection Research 52(4): 447-457
  • Güner M & Keskin R (2012). Sulama Makinaları (3. Baskı). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No: 1587, Ders Kitabı: 539, s. 292, Ankara
  • Hofman V & Solseng E (2004). Spray equipment and calibration. North Dakota State University, Extension Service, pp. 44
  • Huyghebaert B, Debouche C & Mostade O (2001). Flow rate quality of new flat-fan nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE 44(4): 769-773
  • ISO Standards (2005). 10625: Equipment for crop protection-sprayer nozzles-colour coding for identification
  • Knewitz H, Weisser P & Koch H (2002). Drift-reducing spray application in orchards and biological efficacy of pesticides. Aspects of Applied Biology 66: 231-236
  • Lechler (2013). Agricultural spray nozzles and accessories. (Accessed: October 2013)
  • Rashid M S F M, Hamid A H A, Sheng O C & Ghaffar Z G (2012). Effect of inlet slot number on the spray cone angle and discharge coefficient of swirl atomizer. Procedia Engineering 41: 1781-1786
  • Sayıncı B, Yarpuz-Bozdoğan N, Yıldız C & Demir B (2013). Konik hüzmeli memelerde akış katsayısı ve bazı işletme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi 9(1): 9-20
  • Spraying Systems Co. (2014). Industrial hydraulic spray products. Catalogue 75, (Accessed: January 2014)
  • Srivastava A K, Goering C E & Rohrbach R G (1993). Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines. In: P.D. Hansen (Ed.), Chemical Application. Chapter 7, ASAE, Niles Road, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085, pp. 265-324
  • Wilkinson R, Balsari P & Oberti R (1999). Pest control equipment. CIGR/ASAE Handbook of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Michigan, USA, pp. 269-310
  • Womac A R & Bui Q D (2002). Design and tests of a variable-flow fan nozzle. Transactions of the ASAE 45(2): 287-295
  • Yu B, Fu P-F, Zhang T & Zhou H-C (2013). The influence of back pressure on the flow discharge coefficients of plain orifice nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 44: 50-514
  • Zhou Q, Miller P C H, Walklate P J & Thomas N H (1996). Prediction of spray angle from flat-fan nozzles. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 64: 139-148

The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift

Year 2015, , 558 - 571, 15.12.2015


This study investigated the effects of four different strainer types on flow characteristics (orifice coefficient (k), exponent coefficient (n), individual flow rate deviation (φ) and discharge coefficient (Cd)) of different nozzle types. The volumetric flow rates of anti-drift (AD) and multi-range (LU) flat-fan nozzles of three different orifice sizes were determined at different operational pressures (1.5, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 bars). In each treatment, the nozzles were used together with cup screen strainer of 50-mesh, slotted strainer, cylindrical strainers of 40-, 50-, and 80-meshes, and ball-check strainers of 50- and 80-meshes. The flow rate measurements were also obtained without strainers. The relation between the flow rate (Q) and spray pressure (P) for each nozzle combination (nozzle type, strainer type, and orifice size) was presented using the power regression model . The “k” coefficient, which is the slope of the line referring to the relation between the nozzle flow rate and spray pressure, was evaluated as a comparison parameter between the nozzle combinations. The “k” mean values of the nozzle types using with ball-check strainers were lower than those of the without strainer, cup screen, slotted and cylindrical strainers. This result showed that the volumetric flow rate decreased with respect to the other nozzle combinations operated at the same operational pressure. Thus, the deviation rate from the nominal flow rate of the nozzles used with the ball-check strainers exceeded the acceptable deviation limit of ±10%. As the “n” coefficients of the LU and AD nozzles used with cup screen, slotted, cylindrical strainers and without strainers were close to 0.50, the ball-check strainers resulted in increasing the “n” coefficient of the nozzles. The “n” coefficient of the nozzles used with the ball-check strainers of 50- and 80- meshes was determined as 0.586 and 0.608 for the AD nozzle, respectively and, 0.576 and 0.584 for the LU nozzle, respectively. The ball-check strainers dramatically decreased the discharge coefficient (Cd) of the nozzles compared to the other strainers and the usage without strainer. For the cup screen, slotted, cylindrical strainers and the usage without strainer, the Cd means ranged from 0.67 to 0.77 for the AD nozzle, and 0.91 to 0.94 for the LU nozzle. The Cd means of the nozzles used with the ball-check strainers of 50- and 80- meshes were determined as 0.39 and 0.34 for the AD nozzle, respectively, and 0.56 and 0.53 for the LU nozzle, respectively.


