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Ekolojik patateslerin verimini etkileyen faktörler olarak malçlama, toprak suyu potansiyeli ve SPAD değerleri

Year 2019, , 147 - 154, 05.06.2019


Çeşitler Finka ve Katka iki lokasyonda (Leškovice ve Uhříněves)
kullanılmış ve klorofil içeriği (SPAD değerleri), toprak su potansiyeli (TSP)
ve patates yumru verimi (PYV) üzerine yüzey malçlamanın etkileri incelenmiştir.
Çalışmada İki malçlama uygulaması (kıyılmış ot ve siyah polipropilen malç)
kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, organik malçlamanın vejetasyon süresince yağışın
olmaması nedeniyle Çek Cumhuriyeti’nde patates bitkisi yetiştiriciliği için
önemli bir faktör olabileceğini göstermektedir. Organik malçlama (doğranmış
çimler ile) PYV'yi önemli derecede etkiledi. Bu malç TSP ve SPAD değerlerini de
önemli ölçüde etkilememesine karşın ancak onlar PYV ile önemli şekilde
ilişkiliydi (TSP: r2 = 42.4 %, p <0.0001 ve SPAD: r2 =
28.8 %, p<0.0023). Organik malç, ekolojik patates yetiştiriciliğinde bitki
başına en büyük yumruların (60 mm üzeri) ağırlığını uygun bir şekilde
artırmıştır (kontrol ile karşılaştırıldığında % 81.4).


  • Boochs F, Kupfer G, Dockter K, Kuhbauch W. 1990. Shape of the red edge as vitality indicator for plants. Intern. J. Rem. Sens. 11: 1741-1753 Busato C, Fontes PCR, Braun H, Cecon PR. 2010. Seasonal variation and threshold values for chlorophyll meter readings on leaves of potato cultivars. J. Plant Nutr. 33: 2148-2156
  • Denuit, JP, Olivier M, Goffaux MJ, Herman JL, Goffart JP, Destain JP, Frankinet M. 2002. Management of nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat and potato crops using the chlorophyll meter for crop nitrogen status assessment. Agronomie. 22: 847-853
  • Fang SZ, Xie BD, Liu D, Liu JJ. 2011. Effects of mulching materials on nitrogen mineralization, nitrogen availability and poplar growth on degraded agricultural soil. New Forests. 41: 147-162
  • Fiala R, Kohut M, Chuchma F, Rožnovský J. 2016. Agricultural drought in the Czech Republic in the year 2015. In: Rožnovský J, Vopravil J. (eds). Soil and agriculture drought; 2016 Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, April 28, Kutná Hora, CZE, pp. 66-81
  • Gianquinto G, Goffart JE, Olivier M, Guarda G, Colauzzp M, Costa LD, Vedove GD, Vos J, Mackerron DKL. 2004. The use of hand-held chlorophyll meters as a tool to assess the nitrogen status and to guide nitrogen fertilization of potato crop. Potato Res. 47(5): 35-80
  • Govaerts B, Sayre KD, Lichter K, Dendooven L, Deckers J. 2007. Influence of permanent raised bed planting and residue management on physical and chemical soil quality in rain fed maize- wheat systems. Plant Soil. 291: 39-54
  • Hood R. 2001. The effect of soil temperature and moisture on organic matter decomposition and plant growth. Isot. Environ. Health Stud. 37: 25-41
  • Janeček M. 2005. Protection of agricultural land against erosion processes, ISV Publishing, Prague
  • Link SO, & Bower A. (2004). Effect of mulch type and width on soil Water potential and plant survivorship in a semi-arid riparian ecosystem. Northwest science. 78(4): 334-338
  • Mauromicale G, Ierna A, Marchese M. 2006. Chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content in field-grown potato as affected by nitrogen supply, genotype, and plant age. Photosynthetica. 44: 76-82
  • Momirovic NM, Mišovic MM, Brocic ZA. 1997. Effect of organic mulch application on the yield of potato seed crop. Acta Hortic. (ISHS). 462: 291-296
  • Minolta. 1989. Chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. Instruction manual. Minolta Co., Ltd., Radiometric Instruments Operations, Osaka, Japan
  • Minotti PL, Halseth DE, Sieczka JB. 1994. Field chlorophyll measurements to assess the nitrogen status of potato varieties. HortScience. 29: 1497-1500
  • Olivier M, Goffart JP, Sinnave G. 1999. Evaluation of invasive method to assess the nitrogen status of the potato in the course of the season, 14th triennial Conference of the EAPR, Sorrento, Italy: 134-135
  • Ramakrishna A, Tam HM, Wani SP, Long TD. 2006. Effect of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed infestation and yield of groundnut in Northern Vietnam. Field Crops Res. 95: 115-125
  • Rožnovský J. 2014. Drought in the Czech Republic. Živa. 1: 2-3
  • Sexton P. & Carroll J. 2002. Comparison of SPAD chlorophyll meter readings vs. petiole nitrate concentration in sugar beet. J. Plant Nutr. 25: 1975-1986
  • Sawicka B, Barbaś P, Kuś J. 2007. Variability of potato field and its structure in organic and integrated crop production systems. EJPAU, Agronomy 10(1), volumne10/issue1/ art.-02.html
  • Trnka M, Balek J, Štěpánek P, Zahradníček P. (2016) Drought trends over part of Central Europe between 1961 and 2014. Clim Res. 70:143-160
  • Uddling J, Gelang-Alfredsson J, Piikki K, Pleijel H. 2007. Evaluating the relationship between leaf chlorophyll concentration and SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter readings. Photosynth. Res. 91: 37-46
  • Uzik M & Zofajova A. 2000. Chlorophyll and nitrogen content in leaves of winter wheat at different genotypes and fertilization. Rostl. Vyr. 46: 237-244
  • Vos J & Born M. 1993. Hand-held chlorophyll meter: a promising tool to assess the nitrogen status of potato foliage. Potato Res. 36: 301-308
  • Warnick J, Chase C, Rosskopf E, Simonne E, Scholberg J, Koenig R, & Roe N. 2006. Weed suppression with hydramulch, a biodegradable liquid paper mulch in development. Renewable Agric Food Syst. 21(4): 216-223
  • Werner O, Blankenau K, Brentrup F, Jasper J, Link A, Lammel J. 2005. Soil- and plant-based nitrogen-fertilizer recommendations in arable farming. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sc. 168: 414-431

Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)

Year 2019, , 147 - 154, 05.06.2019


In the present study, Finka and Katka potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties were used at two localities (Leškovice and Uhříněves) and the effects of the surface mulching on chlorophyll content (SPAD values), soil water potential (SWP) and tuber yield of potato (YWP) were observed. Two mulching treatments (chopped grass and black polypropylene mulch) were used in the study. The results showed that plastic mulch can be an important factor for potato cultivation on localities with dystric cambisol soil type currently facing lack of precipitation. Organic mulching (with chopped grass) significantly influenced YWP. It favorably increased the fresh weight of tubers (over 60 mm) per plant by 81.4% in comparison with control. Additionally, it has been found that the type of mulching or varieties can be expressed by different SPAD-yield relationship. Whereas the values of SWP and SPAD values too were not significantly affected by organic mulch, they were significantly correlated with the YWP (r2= 42.4%, P<0.0001 and r2= 28.8%, P<0.0023). SPAD value can predict the level of tuber yield if the value was calibrated for particular potato variety. However, the highest SPAD reading value did not guarantee the highest tuber yield.


  • Boochs F, Kupfer G, Dockter K, Kuhbauch W. 1990. Shape of the red edge as vitality indicator for plants. Intern. J. Rem. Sens. 11: 1741-1753 Busato C, Fontes PCR, Braun H, Cecon PR. 2010. Seasonal variation and threshold values for chlorophyll meter readings on leaves of potato cultivars. J. Plant Nutr. 33: 2148-2156
  • Denuit, JP, Olivier M, Goffaux MJ, Herman JL, Goffart JP, Destain JP, Frankinet M. 2002. Management of nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat and potato crops using the chlorophyll meter for crop nitrogen status assessment. Agronomie. 22: 847-853
  • Fang SZ, Xie BD, Liu D, Liu JJ. 2011. Effects of mulching materials on nitrogen mineralization, nitrogen availability and poplar growth on degraded agricultural soil. New Forests. 41: 147-162
  • Fiala R, Kohut M, Chuchma F, Rožnovský J. 2016. Agricultural drought in the Czech Republic in the year 2015. In: Rožnovský J, Vopravil J. (eds). Soil and agriculture drought; 2016 Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, April 28, Kutná Hora, CZE, pp. 66-81
  • Gianquinto G, Goffart JE, Olivier M, Guarda G, Colauzzp M, Costa LD, Vedove GD, Vos J, Mackerron DKL. 2004. The use of hand-held chlorophyll meters as a tool to assess the nitrogen status and to guide nitrogen fertilization of potato crop. Potato Res. 47(5): 35-80
  • Govaerts B, Sayre KD, Lichter K, Dendooven L, Deckers J. 2007. Influence of permanent raised bed planting and residue management on physical and chemical soil quality in rain fed maize- wheat systems. Plant Soil. 291: 39-54
  • Hood R. 2001. The effect of soil temperature and moisture on organic matter decomposition and plant growth. Isot. Environ. Health Stud. 37: 25-41
  • Janeček M. 2005. Protection of agricultural land against erosion processes, ISV Publishing, Prague
  • Link SO, & Bower A. (2004). Effect of mulch type and width on soil Water potential and plant survivorship in a semi-arid riparian ecosystem. Northwest science. 78(4): 334-338
  • Mauromicale G, Ierna A, Marchese M. 2006. Chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content in field-grown potato as affected by nitrogen supply, genotype, and plant age. Photosynthetica. 44: 76-82
  • Momirovic NM, Mišovic MM, Brocic ZA. 1997. Effect of organic mulch application on the yield of potato seed crop. Acta Hortic. (ISHS). 462: 291-296
  • Minolta. 1989. Chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. Instruction manual. Minolta Co., Ltd., Radiometric Instruments Operations, Osaka, Japan
