Research Article
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Year 2022, , 139 - 144, 25.02.2022



  • Ahmadi M, Mirzaei A, Sharifiyazdi H, Hajibemani A & Ghasrodashti A R (2015). Pituitary-specific transcription factor 1 (Pit-1) polymorphism and its association on milk production and some reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 166: 127-131
  • Aytekin I & Boztepe S (2013). Associations of Pit-1 gene polymorphism with milk yield and composition traits in brown swiss cattle. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 23: 1281-1289
  • Bayram D, Arslan K, Akyüz B & İşcan K M (2017). Identification of pituitary-specific transcription factor-1 (PIT-1) and leptin gene (LEP) polymorphism of Holstein cattle reared in Turkey. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64: 337-343
  • Biranvand Z, Nassiri M, Mamouei M, Mirzadeh K & Mohammadi K (2010). The Study of Pit1 gene polymorphism in the Najdi cattle using PCR-RFLP method. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9: 2001-2003
  • Carrijo S M, Alencar M M , Toral F L & Regitano L C (2008). Association of PIT1 genotypes with growth traits in Canchim cattle. Scientia Agricola 65: 116-121.
  • Carsai T C, Balteanu V A, Vlaic A & Cosier V (2012). The polymorphism of pituitary factor 1 (POU1F1) in cattle. Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies 45: 142-146
  • Chauhan A, Tiwari M, Singh S P, Sharma D, Kumar S & Goel R (2015). Association of PIT-1 gene polymorphism with milk production traits in Sahiwal cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85: 610-612
  • Cohen L E, Wondisford F E & Radovick S (1996). Role of Pit-1 in the gene expression of growth hormone, prolactin, and thyrotropin. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 25: 523-540
  • Coşier V, Vlaic A & Gaboreanu I (2007). HinfI polymorphism of k-casein and Pit1 genes in Romanian Simmental cattle. Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies 40: 59-64
  • Curi R A, Palmieri D A, Suguisawa L, Oliveira H N, Silveira A C & Lopes C R (2006). Growth and carcass traits associated with GH1/Alu I and POU1F1/Hinf I gene polymorphisms in Zebu and crossbred beef cattle. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29: 56-61
  • Dybus A, Szatkowska I, Czerniawska-Piątkowska E, Grzesiak W, Wójcik J & Rzewucka E (2004). PIT1-HinfI gene polymorphism and its associations with milk production traits in polish Black-and-White cattle. Archives Animal Breeding 47: 557-563
  • Ebrahimi Hoseinzadeh Z, Mohammadabadi M, Esmailizadeh A & Khezri A (2015). Association of PIT1 gene and milk protein percentage in Holstein cattle. Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies 3: 40-49
  • Edriss V, Edriss M, Rahmani H & Sayed-Tabatabaei B (2008). Pit-1 gene polymorphism of Holstein cows in Isfahan Province. Biotechnology 7: 209-212
  • Gökcan G (2019). Associations between (Pit-1/ HinfI) gene polymorphism and some fattening performance characteristics in holstein cattle. MSc Thesis, Selcuk University (Published), Konya, Turkey
  • Hartati H, Anwar S & Soewandi B (2018). Genetic polymorphism of Pit-1| HinfI gene in Grati-Ongole Grade cattle at Indonesian Beef Cattle Research Station. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 43: 315-322
  • Heidari M, Azari M, Hasani S, Khanahmadi A & Zerehdaran S (2012). Effect of polymorphic variants of GH, Pit-1, and β-LG genes on milk production of Holstein cows. Russian journal of genetics 48: 417-421
  • Hori-Oshima S & Barreras-Serrano A (2003). Relationships between DGAT1 and Pit-1 genes polymorphism and milk yield in Holstein cattle. Proceedings-American Society of Animal Science Western Section 54: 129-131
  • Jakaria J & Noor R R (2015). Identification of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism at Hinf-1 Enzyme Restriction Site of Pit-1 Gene on Indonesian Bali Cattle Population. Media Peternakan 38: 104-109
  • Javanmard A, Asadzadeh N, Bana B M & Tavakolian J (2005). The allele and genotype frequencies of bovine pituitary-specific transcription factor and leptin genes in Iranian cattle and buffalo populations using PCR-RFLP. Iranian Journal Biotechnology 3(2): 104-108
  • Jawasreh KI, Awawdeh F, Rawashdeh I, Hejazeen F & Al-Talib M (2009). The allele and genotype frequencies of bovine pituitary specific transcription factor and leptin genes in Jordanian cattle population by using PCR-RFLP. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3: 1601-1606
