Research Article
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Year 2019, , 417 - 426, 05.12.2019



  • Akdemir C & Gürdal H (2005). Kütahya’da Ev Tozu Akarları. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 29(2): 110-115.
  • Akdemir C & Soyucen E S (2009). Sensitization of children to storage mites in Kutahya, Turkey. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 47: 387-91.
  • Akdemir C & Yılmaz S (2009). Sensitization to house dust mite and mite fauna in selected children’s homes in Kütahya, Turkey. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 51: 232-7.
  • Aldemir O S & Baykan M (2004). Su hazneli ve toz torbalı elektirik süpürgeleri ile toplanan ev tozu akarlarının (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) araştırılması. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 10(2): 171-173.
  • Arlian L G (1992). Water balance and humidity requirements of house dust mites. Experimental and Applied Acarology 16: 15-35.
  • Atambay M, Aycan M Ö & Daldal N (2006). Malatya’da ev tozu akar faunası. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 30(3): 205-208.
  • Aykut M, Koksal Erman O K & Doğan S (2013). Seasonal Changes of House dust mite population in Bitlis and Muş Provinces of Turkey. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 37: 113-7.
  • Aykut M & Yılmaz H (2010). Distribution of house dust mites in Hasköy town, Muş. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 34: 160-3.
  • Budak S & Özbilgin A (1988). Ege bölgesinde ev tozlarından çıkan akar faunası. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 12(1-2): 47-53.
  • Boquete M, Iraola V, Fernández-Caldas E, Arenas Villaroel L, Carballada F J, González de la Cuesta C, López-Rico M R, Núñez Orjales R, Parra A, Soto-Mera M T, Varela S & Vidal C (2006). House Dust Mite Species and Allergen Levels in Galicia, Spain: a Cross-Sectional, Multicenter, Comparative Study. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 16(3): 169-176.
  • Bornehag C G, Sundell J, Bonini S, Custovic A, Malmberg P, Skerfving S, Sigsgaard T & Verhoeff A (2004). Dampness in buildings as a risk factor for health effects, EUROEXPO: a multidisciplinary review of the literature (1998–2000) on dampness and mite exposure in buildings and health effects. Indoor Air 14: 243–257.
  • Catanghal R A M & Paller V G V (2012). Mite fauna and mite antigen detection in house dust found in residential areas in Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 43(5): 1114-1121.
  • Çelik N (2009). Samsun ili’nde ev tozu akarı türlerinin belirlenmesi ve Alerjik astım ile arasındaki ilişksinin Ortaya konulması. Yüksek lisans tezi, Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 84 s.
  • Çelik N & Ozman-Sullivan K S (2009). ''Samsun ilinde alerjik astımlı hastaların evlerinde bulunan toz akarı türleri'', In: Türkiye III. Bitki Koruma Kongresi, Van, pp. 64.
  • Ozman-Sullivan K. S. & N. Celik, 2010. “Seasonal densities of dust mites in the houses of allergic asthma patients in Samsun, Turkey, 199-200”. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Acarology; 23-27 August 2010, Recife-PE, Brazil, 319 pp.
  • Chew F T, Zhang L, Ho T M & Lee B W (1999). House dust mite fauna of tropical Singapore. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 29: 201-6.
  • Çiftçi I H, Cetinkaya Z, Atambay M, Kiyildi N, Ozlem M A & Daldal N (2006). House dust mite fauna in western Anatolia, Turkey. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 44(3): 259-264.
  • Çiftçi İ, Çetinkaya Z, Aktepe O, Kıyıldı N, Aycan Ö, Atambay M & Altındiş M (2004). Ev Tozu Allerjenleri ve Spesifik IgE Arasındaki İlişki. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 5(3): 29-32.
  • Colloff M J 1987. Mite fauna in dust from passenger trains in Glasgow. Epidemiological Information Bulletin 98: 127-130.
  • Doğan N, Aycan Ö M, Miman Ö, Atambay M & Daldal N (2008). Eskişehir'de Ev Tozu Akarı Görülme Durumu. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 32(2): 139-141.
  • Fain A, Guerin B & Hart B J (1990). Mites and allergic disease. Allerbio: Varennes an Argonne, France. pp. 1-190.
  • Gill N K & Kaur H (2014). A study on the occurrence, prevalence and composition of mite fauna in human dwellings of Patiala City, Punjab (India). Indian Journal of Scientific Research 8(1): 91–97.
  • Gülbahar O, Mete N, Kokuludağ A, Sin A & Sebik F (2004). House dust mite allerjens in Turkish homes. Allergy, 59: 231-241.
  • Gülbahar O (2003). İzmir’de Ev Tozu Akarı Alerjen Seviyeleri ve Evlere Ait Özellikler İle İliskisi. Uzmanlık Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İmmünoloji Bilim Dalı, İzmir 49 s.
  • Güleğen E, Girişgin O, Kütükoğlu F, Girişgin A O & Coşkun Ş Z (2005). Bursa Evlerinde Bulunan Ev Tozu Akar Türleri. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 29(2): 185-187.
  • Gülkan B (2004). Hatay İlindeki Ev Tozu Akar Faunasının Belirlenmesi ve Alerji İle İlişkisinin Araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 85s.
