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Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller

Year 2000, , 63 - 66, 01.01.2000


Bu çal ışmada, Kurtboğ az ı baraj gölünün yaz aylar ı ndaki mavi-yeşil alg biyomas ı n ı n tahminine yönelik iki çoklu regresyon modeli oluşturulmuştur. Alg biyomas ı ; toplam mavi-yeşil alg biyomas ı , oransal mavi-ye şil alg biyomas ı ve mavi-yeşil alg indeksi olarak hesaplanm ışt ı r. Modellerde, toplam fosfor, toplam inorganik azot ve Secchi derinli ği bağı ms ı z değiş ken olarak kullan ı lm ışt ı r. Toplam mavi-yeş il alg biyomas ı ve mavi-ye şil alg indeksi modellerine ait isabet dereceleri R' s ı ras ı yla %92 ve %74 olarak bulunmuştur.


  • Anonim, 1987. TS 5091 Suyun analiz metodlan-Bulan ı klı k tayini. s.1-8.
  • Anonim, 1996. Türkiye'deki Barajlar ve Hidroelektrik Santraller. DSİ bas ı m ı , s.1-40, Ankara.
  • APHA, 1975. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 14thed. John D. Lucas Co., 1193 p., U.S.A.
  • Aykulu, G. ve O. Obal ı , 1981. Phytoplankton biomass in Kurtboğaz ı Dam Lake. Comm. de la Fac. Sci. d'Ank. Serie C2.24, 29-45.
  • Bakan, A. N., 1997. Ankara'ya Su Sa ğlayan Kurtboğ az ı ve Çaml ı dere Baraj Golleri ile İ vedik Su Ar ı t ı m Tesisinde Plankton Kompozisyonun Karşı laşt ı rmal ı Olarak incelenmesi. Ankara Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Doktora Tezi. s.1-112.
  • Demir, N., H. Çamdeviren, S. Keskin, 1999. Prediction of chlorophyll a in Kurtboğ az ı and Çaml ı dere reservoirs. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi. 5(1), 66-70.
  • Draper, N. R. and H. Smith, 1980. Appiied Regression Analysis. Univ. of Wisconsin, p.1-710, USA.
  • Earle, J. C., H. J. Duthie and D. A. Scruton, 1987. Factors influencing the distribution of phytoplankton in 97 headwater lakes in insular Newfoundland. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 44, 639-649.
  • Fraser, P. C. and D. O. Trew, 1990. A Compendium of Limnological Data for 23 Lakes in the Beaver River Watershed. Environmental Quality Monitoring Branch. Environmental Protection Services. p.1-201, Edmonton.
  • Geitler, L., 1925. Cyanophyceae, Heft 12. In: A. Pascher, Die Süsswasser Flora Mitteleuropas. Verlag von Gustav Fisher, p. 1-481, Jena.
  • H ube r-P esta lozz i, G., 1938. Das P hytopla nkton d es Süsswassers, 2. Teil. Diatomeen In: A. Thienemann, Bie Binnengewasser, E. Schweizbart' sche Verlagsbuchhandlung , p. 1-549, Stuttgart.
  • Kenefick, S. L. , Hrudey, S. E. , E. E. Prepas, Motkosky and H. G. Peterson, 1992. Odorous substances and Cyanobacterial toxins in Prairie drinking water sources. Wat. Sci. Tech. 25(2), 147-154.
  • Kotak, B. G., S. L. Kenefick, D. V. Fritz, C.G. Rousseaux, E. E. Prepas and S. E. Hrudey, 1993. Occurence and toxicological evaluation of Cyanobacterial sources in Alberta lakes and farm dugouts. Wat. Res. 27(3), 495-506.
  • Lund, J. W. G., C. Kipling and E. D. Le Cren, 1958. The inverted microscope method for estimating algal numbers and statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia, 11,143-170.
  • McQueen, D. J. and D. R. S. Lean, 1987. Influence of water temperature and nitrogen phosphorus ratios on the dominance of blue-green algae in lake St. George, Ontario.
  • Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 44, 598-604. Pellander, A., I. Ojanpera, K. Sivonen, K. Himberg, M. Waris, K.
  • Niinivaara, E. Vuori, 1996. Screening for Cyanobacterial toxins in bloom and strain samples by thin layer chromatography. Wat. Res. 30(6), 1464-1470.
  • Prescott, G. W., 1973. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area, 5th ed., WM.0 Brown Co. Publ. P. 1-977, Dubuque.
  • Pulatsü, S., H. Çamdeviren ve E. Başp ı nar, 1997. Mogan gölünde (Ankara) klorofil-a konsantrasyonunun tahmininde çoklu regresyon ve Path analizi kullan ı m ı . Ankara Only. Ziraat Fak. Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi. 3(2), 65-68.
  • Rott, E., 1981. Some results from phytoplankton counting intercalibrations. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 43 (1), 34-59.
  • Smith, V. H., 1986. Light and nutrient effects on the relative biomass of blue-green algae in the phytoplankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 43,148-153.
  • Starmach, K., 1966. Cyanophyta. Flora Slodkowodna Polski, p:1- 807,Warszawa.
  • Trimbee, A. M. and E. E. Prepas, 1987. Evaluation of total phosphorus as a predictor of the relative biomass of bluegreen algae with an Emphasis on Alberta lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 44, 1337-1347.
  • Varis, O., 1993. Cyanobacteria dynamics in a restored Finnish lake : a long term stimulation study. Hydrobiologia, 268, 129-145.
  • Vezie, C., L. Brient, K. Sivonen, G. Bertru, J. C. Lefeuvre and M. Salkinoja-Sabnan, 1997. Occurence of microcystin containing Cyanobacterial blooms in freshwaters of Brittany (France). Arch. Hydrobiol. 139(3), 401-413.
  • Zhang, Y. and E. E. Prepas, 1996. Short term effect of Ca(OH)2 additions on phytoplankton biomass: a comparison of laboratory and in situ experiments. Wat. Res. 30(5), 1285- 1294.