  • Kai X, Hong C, Shan W, Xin C, Bo L & Zhang C F (2006). Effect of genetic variations of the POU1F1 gene on growth traits of Nanyang cattle. Acta Genetica Sinica 33: 901-907
  • Mattos K K, Del Lama S N, Martinez M L & Freitas A F (2004). Association of bGH and Pit-1 gene variants with milk production traits in dairy Gyr bulls. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 39: 147-150
  • Misrianti R, Sumantri C & Farajallah A (2011). Polymorphism identification of Pit1 gene in Indonesian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and Holstein-Friesian cows. Media Peternakan 33: 131
  • Moody D, Pomp D & Barendse W (1995). Restriction fragment length polymorphism in amplification products of the bovine PIT1 gene and assignment of PIT1 to bovine chromosome 1. Animal Genetics 26: 45-47
  • Moravcíková N, Trakovická A, Miluchová M, Bujko J & Navrátilová A (2013). HinfI polymorphism of PIT-1 gene in Slovak spotted cattle. The Journal of Microbiology. Biotechnology and Food Sciences 2(1): 1883-1890
  • Mukesh M, Sodhi M, Sobti R, Prakash B, Kaushik R & Aggarwal R (2008). Analysis of bovine pituitary specific transcription factor-HinfI gene polymorphism in Indian zebuine cattle. Livestock Science 113: 81-86
  • Oprządek J & Flisikowski K (2003). Polymorphisms at loci of leptin (LEP), Pit1 and STAT5A and their association with growth, feed conversion. Animal Science Papers and Reports 21: 135-145
  • Özdemir M (2012). Determination of Pit-1/Hinf1 Polymorphism in Holstein and Native Ear cattle raised as genetic resource in Turkey. Journal Animal and Plant Science 22: 25-28
  • Pytlewski J, Antkowiak I & Czerniawska-Piątkowska E (2018). Relationship of PIT-1 gene polymorphism with breeding parameters and body weights of cows and calves. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 50(1): 183-187
  • Renaville R, Gengler N, Vrech E, Prandi A, Massart S & Corradini C (1997). Pit-1 gene polymorphism, milk yield, and conformation traits for Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls. Journal of Dairy Science 80: 3431-3438
  • Thuy N, Thu N, Cuong N, Ty L, Nguyen T & Khoa D (2018). Polymorphism of PIT-1 and Prolactin Genes and Their Effects on Milk Yield in Holstein Frisian Dairy Cows Bred in Vietnam. Russian Journal of Genetics 54: 346-352
  • Trakovická A, Moravčíková N, Minarovič T & Navrátilová A (2015). SNPs analyses of the bovine LEP and PIT-1 genes by multiplex PCR-RFLP method and their effect on milk performance traits in Slovak Simmental cattle. Journal of Central European Agriculture 16: 65-75
  • Vargas L, Gana V & Escudero I (2004). Pit-1 gene polymorphism in dairy cows from Central Chile. Archivos de Zootecnia 53: 217-220
  • Williams J (2005). The use of marker-assisted selection in animal breeding and biotechnology. Revue Scientifique et Technique-Office International des Epizooties 24: 379
  • Woollard J, Schmitz C, Freeman A & Tuggle C (1994). Rapid communication: HinfI polymorphism at the bovine Pit-1 locus. Journal of Animal Science 72: 3267-3267
  • Yan L J, Liu B, Fang X T, Chen H, Zhang R F & Bao B (2006). Analysis of POU1F1 gene polymorphisms in Qinchuan cattle and Chinese Holstein cattle. Hereditas 28: 1371-1375
  • Yasemin Ö, Yilmaz O, Hayrettin O, Nezih A, Yilmazbaş-Mecİtoğlu G & Keskin A (2017). Associations between GH, PRL, STAT5A, OPN, PIT-1, LEP and FGF2 polymorphisms and fertility in Holstein-Friesian heifers. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 23: 527-534.
  • Yeh F C, Rongcai Y, Boyle T, Ye Z & Xiyan J M (1997). POPGENE, The User-friendly Shareware for Population Genetic Analysis. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Centre. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  • Zakizadeh S, Reissmann M, Rahimi G, Javaremi A N, Reinecke P & Mirae-Ashtiani S (2007). Polymorphism of bovine POU1F1 gene: allele frequencies and effects on milk production in three Iranian native breeds and Holstein cattle of Iran. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10: 2575-2578
  • Zhang C, Liu B, Chen H, Lan X, Lei C & Zhang Z (2009). Associations of a HinfI PCR-RFLP of POU1F1 Gene with Growth Traits in Qinchuan Cattle. Animal Biotechnology 20: 71-74
  • Zhao Q, Davis M E & Hines H C (2004). Associations of polymorphisms in the Pit-1 gene with growth and carcass traits in Angus beef cattle. Journal of animal science 82(8): 2229-2233

Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey

Year 2022, , 139 - 144, 25.02.2022


The aim of this study is to determine the genetic variation of the Pit 1 gene and comparison polymorphisms between four cattle breeds (Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, and Simmental). A total of two hundred animals were used for this purpose in four different cattle breeds, each with 50 heads. Genetic variations between breeds were identified via RFLP method by PCR. The allele frequency A and B for Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, and Simmental was 0.260, 0.740; 0.320, 0.680; 0.100, 0.900; 0.230, 0.770 respectively. While the genotype frequency AA, AB and BB for Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, and Simmental was 0.10, 0.32 and 0.62; 0.10, 0.44 and 0.46; 0.00, 0.20 and 0.80; 0.10, 0.26 and 0.64 respectively. According to the chi-square test, all breeds were found to be in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05). As a result, it can be said that with a more comprehensive study that will include economic traits in these breeds, revealing association analyses would be more informative in the future.


  • Ahmadi M, Mirzaei A, Sharifiyazdi H, Hajibemani A & Ghasrodashti A R (2015). Pituitary-specific transcription factor 1 (Pit-1) polymorphism and its association on milk production and some reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 166: 127-131
  • Aytekin I & Boztepe S (2013). Associations of Pit-1 gene polymorphism with milk yield and composition traits in brown swiss cattle. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 23: 1281-1289
  • Bayram D, Arslan K, Akyüz B & İşcan K M (2017). Identification of pituitary-specific transcription factor-1 (PIT-1) and leptin gene (LEP) polymorphism of Holstein cattle reared in Turkey. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64: 337-343
  • Biranvand Z, Nassiri M, Mamouei M, Mirzadeh K & Mohammadi K (2010). The Study of Pit1 gene polymorphism in the Najdi cattle using PCR-RFLP method. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9: 2001-2003
  • Carrijo S M, Alencar M M , Toral F L & Regitano L C (2008). Association of PIT1 genotypes with growth traits in Canchim cattle. Scientia Agricola 65: 116-121.
  • Carsai T C, Balteanu V A, Vlaic A & Cosier V (2012). The polymorphism of pituitary factor 1 (POU1F1) in cattle. Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies 45: 142-146
  • Chauhan A, Tiwari M, Singh S P, Sharma D, Kumar S & Goel R (2015). Association of PIT-1 gene polymorphism with milk production traits in Sahiwal cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85: 610-612
  • Cohen L E, Wondisford F E & Radovick S (1996). Role of Pit-1 in the gene expression of growth hormone, prolactin, and thyrotropin. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 25: 523-540
  • Coşier V, Vlaic A & Gaboreanu I (2007). HinfI polymorphism of k-casein and Pit1 genes in Romanian Simmental cattle. Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies 40: 59-64
  • Curi R A, Palmieri D A, Suguisawa L, Oliveira H N, Silveira A C & Lopes C R (2006). Growth and carcass traits associated with GH1/Alu I and POU1F1/Hinf I gene polymorphisms in Zebu and crossbred beef cattle. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29: 56-61
  • Dybus A, Szatkowska I, Czerniawska-Piątkowska E, Grzesiak W, Wójcik J & Rzewucka E (2004). PIT1-HinfI gene polymorphism and its associations with milk production traits in polish Black-and-White cattle. Archives Animal Breeding 47: 557-563
  • Ebrahimi Hoseinzadeh Z, Mohammadabadi M, Esmailizadeh A & Khezri A (2015). Association of PIT1 gene and milk protein percentage in Holstein cattle. Journal of Livestock Science and Technologies 3: 40-49
