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Farklı Sulama Seviyelerinin Paprika Biberinde Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2016, , 77 - 88, 01.01.2016


Bu çalışma, Harran Ovası koşullarında paprika biberinde sulama suyu seviyesinin verim ve kalite üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Farklı sulama suyu düzeyleri 3 günde bir Class-A-Pan CAP ’dan olan kümülatif buharlaşmanın % 125 CAP125 , % 100 CAP100 , % 75 CAP75 ve % 50 CAP50 ’sinin damla sulama sistemi kullanılarak uygulanması şeklinde oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca IRSIS paket programına göre oluşturulan bir sulama programı da IRSIS sulama konusu olarak seçilmiştir. Denemede üç paprika biber çeşidi Ace, King ve Queens kullanılmıştır. IRSIS konusundaki sulama suyu ve bitki su tüketimi ET değerleri sırasıyla 874 mm ve 908 mm’ dir. CAP - CAP50 konularına uygulanan sulama suyu ve ET değerleri ise sırasıyla, 568-254 mm ve 602-368 mm aralığında değişim göstermiştir. En yüksek verim 25.63 t ha-1 ile IRSIS Irrigation Scheduling Information System sulamasından elde edilirken en düşük verim 11.72 t ha-1 ile CAP50 sulamasından elde edilmiştir. Çeşit, sulama ve çeşit x sulama interaksiyonun verim üzerine etkileri istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Ortalama nem, ASTA, kapsaisin, C-vitamini ve beta-karoten içeriği değerleri sırasıyla % 84.1, 261.1, 0.4 mg kg-1, 1890.4 mg kg-1 and 98.9 mg kg-1 olarak elde edilmiştir. Beta-karoten içerikleri çeşit, sulama ve interaksiyonlardan önemli düzeyde etkilenmemiştir. Sulama ve interaksiyonların C vitamin ve kapsaisin üzerine etkileri de önemsizken çeşidin C vitamini ve kapsaisin üzerine etkileri P


  • ASTA (1997). American Spice Trade Assiciation, Official Anaythical Methods of the American Spice Trade Association
  • Ruckeman (1980). Bestimmung von L-Ascorbinsäure mittels Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie (HPLC), Lebensm Unters Forsch, 171: 446-448
  • Bracy R P, Ediling R J & Moser E B (1995). Drip- irrigation management and fertizilition of bell pepper in a humid area. Procedings of V. International Conference on Micro Irrigation, Orlondo, Florida, pp. 181-185
  • Burt J (2006). Growing Capsicums and Chillies. Available in [20 March 2007]
  • Bushway R J (1986). Determination of beta-carotene in some raw fruits and vegetables by high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 34: 409-412
  • Cevik B, Abak K, Sari N, Kirda C & Topaloglu F (1996). Harran ovası koşullarında damla sulama yöntemiyle sulanan sebzelerde farklı su düzeylerinin verim ve kaliteye etkileri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yayın No: 169, Adana
  • Degirmenci V & Sozbilici Y (1995). GAP Bölgesi Harran ovası koşullarında biberin sulama programı. Toprak ve Su kaynakları Araştırma yıllığı 1996. T.C. Başbakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü APK Daire Başkanlığı Toprak ve Su kaynakları Araştırma Şube Müdürlüğü Yayınları No: 98, Ankara
  • Delfine S, Loreto F, Centritto M, Santarelli G & Alvino A (2000). Effects of water stress on the yield and photosynthesis of field-grown sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L). Acta Horticulture 537: 223– 229
  • FAOSTAT (2005). Agriculture Database: htpp://apps.Fao. org
  • Jaimez R E, Rada F & Caria Nunez C (1999). The effect of irrigation frequency on water and carbon relations in three cultivars of sweet pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacp) in a tropical semiarid region. Scientica Horticulture 81: 301-308
  • Kirnak H, Kaya C, Higgs D & Taş I (2003). Responses of drip irrigated bell pepper to water stress and different nitrogen levels with or without mulch cover. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26: 263-277
  • Langmead P (2003). Appraisal of diversification opportunities, The Zambian Paprika Case Study. AGS Project 214A1, FAO
  • Palada M C & O’Keefe D A (2001). Response of hot pepper cultivars to levels of drip irrigation in the Virgin Islands. Proceedings of Caribbean Food Crops Society 37: 190-196
  • Palada M C, Crossman S M A & Collingwood C D (2001). Raising vegetable production with micro-irrigation. International Water & Irrigation 21(2): 41-44
  • Palada M C, O’Keefe D A & Mitchell J M (2003). Yield and water use of hot peppers under three irrigation regimes. Horticultural Science 38: 707-710
  • Park S H & Jung H W (2000). Optimal irrigation scheduling of dripper system in the rainfed area. Proceeding of VI International Conference on Micro Irrigation, Capetown South Africa, Oct 22-27
  • Rista L M, Sillon M & Fornasero L (1995). Effect of different irrigation strategies on the mortaily of pepper by phytophtora capsici leonian in greenhouses. Horticulture Argentina 14: 44-51
  • Sezen S M, Yazar A & Eker S (2006). Effect of drip irrigation regimes on yield and quality of filed grown bell pepper. Agricultural Water Management 81: 115- 131
  • Shmueli M & Goldberg D (1972). Response of trickle- irrigated pepper in an arid zone to various water regimes. HortScience 7: 241-243
  • U.S Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils: U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 60, 160 p
  • Wierenga P J & Hendrickx J M H (1985). Yield and quality of trickle-irrigated chili peppers. Agricultural Water Management 9(4): 339-356
  • Yildirim O, Yanmaz R, Aldemir D & Atak H (1994). Damla yöntemiyle sulanan biber bitkisinde uygun sulama aralığı ve sulama suyu ihtiyacının belirlenmesi. Ankara University Agricultural Faculty Publication No: 1372, Ankara
  • Yohannes F & Tadesse T (1998). Effects of drip and furrow irrigation and plant spacing on yield of tomato at dire dawa, Ethiopia. Agricultural Water Management 35: 201-207

Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels

Year 2016, , 77 - 88, 01.01.2016


This study was carried out to determine the effects of irrigation levels on yield and quality of paprika pepper under Harran plain conditions of Turkey. Different water stress levels under drip irrigation system were created by applying 125% of cumulative Class-A Pan evaporation CAP125 , 100% CAP100 , 75% CAP75 and 50% CAP50 of cumulative class-A-pan CAP evaporation in every 3 days. Besides, an irrigation treatment with IRSIS Irrigation Scheduling Information System computer program was created and applied as an alternative irrigation program. Three paprika pepper cultivars Ace, King and Queens were tested. Experiments were conducted in randomized blocks split plots design with 3 replications in 2005 at Koruklu Station of GAP Regional Development Administration located in Harran Plain of Şarlıurfa, Turkey. Applied irrigation water amount and ET Evapotranspiration values for IRSIS treatment were 874 mm and 908 mm, respectively. Applied irrigation amount and ET values of CAP125 and CAP50 were between 254-568 mm and 368-602 mm, respectively. The highest yield was obtained from IRSIS treatment with 25.63 t ha-1 and the lowest yield was obtained from CAP50 with 11.72 t ha-1. The yield was significantly affected by cultivar, irrigation and cultivar × irrigation interactions. The average moisture, ASTA American Spice Trade Association , capsaicin, vitamin C and beta-carotene contents were respectively varied between 83.96 – 84.76%, between 225.76–286.22 mg kg-1, between 1404.11–2408.11 mg kg-1 and between 77.88–113.00 mg kg-1. Beta-carotene contents were not affected significantly by the cultivars, irrigations and interactions. The effects of irrigation and interactions on vitamin C and capsaicin were not also significant while the effects of cultivar on vitamin C and capsaicin were significant at P


