Research Article
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Year 2019, , 481 - 490, 05.12.2019



  • Alva A K & Obreza T A (1993). Variation in soil pH and calcium status influenced by mikrosprinkler wetting pattern for young citrus trees. Horticultural Science 28(12): 1166-1167
  • Bechtold J S & Naiman R J (2006). Soil texture and nitrogen mineralization potential across a riparian toposequence in a semi-arid savanna. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(6): 1325–1333
  • Belton P R & Goh K M (1992). Effects of urea fertigation of apple trees on soil pH, exchangeable cations and extractable manganese in a sandy loam soil in New Zealand. Fertilizer Research 33(3): 239-247
  • Caravaca F, Lax A & Albaladajo J (1999). Organic matter, nutrient contents and cation exchange capacity in fine fractions. Geoderma 93: 161-176
  • Condron L M, Hopkins D W, Gregorich E G, Black A & Wakelin S A (2014). Long-term irrigation effects on soil organic matter under temperate grazed pasture. European Journal of Soil Science 65(5): 741–750.
  • Čuvardić M, Hadžić V, Sekulić P, Kastori R, Belić M, Govedarica M, Nešić Lj, Pucarević M & Vasin J (2004). Quality control of agricultural soils and irrigation water in Vojvodina provance. Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo 4: 115-127. (in Serbian)
  • Enger H, Riehm H & Domingo W R (1960). Untersuchungen über die shemische Bodenanalyse als Grundlage für die Beurteilung des Nährstoffzustandes der Böden. II Chemische Extrationsmethoden zur Phosphur-und Kaliumbestimmung. Kungl. Lantbr. Högsk. Ann. 26: 199-215
  • Entry J R, Sojka R E & Shewmaker G E (2002). Management of irrigated agriculture to increase organic carbon storage in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 1957-1964
  • Gaines T P & Gaines S T (1994). Soil texture effect on nitrate leaching in soil percolates. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 25(13-14): 2561–2570
  • Hanson B R, Simunek J & Hopmans J W (2006). Evaluation of urea- ammonium-nitrate fertigation with drip irrigation using numerical modeling. Agricultural Water Management 86: 102–113.
  • Haynes R J (1985). Principles of fertilizer use for trickle irrigated crops. Fertilizer Research 6: 235–255
  • Haynes R J & Swift R S (1987). Effect of trickle fertigation with three forms of nitrogen on soil pH, levels of extractable nutrients below the emitter and plant growth. Plant and Soil 102: 211-221
  • Henry J L, Hogg T J ( 2003). Evaluation of the Effects of Irrigation on Soil Chemical and Physical Properties. Irrigation sustainability – Saskatchewan activity, Canada- Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Center, Canada.
  • Hepper E N, Buschiazzo D E, Hevia G G, Urioste A & Anton L (2006). Clay minerology, cation exchange capacity and specific surface area of loess soils with different volcanic ash contents. Geoderma 135: 216–223
  • Kalbitz K, Solinger S, Park J H, Michalzik B & Matzner E (2000). Controls on the dynamics dissolved organic matter in soils: a review. Soil Science 165(4): 277–304
  • Komosa A, Pacholak E, Stafecka A & Treder W (1999). Changes in nutrient distribution in apple orchard soil as the effect of fertigation and irrigation. I Ammonium and nitrates. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 7(1): 27–40.
  • Kumar K & Goh K M (2000). Crop residues and management practices: effects on soil quality, soil nitrogen, dynamics, crop yield, and nitrogen recovery. Advances in Agronomy 68: 197–319
  • Leita L, De Nobili M, Mondini C, Muhlbachova G, Marchiol L, Bragato G & Contin M (1999). Influence of inorganic and organic fertilization on soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient and heavy metal bioavailability. Biology and Fertility of Soils 28: 371–376
  • Lindsay W L, Norvell W A (1978). Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 421-428
  • Mamedov A I, Levy G J, Shainberg I & Letey J (2001). Wetting rate, sodicity, and soil texture effects on infiltration rate and runoff. Australian Journal of Soil Research 39(6): 1293-1305
  • Neilsen G H, Parchomchuk P, Hogue E J, Wolk W D & Lau O L (1993). Response of apple trees to fertigation-induced soil acidification. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 833: 347-351Neilsen G H & Stevenson D S (1983). Leaching of Soil Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium in Irrigated Orchard Lysimeters. Soil Science Society of America Journal 47(4): 692-696
  • Rosolema C A, Sgariboldi T, Garcia R A & Calonego J C (2010). Potassium Leaching as Affected by Soil Texture and Residual Fertilization in Tropical Soils. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41(16): 1934-1943
  • Salas A M, Elliot E T, Westfall D G, Cole C V & Six J (2003). The role of particulate organic matter in Phosphorus cycling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 181-189
  • Treder W (2005). Variation in soil pH, calcium and magnesium status influenced by drip irrigation and fertigation. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 13: 59-70
  • Treder W, Olszewski T & Cieśliński G (1997). Changes of physico-chemical soil properties as a effect of a drip irrigation of plum trees. Acta Horticulturae 448: 247–250
  • Tunesi S, Poggi V & Gessa C (1999). Phosphate adsorption and precipitation in calcareous soils: the role of calcium ions in solution and carbonate minerals. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems 53: 219-227.
  • Verheye W & Ameryckx J (1984). Mineral fractions and classification of soil texture. Pedologie 2: 215–225.
  • Wakindiki I I C & Ben-Hur M (2002) Soil mineralogy and texture effects on crust micromorphology, infiltration, and erosion. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 897-905
  • Wehrmann J & Scharpf H C (1979). Mineral nitrogen in soil as an indicator for nitrogen fertilizer requirements (Nmin-method). Plant and Soil 52: 109-126 (in German).
  • Zheng Z, Parent L E & MacLeod J A (2003). Influence of soil texture on fertilizer and soil phosphorus transformations in Gleysolic soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 83: 395-403

Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture

Year 2019, , 481 - 490, 05.12.2019


The aim of this research was to determine the influence of drip fertigation on soil chemical properties and vertical distribution of nutrient in the root zone of three apple orchards planted on soils with different textures (loam, clay loam and sandy loam). The fertigation led to a significant decrease in soil pH, concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and organic carbon (C). Changes of these parameters were more pronounced in sandy loam soil than in loam and clay loam. Fine textured soils (loam and clay loam) had higher accumulation of available forms of P, K, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu in the surface layer at 0-10 cm depth, compared to sandy loam soil. The results showed that, despite numerous advantages, drip system of fertigation can lead to negative changes of soil properties and that the sandy loam soils are more exposed, but in the same time more suitable for fertigation due to better vertical distribution of nutrients in a soil profile compared to loam and clay loam.


  • Alva A K & Obreza T A (1993). Variation in soil pH and calcium status influenced by mikrosprinkler wetting pattern for young citrus trees. Horticultural Science 28(12): 1166-1167
  • Bechtold J S & Naiman R J (2006). Soil texture and nitrogen mineralization potential across a riparian toposequence in a semi-arid savanna. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(6): 1325–1333
  • Belton P R & Goh K M (1992). Effects of urea fertigation of apple trees on soil pH, exchangeable cations and extractable manganese in a sandy loam soil in New Zealand. Fertilizer Research 33(3): 239-247
  • Caravaca F, Lax A & Albaladajo J (1999). Organic matter, nutrient contents and cation exchange capacity in fine fractions. Geoderma 93: 161-176
  • Condron L M, Hopkins D W, Gregorich E G, Black A & Wakelin S A (2014). Long-term irrigation effects on soil organic matter under temperate grazed pasture. European Journal of Soil Science 65(5): 741–750.
  • Čuvardić M, Hadžić V, Sekulić P, Kastori R, Belić M, Govedarica M, Nešić Lj, Pucarević M & Vasin J (2004). Quality control of agricultural soils and irrigation water in Vojvodina provance. Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo 4: 115-127. (in Serbian)
  • Enger H, Riehm H & Domingo W R (1960). Untersuchungen über die shemische Bodenanalyse als Grundlage für die Beurteilung des Nährstoffzustandes der Böden. II Chemische Extrationsmethoden zur Phosphur-und Kaliumbestimmung. Kungl. Lantbr. Högsk. Ann. 26: 199-215
  • Entry J R, Sojka R E & Shewmaker G E (2002). Management of irrigated agriculture to increase organic carbon storage in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 1957-1964
  • Gaines T P & Gaines S T (1994). Soil texture effect on nitrate leaching in soil percolates. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 25(13-14): 2561–2570
  • Hanson B R, Simunek J & Hopmans J W (2006). Evaluation of urea- ammonium-nitrate fertigation with drip irrigation using numerical modeling. Agricultural Water Management 86: 102–113.
  • Haynes R J (1985). Principles of fertilizer use for trickle irrigated crops. Fertilizer Research 6: 235–255
  • Haynes R J & Swift R S (1987). Effect of trickle fertigation with three forms of nitrogen on soil pH, levels of extractable nutrients below the emitter and plant growth. Plant and Soil 102: 211-221
  • Henry J L, Hogg T J ( 2003). Evaluation of the Effects of Irrigation on Soil Chemical and Physical Properties. Irrigation sustainability – Saskatchewan activity, Canada- Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Center, Canada.
  • Hepper E N, Buschiazzo D E, Hevia G G, Urioste A & Anton L (2006). Clay minerology, cation exchange capacity and specific surface area of loess soils with different volcanic ash contents. Geoderma 135: 216–223
  • Kalbitz K, Solinger S, Park J H, Michalzik B & Matzner E (2000). Controls on the dynamics dissolved organic matter in soils: a review. Soil Science 165(4): 277–304
  • Komosa A, Pacholak E, Stafecka A & Treder W (1999). Changes in nutrient distribution in apple orchard soil as the effect of fertigation and irrigation. I Ammonium and nitrates. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 7(1): 27–40.
  • Kumar K & Goh K M (2000). Crop residues and management practices: effects on soil quality, soil nitrogen, dynamics, crop yield, and nitrogen recovery. Advances in Agronomy 68: 197–319
