Research Article
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Year 2018, , 431 - 438, 05.12.2018



  • Abbas G, Atta B M, Shah T M, Sadiq M S & Haq M A (2008). Stability analysis for seed yield in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Wilczek Journal of Agriculture Research 46: 223-228
  • Acikgoz N & Acikgoz N (1994). Determination of the effects of different sowing time and varieties on the formation of yield by path analysis. Field Crops Congress 1: 121-125
  • Acikgoz E, Ustun A, Gul I, Anlarsal E, Tekeli A S, Nizam I, Avcioglu R, Geren H, Cakmakci S, Aydinoglu B, Yucel C, Avci M, Acar Z, Ayan I, Uzun A, Bilgili U, Sincik M & Yavuz M (2009). Genotype x Environment interaction and stability analysis for dry matter and seed yield in field pea (Pisum sativum L.). Spanish Journal of Agriculture Research 7: 96-106
  • Aleksoska A, Miceska G, Gveroska B, Dimitrieski M & Aleksoski J (2015). Stability of the yield in commercial tobacco varieties in Republic of Macedonia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture Natural 2: 1391-1395
  • Ali Y & Sarwar G (2008). Genotype x Environment interaction of cowpea genotypes. International Journal of Environment Research 2(2): 125-132
  • Altinbas M & Sepetoglu H (1994). A study on the determination of stability parameters for seed yield and some agronomic properties in lentil (Lens culinaris Med.). The first Field Crops Congress 4: 116-120
  • Altinbas M, Sepetoglu H & Karasu A (1999). A Research on fertility effects of chickpea under different environmental conditions. The First Field Crops Congress, 25-29 April 1994, Izmir 3: 348-353
  • Arshad M, Bakhsh A, Haqqani A M & Bashir M (2003). Genotype x Environment interaction for grain yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 35: 181-186
  • Atta B M & Shah T M (2009). Stability analysis of elite chickpea genotypes tested under diverse. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3: 249-256
  • Babagil G E (2013). Assessment of effectiveness degrees of the factors affecting the yield of some chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes by path analysis. Indian Journal of Agriculture Science 83: 1205
  • Bakhsh A, Arshad M & Haqqani A M (2006). Effect of Genotype x Environment interaction on relationship between grain yield and its components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(3): 683-690
  • Becker H C & Leon J (1988). Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breeding 101: 1-23
  • Comstock R E & Moll R H (1963). Genotype x Environment Interactions. Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding NAS-NRC Publ No: 982, Washington DC., pp. 164-196
  • Costa J M, Bollero V S & Pandey P L (2004). Stability for grain yield of barley genotypes under rainfed conditions. Advance in Plant Science 12: 27-30
  • Eberhart S A & Russel W A (1966). Stabilty parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Science 6: 36-40
  • Farshadfar E, Farshadfar M & Kiani M (2011). Involvement of chromosome 5R carrying the genes controlling yield and yield stability in rye (Secale Cereale cv. Imperial). European Journal of Science Research 59(3): 352-360
  • Finlay K M & Wilkinson G N (1963). The analysis of adaptation a plant-breeding programme. Australian Journal of Agriculture Research 14: 742-754
  • Francis T R & Kannenberg L W (1978). “Yield stability studies in short season maize 1, A Descriptive method for grouping genotypes”, Canadian Plant Science 58: 1029-1034
  • Garcia Del Moral L F, Rharrabti Y, Villegas D & Royo C (2003). Evaluation of grain yield and its components in drum wheat under Mediterranean conditions: an ontogenic approach. Agrononomy Journal 95: 266274
  • Kabak D & Akcura M (2017). Evaluation of the interrelationship among grain yield traits of rye landraces population collected from Bingol province using biplot analysis. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(2): 227-235
  • Karasu A, Oz M, Goksoy A T & Turan Z M (2009). Genotype by environment interactions stability and heritability of seed yield and certain agronomical traits in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). African Journal of Biotechnology 8(4): 580-590
  • Kilic H (2014). Assessment of advanced durum wheat lines for yield and some quality traits at different environments. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 1(2): 194-201
  • Lin C C & Binns M R (1988). A superiority measure of cultivar performance for cultivar x location data. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 68: 193-198
  • Lin C C, Binns M R & Lefkovitch L P (1996). Stability Analysis: Where Do We Stand? Crop Science 26: 894-900 Pinthus M J (1973). Estimate of genetic value: Proposed methods. Euphytica 22: 121-123
  • Sabanduzen B & Akcura M (2017). Evaluation of grain yield and yield components of oat genotypes in Canakkale conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(2): 101-108
  • Saidi A, Ookawa T, Motobayashi T & Hirasawa T (2008). Effects of soil moisture conditions before heading on growth of wheat plants under drought conditions in the ripening stage: insufficient soil moisture conditions before heading render wheat plants more resistant to drought to ripening. Plant Production Science 11: 403-411
  • Sehirali S & Ozgen M (1988). Plant Breeding. University of Ankara Faculty of Agricultural Publications 1059, Textbook: 310, Ankara
  • Shukla G K (1972). “Some statistical aspects of partitioning genotype x environmental components of variability”. Heredity 29: 237-245
  • Silim S N & Saxena M C (1993). Yield and water use efficiency of faba bean sown at two row spacings and seed densities. Expriment Agriculture 29: 173-181
  • Singh R (2016). Productivity enhancement of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through improved production technologies on farmer’s field. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(10): 1357-1360
  • Singh K B & Bejiga G (1990). Analysis of stability for some characters in kabuli chickpea. Euphytica 49: 223-227
  • Singh T, Paswan S & Tyag J P (2010). Effect of environmental stresses on certain quality traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80(12): 1089-1091
  • Tsenov N, Gubatov T, Atanasova D, Nankova M & Ivanova A (2015). Genotype x Environment effects on the productivity traits of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) II. Analysis of genotype reaction. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 1: 1198-1208
  • Unay A I, Turgut H, Surek H & Korkut K Z (1990). Stability analysis on some properties in rice. University of Ankara Faculty of Agricultural Publications 3(1-2): 117-124
  • Wricke G (1962). On a method of understanding the biolojical diversity in field research. Zoology Pflanzenzucht 47: 46-92
  • Yadav A, Yadav I S & Yadav C K (2014). Stability analysis of yield and related traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Legume Research 37(6): 641-645
  • Yucel D & Mart D (2014). Drought tolerance in chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 1: 1299-1303

Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods

Year 2018, , 431 - 438, 05.12.2018


This study was carried out to determine the productive responses of 10 chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes to different places and years. Hasanbey, Aksu, Seckin, Damla 89, Gulumser, Cagatay, Sezenbey, Inci, Gokce and Uzunlu 99 chickpea genotypes were used as plant material. This research was conducted in Yozgat, Kirikkale and Kirsehir Provinces of Turkey in 2014, 2015 and 2016. The experimental design was a randomized block with 4 replicates. Environmental variance, variation coefficient, ecovalance, stability variance, superiority measure, regression coefficient, deviation from regression and coefficient of determination methods were used for stability calculations. Aksu genotype had the highest stability level, whereas Seckin, Damla 89 and Uzunlu 99 chickpea genotypes also successfully grown with respect to stability parameters. Cagatay chickpea genotype showed the highest yield potential, if grown in ideal environmental conditions. To conclude, the ideal yield would be obtained in the event that the requirements of if the genotypes are fulfilled by desired environmental conditions.


  • Abbas G, Atta B M, Shah T M, Sadiq M S & Haq M A (2008). Stability analysis for seed yield in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.). Wilczek Journal of Agriculture Research 46: 223-228
  • Acikgoz N & Acikgoz N (1994). Determination of the effects of different sowing time and varieties on the formation of yield by path analysis. Field Crops Congress 1: 121-125
  • Acikgoz E, Ustun A, Gul I, Anlarsal E, Tekeli A S, Nizam I, Avcioglu R, Geren H, Cakmakci S, Aydinoglu B, Yucel C, Avci M, Acar Z, Ayan I, Uzun A, Bilgili U, Sincik M & Yavuz M (2009). Genotype x Environment interaction and stability analysis for dry matter and seed yield in field pea (Pisum sativum L.). Spanish Journal of Agriculture Research 7: 96-106
  • Aleksoska A, Miceska G, Gveroska B, Dimitrieski M & Aleksoski J (2015). Stability of the yield in commercial tobacco varieties in Republic of Macedonia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture Natural 2: 1391-1395
  • Ali Y & Sarwar G (2008). Genotype x Environment interaction of cowpea genotypes. International Journal of Environment Research 2(2): 125-132
  • Altinbas M & Sepetoglu H (1994). A study on the determination of stability parameters for seed yield and some agronomic properties in lentil (Lens culinaris Med.). The first Field Crops Congress 4: 116-120
  • Altinbas M, Sepetoglu H & Karasu A (1999). A Research on fertility effects of chickpea under different environmental conditions. The First Field Crops Congress, 25-29 April 1994, Izmir 3: 348-353
  • Arshad M, Bakhsh A, Haqqani A M & Bashir M (2003). Genotype x Environment interaction for grain yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 35: 181-186
  • Atta B M & Shah T M (2009). Stability analysis of elite chickpea genotypes tested under diverse. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3: 249-256
  • Babagil G E (2013). Assessment of effectiveness degrees of the factors affecting the yield of some chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes by path analysis. Indian Journal of Agriculture Science 83: 1205
  • Bakhsh A, Arshad M & Haqqani A M (2006). Effect of Genotype x Environment interaction on relationship between grain yield and its components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(3): 683-690
  • Becker H C & Leon J (1988). Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breeding 101: 1-23
  • Comstock R E & Moll R H (1963). Genotype x Environment Interactions. Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding NAS-NRC Publ No: 982, Washington DC., pp. 164-196
  • Costa J M, Bollero V S & Pandey P L (2004). Stability for grain yield of barley genotypes under rainfed conditions. Advance in Plant Science 12: 27-30
  • Eberhart S A & Russel W A (1966). Stabilty parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Science 6: 36-40
  • Farshadfar E, Farshadfar M & Kiani M (2011). Involvement of chromosome 5R carrying the genes controlling yield and yield stability in rye (Secale Cereale cv. Imperial). European Journal of Science Research 59(3): 352-360
  • Finlay K M & Wilkinson G N (1963). The analysis of adaptation a plant-breeding programme. Australian Journal of Agriculture Research 14: 742-754
  • Francis T R & Kannenberg L W (1978). “Yield stability studies in short season maize 1, A Descriptive method for grouping genotypes”, Canadian Plant Science 58: 1029-1034
  • Garcia Del Moral L F, Rharrabti Y, Villegas D & Royo C (2003). Evaluation of grain yield and its components in drum wheat under Mediterranean conditions: an ontogenic approach. Agrononomy Journal 95: 266274