  • Hasgül K (2011). Kayseri’de ev tozu akarlarının araştırılması. Kayseri Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Hatsushika R & Miyoshi K (1992). Mite fauna found in house-dust from the residences of suspected acarine dermatitis patients. Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology 43(2): 125–127.
  • Heikal H M (2015). Studies on the Occurrence, Identification and Control of House Dust Mites at Rural Houses of Shebin El-Kom Locality, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 18(4): 179-84.
  • Henszel L, Kalisinska E, Kosik-Bogacka D & Kuzna Grygiel W (2010). Mites in dust samples collected from sleeping places in apartments of northwestern Poland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 19: 723–730.
  • Kalpaklioglu A F, Emekci M, Ferizli A & Misirligil Z 1997. House dust mite fauna in Turkey. The Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 7: 578-582.
  • Kılınçarslan L E (2012). Kayseri’de ev tozu akarlarının yayılışı. Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Kosik-Bogacka D I, Kalisi´nska E, Henszel L & Ku´zna-Grygiel W. (2010). Acarological characteristics of dust originating from urban and rural houses in northwestern Poland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 19(6): 1239-1247.
  • Krantz G W & Walter D E (2009). A manual of Acarolog. Third Edition, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, Texas, pp. 807.
  • Mariana A, Ho T M, Sofian-Azirum M & Wong A L (2000). House dust mite fauna in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 31: 712-21.
  • Mehl R (1998). Occurrence of mites in Norway and the rest of Scandinavia. Allergy, 53(48): 28-35.
  • Nadchatram M (2005). House dust mites, our intimate associates. Tropical Biomedicine 22(1): 23–37.
  • Natuhara, Y., 1989. New wet sieving method for isolating house dust mites. Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology, 40: 333-336.
  • Ree H I, Jeon S H, Lee I Y, Hong C S & Lee D K (1997). Fauna and geographical distribution of house dust mites in Korea. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 35: 9-17.
  • Rosa A E & Flechtmann C H W (1979). Mites in house dust from Brazil. International Journal of Acarology 5: 195-8.
  • Sakakı I & Suto C (1995). Cluster analysis of domestic mites and associated housing conditions in concrete-built apartments in Nagoya, Japan. Medical Entomology and Zoology 47(1): 23.
  • Solarz K (2010). Temporal changes in the composition of house-dust-mite fauna in Poland. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia 53B (1-2): 39-64.
  • Solarz K, Skubała P, Wauthy G & Szilman P (2016). Body Size Variability in Different Forms of Heteromorphic Males in Populations of the House Dust Mite Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes 1961 (Acari: Astigmata: Pyroglyphidae.) Annales Zoologici Fennici 66(2): 329-336.
  • Spieksma F T & Dıeges P H (2004). The history of the finding of the house dust mite. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 573.
  • Sun J L, Shen L, Chen J, Yu J M & Yin J (2013). Species diversity of house dust mites in Beijing, China. Journal of Medical Entomology 50(1): 31–36.
  • Sun J L, Shen L, Chen J, Yu J M & Yin J (2014). Mite and booklouse fauna from vacuumed dust samples from Beijing. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research 6(3): 257-262.
  • Suto C, Sakaki I & Mitibata M (1992). Studies on ecology of house dust mite in wooden houses in Nagoya, with special reference to the influence of room ratios on the prevalence of mites and allergy. Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology 43: 217-228.
  • Takeda F, Toma T & Mıyagı I (1998). House Dust Mites from Bedroom Floors in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan 7(2): 127-133.
  • Voorhorst R, Spieksma-Boezeman M I A & Spieksma F T M (1964). Is a mite (Dermatophagoides sp.) the producer of the house-dust allergen? Allergie und asthma, 10: 329-334.
  • Wassenaar, D. P., 1988. Effectiveness of vacuum cleaning and wet cleaning in reducing house-dust mites, fungi and mite allergen in a cotton carpet: A case study. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 4: 53-62.
  • Yu J M, Luo Q H, Sun J L, Shi C L, Yin J, Zhou Y L, Tang R, Zhang H, Yu Z & Chen M (2015). Diversity of House Dust Mite Species in Xishuangbanna Dai, a Tropical Rainforest Region in Southwest China. BioMed Research International vol. 2015, Article ID 421716, 6 pages. doi:10.1155/2015/421716
  • Zeytun E, Doğan S, Aykut M, Özçiçek F, Ünver E & Özçiçek A (2015). House dust mites in Erzincan province. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 39: 124- 30.
  • Ziyaei T, Berenji F, Jabbari-Azad F, Fata A, Jarahi L & Fereidouni M (2017). House dust mite prevalence in the house of patients with atopic dermatitis in Mashhad, Iran. Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases 11: 309–314.

