Research Article
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Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor

Year 2018, , 374 - 385, 05.09.2018


In agricultural spraying, keeping the spray at the correct height reduces pesticide drift and provides uniformly distributed pesticide accumulation on the target plant. In this study, an agricultural nozzle-height control test system was developed using a permanent magnet tubular linear synchronous motor (PMTLSM) that can adjust the height between the spraying nozzle and the plant. The developed system was experimentally tested in the laboratory environment and under field conditions. According to the experimental results, the nozzle height coefficient of variation (CV) value decreased from 16.77% to 5.17%, while the uniformity of distribution in the forward direction increased from 56.57% to 86.11% at 12 km h-1 under field conditions. Under test conditions it was found that the developed system keeps the distance between differently sized plants and the nozzle at the set point with minimum error. 


  • Al-Gaadi K A (2010). Effect of nozzle height and type on spray density and distribution for a ground field sprayer. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 9(1): 1-12
  • Anthonis J, Audenaert J & Ramon H (2005). Design optimisation for the vertical suspension of a crop sprayer boom. Biosystems Engineering 90(2): 153160
  • Balsari P, Gil E, Marucco P, Van de Zande J C, Nuyttens D, Herbst A & Gallart M (2017). Field-crop-sprayer potential drift measured using test bench: effects of boom height and nozzle type. Biosystems Engineering 154: 3-13
  • Belforte G, Eula G & Raparelli T A (2011). New technique for safe pesticide spraying in greenhouses. In: M Stoytcheva (Eds), Pesticides-Formulations, Effects, Fate, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 129-154
  • Bisesi M & Koren H (2003). Handbook of Environmental Health: Biological, Chemical, and Physical Agents of Environmentally Related Disease. CRC press Boca Raton, New York
  • De Schampheleire M, Spanoghe P, Brusselman E & Sonck S (2007). Risk assessment of pesticide spray drift damage in Belgium. Crop Protection 26(4): 602-611
  • Deprez K, Anthonis J, Ramon H & Van Brussel H (2002). Development of a slow active suspension for stabilizing the roll of spray booms-part 1: hybrid modelling. Biosystems Engineering 81(2): 185-191
  • Deprez K, Anthonis J & Ramon H (2003). System for vertical boom corrections on hilly fields. Journal of Sound and Vibration 266(3): 613-624
  • Evans M D, Law S E & Cooper S C (1994). Fluorescence spray deposit measurement via light intensified machine vision. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 10(3): 441-447
  • Frost A R (1984). Simulation of an active spray boom suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 30: 313-325
  • Frost A R & O’Sullivan J A (1986). Verification of a mathematical model for a passive spray boom suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 34(3): 245-255
  • Gil E & Badiola J (2007). Design and verification of a portable vertical patternator for vineyard sprayer calibration. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 23(1): 35-42
  • Iida M & Bursk T F (2002). Ultrasonic sensor development for automatic steering control of orchard tractor. In: Proceeding Of The Conference Automation Tecnology For Off-Road Equipment, 26-27 July, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp. 221-229
  • Kennes P, Ramon H & Baerdemaeker J D (1999). Modelling the effect of passive vertical suspensions on the dynamic behavior of sprayer booms. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 72(3): 217-229
  • Klein R N & Kruger G R (2011). Spray boom set-up on field sprayers. Extension Puplications g2091. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA
  • Koc C & Keskin R (2011). Developing of PIC controlled active boom suspension systems for field sprayers. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(1): 24-33
  • Langenakens J J, Ramon H & De Baerdemaeker J D (1995). A model for measuring the effect of tire pressure and driving speed on the horizontal sprayer boom movements and spray patterns. Transactions of the ASAE 38(1): 65-72
  • Langenakens J J, Clijmans L, Ramon H & Baerdemaeker J D (1999). The effects of vertical sprayer boom movements on the uniformity of spray distribution. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 74(3): 281-291
  • Lardoux Y, Sinfort C, Enfalt P & Sevila F (2007). Test method for boom suspension influence on spray distribution, part I: Experimental study of pesticide application under a moving boom. Biosystems Engineering 96(1): 29-39