  • Leita L, De Nobili M, Mondini C, Muhlbachova G, Marchiol L, Bragato G & Contin M (1999). Influence of inorganic and organic fertilization on soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient and heavy metal bioavailability. Biology and Fertility of Soils 28: 371–376
  • Lindsay W L, Norvell W A (1978). Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 421-428
  • Mamedov A I, Levy G J, Shainberg I & Letey J (2001). Wetting rate, sodicity, and soil texture effects on infiltration rate and runoff. Australian Journal of Soil Research 39(6): 1293-1305
  • Neilsen G H, Parchomchuk P, Hogue E J, Wolk W D & Lau O L (1993). Response of apple trees to fertigation-induced soil acidification. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 833: 347-351Neilsen G H & Stevenson D S (1983). Leaching of Soil Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium in Irrigated Orchard Lysimeters. Soil Science Society of America Journal 47(4): 692-696
  • Rosolema C A, Sgariboldi T, Garcia R A & Calonego J C (2010). Potassium Leaching as Affected by Soil Texture and Residual Fertilization in Tropical Soils. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41(16): 1934-1943
  • Salas A M, Elliot E T, Westfall D G, Cole C V & Six J (2003). The role of particulate organic matter in Phosphorus cycling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 181-189
  • Treder W (2005). Variation in soil pH, calcium and magnesium status influenced by drip irrigation and fertigation. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 13: 59-70
  • Treder W, Olszewski T & Cieśliński G (1997). Changes of physico-chemical soil properties as a effect of a drip irrigation of plum trees. Acta Horticulturae 448: 247–250
  • Tunesi S, Poggi V & Gessa C (1999). Phosphate adsorption and precipitation in calcareous soils: the role of calcium ions in solution and carbonate minerals. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems 53: 219-227.
  • Verheye W & Ameryckx J (1984). Mineral fractions and classification of soil texture. Pedologie 2: 215–225.
  • Wakindiki I I C & Ben-Hur M (2002) Soil mineralogy and texture effects on crust micromorphology, infiltration, and erosion. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66: 897-905
  • Wehrmann J & Scharpf H C (1979). Mineral nitrogen in soil as an indicator for nitrogen fertilizer requirements (Nmin-method). Plant and Soil 52: 109-126 (in German).
  • Zheng Z, Parent L E & MacLeod J A (2003). Influence of soil texture on fertilizer and soil phosphorus transformations in Gleysolic soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 83: 395-403
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ranko čabilovski

Aboubaker Brayek This is me

Nenad Magazin This is me

Klara Petković This is me

Maja Manojlović This is me

Publication Date December 5, 2019
Submission Date March 28, 2018
Acceptance Date September 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA čabilovski, R., Brayek, A., Magazin, N., Petković, K., et al. (2019). Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(4), 481-490.
AMA čabilovski R, Brayek A, Magazin N, Petković K, Manojlović M. Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2019;25(4):481-490. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.410265
Chicago čabilovski, Ranko, Aboubaker Brayek, Nenad Magazin, Klara Petković, and Maja Manojlović. “Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 4 (December 2019): 481-90.
EndNote čabilovski R, Brayek A, Magazin N, Petković K, Manojlović M (December 1, 2019) Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 4 481–490.
IEEE R. čabilovski, A. Brayek, N. Magazin, K. Petković, and M. Manojlović, “Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 481–490, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.410265.
ISNAD čabilovski, Ranko et al. “Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/4 (December 2019), 481-490.
JAMA čabilovski R, Brayek A, Magazin N, Petković K, Manojlović M. Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:481–490.
MLA čabilovski, Ranko et al. “Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 4, 2019, pp. 481-90, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.410265.
Vancouver čabilovski R, Brayek A, Magazin N, Petković K, Manojlović M. Drip Fertigation In Apple Orchards: Impact on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Distribution In Relation to Soil Texture. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(4):481-90.

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