House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey

Year 2019, , 417 - 426, 05.12.2019


House dust mites inhabit human houses, causing allergies and respiratory disease. Of them pyroglyphid mites produce at least 23 allergen groups, affecting millions of people worldwide. We determined the house dust mite fauna in the city of Ordu situated on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Dust samples were taken from a total of 53 houses in 2013-2015. The mite family Pyroglyphidae had the highest abundance in our samples, followed by family Chortoglyphidae. The most common species were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart) and Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes (Astigmata: Pyroglyphidae). These two mite species are main allergen-producing species throughout the world, occurring in all sampled houses in the city of Ordu.


  • Akdemir C & Gürdal H (2005). Kütahya’da Ev Tozu Akarları. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 29(2): 110-115.
  • Akdemir C & Soyucen E S (2009). Sensitization of children to storage mites in Kutahya, Turkey. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 47: 387-91.
  • Akdemir C & Yılmaz S (2009). Sensitization to house dust mite and mite fauna in selected children’s homes in Kütahya, Turkey. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 51: 232-7.
  • Aldemir O S & Baykan M (2004). Su hazneli ve toz torbalı elektirik süpürgeleri ile toplanan ev tozu akarlarının (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) araştırılması. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 10(2): 171-173.
  • Arlian L G (1992). Water balance and humidity requirements of house dust mites. Experimental and Applied Acarology 16: 15-35.
  • Atambay M, Aycan M Ö & Daldal N (2006). Malatya’da ev tozu akar faunası. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 30(3): 205-208.
  • Aykut M, Koksal Erman O K & Doğan S (2013). Seasonal Changes of House dust mite population in Bitlis and Muş Provinces of Turkey. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 37: 113-7.
  • Aykut M & Yılmaz H (2010). Distribution of house dust mites in Hasköy town, Muş. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 34: 160-3.
  • Budak S & Özbilgin A (1988). Ege bölgesinde ev tozlarından çıkan akar faunası. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 12(1-2): 47-53.
  • Boquete M, Iraola V, Fernández-Caldas E, Arenas Villaroel L, Carballada F J, González de la Cuesta C, López-Rico M R, Núñez Orjales R, Parra A, Soto-Mera M T, Varela S & Vidal C (2006). House Dust Mite Species and Allergen Levels in Galicia, Spain: a Cross-Sectional, Multicenter, Comparative Study. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 16(3): 169-176.
  • Bornehag C G, Sundell J, Bonini S, Custovic A, Malmberg P, Skerfving S, Sigsgaard T & Verhoeff A (2004). Dampness in buildings as a risk factor for health effects, EUROEXPO: a multidisciplinary review of the literature (1998–2000) on dampness and mite exposure in buildings and health effects. Indoor Air 14: 243–257.
  • Catanghal R A M & Paller V G V (2012). Mite fauna and mite antigen detection in house dust found in residential areas in Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 43(5): 1114-1121.
  • Çelik N (2009). Samsun ili’nde ev tozu akarı türlerinin belirlenmesi ve Alerjik astım ile arasındaki ilişksinin Ortaya konulması. Yüksek lisans tezi, Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 84 s.
  • Çelik N & Ozman-Sullivan K S (2009). ''Samsun ilinde alerjik astımlı hastaların evlerinde bulunan toz akarı türleri'', In: Türkiye III. Bitki Koruma Kongresi, Van, pp. 64.
  • Ozman-Sullivan K. S. & N. Celik, 2010. “Seasonal densities of dust mites in the houses of allergic asthma patients in Samsun, Turkey, 199-200”. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Acarology; 23-27 August 2010, Recife-PE, Brazil, 319 pp.
  • Chew F T, Zhang L, Ho T M & Lee B W (1999). House dust mite fauna of tropical Singapore. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 29: 201-6.