  • Edriss V, Edriss M, Rahmani H & Sayed-Tabatabaei B (2008). Pit-1 gene polymorphism of Holstein cows in Isfahan Province. Biotechnology 7: 209-212
  • Gökcan G (2019). Associations between (Pit-1/ HinfI) gene polymorphism and some fattening performance characteristics in holstein cattle. MSc Thesis, Selcuk University (Published), Konya, Turkey
  • Hartati H, Anwar S & Soewandi B (2018). Genetic polymorphism of Pit-1| HinfI gene in Grati-Ongole Grade cattle at Indonesian Beef Cattle Research Station. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 43: 315-322
  • Heidari M, Azari M, Hasani S, Khanahmadi A & Zerehdaran S (2012). Effect of polymorphic variants of GH, Pit-1, and β-LG genes on milk production of Holstein cows. Russian journal of genetics 48: 417-421
  • Hori-Oshima S & Barreras-Serrano A (2003). Relationships between DGAT1 and Pit-1 genes polymorphism and milk yield in Holstein cattle. Proceedings-American Society of Animal Science Western Section 54: 129-131
  • Jakaria J & Noor R R (2015). Identification of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism at Hinf-1 Enzyme Restriction Site of Pit-1 Gene on Indonesian Bali Cattle Population. Media Peternakan 38: 104-109
  • Javanmard A, Asadzadeh N, Bana B M & Tavakolian J (2005). The allele and genotype frequencies of bovine pituitary-specific transcription factor and leptin genes in Iranian cattle and buffalo populations using PCR-RFLP. Iranian Journal Biotechnology 3(2): 104-108
  • Jawasreh KI, Awawdeh F, Rawashdeh I, Hejazeen F & Al-Talib M (2009). The allele and genotype frequencies of bovine pituitary specific transcription factor and leptin genes in Jordanian cattle population by using PCR-RFLP. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3: 1601-1606
  • Kai X, Hong C, Shan W, Xin C, Bo L & Zhang C F (2006). Effect of genetic variations of the POU1F1 gene on growth traits of Nanyang cattle. Acta Genetica Sinica 33: 901-907
  • Mattos K K, Del Lama S N, Martinez M L & Freitas A F (2004). Association of bGH and Pit-1 gene variants with milk production traits in dairy Gyr bulls. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 39: 147-150
  • Misrianti R, Sumantri C & Farajallah A (2011). Polymorphism identification of Pit1 gene in Indonesian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and Holstein-Friesian cows. Media Peternakan 33: 131
  • Moody D, Pomp D & Barendse W (1995). Restriction fragment length polymorphism in amplification products of the bovine PIT1 gene and assignment of PIT1 to bovine chromosome 1. Animal Genetics 26: 45-47
  • Moravcíková N, Trakovická A, Miluchová M, Bujko J & Navrátilová A (2013). HinfI polymorphism of PIT-1 gene in Slovak spotted cattle. The Journal of Microbiology. Biotechnology and Food Sciences 2(1): 1883-1890
  • Mukesh M, Sodhi M, Sobti R, Prakash B, Kaushik R & Aggarwal R (2008). Analysis of bovine pituitary specific transcription factor-HinfI gene polymorphism in Indian zebuine cattle. Livestock Science 113: 81-86
  • Oprządek J & Flisikowski K (2003). Polymorphisms at loci of leptin (LEP), Pit1 and STAT5A and their association with growth, feed conversion. Animal Science Papers and Reports 21: 135-145
  • Özdemir M (2012). Determination of Pit-1/Hinf1 Polymorphism in Holstein and Native Ear cattle raised as genetic resource in Turkey. Journal Animal and Plant Science 22: 25-28
  • Pytlewski J, Antkowiak I & Czerniawska-Piątkowska E (2018). Relationship of PIT-1 gene polymorphism with breeding parameters and body weights of cows and calves. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 50(1): 183-187
  • Renaville R, Gengler N, Vrech E, Prandi A, Massart S & Corradini C (1997). Pit-1 gene polymorphism, milk yield, and conformation traits for Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls. Journal of Dairy Science 80: 3431-3438