  • ASABE Standards (2006). ASAE EP367.2 FEB03: Guide for preparing field sprayer calibration procedures. St. Joseph, Michigan
  • ASABE Standards (2009). ANSI/ASAE S572.1: MAR2009. Spray nozzle classification by droplet spectra. St. Joseph, Michigan
  • ASME (1961). Flowmeter computational hand book. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York
  • Ballester J & Dopazo C (1994). Discharge coefficient and spray angle measurements for small pressure-swirl nozzles. Atomization and Sprays 4: 351-367
  • Ergül İ & Dursun E (2003a). Farklı malzemelerden yapılan konik hüzmeli memelerde aşınmanın verdi artışına etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(1): 73-78
  • Ergül İ & Dursun E (2003b). Farklı malzemelerden yapılan konik hüzmeli memelerde aşınmanın ilaç dağılım paternine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(3): 278-283
  • Fritz B K, Hoffmann W C, Czaczyk C Z, Bagley W, Kruger G & Henry R (2012). Measurement and classification methods using the ASAE S572.1 reference nozzles. Journal of Plant Protection Research 52(4): 447-457
  • Güner M & Keskin R (2012). Sulama Makinaları (3. Baskı). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No: 1587, Ders Kitabı: 539, s. 292, Ankara
  • Hofman V & Solseng E (2004). Spray equipment and calibration. North Dakota State University, Extension Service, pp. 44
  • Huyghebaert B, Debouche C & Mostade O (2001). Flow rate quality of new flat-fan nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE 44(4): 769-773
  • ISO Standards (2005). 10625: Equipment for crop protection-sprayer nozzles-colour coding for identification
  • Knewitz H, Weisser P & Koch H (2002). Drift-reducing spray application in orchards and biological efficacy of pesticides. Aspects of Applied Biology 66: 231-236
  • Lechler (2013). Agricultural spray nozzles and accessories. (Accessed: October 2013)
  • Rashid M S F M, Hamid A H A, Sheng O C & Ghaffar Z G (2012). Effect of inlet slot number on the spray cone angle and discharge coefficient of swirl atomizer. Procedia Engineering 41: 1781-1786
  • Sayıncı B, Yarpuz-Bozdoğan N, Yıldız C & Demir B (2013). Konik hüzmeli memelerde akış katsayısı ve bazı işletme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi 9(1): 9-20
  • Spraying Systems Co. (2014). Industrial hydraulic spray products. Catalogue 75, (Accessed: January 2014)
  • Srivastava A K, Goering C E & Rohrbach R G (1993). Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines. In: P.D. Hansen (Ed.), Chemical Application. Chapter 7, ASAE, Niles Road, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085, pp. 265-324
  • Wilkinson R, Balsari P & Oberti R (1999). Pest control equipment. CIGR/ASAE Handbook of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, Michigan, USA, pp. 269-310
  • Womac A R & Bui Q D (2002). Design and tests of a variable-flow fan nozzle. Transactions of the ASAE 45(2): 287-295
  • Yu B, Fu P-F, Zhang T & Zhou H-C (2013). The influence of back pressure on the flow discharge coefficients of plain orifice nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 44: 50-514
  • Zhou Q, Miller P C H, Walklate P J & Thomas N H (1996). Prediction of spray angle from flat-fan nozzles. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 64: 139-148
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Bahadır Sayıncı

Mazhar Kara

Publication Date December 15, 2015
Submission Date August 13, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Sayıncı, B., & Kara, M. (2015). The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(4), 558-571.
AMA Sayıncı B, Kara M. The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2015;21(4):558-571. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001357
Chicago Sayıncı, Bahadır, and Mazhar Kara. “The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21, no. 4 (December 2015): 558-71.
EndNote Sayıncı B, Kara M (December 1, 2015) The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21 4 558–571.
IEEE B. Sayıncı and M. Kara, “The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 558–571, 2015, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001357.
ISNAD Sayıncı, Bahadır - Kara, Mazhar. “The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21/4 (December 2015), 558-571.
JAMA Sayıncı B, Kara M. The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2015;21:558–571.
MLA Sayıncı, Bahadır and Mazhar Kara. “The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 21, no. 4, 2015, pp. 558-71, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001357.
Vancouver Sayıncı B, Kara M. The Effects of Strainer Types on Flow Characteristics of Anti-Drift. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2015;21(4):558-71.

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