  • Çiftçi I H, Cetinkaya Z, Atambay M, Kiyildi N, Ozlem M A & Daldal N (2006). House dust mite fauna in western Anatolia, Turkey. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 44(3): 259-264.
  • Çiftçi İ, Çetinkaya Z, Aktepe O, Kıyıldı N, Aycan Ö, Atambay M & Altındiş M (2004). Ev Tozu Allerjenleri ve Spesifik IgE Arasındaki İlişki. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 5(3): 29-32.
  • Colloff M J 1987. Mite fauna in dust from passenger trains in Glasgow. Epidemiological Information Bulletin 98: 127-130.
  • Doğan N, Aycan Ö M, Miman Ö, Atambay M & Daldal N (2008). Eskişehir'de Ev Tozu Akarı Görülme Durumu. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 32(2): 139-141.
  • Fain A, Guerin B & Hart B J (1990). Mites and allergic disease. Allerbio: Varennes an Argonne, France. pp. 1-190.
  • Gill N K & Kaur H (2014). A study on the occurrence, prevalence and composition of mite fauna in human dwellings of Patiala City, Punjab (India). Indian Journal of Scientific Research 8(1): 91–97.
  • Gülbahar O, Mete N, Kokuludağ A, Sin A & Sebik F (2004). House dust mite allerjens in Turkish homes. Allergy, 59: 231-241.
  • Gülbahar O (2003). İzmir’de Ev Tozu Akarı Alerjen Seviyeleri ve Evlere Ait Özellikler İle İliskisi. Uzmanlık Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İmmünoloji Bilim Dalı, İzmir 49 s.
  • Güleğen E, Girişgin O, Kütükoğlu F, Girişgin A O & Coşkun Ş Z (2005). Bursa Evlerinde Bulunan Ev Tozu Akar Türleri. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 29(2): 185-187.
  • Gülkan B (2004). Hatay İlindeki Ev Tozu Akar Faunasının Belirlenmesi ve Alerji İle İlişkisinin Araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 85s.
  • Hasgül K (2011). Kayseri’de ev tozu akarlarının araştırılması. Kayseri Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Hatsushika R & Miyoshi K (1992). Mite fauna found in house-dust from the residences of suspected acarine dermatitis patients. Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology 43(2): 125–127.
  • Heikal H M (2015). Studies on the Occurrence, Identification and Control of House Dust Mites at Rural Houses of Shebin El-Kom Locality, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 18(4): 179-84.
  • Henszel L, Kalisinska E, Kosik-Bogacka D & Kuzna Grygiel W (2010). Mites in dust samples collected from sleeping places in apartments of northwestern Poland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 19: 723–730.
  • Kalpaklioglu A F, Emekci M, Ferizli A & Misirligil Z 1997. House dust mite fauna in Turkey. The Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 7: 578-582.
  • Kılınçarslan L E (2012). Kayseri’de ev tozu akarlarının yayılışı. Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Kosik-Bogacka D I, Kalisi´nska E, Henszel L & Ku´zna-Grygiel W. (2010). Acarological characteristics of dust originating from urban and rural houses in northwestern Poland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 19(6): 1239-1247.
  • Krantz G W & Walter D E (2009). A manual of Acarolog. Third Edition, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, Texas, pp. 807.
  • Mariana A, Ho T M, Sofian-Azirum M & Wong A L (2000). House dust mite fauna in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 31: 712-21.
  • Mehl R (1998). Occurrence of mites in Norway and the rest of Scandinavia. Allergy, 53(48): 28-35.
  • Nadchatram M (2005). House dust mites, our intimate associates. Tropical Biomedicine 22(1): 23–37.
  • Natuhara, Y., 1989. New wet sieving method for isolating house dust mites. Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology, 40: 333-336.
  • Ree H I, Jeon S H, Lee I Y, Hong C S & Lee D K (1997). Fauna and geographical distribution of house dust mites in Korea. The Korean Journal of Parasitology 35: 9-17.
  • Rosa A E & Flechtmann C H W (1979). Mites in house dust from Brazil. International Journal of Acarology 5: 195-8.
  • Sakakı I & Suto C (1995). Cluster analysis of domestic mites and associated housing conditions in concrete-built apartments in Nagoya, Japan. Medical Entomology and Zoology 47(1): 23.