  • LinMot (2016). Linear motors introduction and overview.pdf, Edition 16, Sulzer Electronics, Zürich, Switzerland, (Retrieve November 2016)
  • Marchant J A & Frost A R (1989). Simulation of the performance of state feedback controllers for an active spray boom suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 43(2): 89-101
  • Marck P & Luycx A (1993). Het imago van de europese landbouw bij de publieke opinie. Leuven Acco, Leuven, Belgium Matthews G A (2008). Pesticide Application Methods. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK
  • Miller, P C H & Smith R W (1997). The effect of forward speed on the drift from boom sprayers. In: Proceedings of the Brighton Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, 17-20 November, BCPC, Farnham, UK, pp. 399-407
  • Musillami S, Goffre P & Sevilla F (1982). Les traitements par pulvérisation et les pulvérisateurs en agriculture. Toine 2. Études Du Cemagref. Antony, France, pp. 59-64
  • Ooms D, Ruter R, Lebeau F & Destain M F (2003). Impact of the horizontal movements of a sprayer boom on the longitudinal spray distribution in field conditions. Crop Protection 22: 813-820
  • O’Sullivan J A (1986). Simulation of the behaviour of a spray boom with an active and passive pendulum suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 35(3): 157-173
  • Ozkan H E (1995). Herbicide Formulations, Adjuvants and Spray Drift Management. In: A E Smith (Eds), Hand On Weed Management Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 217-244
  • Ozkan H E & Reichard D L (1993). Effect of orifice wear on flow rate, spray pattern and droplet size distributions of fan-pattern nozzles. In: Proceedings of the 2th International Symposium on Pesticides Application Techniques, 22-24 September, Strasbourg, France, pp. 159-166
  • Pontelli C O & Mucheroni M F (2012). Co-simulation procedure for PID and fuzzy logic active controls strategies applied to a sprayers boom suspension. In: S Chakravarty (Eds), Technology and Engineering Applications of Simulink, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 69-96
  • Qasem J R (2011). Herbicides Applications: Problems And Considerations. In: A Kortekamp (Eds), Herbicides and Environment, InTech, Croatia, pp. 643-664
  • Ramon H, Missotten B & Baerdemaeker J D (1997). Spray boom motions and spray distribution: part 2, experimental validation of the mathematical relation and simulation results. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 66(1): 31-39
  • Salyani M, Zhu H, Sweeb R D & Pai N (2013). Assessment of spray distribution with water-sensitive paper. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 15(2): 101-111
  • Sama M P, Evans J T, Turer A P & Dasika S S (2016). As-applied estimation of volumetric flow rate from a single sprayer nozzle series using water-sensitive spray cards. Transactions of the ASABE 59(3): 861-869
  • Sun J & Miao Y (2011). Modeling and simulation of the agricultural sprayer boom leveling system: Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, IEEE Conference, 6-7 January, Shanghai, pp. 613-618
  • Wang L, Zhang N, Slocombe J W & Kuhlman D K (1993). Measurement of spray distribution uniformity for agricultural nozzles using spectral analysis. In: P D Berger, B N Devisetty & F R Hall (Eds), Pesticide Formulation and application systems, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 265-279
  • Wang L, Xiong C, Wu Y & Gan Z (2012). Study on iron loss in two kinds of moving-magnet linear motors. In: Proceeding of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, 16-19 July, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, pp. 2235
  • Wen P & Kidd J G (2005). Electronic height indicator for agricultural machines. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2(1): 13-19
  • Wilson J, Nowatzki J & Hofman V (2008). Selecting driftreducing nozzles. south dakota cooperative extension service, FS 919, Rev. 6/08
  • Wolf T M, Liu S H, Caldwell B C & Hsiao A I (1997). Calibration of greenhouse spray chambers: The importance of dynamic nozzle patternation. Weed Technology 11(3): 428-435
  • Womac A R, Etheridge R, Seibert A, Hogan D & Ray S (2001). Sprayer speed and venturi-nozzle effects on broadcast application uniformity. Transactions of the ASAE 44(6): 1437-1444
  • Yoshida K & Maybank J (1971). Effect of the dynamic stability of spray booms on the dispersion characteristics of a flat fan spray. The Journal of Canadian Agricultural Engineering 13(1): 23-28
  • Zaman Q U, Schumann A W & Hostler H K (2007). Quantifying sources of error in ultrasonic measurements of citrus orchards. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(4): 449-453
Year 2018, , 374 - 385, 05.09.2018



