Research Article
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Year 2019, , 238 - 246, 05.06.2019



  • Abd EL-Gaid M A , AL-Dokeshy M H & Nassef M T (2014). Effect of intercropping system of tomato and common bean on growth, yield components and land equivalent ratio in New vally Gavernorate. Asian Journal of crop Science 6(3): 254- 261. Alam N, Abadi A L , Rayes M L & Zubaidah E ( 2016). Impact of inorganic, organic fertilizer and mulch to the physical and chemical characteristics of soil and production of red onion of Palu Valley Variety. International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences 5 (5): 372-381.
  • Anthon G E & Barrett D M (2003). Modified method for the determination of pyruvic acid with dinitrophenylhydrazine in the assessment of onion pungency. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 83(12): 1210-1213.
  • Banik P, Midya A, Sarkar B K & Ghose S S ( 2006). Wheat and chickpea intercropping systems in an additive series experiment. European Journal of Agronomical 24, 325-332.
  • Baethgen W E & Alley M M (1989). A manual colorimetric procedure for measuring ammonium nitrogen in soil and plant kjeldahl digests. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 20: 961-969.
  • Basch E, Ulbricht C, Kuo G, Szapary P & Smith M (2003).Therapeutic applications of fenugreek. Alternative Medicine Review 8: 20-27.Brewester J L (1994). Onions and other vegetable Alliums.CAB International, Wallingford, UK, p.236.
  • Camilia Y & El-Dewiny (2001). Environmental risks of fertilizer use under egyptianconditions. Ph. DInst. of Environ. Student and Research. Ain Shams Univ.
  • Clarkson D T, Earnshaw M J, White P J & Cooper H D (1988). Temperature dependent factors in uencing nutrient uptake: ananalysis of responses at different levels of organization. In:Long SP, Woodward FI, eds. Plants and temperature, vol. 42.
  • Cottenie A ( 1980). Soil and Plant Testing. FAO Soils Bulletin 38: 94-100.
  • Dravid M S (1991). Effect of solinization, rhizobium inoculation genotype variation and P-application on dry matter, yield matter, yield utilization of P by pea (Pisum sativum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris medic). Journal Nuclear Agriculture and Biology 19(4): 227-231.
  • Filgueira F A R (2008). Novo manual de olericultura: agrotecnologiamodernanaprodução e comercialização de hortaliças. Viçosa, Editora UFV. 421p.
  • Gahoonia T S, Ali R, Malhotra R S, Jahoor A & Rahman M M (2006).Variation in root morphologicaland physiological traits and nutrient uptake of chickpea genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 1-17.
  • Gill R A & Jackson R B (2000). Global patterns of root turnover forterrestrial ecosystems. New Phytologist 147: 13-31.
  • Hauggaard- Nielsen H, Ambus P & Jensen E S (2003). The comparison of nitrogen use and leaching in sole cropped versus intercropped pea and barley. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 65, 289– 300.
  • Hussein M M & CamiliaY E (2011). Mineral constituents of fenugreek varieties grown under water stress condition. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5(12): 2904-2909.
  • Jackson L E, Pascual U & Hodgkin T (2007). Utilizing and conserving agrobiodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 121:196-210.
  • Kamran KhanM, Shahid Ibni Zamir M, Haq I, Zaman Q, Zohaib A & Hussain S (2015). Barley intercropped with fenugreek yields more benefit under semi-arid Conditions of Pakistan. Reserch Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology 10(13): 1 -7.
  • Kumar Dubey P, Pandey C S, Shakoor Khanday A B & Mishra G (2012). Effect of integrated nutrient management on nutrient uptake, protein content and yield of fenugreek. International Journal of Food 2(1): 1-12.
  • Kumawat S K (1997). Effect of row spacing and phosphorus levels on fenugreek (Trigonella focnum graesum L.) with and without Rhizobium inoculation. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, RAV.Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.
  • Kumawat B L, Kumawat A, Kumawat A & Kumawat S (2009). Effect of sub-surface compaction on recovery and use efficiency ofsulphur in fenugreek as influenced by irrigation levels in loamy sandsoils. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Seed Spices.No. 15.pp. 65.
