Research Article
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Year 2018, , 205 - 217, 01.06.2018



  • Ahmadi S H, Mosallaeepour E, Kamgar A A, Ali H & Sepaskhah R (2015). Modeling maize yield and soil water content with AquaCrop under full and deficit irrigation managements. Water Resources Management 29: 2837-2853
  • Allen R G, Pereira L S, Raes D & Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, No: 56, pp. 89-93
  • Altın T B, Barak B & Altın B N (2012). Change in precipitation and temperature amounts over three decades in central Anatolia Turkey. Atmosphere and Climate Science 2: 107-125
  • Amoah L K, Darko R O & Owusu-Sekyere J D (2013). Calibration and validation of Aqua crop for full and deficit irrigation of hot pepper. Journal of Agriculture and Biological Science 8(2): 175-178
  • Andarzian B, Bannayan M, Steduto P, Mazraeh H, Barati M E, Barati M A & Rah-nama A (2011). Validation and testing of the AquaCrop model under full anddeficit irrigated wheat production in Iran. Agricultural Water Management 100: 1-8
  • Araya A, Habtu S, Hadgu K M, Kebede A & Dejene T (2010). Test of AquaCrop model in simulating biomass and yield of water deficient and irrigated barley (Hordeum vulgare). Agricultural Water Management 97: 1838-1846
  • Farahani H J, Izzi G & Oweis T (2009). Parameterization and evaluation of the AquaCrop model for full and deficit irrigated cotton. Agronomy Journal 101: 469-476
  • Geerts S & Raes D (2009). Deficit irrigation as an on-farm strategy to maximize crop water productivity in dry areas. Agricultural Water Management 96: 1275-1284
  • Guevara-Escobar A, Tellez J & Gonzalez-Sosa E (2005). Use of digital photography for analysis of canopy closure. Agroforestry Systems 65(3): 175-185
  • Heng L K, Asseng S, Mejahed K & Rusan M (2007). Optimizing wheat productivity in two rainfed environments of the west Asia-North Africa region using a simulation model. European Journal Agronomy 26: 121-129
  • Heng L K, Hsiao T C, Evett S, Howell T & Steduto P (2009). Validating the FAO AquaCrop model for irrigated and water deficient field maize. Agronomy Journal 101(3): 488-498
  • Hsiao T C, Heng L K, Steduto P, Rojas-Lara B, Raes D & Fereres E (2009). AquaCrop-the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: III. Parameterization and testing for maize. Agronomy Journal 101: 448-459
  • Hussein F, Janat M & Yakoub A (2011). Simulating cotton yield response to deficit irrigation with the FAO AquaCrop model. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9: 1319-1330
  • Iqbal M A, Shen Y, Stricevic R, Pei H, Sun H, Amiri E, Penas A & Rio S (2014). Evaluation of the FAO AquaCrop model for winter wheat on the North China Plain under deficit irrigation from field experiment to regional yield simulation. Agricultural Water Management 135: 61-72
  • Jacovides C P & Kontoyiannis H (1995). Statistical procedures for the evaluation of evapotranspiration computing models. Agricultural Water Management 27: 365-371
  • Jamieson P D, Porter J R & Wilson D R (1991). A test of the computer simulation model ARC-WHEAT1 on wheat crops grown in New Zealand. Field Crop Research 27: 337-350
  • Laliberte A S, Rango A, Havstad K M, Paris J F, Beck R F, McNeely R & Gonzalez A L (2004). Object-oriented image analysis for mapping shrub encroachment from 1937 to 2003 in southern New Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment 93: 198-210
  • Lee K & Lee B W (2011). Estimating canopy cover from color digital camera image of rice. Journal of Crop Science Biotechnology 14(2): 151-155
  • Levidow L, Pimbert M & Vanloqueren G (2014). Agroecological research: Conforming or transforming the dominant agro-food regime. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38(10): 1127-1155
  • Mohammadi M, Ghahraman B, Davary K, Ansari H, Shahidi A & Bannayan M (2016). Nested validation of AquaCrop model for simulation of winter wheat grain yield soil moisture and salinity profiles under simultaneous salinity and water stress. Irrigation and Drainage 65: 112-128
  • Musick J T, Jones O R, Stewart B A & Dusek D A (1994). Water-yield relationships for irrigated and dryland wheat in the US Southern Plains. Agronomy Journal 86: 980-986
  • Nash J E & Sutcliffe J V (1970). River flow forecasting through conceptual models Part I: A discussion of principles. Journal of Hydrology 10: 282-290
  • Raes D, Steduto P, Hsiao T C & Fereres E (2009). AquaCrop-the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: II. Main algorithms and software description. Agronomy Journal 101: 438-447
  • Raes D, Steduto P, Hsiao T C & Fereres E (2012). FAO crop-water productivity model to simulate yield response to water. AquaCrop Version 4.0 Reference Manual FAO Land and Water Division Publication Rome Italy
  • Sezen S M & Yazar A (2008). The global warming impact on wheat yield in the Mediterranean climate using the Ceres-Wheat model. Agricultural Drought Assessing Monitoring and Damages Mitigation Turkish-Israel Joint Project Final Conference, 16-27 June, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 28-30
  • Steduto P, Raes D, Hsiao T C, Fereres E, Heng L, Izzi G & Hoogeveen J (2008). AquaCrop: A new model for crop prediction under water deficit conditions. Options Méditterranean Series A 80: 287
  • Steduto P, Hsiao T C, Raes D & Fereres E (2009). AquaCrop-the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: I. Concepts and underlying principles. Agronomy Journal 101(3): 426-437
  • Steduto P, Hsiao T C, Fereres E & Raes D (2012). Crop yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, No: 66 Rome, Italy, pp. 516
  • Steven R E & Tolk J A (2009). Introduction: Can water use efficiency be modeled well enough to impact crop management? Agronomy Journal 101: 423-425
  • Tatar D & Yazgan S (2002). Determination of effects of temperature increase and different water application levels on wheat growth by crop growth simulation modeling. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 33(4): 369-374
  • Tavakoli A R, Moghadam M M & Sepaskhah A R (2015). Evaluation of the AquaCrop model for barley production under deficit irrigation and rainfed condition in Iran. Agricultural Water Management 16: 136-146
  • Todorovic M, Albrizio R, Zivotic L, Saab M T, Stöckle C & Steduto P (2009). Assessment of AquaCrop CropSyst and WOFOST models in the simulation of sunflower growth under different water regimes. Agronomy Journal 101(3): 509-521
  • Toumi J, Er-Raki S, Ezzahar J, Khabba S, Jarlan L & Chehbouni A (2016). Performance assessment of AquaCrop model for estimating evapotranspiration soil water content and grain yield of winter wheat in Tensift Al Haouz (Morocco): Application to irrigation management. Agricultural Water Management 163: 219-235
  • Trombetta A, Iacobellis V, Tarantino E & Gentile F (2016). Calibration of the AquaCrop model for winter wheat using MODIS LAI images. Agricultural Water Management 164: 304-316
  • Vanuytrecht E, Raes D, Steduto P, Hsiao T C, Fereres E, Heng L K, Vila M G & Moreno P M (2014). AquaCrop: FAO’s crop water productivity and yield response model. Environmental Model Software 62: 351-360
  • Willmott C J (1982). Some comments on the evaluation of model performance. Bulletin of American Meteorology Society 63: 1309-1313
  • Zeleke K T, Luckett D & Cowley R (2011). Calibration and testing of the FAO AquaCrop model for canola. Agronomy Journal 103: 1610-1618
  • Zhang H & Oweis T (1999). Water yield relations and optimal irrigation scheduling of wheat in the Mediterranean region. Agricultural Water Management 38: 195-211

Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey

Year 2018, , 205 - 217, 01.06.2018


Farming winter wheat in Central Anatolia of Turkey traditionally is rainfed. Crop yields are frequently affected in this region because of the drought events of varying severity. There is apparent necessary for an aim appraisal of the effect of dryness on this critical crop, to answer the contradiction whether irrigation is essential or not. For this reason the FAOAquaCrop (Ver.5.0) crop water productivity model was preferred to predict attainable yields of winter wheat (Triticum durum L.) under four different irrigation regimes. Field experiment was conducted under four different irrigation treatments in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey during 2008-2010. The AquaCrop was calibrated with 2008-2009 field data and model validation was performed using 2009-2010 data. Model simulation results showed that model simulates soil water content in root zone (SWC), canopy cover (CC), grain yield (GY) and aboveground biomass (BM) of wheat reasonably well. The average root mean square error (RMSE) between simulated and observed SWC, CC, GY and BM were 21.1 mm, 7.1%, 0.32 t ha-1 and 0.34 t ha-1. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (EF) and index of Willmott (d) also were obtained 0.89 and 0.98 for CC, 0.74 and 0.93 for SWC, 0.98 and 0.92 for BM, 0.95 and 0.82 for GY. Model predicted canopy cover, grain yields and biomass with high accuracy while soil water content at 90 cm soil depth was estimated in the moderate accuracy. The results presented that AquaCrop model can be suggested as a convenient model for decisionmaking whether irrigating wheat is in the priority or not at the limited water resources areas. A