  • Minotti PL, Halseth DE, Sieczka JB. 1994. Field chlorophyll measurements to assess the nitrogen status of potato varieties. HortScience. 29: 1497-1500
  • Olivier M, Goffart JP, Sinnave G. 1999. Evaluation of invasive method to assess the nitrogen status of the potato in the course of the season, 14th triennial Conference of the EAPR, Sorrento, Italy: 134-135
  • Ramakrishna A, Tam HM, Wani SP, Long TD. 2006. Effect of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed infestation and yield of groundnut in Northern Vietnam. Field Crops Res. 95: 115-125
  • Rožnovský J. 2014. Drought in the Czech Republic. Živa. 1: 2-3
  • Sexton P. & Carroll J. 2002. Comparison of SPAD chlorophyll meter readings vs. petiole nitrate concentration in sugar beet. J. Plant Nutr. 25: 1975-1986
  • Sawicka B, Barbaś P, Kuś J. 2007. Variability of potato field and its structure in organic and integrated crop production systems. EJPAU, Agronomy 10(1), volumne10/issue1/ art.-02.html
  • Trnka M, Balek J, Štěpánek P, Zahradníček P. (2016) Drought trends over part of Central Europe between 1961 and 2014. Clim Res. 70:143-160
  • Uddling J, Gelang-Alfredsson J, Piikki K, Pleijel H. 2007. Evaluating the relationship between leaf chlorophyll concentration and SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter readings. Photosynth. Res. 91: 37-46
  • Uzik M & Zofajova A. 2000. Chlorophyll and nitrogen content in leaves of winter wheat at different genotypes and fertilization. Rostl. Vyr. 46: 237-244
  • Vos J & Born M. 1993. Hand-held chlorophyll meter: a promising tool to assess the nitrogen status of potato foliage. Potato Res. 36: 301-308
  • Warnick J, Chase C, Rosskopf E, Simonne E, Scholberg J, Koenig R, & Roe N. 2006. Weed suppression with hydramulch, a biodegradable liquid paper mulch in development. Renewable Agric Food Syst. 21(4): 216-223
  • Werner O, Blankenau K, Brentrup F, Jasper J, Link A, Lammel J. 2005. Soil- and plant-based nitrogen-fertilizer recommendations in arable farming. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sc. 168: 414-431
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Petr Dvořák

Martin Král This is me

Publication Date June 5, 2019
Submission Date December 18, 2017
Acceptance Date April 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Dvořák, P., & Král, M. (2019). Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2), 147-154.
AMA Dvořák P, Král M. Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. June 2019;25(2):147-154. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.366191
Chicago Dvořák, Petr, and Martin Král. “Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values As Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 2 (June 2019): 147-54.
EndNote Dvořák P, Král M (June 1, 2019) Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 2 147–154.
IEEE P. Dvořák and M. Král, “Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 147–154, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.366191.
ISNAD Dvořák, Petr - Král, Martin. “Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values As Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/2 (June 2019), 147-154.
JAMA Dvořák P, Král M. Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:147–154.
MLA Dvořák, Petr and Martin Král. “Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values As Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 147-54, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.366191.
Vancouver Dvořák P, Král M. Effects of Organic Mulching on Soil Water Potential and SPAD Values as Factors on Yield of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(2):147-54.

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