Bu çal ışmada, Devlet Su I şleri Genel Müdürlü ğ ü V.Bölge sulamalar ı ndan Ayaş - Asartepe proje alan ı nda değişik toprak bünyelerinde yörede yeti ştiriciliği yap ı lan şekerpancar ı bitkisi için sulama planlamas ı yap ı larak; sulama suyu miktar ı , sulama aral ı klar ı ve sulama say ı lar ı saptanmaya çal ışı lm ışt ı r. Çal ışmadaki sulama planlamas ı Ayaş ilçesine ait iklim veriler! kullan ı larak, toprak su bütçesi yard ı m ı yla, IRSIS " Irrigation Scheduling Information System- Sulama Planlama Bilgi Sistemi" paket programı kullan ı larak, yap ı lm ışt ı r. Çal ış mada, farkl ı program seçenekler' irdelenmi ştir. Birinci sulama planlamas ı , topraktaki su miktar ı kritik su düzeyine dü ş ünce tarla kapasitesine ç ı kar ı lacak şekilde yap ı lm ış buna "Ideal Sulama Planlamas ı " ad ı verilmiştir. Ancak bu şekilde planlamada, sulama aral ığı ve uygulanan su miktarı sürekli farkl ı l ı k gösterdi ğ inden pratiğe uygun görülmemi ştir, ikinci sulama planlamas ı , " Pratik Sulama Planlamas ı " ad ı verilen, su kayb ı n ı ve verimdeki azalmay ı minimum düzeyde tutacak şekilde sulama aral ı klar ı n ı ve uygulanan su miktar ı n ı pratiğe uygun olarak sabitleştirmeye çal ışı larak yap ı lm ış ve elde edilen sonuçlar tart ışı lm ışt ı r.
ulama planlamas ı sulama suyu miktar ı sulama aral ığı sulama sayı s ı toprak su bütçesi IRSIS paket program ı ideal sulama planlamas ı pratik sulama planlamas ı
n this study, irrigation plans were prepared for sugar beet to determine the amount of irrigation water, the irrigation interval and the number of irrigations in the Aya ş - Asartepe project area which was one the irrigation projects of State Hydraulic Works DSI . For this purpose, soil samples were taken from the area, to determine the soil structure, specific gravity, field capacity and the wilting point values of the area. The irrigation plans were rnade by using the clirnatological data obtained from the Ayaş meteorological station by the help of IRSIS - Irrigation Scheduling Information System- packet program which depends on the soil - water budget method. In the study two alternative planning methods were tried. In the first method which was called " Ideal Irrigations Planning", the irrigation were made whenever the water level in the root zone depletes to the critical water level which was determined before. The water was added up to the field capacity. Although this method was convenient for irrigation planning, it was not suitable in practice as the amount of water and interval differs in each irrigation. So, in the second method the amount of irrigation water and the irrigation interval were settled in a fixed manner for practical use and this method was called as " Practical Irrigation Method".
rrigation planning amount of irrigation water irrigation interval number cf irrigations soil water budget IRSIS software ideal irrigation planning practical irrigation planing.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 1997 |
Submission Date | May 1, 1997 |
Published in Issue | Year 1997 |
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