  • Ahmadi S H, Mosallaeepour E, Kamgar A A, Ali H & Sepaskhah R (2015). Modeling maize yield and soil water content with AquaCrop under full and deficit irrigation managements. Water Resources Management 29: 2837-2853
  • Allen R G, Pereira L S, Raes D & Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, No: 56, pp. 89-93
  • Altın T B, Barak B & Altın B N (2012). Change in precipitation and temperature amounts over three decades in central Anatolia Turkey. Atmosphere and Climate Science 2: 107-125
  • Amoah L K, Darko R O & Owusu-Sekyere J D (2013). Calibration and validation of Aqua crop for full and deficit irrigation of hot pepper. Journal of Agriculture and Biological Science 8(2): 175-178
  • Andarzian B, Bannayan M, Steduto P, Mazraeh H, Barati M E, Barati M A & Rah-nama A (2011). Validation and testing of the AquaCrop model under full anddeficit irrigated wheat production in Iran. Agricultural Water Management 100: 1-8
  • Araya A, Habtu S, Hadgu K M, Kebede A & Dejene T (2010). Test of AquaCrop model in simulating biomass and yield of water deficient and irrigated barley (Hordeum vulgare). Agricultural Water Management 97: 1838-1846
  • Farahani H J, Izzi G & Oweis T (2009). Parameterization and evaluation of the AquaCrop model for full and deficit irrigated cotton. Agronomy Journal 101: 469-476
  • Geerts S & Raes D (2009). Deficit irrigation as an on-farm strategy to maximize crop water productivity in dry areas. Agricultural Water Management 96: 1275-1284
  • Guevara-Escobar A, Tellez J & Gonzalez-Sosa E (2005). Use of digital photography for analysis of canopy closure. Agroforestry Systems 65(3): 175-185
  • Heng L K, Asseng S, Mejahed K & Rusan M (2007). Optimizing wheat productivity in two rainfed environments of the west Asia-North Africa region using a simulation model. European Journal Agronomy 26: 121-129
  • Heng L K, Hsiao T C, Evett S, Howell T & Steduto P (2009). Validating the FAO AquaCrop model for irrigated and water deficient field maize. Agronomy Journal 101(3): 488-498
  • Hsiao T C, Heng L K, Steduto P, Rojas-Lara B, Raes D & Fereres E (2009). AquaCrop-the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: III. Parameterization and testing for maize. Agronomy Journal 101: 448-459
  • Hussein F, Janat M & Yakoub A (2011). Simulating cotton yield response to deficit irrigation with the FAO AquaCrop model. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9: 1319-1330
  • Iqbal M A, Shen Y, Stricevic R, Pei H, Sun H, Amiri E, Penas A & Rio S (2014). Evaluation of the FAO AquaCrop model for winter wheat on the North China Plain under deficit irrigation from field experiment to regional yield simulation. Agricultural Water Management 135: 61-72
  • Jacovides C P & Kontoyiannis H (1995). Statistical procedures for the evaluation of evapotranspiration computing models. Agricultural Water Management 27: 365-371
  • Jamieson P D, Porter J R & Wilson D R (1991). A test of the computer simulation model ARC-WHEAT1 on wheat crops grown in New Zealand. Field Crop Research 27: 337-350
  • Laliberte A S, Rango A, Havstad K M, Paris J F, Beck R F, McNeely R & Gonzalez A L (2004). Object-oriented image analysis for mapping shrub encroachment from 1937 to 2003 in southern New Mexico. Remote Sensing of Environment 93: 198-210
  • Lee K & Lee B W (2011). Estimating canopy cover from color digital camera image of rice. Journal of Crop Science Biotechnology 14(2): 151-155
  • Levidow L, Pimbert M & Vanloqueren G (2014). Agroecological research: Conforming or transforming the dominant agro-food regime. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38(10): 1127-1155
  • Mohammadi M, Ghahraman B, Davary K, Ansari H, Shahidi A & Bannayan M (2016). Nested validation of AquaCrop model for simulation of winter wheat grain yield soil moisture and salinity profiles under simultaneous salinity and water stress. Irrigation and Drainage 65: 112-128
  • Musick J T, Jones O R, Stewart B A & Dusek D A (1994). Water-yield relationships for irrigated and dryland wheat in the US Southern Plains. Agronomy Journal 86: 980-986
  • Nash J E & Sutcliffe J V (1970). River flow forecasting through conceptual models Part I: A discussion of principles. Journal of Hydrology 10: 282-290
  • Raes D, Steduto P, Hsiao T C & Fereres E (2009). AquaCrop-the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: II. Main algorithms and software description. Agronomy Journal 101: 438-447