  • Al-Gaadi K A (2010). Effect of nozzle height and type on spray density and distribution for a ground field sprayer. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 9(1): 1-12
  • Anthonis J, Audenaert J & Ramon H (2005). Design optimisation for the vertical suspension of a crop sprayer boom. Biosystems Engineering 90(2): 153160
  • Balsari P, Gil E, Marucco P, Van de Zande J C, Nuyttens D, Herbst A & Gallart M (2017). Field-crop-sprayer potential drift measured using test bench: effects of boom height and nozzle type. Biosystems Engineering 154: 3-13
  • Belforte G, Eula G & Raparelli T A (2011). New technique for safe pesticide spraying in greenhouses. In: M Stoytcheva (Eds), Pesticides-Formulations, Effects, Fate, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 129-154
  • Bisesi M & Koren H (2003). Handbook of Environmental Health: Biological, Chemical, and Physical Agents of Environmentally Related Disease. CRC press Boca Raton, New York
  • De Schampheleire M, Spanoghe P, Brusselman E & Sonck S (2007). Risk assessment of pesticide spray drift damage in Belgium. Crop Protection 26(4): 602-611
  • Deprez K, Anthonis J, Ramon H & Van Brussel H (2002). Development of a slow active suspension for stabilizing the roll of spray booms-part 1: hybrid modelling. Biosystems Engineering 81(2): 185-191
  • Deprez K, Anthonis J & Ramon H (2003). System for vertical boom corrections on hilly fields. Journal of Sound and Vibration 266(3): 613-624
  • Evans M D, Law S E & Cooper S C (1994). Fluorescence spray deposit measurement via light intensified machine vision. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 10(3): 441-447
  • Frost A R (1984). Simulation of an active spray boom suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 30: 313-325
  • Frost A R & O’Sullivan J A (1986). Verification of a mathematical model for a passive spray boom suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 34(3): 245-255
  • Gil E & Badiola J (2007). Design and verification of a portable vertical patternator for vineyard sprayer calibration. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 23(1): 35-42
  • Iida M & Bursk T F (2002). Ultrasonic sensor development for automatic steering control of orchard tractor. In: Proceeding Of The Conference Automation Tecnology For Off-Road Equipment, 26-27 July, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp. 221-229
  • Kennes P, Ramon H & Baerdemaeker J D (1999). Modelling the effect of passive vertical suspensions on the dynamic behavior of sprayer booms. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 72(3): 217-229
  • Klein R N & Kruger G R (2011). Spray boom set-up on field sprayers. Extension Puplications g2091. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA
  • Koc C & Keskin R (2011). Developing of PIC controlled active boom suspension systems for field sprayers. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(1): 24-33
  • Langenakens J J, Ramon H & De Baerdemaeker J D (1995). A model for measuring the effect of tire pressure and driving speed on the horizontal sprayer boom movements and spray patterns. Transactions of the ASAE 38(1): 65-72
  • Langenakens J J, Clijmans L, Ramon H & Baerdemaeker J D (1999). The effects of vertical sprayer boom movements on the uniformity of spray distribution. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 74(3): 281-291
  • Lardoux Y, Sinfort C, Enfalt P & Sevila F (2007). Test method for boom suspension influence on spray distribution, part I: Experimental study of pesticide application under a moving boom. Biosystems Engineering 96(1): 29-39
  • LinMot (2016). Linear motors introduction and overview.pdf, Edition 16, Sulzer Electronics, Zürich, Switzerland, (Retrieve November 2016)
  • Marchant J A & Frost A R (1989). Simulation of the performance of state feedback controllers for an active spray boom suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 43(2): 89-101
  • Marck P & Luycx A (1993). Het imago van de europese landbouw bij de publieke opinie. Leuven Acco, Leuven, Belgium Matthews G A (2008). Pesticide Application Methods. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK
  • Miller, P C H & Smith R W (1997). The effect of forward speed on the drift from boom sprayers. In: Proceedings of the Brighton Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, 17-20 November, BCPC, Farnham, UK, pp. 399-407
  • Musillami S, Goffre P & Sevilla F (1982). Les traitements par pulvérisation et les pulvérisateurs en agriculture. Toine 2. Études Du Cemagref. Antony, France, pp. 59-64
  • Ooms D, Ruter R, Lebeau F & Destain M F (2003). Impact of the horizontal movements of a sprayer boom on the longitudinal spray distribution in field conditions. Crop Protection 22: 813-820
  • O’Sullivan J A (1986). Simulation of the behaviour of a spray boom with an active and passive pendulum suspension. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 35(3): 157-173
