Research Article
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Year 2018, , 517 - 522, 05.12.2018



  • Bayram Ş & Çobanoğlu S (2006). Astigmata and Prostigmata (Acari) of bulbaceous ornamental plants in Ankara-Turkey. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 41(3-4): 367-381. Bayram Ş & Çobanoğlu S (2007).Mite fauna (Acari: Prostigmata, Mesostigmata, Astigmata) of coniferous plants in Turkey. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 31 (4): 279-290. Çobanoğlu S (2009). Mite population density analysis of stored dried apricots in Turkey. International Journal of Acarology, 35 (1): 67–75. Çobanoğlu S (1996). Edirne ilinde depolanmış ürünlerde saptanan zararlı ve yararlı Acarina türleri ve konukçuları. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 20 (3): 199-210. Çobanoğlu S & Bayram Ş (1998). Mites (acari) and flies (Insecta: Diptera) from natural edible mushrooms (Morchella: Ascomycetes) in Ankara Turkey. Bulletin & Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 134: 187-197. Çobanoğlu S & Bayram Ş (1999). Mite species associated with cultivated and wild rose plants in Çamlıdere, Turkey. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 135: 245-248. Ehara S & Gotoh T (2000). Colored guide to the phytophagous mites of Japan and their natural enemies. Tokyo: Nissan Chemical Industry, 110 p. Fan Q H & Zhang Z Q (2007). Tyrophagus (Acari: Astigmata: Acaridae). Fauna of New Zealand 56, 291 pp. Fischer S (1993). Observation of a new pest of cucumber in western Switzerland, Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston & Bruce (Acari, Acaridae). Revue Suisse de Viticulture, d’Arboriculture et d’Horticulture, 25(2): 103-104. Griffiths D. A., 1979, in "Recent advances in acarology". Rodriguez, Acadeic Press, New York, 1: 199-212. Griffiths D A (1985). “Part IX. The Astigmata, 149” In: The Acari A Practical Manual. Vol. I : Morphology and Classicification” (Eds. G.O Evans, D.A. Griffiths, D. Mcfarlane, P.W. Murphy & W.M. Till). University Nottingham, School of Agriculture Lounhbrough,1: 149 pp. Hughes A M (1976). The Mites of Stored Food and Houses. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Technical Bulletin No: 9. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 400 pp. Johnston D E & Bruce W A (1965). Tyrophagus neiswanderi, a new acarid mite of agricultural importance Research Bulletin of Ohio Agricultural. Experimental Station 977: 1-17. Kasuga S & Amano H (2002). Susceptibility of 18 Japanese populations of Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) to DDVP EC. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 46: 99-101. Kasuga S & Amano H (2003). Seasonal prevalence and susceptibility to agrochemicals of Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae) in spinach buds and agricultural soil under greenhouse conditions. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 30: 279-288. Kasuga S (2005). Ecological characteristics of Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) and its management strategy in spinach cultivation. Japan Agricultural Technology, 49 (6): 56–61. Kasuga S & Honda K (2006b). Suitability of organic matter, fungi and vegetables as food for Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 41: 227–-231. Kasuga S & Honda K (2006). Suitability of organic matter, fungi and vegetables as food for Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 41: 227-231. Kılıç N & Toros S (2000). Tekirdağ İli ve çevresinde depolanan ürünlerde akarlar, yoğunlukları ve konukçuları ile önemli görülen türün biyolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Doktora Tezi), 180 s. Kılıç T, Çobanoğlu S, Yoldaş Z & Madanlar N (2012), İzmir ilinde taze soğan tarlalarında bulunan akar (Acari) türleri. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 36 (3): 401-411. Kim H H, Kim D H, Yang C Y, Kang T J, Jung J A, Lee J H, Jeon W S & Song J S (2014). Report on Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a pest of greenhouse cucumber in Korea. Korean J. Appl. Entomol, 53: 491-495. Kadono F & Endo M (1996). Seasonal population trend and control of Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston et Bruce on Phalaenopsis in the greenhouse. Proceedings of the Kanto Tosan Plant Protection Society 43: 247-252. Kumral N A & Çobanoğlu S (2015). The potential of the nightshade plants (Solanaceae) as reservoir plants for pest and predatory mites. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 39(1), 91-108. Lange W H & Bacon O G (1958). Crown mite damage on spinach. California Agriculture, 12 (1): 9-16. Martin N A & Workman P (1985). Pest control in boxes of Cymbidium orchid flowers with dichlorvos impregnated plastic. Proceedings, New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, 38: 169-171. Nakao H & Kurosa K (1988). Description of four speciesof acarid mites newly recorded from Japan, with reference to the damage caused to crops (Acari:Astigmata). Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 32(2): 135-142. Nakao H (1989). Studies on acarid mites injurious to vegetable plants (Acari: Astigmata). Occurrence of damages to spinach by acarid mite. Bulletin of Hokkaido Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, 59: 41-47. Özer M S, Toros S, Çobanoğlu S, Çınarlı M & Emekçi (1989). İzmir ili ve çevresinde depolanmış hububat, un ve mamülleri ile kuru meyvelerde zarar yapan Acarina takımına bağlı türlerin tanımı, yayılışı ve konukçuları. DOĞA, Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi 13(3b): 1154-1189 Saito M (2016). Effects of soil mass watering and covering on Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) soil densities. The Acarological Society of Japan, 25 (2): 89-98. Sánchez-Ramos I, Álvarez-Alfageme F & Castañera P (2007). Reproduction, longevity and life table parameters of Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) at constant temperatures. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 43: 213.

Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey

Year 2018, , 517 - 522, 05.12.2018


Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Johnston & Bruce 1965) generally lives in stored products as saprophyte and on dead bodies of arthropods living in the soil, organic fertilizers, mushroom houses, greenhouses, algae and plant scraps. In this study, however, it was observed in roots and shoots of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plants originated from greenhouse commercial crop in 2016-2017, in cultivated areas around Antalya, Turkey. This is the first record of T. neiswanderi occurring in spinach plants under greenhouse conditions in Antalya, Turkey. 


  • Bayram Ş & Çobanoğlu S (2006). Astigmata and Prostigmata (Acari) of bulbaceous ornamental plants in Ankara-Turkey. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 41(3-4): 367-381. Bayram Ş & Çobanoğlu S (2007).Mite fauna (Acari: Prostigmata, Mesostigmata, Astigmata) of coniferous plants in Turkey. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 31 (4): 279-290. Çobanoğlu S (2009). Mite population density analysis of stored dried apricots in Turkey. International Journal of Acarology, 35 (1): 67–75. Çobanoğlu S (1996). Edirne ilinde depolanmış ürünlerde saptanan zararlı ve yararlı Acarina türleri ve konukçuları. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 20 (3): 199-210. Çobanoğlu S & Bayram Ş (1998). Mites (acari) and flies (Insecta: Diptera) from natural edible mushrooms (Morchella: Ascomycetes) in Ankara Turkey. Bulletin & Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d’Entomologie, 134: 187-197. Çobanoğlu S & Bayram Ş (1999). Mite species associated with cultivated and wild rose plants in Çamlıdere, Turkey. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 135: 245-248. Ehara S & Gotoh T (2000). Colored guide to the phytophagous mites of Japan and their natural enemies. Tokyo: Nissan Chemical Industry, 110 p. Fan Q H & Zhang Z Q (2007). Tyrophagus (Acari: Astigmata: Acaridae). Fauna of New Zealand 56, 291 pp. Fischer S (1993). Observation of a new pest of cucumber in western Switzerland, Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston & Bruce (Acari, Acaridae). Revue Suisse de Viticulture, d’Arboriculture et d’Horticulture, 25(2): 103-104. Griffiths D. A., 1979, in "Recent advances in acarology". Rodriguez, Acadeic Press, New York, 1: 199-212. Griffiths D A (1985). “Part IX. The Astigmata, 149” In: The Acari A Practical Manual. Vol. I : Morphology and Classicification” (Eds. G.O Evans, D.A. Griffiths, D. Mcfarlane, P.W. Murphy & W.M. Till). University Nottingham, School of Agriculture Lounhbrough,1: 149 pp. Hughes A M (1976). The Mites of Stored Food and Houses. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Technical Bulletin No: 9. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 400 pp. Johnston D E & Bruce W A (1965). Tyrophagus neiswanderi, a new acarid mite of agricultural importance Research Bulletin of Ohio Agricultural. Experimental Station 977: 1-17. Kasuga S & Amano H (2002). Susceptibility of 18 Japanese populations of Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) to DDVP EC. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 46: 99-101. Kasuga S & Amano H (2003). Seasonal prevalence and susceptibility to agrochemicals of Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae) in spinach buds and agricultural soil under greenhouse conditions. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 30: 279-288. Kasuga S (2005). Ecological characteristics of Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) and its management strategy in spinach cultivation. Japan Agricultural Technology, 49 (6): 56–61. Kasuga S & Honda K (2006b). Suitability of organic matter, fungi and vegetables as food for Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 41: 227–-231. Kasuga S & Honda K (2006). Suitability of organic matter, fungi and vegetables as food for Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 41: 227-231. Kılıç N & Toros S (2000). Tekirdağ İli ve çevresinde depolanan ürünlerde akarlar, yoğunlukları ve konukçuları ile önemli görülen türün biyolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Doktora Tezi), 180 s. Kılıç T, Çobanoğlu S, Yoldaş Z & Madanlar N (2012), İzmir ilinde taze soğan tarlalarında bulunan akar (Acari) türleri. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 36 (3): 401-411. Kim H H, Kim D H, Yang C Y, Kang T J, Jung J A, Lee J H, Jeon W S & Song J S (2014). Report on Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a pest of greenhouse cucumber in Korea. Korean J. Appl. Entomol, 53: 491-495. Kadono F & Endo M (1996). Seasonal population trend and control of Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston et Bruce on Phalaenopsis in the greenhouse. Proceedings of the Kanto Tosan Plant Protection Society 43: 247-252. Kumral N A & Çobanoğlu S (2015). The potential of the nightshade plants (Solanaceae) as reservoir plants for pest and predatory mites. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 39(1), 91-108. Lange W H & Bacon O G (1958). Crown mite damage on spinach. California Agriculture, 12 (1): 9-16. Martin N A & Workman P (1985). Pest control in boxes of Cymbidium orchid flowers with dichlorvos impregnated plastic. Proceedings, New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, 38: 169-171. Nakao H & Kurosa K (1988). Description of four speciesof acarid mites newly recorded from Japan, with reference to the damage caused to crops (Acari:Astigmata). Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 32(2): 135-142. Nakao H (1989). Studies on acarid mites injurious to vegetable plants (Acari: Astigmata). Occurrence of damages to spinach by acarid mite. Bulletin of Hokkaido Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, 59: 41-47. Özer M S, Toros S, Çobanoğlu S, Çınarlı M & Emekçi (1989). İzmir ili ve çevresinde depolanmış hububat, un ve mamülleri ile kuru meyvelerde zarar yapan Acarina takımına bağlı türlerin tanımı, yayılışı ve konukçuları. DOĞA, Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi 13(3b): 1154-1189 Saito M (2016). Effects of soil mass watering and covering on Tyrophagus similis Volgin (Acari: Acaridae) soil densities. The Acarological Society of Japan, 25 (2): 89-98. Sánchez-Ramos I, Álvarez-Alfageme F & Castañera P (2007). Reproduction, longevity and life table parameters of Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) at constant temperatures. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 43: 213.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Musa Kırışık

Emine Topuz This is me

Sultan Çobanoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 5, 2018
Submission Date November 3, 2017
Acceptance Date January 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kırışık, M., Topuz, E., & Çobanoğlu, S. (2018). Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(4), 517-522.
AMA Kırışık M, Topuz E, Çobanoğlu S. Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2018;24(4):517-522. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.349154
Chicago Kırışık, Musa, Emine Topuz, and Sultan Çobanoğlu. “Tyrophagus Neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) As a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 4 (December 2018): 517-22.
EndNote Kırışık M, Topuz E, Çobanoğlu S (December 1, 2018) Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 4 517–522.
IEEE M. Kırışık, E. Topuz, and S. Çobanoğlu, “Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 517–522, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.349154.
ISNAD Kırışık, Musa et al. “Tyrophagus Neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) As a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/4 (December 2018), 517-522.
JAMA Kırışık M, Topuz E, Çobanoğlu S. Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:517–522.
MLA Kırışık, Musa et al. “Tyrophagus Neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) As a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 4, 2018, pp. 517-22, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.349154.
Vancouver Kırışık M, Topuz E, Çobanoğlu S. Tyrophagus neiswanderi (Acari: Acaridae) as a Pest of Greenhouse Spinach in Antalya, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(4):517-22.

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