  • Raes D, Steduto P, Hsiao T C & Fereres E (2012). FAO crop-water productivity model to simulate yield response to water. AquaCrop Version 4.0 Reference Manual FAO Land and Water Division Publication Rome Italy
  • Sezen S M & Yazar A (2008). The global warming impact on wheat yield in the Mediterranean climate using the Ceres-Wheat model. Agricultural Drought Assessing Monitoring and Damages Mitigation Turkish-Israel Joint Project Final Conference, 16-27 June, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 28-30
  • Steduto P, Raes D, Hsiao T C, Fereres E, Heng L, Izzi G & Hoogeveen J (2008). AquaCrop: A new model for crop prediction under water deficit conditions. Options Méditterranean Series A 80: 287
  • Steduto P, Hsiao T C, Raes D & Fereres E (2009). AquaCrop-the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: I. Concepts and underlying principles. Agronomy Journal 101(3): 426-437
  • Steduto P, Hsiao T C, Fereres E & Raes D (2012). Crop yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, No: 66 Rome, Italy, pp. 516
  • Steven R E & Tolk J A (2009). Introduction: Can water use efficiency be modeled well enough to impact crop management? Agronomy Journal 101: 423-425
  • Tatar D & Yazgan S (2002). Determination of effects of temperature increase and different water application levels on wheat growth by crop growth simulation modeling. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 33(4): 369-374
  • Tavakoli A R, Moghadam M M & Sepaskhah A R (2015). Evaluation of the AquaCrop model for barley production under deficit irrigation and rainfed condition in Iran. Agricultural Water Management 16: 136-146
  • Todorovic M, Albrizio R, Zivotic L, Saab M T, Stöckle C & Steduto P (2009). Assessment of AquaCrop CropSyst and WOFOST models in the simulation of sunflower growth under different water regimes. Agronomy Journal 101(3): 509-521
  • Toumi J, Er-Raki S, Ezzahar J, Khabba S, Jarlan L & Chehbouni A (2016). Performance assessment of AquaCrop model for estimating evapotranspiration soil water content and grain yield of winter wheat in Tensift Al Haouz (Morocco): Application to irrigation management. Agricultural Water Management 163: 219-235
  • Trombetta A, Iacobellis V, Tarantino E & Gentile F (2016). Calibration of the AquaCrop model for winter wheat using MODIS LAI images. Agricultural Water Management 164: 304-316
  • Vanuytrecht E, Raes D, Steduto P, Hsiao T C, Fereres E, Heng L K, Vila M G & Moreno P M (2014). AquaCrop: FAO’s crop water productivity and yield response model. Environmental Model Software 62: 351-360
  • Willmott C J (1982). Some comments on the evaluation of model performance. Bulletin of American Meteorology Society 63: 1309-1313
  • Zeleke K T, Luckett D & Cowley R (2011). Calibration and testing of the FAO AquaCrop model for canola. Agronomy Journal 103: 1610-1618
  • Zhang H & Oweis T (1999). Water yield relations and optimal irrigation scheduling of wheat in the Mediterranean region. Agricultural Water Management 38: 195-211
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Sema Kale This is me

Sevinç Madenoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Submission Date October 14, 2016
Acceptance Date April 21, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kale, S., & Madenoğlu, S. (2018). Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(2), 205-217.
AMA Kale S, Madenoğlu S. Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. June 2018;24(2):205-217. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446438
Chicago Kale, Sema, and Sevinç Madenoğlu. “Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 2 (June 2018): 205-17.
EndNote Kale S, Madenoğlu S (June 1, 2018) Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 2 205–217.
IEEE S. Kale and S. Madenoğlu, “Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 205–217, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.446438.
ISNAD Kale, Sema - Madenoğlu, Sevinç. “Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/2 (June 2018), 205-217.
JAMA Kale S, Madenoğlu S. Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:205–217.
MLA Kale, Sema and Sevinç Madenoğlu. “Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 2, 2018, pp. 205-17, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446438.
Vancouver Kale S, Madenoğlu S. Evaluating AquaCrop Model for Winter Wheat under Various Irrigation Conditions in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(2):205-17.

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