  • Li H, Shen J, Zhang F, Marschner P, Cawthray G & Rengel Z (2010). Phosphorus uptake and rhizosphere properties of intercropped and monocropped maize, faba bean, and white lupin in acidic soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46(2): 79-91. Lithourgidis A, Dordas C, Damalas C & Vlachostergios D (2011). Annual intercrops: an alternative pathway for sustainable agriculture. Australian journal of crop science 5(4): 389-396.
  • Malecka G J, Gibczynska M & Nawrocka- Pezik M (2015).Comparison of chemical composition of selected cultivars of white yellow and red onions. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 21(4): 736-741.
  • Malavolta E (2006). Manual de nutrição mineral de plantas. São Paulo, Agronômica Ceres. 638p.
  • Manna M C, Ghosh P K & Acharya C L (2003). Sustainable crop production through management of soil organic carbon in semiarid and tropical India. Journal Sustain Agriculture 21:85–114.
  • May A, Cecílio Filho A B, Porto D R Q, Vargas Forlan P & Barbosa J C (2008). Acúmulo de macro nutrients porduas cultivares de cebola produzidasemsistema de semeaduradireta. Bragantia, 67:507-512.
  • Myaka F M , Sakala W D, Adu-Gyamfi J J, Kamalongo D, Ngwira N,Odgaard R, Nielsen N E & Høgh-Jensen H (2006). Yields andaccumulation of N and P in farmer-managed intercrops of maize-pige on pea in semi-arid Africa. Plant Soil 285: 207–220.
  • Oroka F O & Omoregie A (2007). Competition in a rice-cowpea intercrope as affected by nitrogen fertilizer and plant population. ScienceAgriculture 64(6): 621-629.Ouma G & Jeruto P (2010). Sustainable horticultural crop production through intercropping: The case of fruits and vegetable crops: A review. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 1(5): 1098-1105.
  • Owusu A & Sadick A (2016). Assessment of soil nutrients under maize intercropping system involving soybean. International Research Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences 1(3): 33-43.
  • Raj N & Yadav D S (2005). Advances in vegetable production.New Delhi Research Co. Book Center.995 pp.
  • Parsons A N, Welker J M & Wookey P A (1994). Growth responses of four sub-arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change. Journal of Ecology 82: 307-318.
  • Porto D R Q, Cecilio Filho A B, May A & Vargas P F (2007). Acúmulo de macronutrientes pela cultivar de cebola “Superex” estabelecidaporsemeaduradireta. Ciência Rural 37:949-955.
  • Pozdíšek J, Henriksen B, Ponížil AandLøes A K (2011). Utilizing legume- cereal intercropping for increasing selfsufficiencyon organic farms in feed for monogastricanimals. Agronomy Research 9(1–2): 343–356.
  • Rathika S (2013). Effect of crop geometry, intercropping and topping practices on yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility status of baby corn (Zea mays L.).International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(2): 583-587.
  • Risser P G (1985). Toward a holistic management perspective.BioScience, 35: 414- 418.
  • Sullivan P (2003). Applying the principle of sustainable farming. ATTRA National sustainable agriculture information service.Press.45 pp.
  • Teyker R H, Moll R H & Jackson W A (1991). Differencesamong prolific maize hybrids in the effects of lower leaf removal. Maydica 36: 1-10.
  • Thavaprakaash N & Velayudham K (2007). Effect of crop geometry, intercropping systems and INM practices on cob yield and nutrient uptake of baby corn. Asian Journal Agriculture Research 1: 10-16.
  • Tuncturk R,Celen A E & Tuncturk M (2011). The effect of nitrogen and sulphur fertilizers on the yield and quality of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum -graecum L.). Turkesh Journal of Field Crops 16:69-75.
  • Wasaya A, Ahmad R, Hassan F U, Ansar M, Manaf A & Sher A (2013). Enhancing crop productivity through Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) –Fenugreek intercropping system. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 23(1): 210-215.
  • Zhang J E, Gao A X, Xu H Q & Luo M Z (2009). Effectsor maize/peanut intercropping on rhizosphere soil microbesandnutrient contents. The journal of applied ecology 20: 1597-1602.
  • Zhang X, Huang G, Bian X & Zhao Q (2013). Effects of root interaction and nitrogen fertilization on the chlorophyll content, root activity, photosynthetic characteristic so intercropped soybean and microbial quantity in the rhizosphere. Plant Soil Environment 59(2): 80- 88.

Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities

Year 2019, , 238 - 246, 05.06.2019


Increasing world population demands for food, limited natural resources have created the risk of food security for current and future generations. Intercropping is regarded as an effective strategy in sustainable agriculture. Therefore, current study was carried out to evaluate the nutrient uptake of onion and fenugreek intercropping system during two growing season of (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) at a research field in Kerman, Iran. Two factorial experiments based on completely random blocks design with three replications were carried out. The treatments in this study were including: onion densities as the first factor (30, 25 and 20 plants m-2) and fenugreek densities as the second factor at three levels of 25, 15 and 12 plants m-2 with sole cropping of two species at these densities. Results showed that in the both of
years, mineral concentration and uptake (N, P and K) of onion leaf and bulb and fenugreek in intercropping increased in comparison with mono cropping for two species. In both years, the highest and lowest nutrient content of onion was observed in the densities of 30 and 20 plant m-2. In general, it can be said that intercropping systems have some positive effects on nutrient content and uptake of onion.


  • Abd EL-Gaid M A , AL-Dokeshy M H & Nassef M T (2014). Effect of intercropping system of tomato and common bean on growth, yield components and land equivalent ratio in New vally Gavernorate. Asian Journal of crop Science 6(3): 254- 261. Alam N, Abadi A L , Rayes M L & Zubaidah E ( 2016). Impact of inorganic, organic fertilizer and mulch to the physical and chemical characteristics of soil and production of red onion of Palu Valley Variety. International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences 5 (5): 372-381.
  • Anthon G E & Barrett D M (2003). Modified method for the determination of pyruvic acid with dinitrophenylhydrazine in the assessment of onion pungency. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 83(12): 1210-1213.
  • Banik P, Midya A, Sarkar B K & Ghose S S ( 2006). Wheat and chickpea intercropping systems in an additive series experiment. European Journal of Agronomical 24, 325-332.
  • Baethgen W E & Alley M M (1989). A manual colorimetric procedure for measuring ammonium nitrogen in soil and plant kjeldahl digests. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 20: 961-969.
  • Basch E, Ulbricht C, Kuo G, Szapary P & Smith M (2003).Therapeutic applications of fenugreek. Alternative Medicine Review 8: 20-27.Brewester J L (1994). Onions and other vegetable Alliums.CAB International, Wallingford, UK, p.236.
  • Camilia Y & El-Dewiny (2001). Environmental risks of fertilizer use under egyptianconditions. Ph. DInst. of Environ. Student and Research. Ain Shams Univ.
  • Clarkson D T, Earnshaw M J, White P J & Cooper H D (1988). Temperature dependent factors in uencing nutrient uptake: ananalysis of responses at different levels of organization. In:Long SP, Woodward FI, eds. Plants and temperature, vol. 42.
  • Cottenie A ( 1980). Soil and Plant Testing. FAO Soils Bulletin 38: 94-100.
  • Dravid M S (1991). Effect of solinization, rhizobium inoculation genotype variation and P-application on dry matter, yield matter, yield utilization of P by pea (Pisum sativum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris medic). Journal Nuclear Agriculture and Biology 19(4): 227-231.
  • Filgueira F A R (2008). Novo manual de olericultura: agrotecnologiamodernanaprodução e comercialização de hortaliças. Viçosa, Editora UFV. 421p.
  • Gahoonia T S, Ali R, Malhotra R S, Jahoor A & Rahman M M (2006).Variation in root morphologicaland physiological traits and nutrient uptake of chickpea genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 1-17.
  • Gill R A & Jackson R B (2000). Global patterns of root turnover forterrestrial ecosystems. New Phytologist 147: 13-31.
  • Hauggaard- Nielsen H, Ambus P & Jensen E S (2003). The comparison of nitrogen use and leaching in sole cropped versus intercropped pea and barley. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 65, 289– 300.
  • Hussein M M & CamiliaY E (2011). Mineral constituents of fenugreek varieties grown under water stress condition. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5(12): 2904-2909.
  • Jackson L E, Pascual U & Hodgkin T (2007). Utilizing and conserving agrobiodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 121:196-210.
  • Kamran KhanM, Shahid Ibni Zamir M, Haq I, Zaman Q, Zohaib A & Hussain S (2015). Barley intercropped with fenugreek yields more benefit under semi-arid Conditions of Pakistan. Reserch Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology 10(13): 1 -7.
  • Kumar Dubey P, Pandey C S, Shakoor Khanday A B & Mishra G (2012). Effect of integrated nutrient management on nutrient uptake, protein content and yield of fenugreek. International Journal of Food 2(1): 1-12.
