Research Article
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Year 2019, , 47 - 61, 13.03.2019



  • Abro S, Kandhro M M, Laghari S, Arain M.A & Deho Z A (2009). Combining ability and heterosis for yield contribution traits in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(4): 1769-1774.
  • Ahuja S L, Dhayal L S & Monga D (2009). Performance of upland colored cotton germplasm lines in line × tester crosses. Euphytica 169(3): 303-312. Ashokkumar K, Ravikesavan R & Prince K S J (2010). Combining ability estimates for yield and fiber quality traits in line × tester crosses of upland cotton. International Journal of Biology 2(1): 179-183.
  • Basal H, Unay A, Canavar O & Yavas I (2009). Combining ability for fiber quality parameters and within-boll yield components in intraspecific and interspecific cotton populations. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7(2): 364-374.
  • Burton G W (1951). Quantitative inheritance in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum). Agronomy Journal 43: 409-417. Choudhary R, Solanki B G, Gahtyari N C, Paul T & Singh A K (2017). Genetic effects of combining ability studies for quantitative traits in intra- and interspecific crosses of diploid cotton (G. arboreum and G. herbaceum). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 8: 10-19.
  • Esmail R M (2007). Genetic analysis of yield and its contributing traits in two intra-specific cotton crosses. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 3(12): 2075-2080.
  • Griffing B (1956). Concept of GCA and SCA in relation to diallel system. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 9: 463-493. Hague S S, John G R & Randal B K (2008). Combining ability of upland cotton, G. hirsutum L., with traits associated with sticky fiber. Euphytica 164(1): 175-79.
  • Hayter, A.J. (1986). The maximum family-wise error rate of Fisher’s least significant difference test. Journal of the American Statistical Association 81: 1001-1004.
  • Karademir C, Emine K, Remzi E & Oktay G (2009). Combining ability estimates and heterosis for yield and fiber quality of cotton in line × tester design. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 37(2): 228-233.
  • Karademir E & Gener O (2010). Combining ability and heterosis for yield and fiber quality properties in cotton (G. hirsutum L.) obtained by half diallel mating design. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 38(1): 222-227.
  • Karademir E, Karademir C & Basal H (2016). Combining ability and line x tester analysis on heat tolerance in cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 6: 10515-10525.
  • Kempthorne O (1957). Introduction to Genetic Statistics. New York, John Valley and Sons Inc., London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd. Khan A M, Fiaz S, Bashir I, Ali S, Afzal M, Kettener K, Mahmood N & Manzoor M (2017). Estimation of genetic effects controlling different plant traits in cotton (G. hirsutum L.) under CLCuV epidemic condition. Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova 1: 47-56.
  • Khan N U, Hassan G, Kumbhar M B, Marwat K B, Khan M A, Parveen A, Aiman U & Saeed M (2009a). Combining ability analysis to identify suitable parents for heterosis in seed cotton yield, its components and lint % in upland cotton. Industrial Crops and Products 29: 108-115.
  • Khan N U, Hassan G, Marwat K B, Kumbhar B, Khan I, Soomro Z A, Baloch M J & Khan M Z (2009b). Legacy study of cottonseed traits in upland cotton using Griffing’s combining ability model. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(1): 131-142.
  • Khan S A, Khan N U, Gul R, Bibi Z, Khan I U, Gul S, Ali S & Baloch M (2015). Combining ability studies for yield and fiber traits in upland cotton. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25(3): 698-707.
  • Khan S A, Khan N U, Mohammad F, Ahmad M, Khan I A, Bibi Z & Khan I U (2011). Combining ability analysis in intraspecific F1 diallel cross of upland cotton. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(3): 1719-1723.
  • Lukonge E P, Labuschagne M T & Herselman L (2007). Combining ability for yield and fibre characteristics in Tanzanian cotton germplasm. Euphytica 161(3): 383-389.
  • Panhwar S A, Baloch M J, Jatoi W A, Veesar N F & Majeedano M S (2008). Combining ability estimation from line × tester mating design in upland cotton. Proceedings, Pakistan Academy of Sciences 45(2): 69-74.
  • PBS (2015-2016). Pakistan Economic Survey, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Statistics, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Reddy K B, Reddy V C, Ahmed M L, Naidu T C M & Srinivasarao V (2017). Combining ability analysis for seed cotton yield and quality traits in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 8: 142-152.
  • Samreen K, Baloch M J, Soomro Z A, Kumbhar M B, Khan N U, Kumboh N, Jatoi W A & Veesar N F (2008). Estimating combining ability through line × tester analysis in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 24(4): 581-586.
  • Singh R K & Chaudhary B D (1985). Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis. Kalyani Publishers Ludhiana and New Delhi, India. Sivia S S, Siwach S S, Sangwan O, Lingaraja L & Vekariya R D (2017). Combining ability estimates for yield traits in line x tester crosses of upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). International Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences 5: 464-474.
  • Sprague G F & Tatum L A (1942). General and specific combining ability in single crosses of corn. Journal of American Society of Agronomy 34: 923-932. Steel R G D, Torrie H & Dickey D A (1997). Principles and procedures of statistics - A Biometrical Approach. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill, Inc. New York.
  • Talpur M Y M, Memon S, Memon S, Mari S N, Laghari S, Soomro Z A, Arain S, Dev W, Abro A A & Abro S (2016). Combining ability estimates from line x tester mating design in upland cotton. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 12: 378-382.
  • Usharani C V, Manjula S M & Patil S S (2016). Estimating combining ability through line × tester analysis in upland cotton. Research in Environment and Life Sciences 9: 628-633.

Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L.

Year 2019, , 47 - 61, 13.03.2019


Line × Tester combining ability analysis involving five lines (cultivars i.e., CIM-446, CIM-473, CIM-506, CIM-554 and SLH-284) and three testers (cultivars viz., CIM-496, CIM-499 and CIM-707) was carried out during 2015 and 2016 to determine the inheritance for earliness, yield and lint traits in upland cotton. Genotypes revealed significant (P≤0.01) variations for all the traits. On average, F1 hybrids showed the significant increase over parental means for yield traits. Mean squares due to general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant, which suggested that additive and non-additive gene actions were involved in controlling all the characters. However, the preponderance of non-additive type of gene action observed for majority of the traits. Lines (SLH-284, CIM-473) and pollinators (CIM-707, CIM-496) were leading general combiners for majority of the traits. F1 hybrids (CIM-473 × CIM-496, SLH-284 × CIM-707 and CIM446 × CIM-496) which involve best general combiners, showed the leading performance for yield and lint traits. Heritability was moderate to high with appreciable genetic gain for majority of the traits. Except for lint %, the correlation of seed cotton yield was positive with other traits. The significance of additive and non-additive components suggested integrated breeding strategies with delayed selection for development of cotton hybrids with improvement in earliness and seed cotton yield.


  • Abro S, Kandhro M M, Laghari S, Arain M.A & Deho Z A (2009). Combining ability and heterosis for yield contribution traits in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(4): 1769-1774.
  • Ahuja S L, Dhayal L S & Monga D (2009). Performance of upland colored cotton germplasm lines in line × tester crosses. Euphytica 169(3): 303-312. Ashokkumar K, Ravikesavan R & Prince K S J (2010). Combining ability estimates for yield and fiber quality traits in line × tester crosses of upland cotton. International Journal of Biology 2(1): 179-183.
  • Basal H, Unay A, Canavar O & Yavas I (2009). Combining ability for fiber quality parameters and within-boll yield components in intraspecific and interspecific cotton populations. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7(2): 364-374.
  • Burton G W (1951). Quantitative inheritance in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum). Agronomy Journal 43: 409-417. Choudhary R, Solanki B G, Gahtyari N C, Paul T & Singh A K (2017). Genetic effects of combining ability studies for quantitative traits in intra- and interspecific crosses of diploid cotton (G. arboreum and G. herbaceum). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 8: 10-19.
  • Esmail R M (2007). Genetic analysis of yield and its contributing traits in two intra-specific cotton crosses. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 3(12): 2075-2080.
  • Griffing B (1956). Concept of GCA and SCA in relation to diallel system. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 9: 463-493. Hague S S, John G R & Randal B K (2008). Combining ability of upland cotton, G. hirsutum L., with traits associated with sticky fiber. Euphytica 164(1): 175-79.
  • Hayter, A.J. (1986). The maximum family-wise error rate of Fisher’s least significant difference test. Journal of the American Statistical Association 81: 1001-1004.
  • Karademir C, Emine K, Remzi E & Oktay G (2009). Combining ability estimates and heterosis for yield and fiber quality of cotton in line × tester design. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 37(2): 228-233.
  • Karademir E & Gener O (2010). Combining ability and heterosis for yield and fiber quality properties in cotton (G. hirsutum L.) obtained by half diallel mating design. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 38(1): 222-227.
  • Karademir E, Karademir C & Basal H (2016). Combining ability and line x tester analysis on heat tolerance in cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 6: 10515-10525.
  • Kempthorne O (1957). Introduction to Genetic Statistics. New York, John Valley and Sons Inc., London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd. Khan A M, Fiaz S, Bashir I, Ali S, Afzal M, Kettener K, Mahmood N & Manzoor M (2017). Estimation of genetic effects controlling different plant traits in cotton (G. hirsutum L.) under CLCuV epidemic condition. Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova 1: 47-56.
  • Khan N U, Hassan G, Kumbhar M B, Marwat K B, Khan M A, Parveen A, Aiman U & Saeed M (2009a). Combining ability analysis to identify suitable parents for heterosis in seed cotton yield, its components and lint % in upland cotton. Industrial Crops and Products 29: 108-115.
  • Khan N U, Hassan G, Marwat K B, Kumbhar B, Khan I, Soomro Z A, Baloch M J & Khan M Z (2009b). Legacy study of cottonseed traits in upland cotton using Griffing’s combining ability model. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(1): 131-142.