  • Ozkan H E (1995). Herbicide Formulations, Adjuvants and Spray Drift Management. In: A E Smith (Eds), Hand On Weed Management Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 217-244
  • Ozkan H E & Reichard D L (1993). Effect of orifice wear on flow rate, spray pattern and droplet size distributions of fan-pattern nozzles. In: Proceedings of the 2th International Symposium on Pesticides Application Techniques, 22-24 September, Strasbourg, France, pp. 159-166
  • Pontelli C O & Mucheroni M F (2012). Co-simulation procedure for PID and fuzzy logic active controls strategies applied to a sprayers boom suspension. In: S Chakravarty (Eds), Technology and Engineering Applications of Simulink, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 69-96
  • Qasem J R (2011). Herbicides Applications: Problems And Considerations. In: A Kortekamp (Eds), Herbicides and Environment, InTech, Croatia, pp. 643-664
  • Ramon H, Missotten B & Baerdemaeker J D (1997). Spray boom motions and spray distribution: part 2, experimental validation of the mathematical relation and simulation results. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 66(1): 31-39
  • Salyani M, Zhu H, Sweeb R D & Pai N (2013). Assessment of spray distribution with water-sensitive paper. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 15(2): 101-111
  • Sama M P, Evans J T, Turer A P & Dasika S S (2016). As-applied estimation of volumetric flow rate from a single sprayer nozzle series using water-sensitive spray cards. Transactions of the ASABE 59(3): 861-869
  • Sun J & Miao Y (2011). Modeling and simulation of the agricultural sprayer boom leveling system: Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, IEEE Conference, 6-7 January, Shanghai, pp. 613-618
  • Wang L, Zhang N, Slocombe J W & Kuhlman D K (1993). Measurement of spray distribution uniformity for agricultural nozzles using spectral analysis. In: P D Berger, B N Devisetty & F R Hall (Eds), Pesticide Formulation and application systems, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 265-279
  • Wang L, Xiong C, Wu Y & Gan Z (2012). Study on iron loss in two kinds of moving-magnet linear motors. In: Proceeding of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, 16-19 July, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, pp. 2235
  • Wen P & Kidd J G (2005). Electronic height indicator for agricultural machines. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2(1): 13-19
  • Wilson J, Nowatzki J & Hofman V (2008). Selecting driftreducing nozzles. south dakota cooperative extension service, FS 919, Rev. 6/08
  • Wolf T M, Liu S H, Caldwell B C & Hsiao A I (1997). Calibration of greenhouse spray chambers: The importance of dynamic nozzle patternation. Weed Technology 11(3): 428-435
  • Womac A R, Etheridge R, Seibert A, Hogan D & Ray S (2001). Sprayer speed and venturi-nozzle effects on broadcast application uniformity. Transactions of the ASAE 44(6): 1437-1444
  • Yoshida K & Maybank J (1971). Effect of the dynamic stability of spray booms on the dispersion characteristics of a flat fan spray. The Journal of Canadian Agricultural Engineering 13(1): 23-28
  • Zaman Q U, Schumann A W & Hostler H K (2007). Quantifying sources of error in ultrasonic measurements of citrus orchards. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(4): 449-453
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ahmet Ilıca This is me

Ali Fuat Boz This is me

Publication Date September 5, 2018
Submission Date January 13, 2017
Acceptance Date September 19, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ilıca, A., & Boz, A. F. (2018). Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(3), 374-385.
AMA Ilıca A, Boz AF. Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2018;24(3):374-385. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.456662
Chicago Ilıca, Ahmet, and Ali Fuat Boz. “Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 3 (September 2018): 374-85.
EndNote Ilıca A, Boz AF (September 1, 2018) Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 3 374–385.
IEEE A. Ilıca and A. F. Boz, “Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 374–385, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.456662.
ISNAD Ilıca, Ahmet - Boz, Ali Fuat. “Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/3 (September 2018), 374-385.
JAMA Ilıca A, Boz AF. Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:374–385.
MLA Ilıca, Ahmet and Ali Fuat Boz. “Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 3, 2018, pp. 374-85, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.456662.
Vancouver Ilıca A, Boz AF. Design of a Nozzle-Height Control System Using a Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Synchronous Motor. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(3):374-85.

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