  • Kumawat S K (1997). Effect of row spacing and phosphorus levels on fenugreek (Trigonella focnum graesum L.) with and without Rhizobium inoculation. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, RAV.Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.
  • Kumawat B L, Kumawat A, Kumawat A & Kumawat S (2009). Effect of sub-surface compaction on recovery and use efficiency ofsulphur in fenugreek as influenced by irrigation levels in loamy sandsoils. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Seed Spices.No. 15.pp. 65.
  • Li H, Shen J, Zhang F, Marschner P, Cawthray G & Rengel Z (2010). Phosphorus uptake and rhizosphere properties of intercropped and monocropped maize, faba bean, and white lupin in acidic soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46(2): 79-91. Lithourgidis A, Dordas C, Damalas C & Vlachostergios D (2011). Annual intercrops: an alternative pathway for sustainable agriculture. Australian journal of crop science 5(4): 389-396.
  • Malecka G J, Gibczynska M & Nawrocka- Pezik M (2015).Comparison of chemical composition of selected cultivars of white yellow and red onions. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 21(4): 736-741.
  • Malavolta E (2006). Manual de nutrição mineral de plantas. São Paulo, Agronômica Ceres. 638p.
  • Manna M C, Ghosh P K & Acharya C L (2003). Sustainable crop production through management of soil organic carbon in semiarid and tropical India. Journal Sustain Agriculture 21:85–114.
  • May A, Cecílio Filho A B, Porto D R Q, Vargas Forlan P & Barbosa J C (2008). Acúmulo de macro nutrients porduas cultivares de cebola produzidasemsistema de semeaduradireta. Bragantia, 67:507-512.
  • Myaka F M , Sakala W D, Adu-Gyamfi J J, Kamalongo D, Ngwira N,Odgaard R, Nielsen N E & Høgh-Jensen H (2006). Yields andaccumulation of N and P in farmer-managed intercrops of maize-pige on pea in semi-arid Africa. Plant Soil 285: 207–220.
  • Oroka F O & Omoregie A (2007). Competition in a rice-cowpea intercrope as affected by nitrogen fertilizer and plant population. ScienceAgriculture 64(6): 621-629.Ouma G & Jeruto P (2010). Sustainable horticultural crop production through intercropping: The case of fruits and vegetable crops: A review. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 1(5): 1098-1105.
  • Owusu A & Sadick A (2016). Assessment of soil nutrients under maize intercropping system involving soybean. International Research Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences 1(3): 33-43.
  • Raj N & Yadav D S (2005). Advances in vegetable production.New Delhi Research Co. Book Center.995 pp.
  • Parsons A N, Welker J M & Wookey P A (1994). Growth responses of four sub-arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change. Journal of Ecology 82: 307-318.
  • Porto D R Q, Cecilio Filho A B, May A & Vargas P F (2007). Acúmulo de macronutrientes pela cultivar de cebola “Superex” estabelecidaporsemeaduradireta. Ciência Rural 37:949-955.
  • Pozdíšek J, Henriksen B, Ponížil AandLøes A K (2011). Utilizing legume- cereal intercropping for increasing selfsufficiencyon organic farms in feed for monogastricanimals. Agronomy Research 9(1–2): 343–356.
  • Rathika S (2013). Effect of crop geometry, intercropping and topping practices on yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility status of baby corn (Zea mays L.).International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(2): 583-587.
  • Risser P G (1985). Toward a holistic management perspective.BioScience, 35: 414- 418.
  • Sullivan P (2003). Applying the principle of sustainable farming. ATTRA National sustainable agriculture information service.Press.45 pp.
  • Teyker R H, Moll R H & Jackson W A (1991). Differencesamong prolific maize hybrids in the effects of lower leaf removal. Maydica 36: 1-10.
  • Thavaprakaash N & Velayudham K (2007). Effect of crop geometry, intercropping systems and INM practices on cob yield and nutrient uptake of baby corn. Asian Journal Agriculture Research 1: 10-16.
  • Tuncturk R,Celen A E & Tuncturk M (2011). The effect of nitrogen and sulphur fertilizers on the yield and quality of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum -graecum L.). Turkesh Journal of Field Crops 16:69-75.
  • Wasaya A, Ahmad R, Hassan F U, Ansar M, Manaf A & Sher A (2013). Enhancing crop productivity through Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) –Fenugreek intercropping system. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 23(1): 210-215.
  • Zhang J E, Gao A X, Xu H Q & Luo M Z (2009). Effectsor maize/peanut intercropping on rhizosphere soil microbesandnutrient contents. The journal of applied ecology 20: 1597-1602.
  • Zhang X, Huang G, Bian X & Zhao Q (2013). Effects of root interaction and nitrogen fertilization on the chlorophyll content, root activity, photosynthetic characteristic so intercropped soybean and microbial quantity in the rhizosphere. Plant Soil Environment 59(2): 80- 88.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Tahereh Moghbeli