  • Kabak D & Akcura M (2017). Evaluation of the interrelationship among grain yield traits of rye landraces population collected from Bingol province using biplot analysis. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(2): 227-235
  • Karasu A, Oz M, Goksoy A T & Turan Z M (2009). Genotype by environment interactions stability and heritability of seed yield and certain agronomical traits in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). African Journal of Biotechnology 8(4): 580-590
  • Kilic H (2014). Assessment of advanced durum wheat lines for yield and some quality traits at different environments. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 1(2): 194-201
  • Lin C C & Binns M R (1988). A superiority measure of cultivar performance for cultivar x location data. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 68: 193-198
  • Lin C C, Binns M R & Lefkovitch L P (1996). Stability Analysis: Where Do We Stand? Crop Science 26: 894-900 Pinthus M J (1973). Estimate of genetic value: Proposed methods. Euphytica 22: 121-123
  • Sabanduzen B & Akcura M (2017). Evaluation of grain yield and yield components of oat genotypes in Canakkale conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(2): 101-108
  • Saidi A, Ookawa T, Motobayashi T & Hirasawa T (2008). Effects of soil moisture conditions before heading on growth of wheat plants under drought conditions in the ripening stage: insufficient soil moisture conditions before heading render wheat plants more resistant to drought to ripening. Plant Production Science 11: 403-411
  • Sehirali S & Ozgen M (1988). Plant Breeding. University of Ankara Faculty of Agricultural Publications 1059, Textbook: 310, Ankara
  • Shukla G K (1972). “Some statistical aspects of partitioning genotype x environmental components of variability”. Heredity 29: 237-245
  • Silim S N & Saxena M C (1993). Yield and water use efficiency of faba bean sown at two row spacings and seed densities. Expriment Agriculture 29: 173-181
  • Singh R (2016). Productivity enhancement of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through improved production technologies on farmer’s field. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(10): 1357-1360
  • Singh K B & Bejiga G (1990). Analysis of stability for some characters in kabuli chickpea. Euphytica 49: 223-227
  • Singh T, Paswan S & Tyag J P (2010). Effect of environmental stresses on certain quality traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80(12): 1089-1091
  • Tsenov N, Gubatov T, Atanasova D, Nankova M & Ivanova A (2015). Genotype x Environment effects on the productivity traits of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) II. Analysis of genotype reaction. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 1: 1198-1208
  • Unay A I, Turgut H, Surek H & Korkut K Z (1990). Stability analysis on some properties in rice. University of Ankara Faculty of Agricultural Publications 3(1-2): 117-124
  • Wricke G (1962). On a method of understanding the biolojical diversity in field research. Zoology Pflanzenzucht 47: 46-92
  • Yadav A, Yadav I S & Yadav C K (2014). Stability analysis of yield and related traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Legume Research 37(6): 641-645
  • Yucel D & Mart D (2014). Drought tolerance in chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 1: 1299-1303
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ömer Sözen

Ufuk Karadavut This is me

Publication Date December 5, 2018
Submission Date July 26, 2017
Acceptance Date October 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Sözen, Ö., & Karadavut, U. (2018). Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(4), 431-438.
AMA Sözen Ö, Karadavut U. Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2018;24(4):431-438. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.490930
Chicago Sözen, Ömer, and Ufuk Karadavut. “Determination of Genotype X Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 4 (December 2018): 431-38.
EndNote Sözen Ö, Karadavut U (December 1, 2018) Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 4 431–438.
IEEE Ö. Sözen and U. Karadavut, “Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 431–438, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.490930.
ISNAD Sözen, Ömer - Karadavut, Ufuk. “Determination of Genotype X Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/4 (December 2018), 431-438.
JAMA Sözen Ö, Karadavut U. Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:431–438.
MLA Sözen, Ömer and Ufuk Karadavut. “Determination of Genotype X Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 4, 2018, pp. 431-8, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.490930.
Vancouver Sözen Ö, Karadavut U. Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(4):431-8.

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