  • Solarz K (2010). Temporal changes in the composition of house-dust-mite fauna in Poland. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia 53B (1-2): 39-64.
  • Solarz K, Skubała P, Wauthy G & Szilman P (2016). Body Size Variability in Different Forms of Heteromorphic Males in Populations of the House Dust Mite Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes 1961 (Acari: Astigmata: Pyroglyphidae.) Annales Zoologici Fennici 66(2): 329-336.
  • Spieksma F T & Dıeges P H (2004). The history of the finding of the house dust mite. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 573.
  • Sun J L, Shen L, Chen J, Yu J M & Yin J (2013). Species diversity of house dust mites in Beijing, China. Journal of Medical Entomology 50(1): 31–36.
  • Sun J L, Shen L, Chen J, Yu J M & Yin J (2014). Mite and booklouse fauna from vacuumed dust samples from Beijing. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research 6(3): 257-262.
  • Suto C, Sakaki I & Mitibata M (1992). Studies on ecology of house dust mite in wooden houses in Nagoya, with special reference to the influence of room ratios on the prevalence of mites and allergy. Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology 43: 217-228.
  • Takeda F, Toma T & Mıyagı I (1998). House Dust Mites from Bedroom Floors in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan 7(2): 127-133.
  • Voorhorst R, Spieksma-Boezeman M I A & Spieksma F T M (1964). Is a mite (Dermatophagoides sp.) the producer of the house-dust allergen? Allergie und asthma, 10: 329-334.
  • Wassenaar, D. P., 1988. Effectiveness of vacuum cleaning and wet cleaning in reducing house-dust mites, fungi and mite allergen in a cotton carpet: A case study. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 4: 53-62.
  • Yu J M, Luo Q H, Sun J L, Shi C L, Yin J, Zhou Y L, Tang R, Zhang H, Yu Z & Chen M (2015). Diversity of House Dust Mite Species in Xishuangbanna Dai, a Tropical Rainforest Region in Southwest China. BioMed Research International vol. 2015, Article ID 421716, 6 pages. doi:10.1155/2015/421716
  • Zeytun E, Doğan S, Aykut M, Özçiçek F, Ünver E & Özçiçek A (2015). House dust mites in Erzincan province. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 39: 124- 30.
  • Ziyaei T, Berenji F, Jabbari-Azad F, Fata A, Jarahi L & Fereidouni M (2017). House dust mite prevalence in the house of patients with atopic dermatitis in Mashhad, Iran. Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases 11: 309–314.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Rana Akyazı 0000-0002-0054-4222

Mete Soysal

Pavel B. Klimov

Yunus Emre Altunç This is me

Publication Date December 5, 2019
Submission Date July 7, 2018
Acceptance Date September 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Akyazı, R., Soysal, M., Klimov, P. B., Altunç, Y. E. (2019). House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(4), 417-426.
AMA Akyazı R, Soysal M, Klimov PB, Altunç YE. House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2019;25(4):417-426. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.441469
Chicago Akyazı, Rana, Mete Soysal, Pavel B. Klimov, and Yunus Emre Altunç. “House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 4 (December 2019): 417-26.
EndNote Akyazı R, Soysal M, Klimov PB, Altunç YE (December 1, 2019) House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 4 417–426.
IEEE R. Akyazı, M. Soysal, P. B. Klimov, and Y. E. Altunç, “House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 417–426, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.441469.
ISNAD Akyazı, Rana et al. “House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/4 (December 2019), 417-426.
JAMA Akyazı R, Soysal M, Klimov PB, Altunç YE. House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:417–426.
MLA Akyazı, Rana et al. “House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 4, 2019, pp. 417-26, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.441469.
Vancouver Akyazı R, Soysal M, Klimov PB, Altunç YE. House Dust Mite Species in Ordu, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(4):417-26.

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