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Keçi Genotiplerinin Eimeria Türleri ve Mide-Bağırsak Nematodları ile Doğal Enfestasyonlarının Karşılaştırılması

Year 2016, , 522 - 527, 01.09.2016


Keçilerde koksidiyal ookist OPG ve parazit yumurtası EPG yükü ırk, cinsiyet, mevsim, yetiştirme sistemi gibi etmenlere göre değişebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Gökçeada, Malta ve Türk Saanen keçi genotiplerinde üç yıl süreyle OPG, EPG ve kan hematokrit değeri PCV takip edilmiştir. Malta genotipi iç parazit yumurtası bakımından diğer keçi genotiplerinden önemli derecede düşük düzeyde yüke sahip olmuştur P≤0.05 . Gökçeada keçilerinin ilk gözlemde Eimeria ve mide bağırsak kıl kurtları bakımından prevalansı % 100 olurken, Malta genotipinde Eimeria’da % 98, mide1. IntroductionParasite diseases are the leading cause of the losses in sheep husbandry. It was reported that 60% of the losses in sheep husbandry in USA are due to parasite diseases Charon 2004 . Thus, research on the parasites has been steadily increasing lately. The most common method of controlling parasites is the use of drugs. However, factors such as parasite resistance and risk of residues make these control methods questionable. Therefore, in the recent years, different approaches have been adopted to determine resistance or tolerance to parasites among breeds or individuals. There are reports of genetic variation of resistance on gastrointestinal parasites between and within goat breeds Chhabra & Pandey 1991; Pralomkarn et al 1997; Baker et al 1998; Baker et al 2001 . The studies in the last twenty years have shown that, by selection, it may be possible to get resistant or tolerant animals to parasite diseases Bishop & Stear 1997; Gauly & Erhardt 2002; Cardellino et al 2002 .Coccidiosis, caused by the protozoa of Eimeridae family, is a contagious disease that may OPG and EPG, and packed cell volume PCV .bağırsak kıl kurtları içinse % 78’lik bir prevalans tespit edilmiştir. OPG ve EPG yükü keçilerin yaşı ve örnekleme tarihine göre istatistiksel olarak önemli düzeyde farklılık göstermiştir P≤0.0193 . Keçi yaşı ilerledikçe OPG yükü azalırken P= 0.0157 EPG değerinin keçi yaşlarında sistemli olmasa da farklılaştığı görülmüştür P