  • Khan S A, Khan N U, Gul R, Bibi Z, Khan I U, Gul S, Ali S & Baloch M (2015). Combining ability studies for yield and fiber traits in upland cotton. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25(3): 698-707.
  • Khan S A, Khan N U, Mohammad F, Ahmad M, Khan I A, Bibi Z & Khan I U (2011). Combining ability analysis in intraspecific F1 diallel cross of upland cotton. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(3): 1719-1723.
  • Lukonge E P, Labuschagne M T & Herselman L (2007). Combining ability for yield and fibre characteristics in Tanzanian cotton germplasm. Euphytica 161(3): 383-389.
  • Panhwar S A, Baloch M J, Jatoi W A, Veesar N F & Majeedano M S (2008). Combining ability estimation from line × tester mating design in upland cotton. Proceedings, Pakistan Academy of Sciences 45(2): 69-74.
  • PBS (2015-2016). Pakistan Economic Survey, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Statistics, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Reddy K B, Reddy V C, Ahmed M L, Naidu T C M & Srinivasarao V (2017). Combining ability analysis for seed cotton yield and quality traits in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 8: 142-152.
  • Samreen K, Baloch M J, Soomro Z A, Kumbhar M B, Khan N U, Kumboh N, Jatoi W A & Veesar N F (2008). Estimating combining ability through line × tester analysis in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 24(4): 581-586.
  • Singh R K & Chaudhary B D (1985). Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis. Kalyani Publishers Ludhiana and New Delhi, India. Sivia S S, Siwach S S, Sangwan O, Lingaraja L & Vekariya R D (2017). Combining ability estimates for yield traits in line x tester crosses of upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). International Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences 5: 464-474.
  • Sprague G F & Tatum L A (1942). General and specific combining ability in single crosses of corn. Journal of American Society of Agronomy 34: 923-932. Steel R G D, Torrie H & Dickey D A (1997). Principles and procedures of statistics - A Biometrical Approach. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill, Inc. New York.
  • Talpur M Y M, Memon S, Memon S, Mari S N, Laghari S, Soomro Z A, Arain S, Dev W, Abro A A & Abro S (2016). Combining ability estimates from line x tester mating design in upland cotton. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 12: 378-382.
  • Usharani C V, Manjula S M & Patil S S (2016). Estimating combining ability through line × tester analysis in upland cotton. Research in Environment and Life Sciences 9: 628-633.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Khadijah Makhdoom This is me

Naqib Ullah Khan

Shahid Ullah Khan This is me

Rozina Gul This is me

Zarina Bıbı This is me

Samrin Gul This is me

Sardar Alı This is me

Shah Masaud Khan This is me

Naushad Alı This is me

Publication Date March 13, 2019
Submission Date September 17, 2017
Acceptance Date March 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Makhdoom, K., Khan, N. U., Khan, S. U., Gul, R., et al. (2019). Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(1), 47-61.
AMA Makhdoom K, Khan NU, Khan SU, Gul R, Bıbı Z, Gul S, Alı S, Khan SM, Alı N. Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2019;25(1):47-61. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.538997
Chicago Makhdoom, Khadijah, Naqib Ullah Khan, Shahid Ullah Khan, Rozina Gul, Zarina Bıbı, Samrin Gul, Sardar Alı, Shah Masaud Khan, and Naushad Alı. “Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium Hirsutum L”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 1 (March 2019): 47-61.
EndNote Makhdoom K, Khan NU, Khan SU, Gul R, Bıbı Z, Gul S, Alı S, Khan SM, Alı N (March 1, 2019) Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 1 47–61.
IEEE K. Makhdoom, N. U. Khan, S. U. Khan, R. Gul, Z. Bıbı, S. Gul, S. Alı, S. M. Khan, and N. Alı, “Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L”., J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 47–61, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.538997.
ISNAD Makhdoom, Khadijah et al. “Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium Hirsutum L”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/1 (March 2019), 47-61.
JAMA Makhdoom K, Khan NU, Khan SU, Gul R, Bıbı Z, Gul S, Alı S, Khan SM, Alı N. Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:47–61.
MLA Makhdoom, Khadijah et al. “Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium Hirsutum L”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 1, 2019, pp. 47-61, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.538997.
Vancouver Makhdoom K, Khan NU, Khan SU, Gul R, Bıbı Z, Gul S, Alı S, Khan SM, Alı N. Genetic Effects Assessment through Line × Tester Combining Ability for Development of Promising Hybrids Based on Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(1):47-61.

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