Sahebali Bolandnazar

Jabber Panahandeh This is me

Yaegoob Raei This is me

Publication Date June 5, 2019
Submission Date March 20, 2018
Acceptance Date September 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Moghbeli, T., Bolandnazar, S., Panahandeh, J., Raei, Y. (2019). Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2), 238-246.
AMA Moghbeli T, Bolandnazar S, Panahandeh J, Raei Y. Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. June 2019;25(2):238-246. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.404926
Chicago Moghbeli, Tahereh, Sahebali Bolandnazar, Jabber Panahandeh, and Yaegoob Raei. “Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 2 (June 2019): 238-46.
EndNote Moghbeli T, Bolandnazar S, Panahandeh J, Raei Y (June 1, 2019) Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 2 238–246.
IEEE T. Moghbeli, S. Bolandnazar, J. Panahandeh, and Y. Raei, “Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 238–246, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.404926.
ISNAD Moghbeli, Tahereh et al. “Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/2 (June 2019), 238-246.
JAMA Moghbeli T, Bolandnazar S, Panahandeh J, Raei Y. Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:238–246.
MLA Moghbeli, Tahereh et al. “Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 238-46, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.404926.
Vancouver Moghbeli T, Bolandnazar S, Panahandeh J, Raei Y. Effects of Additive Intercropping on Mineral Uptake of Onion and Fenugreek at Different Densities. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(2):238-46.

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