  • Arslan M Ö & Tüzer E (1998). Prevalence of bovine eimeridosis in thracia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 22: 161-164
  • Baker R L, Mwamachi D M J, Audho J O, Aduda E O & Thorpe W (1998). Resistance of galla and Small East African goats in the sub-humid tropics to gastrointestinal nematode infections and the peri- parturient rise in faecal egg counts. Veterinary Parasitology 79: 53-64
  • Baker R L, Audho J O, Aduda E O & Thorpe W (2001). Genetic resistance to gastro-intestinal nematode parasites in Galla and Small East African goats in the sub-humid tropics. Animal Science 73: 61-70
  • Balicka-Ramisz A (1999). Studies on coccidiosis in goats in Poland. Veterinary Parasitology 81: 347-349
  • Bishop S C & Stear M J (1997). Modelling responses to selection for resistance to gasto-intestinal parasites in sheep. Animal Science 64: 469-478
  • Cardellino R A, Nari A & Castells D (2002). Animal health links to recording systems. Resistance to Internal Parasites in Sheep. ICAR technical series No:8 129- 141 URL: tec_series_8_interlaken.pdf
  • Charon K M (2004). Genes controlling resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes in ruminants. Animal Science Paper and Reports 22(1): 135-139
  • Chhabra R C & Pandey V S (1991). Coccidia of goats in Zimbabwe. Veterinary Parasitology 39: 199-205
  • Cork S C & Halliwell R W (2002). The veterinary laboratory and field manual. Nottingham University Press. ISBN: 1-897676-49-2 UK
  • Daş G, Ataşoğlu C, Akbağ H I, Tölü C, Yurtman İ Y & Savaş T (2012). Effects of kefir on coccidial oocysts excretion and performance of dairy goat kids following weaning. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44: 1049-1055
  • Değer S, Gül A, Ayaz E & Biçek K (2003). The prevalence of eimeria species in goats in Van. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Science 27: 439-442
  • Dinçer Ş (2001). Coccidiosis. 12. Ulusal Parazitoloji Kongresi Kongre Kitabı. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayın No: 17, İzmir
  • Eguale T, Mekonnen G A & Chaka H (2009). Evaluation of Variation in susceptibility of three Ethiopian faecal sheep breeds to experimental infection with Fasciola hepatica. Small Ruminant Research 82: 7-12
  • Gauly M & Erhardt G (2002). Changes in faecal trichostrongyle egg count and haematocrit in naturally infected Rhon sheep over two grazing periods and associations with biochemical polymorphisms. Small Ruminanat Research 44: 103-108
  • Goossens B, Osaer S, Kora S & Ndao M (1998). Haematological changes and antibody response in trypano tolerant sheep and goats following experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection. Veterinary Parasitology 79: 283-297
  • Gül A (2007). The prevalence of Eimeria species in goats in Iğdır. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 31(6): 411-414
  • Gül A & Değer S (2002). Van yöresinde koyunlarda bulunan Eimeria türleri ve bunların prevalansı. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 26: 859-864
  • Harper C K & Penzhorn B L (1999). Occurrence and diversity of coccidia in indigenous, Saanen and crossbred goats in South Africa. Veterinary Parasitology 82(1-2): 1-9
  • MAFF (1986). Manual veterinary parasitological laboratory techniques. 3rd edition. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London
  • Mandonnet N, Bachand M, Mahieu M, Arquet R, Baudron F, Abinne-Molza L,Varo H & Aumont G (2005). Impact on productivity of peri-parturient rise in faecal egg counts in Creole goats in the humid tropics. Veterinary Parasitology 134: 249-259
  • Pralomkarn W, Pandey V S, Ngampongsai W, Choldumrongkul S, Saithanoo S, Rattaanachon L & Verhulst A (1997). Genetic resistance of three genotypes of goats to experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. Veterinary Parasitology 68: 79-90
  • SAS (1999). Institute Inc., SAS OnlineDoc®, Version 8, Cary, NC
  • Sharkhuu T (2001). Helminths of goats in Mongolia. Veterinary Parasitology 101: 161-169
  • Tölü C (2009). Farklı keçi genotiplerinde davranış, sağlık ve performans özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Doktora tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), Çanakkale

A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds

Year 2016, , 522 - 527, 01.09.2016


The number of Eimeria oocysts per gram faeces OPG and number of gastrointestinal nematod GIN eggs per gram faeces EPG depend on some factors such as gender, season and production systems. In order to determine the Eimeria infection and some gastrointestinal nematode burdens in Maltese, Gökçeada and Turkish Saanen goats, OPG, EPG and packed cell volume PCV were investigated. Maltese breed tended to have lower parasite burden than other goat breeds P≤0.05 . In the first observation, the prevalence of Eimeria and nematodes was 100% in Gökçeada breed, while the prevalence of Eimeria and the prevalence of GIN infection were 98% and 78%, respectively, in Maltese. It was determined that OPG and EPG burdens were significantly affected by the age of goats and the sampling date P≤0.0193 . It was seen that OPG burden decreased as the goats get older P= 0.0157 , while EPG value varied by the age of a goat in an unsteady manner P