  • ASTA (1997). American Spice Trade Assiciation, Official Anaythical Methods of the American Spice Trade Association
  • Ruckeman (1980). Bestimmung von L-Ascorbinsäure mittels Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie (HPLC), Lebensm Unters Forsch, 171: 446-448
  • Bracy R P, Ediling R J & Moser E B (1995). Drip- irrigation management and fertizilition of bell pepper in a humid area. Procedings of V. International Conference on Micro Irrigation, Orlondo, Florida, pp. 181-185
  • Burt J (2006). Growing Capsicums and Chillies. Available in [20 March 2007]
  • Bushway R J (1986). Determination of beta-carotene in some raw fruits and vegetables by high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 34: 409-412
  • Cevik B, Abak K, Sari N, Kirda C & Topaloglu F (1996). Harran ovası koşullarında damla sulama yöntemiyle sulanan sebzelerde farklı su düzeylerinin verim ve kaliteye etkileri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yayın No: 169, Adana
  • Degirmenci V & Sozbilici Y (1995). GAP Bölgesi Harran ovası koşullarında biberin sulama programı. Toprak ve Su kaynakları Araştırma yıllığı 1996. T.C. Başbakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü APK Daire Başkanlığı Toprak ve Su kaynakları Araştırma Şube Müdürlüğü Yayınları No: 98, Ankara
  • Delfine S, Loreto F, Centritto M, Santarelli G & Alvino A (2000). Effects of water stress on the yield and photosynthesis of field-grown sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L). Acta Horticulture 537: 223– 229
  • FAOSTAT (2005). Agriculture Database: htpp://apps.Fao. org
  • Jaimez R E, Rada F & Caria Nunez C (1999). The effect of irrigation frequency on water and carbon relations in three cultivars of sweet pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacp) in a tropical semiarid region. Scientica Horticulture 81: 301-308
  • Kirnak H, Kaya C, Higgs D & Taş I (2003). Responses of drip irrigated bell pepper to water stress and different nitrogen levels with or without mulch cover. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26: 263-277
  • Langmead P (2003). Appraisal of diversification opportunities, The Zambian Paprika Case Study. AGS Project 214A1, FAO
  • Palada M C & O’Keefe D A (2001). Response of hot pepper cultivars to levels of drip irrigation in the Virgin Islands. Proceedings of Caribbean Food Crops Society 37: 190-196
  • Palada M C, Crossman S M A & Collingwood C D (2001). Raising vegetable production with micro-irrigation. International Water & Irrigation 21(2): 41-44
  • Palada M C, O’Keefe D A & Mitchell J M (2003). Yield and water use of hot peppers under three irrigation regimes. Horticultural Science 38: 707-710
  • Park S H & Jung H W (2000). Optimal irrigation scheduling of dripper system in the rainfed area. Proceeding of VI International Conference on Micro Irrigation, Capetown South Africa, Oct 22-27
  • Rista L M, Sillon M & Fornasero L (1995). Effect of different irrigation strategies on the mortaily of pepper by phytophtora capsici leonian in greenhouses. Horticulture Argentina 14: 44-51
  • Sezen S M, Yazar A & Eker S (2006). Effect of drip irrigation regimes on yield and quality of filed grown bell pepper. Agricultural Water Management 81: 115- 131
  • Shmueli M & Goldberg D (1972). Response of trickle- irrigated pepper in an arid zone to various water regimes. HortScience 7: 241-243
  • U.S Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils: U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 60, 160 p
  • Wierenga P J & Hendrickx J M H (1985). Yield and quality of trickle-irrigated chili peppers. Agricultural Water Management 9(4): 339-356
  • Yildirim O, Yanmaz R, Aldemir D & Atak H (1994). Damla yöntemiyle sulanan biber bitkisinde uygun sulama aralığı ve sulama suyu ihtiyacının belirlenmesi. Ankara University Agricultural Faculty Publication No: 1372, Ankara
  • Yohannes F & Tadesse T (1998). Effects of drip and furrow irrigation and plant spacing on yield of tomato at dire dawa, Ethiopia. Agricultural Water Management 35: 201-207
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Halil Kırnak This is me

Zeki Gökalp This is me

Hüseyin Demir This is me

Süleyman Kodal This is me

Ersoy Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Kırnak, H., Gökalp, Z., Demir, H., Kodal, S., et al. (2016). Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(1), 77-88.
AMA Kırnak H, Gökalp Z, Demir H, Kodal S, Yıldırım E. Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2016;22(1):77-88. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001370
Chicago Kırnak, Halil, Zeki Gökalp, Hüseyin Demir, Süleyman Kodal, and Ersoy Yıldırım. “Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality As Affected by Different Irrigation Levels”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 1 (January 2016): 77-88.
EndNote Kırnak H, Gökalp Z, Demir H, Kodal S, Yıldırım E (January 1, 2016) Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 1 77–88.
IEEE H. Kırnak, Z. Gökalp, H. Demir, S. Kodal, and E. Yıldırım, “Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 77–88, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001370.
ISNAD Kırnak, Halil et al. “Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality As Affected by Different Irrigation Levels”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/1 (January 2016), 77-88.
JAMA Kırnak H, Gökalp Z, Demir H, Kodal S, Yıldırım E. Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:77–88.
MLA Kırnak, Halil et al. “Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality As Affected by Different Irrigation Levels”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 1, 2016, pp. 77-88, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001370.
Vancouver Kırnak H, Gökalp Z, Demir H, Kodal S, Yıldırım E. Paprika Pepper Yield and Quality as Affected by Different Irrigation Levels. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(1):77-88.

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