  • Thuy N, Thu N, Cuong N, Ty L, Nguyen T & Khoa D (2018). Polymorphism of PIT-1 and Prolactin Genes and Their Effects on Milk Yield in Holstein Frisian Dairy Cows Bred in Vietnam. Russian Journal of Genetics 54: 346-352
  • Trakovická A, Moravčíková N, Minarovič T & Navrátilová A (2015). SNPs analyses of the bovine LEP and PIT-1 genes by multiplex PCR-RFLP method and their effect on milk performance traits in Slovak Simmental cattle. Journal of Central European Agriculture 16: 65-75
  • Vargas L, Gana V & Escudero I (2004). Pit-1 gene polymorphism in dairy cows from Central Chile. Archivos de Zootecnia 53: 217-220
  • Williams J (2005). The use of marker-assisted selection in animal breeding and biotechnology. Revue Scientifique et Technique-Office International des Epizooties 24: 379
  • Woollard J, Schmitz C, Freeman A & Tuggle C (1994). Rapid communication: HinfI polymorphism at the bovine Pit-1 locus. Journal of Animal Science 72: 3267-3267
  • Yan L J, Liu B, Fang X T, Chen H, Zhang R F & Bao B (2006). Analysis of POU1F1 gene polymorphisms in Qinchuan cattle and Chinese Holstein cattle. Hereditas 28: 1371-1375
  • Yasemin Ö, Yilmaz O, Hayrettin O, Nezih A, Yilmazbaş-Mecİtoğlu G & Keskin A (2017). Associations between GH, PRL, STAT5A, OPN, PIT-1, LEP and FGF2 polymorphisms and fertility in Holstein-Friesian heifers. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 23: 527-534.
  • Yeh F C, Rongcai Y, Boyle T, Ye Z & Xiyan J M (1997). POPGENE, The User-friendly Shareware for Population Genetic Analysis. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Centre. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  • Zakizadeh S, Reissmann M, Rahimi G, Javaremi A N, Reinecke P & Mirae-Ashtiani S (2007). Polymorphism of bovine POU1F1 gene: allele frequencies and effects on milk production in three Iranian native breeds and Holstein cattle of Iran. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10: 2575-2578
  • Zhang C, Liu B, Chen H, Lan X, Lei C & Zhang Z (2009). Associations of a HinfI PCR-RFLP of POU1F1 Gene with Growth Traits in Qinchuan Cattle. Animal Biotechnology 20: 71-74
  • Zhao Q, Davis M E & Hines H C (2004). Associations of polymorphisms in the Pit-1 gene with growth and carcass traits in Angus beef cattle. Journal of animal science 82(8): 2229-2233
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

İbrahim Aytekin 0000-0001-7769-0685

Marwan Fadhıl This is me 0000-0003-3268-864X

Publication Date February 25, 2022
Submission Date June 2, 2020
Acceptance Date October 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Aytekin, İ., & Fadhıl, M. (2022). Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(1), 139-144.
AMA Aytekin İ, Fadhıl M. Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. February 2022;28(1):139-144. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.747211
Chicago Aytekin, İbrahim, and Marwan Fadhıl. “Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 1 (February 2022): 139-44.
EndNote Aytekin İ, Fadhıl M (February 1, 2022) Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 1 139–144.
IEEE İ. Aytekin and M. Fadhıl, “Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 139–144, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.747211.
ISNAD Aytekin, İbrahim - Fadhıl, Marwan. “Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/1 (February 2022), 139-144.
JAMA Aytekin İ, Fadhıl M. Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:139–144.
MLA Aytekin, İbrahim and Marwan Fadhıl. “Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 1, 2022, pp. 139-44, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.747211.
Vancouver Aytekin İ, Fadhıl M. Pit-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Anatolian Black, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental Cattle Reared in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(1):139-44.

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