  • Arslan M Ö & Tüzer E (1998). Prevalence of bovine eimeridosis in thracia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 22: 161-164
  • Baker R L, Mwamachi D M J, Audho J O, Aduda E O & Thorpe W (1998). Resistance of galla and Small East African goats in the sub-humid tropics to gastrointestinal nematode infections and the peri- parturient rise in faecal egg counts. Veterinary Parasitology 79: 53-64
  • Baker R L, Audho J O, Aduda E O & Thorpe W (2001). Genetic resistance to gastro-intestinal nematode parasites in Galla and Small East African goats in the sub-humid tropics. Animal Science 73: 61-70
  • Balicka-Ramisz A (1999). Studies on coccidiosis in goats in Poland. Veterinary Parasitology 81: 347-349
  • Bishop S C & Stear M J (1997). Modelling responses to selection for resistance to gasto-intestinal parasites in sheep. Animal Science 64: 469-478
  • Cardellino R A, Nari A & Castells D (2002). Animal health links to recording systems. Resistance to Internal Parasites in Sheep. ICAR technical series No:8 129- 141 URL: tec_series_8_interlaken.pdf
  • Charon K M (2004). Genes controlling resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes in ruminants. Animal Science Paper and Reports 22(1): 135-139
  • Chhabra R C & Pandey V S (1991). Coccidia of goats in Zimbabwe. Veterinary Parasitology 39: 199-205
  • Cork S C & Halliwell R W (2002). The veterinary laboratory and field manual. Nottingham University Press. ISBN: 1-897676-49-2 UK
  • Daş G, Ataşoğlu C, Akbağ H I, Tölü C, Yurtman İ Y & Savaş T (2012). Effects of kefir on coccidial oocysts excretion and performance of dairy goat kids following weaning. Tropical Animal Health and Production 44: 1049-1055
  • Değer S, Gül A, Ayaz E & Biçek K (2003). The prevalence of eimeria species in goats in Van. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Science 27: 439-442
  • Dinçer Ş (2001). Coccidiosis. 12. Ulusal Parazitoloji Kongresi Kongre Kitabı. Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği Yayın No: 17, İzmir
  • Eguale T, Mekonnen G A & Chaka H (2009). Evaluation of Variation in susceptibility of three Ethiopian faecal sheep breeds to experimental infection with Fasciola hepatica. Small Ruminant Research 82: 7-12
  • Gauly M & Erhardt G (2002). Changes in faecal trichostrongyle egg count and haematocrit in naturally infected Rhon sheep over two grazing periods and associations with biochemical polymorphisms. Small Ruminanat Research 44: 103-108
  • Goossens B, Osaer S, Kora S & Ndao M (1998). Haematological changes and antibody response in trypano tolerant sheep and goats following experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection. Veterinary Parasitology 79: 283-297
  • Gül A (2007). The prevalence of Eimeria species in goats in Iğdır. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 31(6): 411-414
  • Gül A & Değer S (2002). Van yöresinde koyunlarda bulunan Eimeria türleri ve bunların prevalansı. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 26: 859-864
  • Harper C K & Penzhorn B L (1999). Occurrence and diversity of coccidia in indigenous, Saanen and crossbred goats in South Africa. Veterinary Parasitology 82(1-2): 1-9
  • MAFF (1986). Manual veterinary parasitological laboratory techniques. 3rd edition. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London
  • Mandonnet N, Bachand M, Mahieu M, Arquet R, Baudron F, Abinne-Molza L,Varo H & Aumont G (2005). Impact on productivity of peri-parturient rise in faecal egg counts in Creole goats in the humid tropics. Veterinary Parasitology 134: 249-259
  • Pralomkarn W, Pandey V S, Ngampongsai W, Choldumrongkul S, Saithanoo S, Rattaanachon L & Verhulst A (1997). Genetic resistance of three genotypes of goats to experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. Veterinary Parasitology 68: 79-90
  • SAS (1999). Institute Inc., SAS OnlineDoc®, Version 8, Cary, NC
  • Sharkhuu T (2001). Helminths of goats in Mongolia. Veterinary Parasitology 101: 161-169
  • Tölü C (2009). Farklı keçi genotiplerinde davranış, sağlık ve performans özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Doktora tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), Çanakkale
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Cemil Tölü This is me

Türker Savaş This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Tölü, C., & Savaş, T. (2016). A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(4), 522-527.
AMA Tölü C, Savaş T. A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2016;22(4):522-527. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001410
Chicago Tölü, Cemil, and Türker Savaş. “A Comparison of Natural Eimeria Spp. And Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 4 (September 2016): 522-27.
EndNote Tölü C, Savaş T (September 1, 2016) A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 4 522–527.
IEEE C. Tölü and T. Savaş, “A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 522–527, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001410.
ISNAD Tölü, Cemil - Savaş, Türker. “A Comparison of Natural Eimeria Spp. And Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/4 (September 2016), 522-527.
JAMA Tölü C, Savaş T. A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:522–527.
MLA Tölü, Cemil and Türker Savaş. “A Comparison of Natural Eimeria Spp. And Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 4, 2016, pp. 522-7, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001410.
Vancouver Tölü C, Savaş T. A Comparison of Natural Eimeria spp. and Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Goat Breeds. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(4):522-7.

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