Models for the Prediction of Blue-Green Algal Cyanobacteria Biomass of Kurtboğazı Reservoir

Year 2000, , 63 - 66, 01.01.2000


In this study, two multiple regression models were determined for the prediction of blue-green algal biomass in summer months of Kurtboğ az ı reservoir. Algal biomass was calculated as total blue-green algal biomass, relative blue-green algal biomass and blue-green algae index. Total phosphorus, total inorganic nitrogen and Secchi depth were used as independent variables in models. The determination coefficients R' of models were found as 92% and 74% for total blue-green algal biomass and blue-green algae index, respectively.


  • Anonim, 1987. TS 5091 Suyun analiz metodlan-Bulan ı klı k tayini. s.1-8.
  • Anonim, 1996. Türkiye'deki Barajlar ve Hidroelektrik Santraller. DSİ bas ı m ı , s.1-40, Ankara.
  • APHA, 1975. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 14thed. John D. Lucas Co., 1193 p., U.S.A.
  • Aykulu, G. ve O. Obal ı , 1981. Phytoplankton biomass in Kurtboğaz ı Dam Lake. Comm. de la Fac. Sci. d'Ank. Serie C2.24, 29-45.
  • Bakan, A. N., 1997. Ankara'ya Su Sa ğlayan Kurtboğ az ı ve Çaml ı dere Baraj Golleri ile İ vedik Su Ar ı t ı m Tesisinde Plankton Kompozisyonun Karşı laşt ı rmal ı Olarak incelenmesi. Ankara Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Doktora Tezi. s.1-112.
  • Demir, N., H. Çamdeviren, S. Keskin, 1999. Prediction of chlorophyll a in Kurtboğ az ı and Çaml ı dere reservoirs. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi. 5(1), 66-70.
  • Draper, N. R. and H. Smith, 1980. Appiied Regression Analysis. Univ. of Wisconsin, p.1-710, USA.
  • Earle, J. C., H. J. Duthie and D. A. Scruton, 1987. Factors influencing the distribution of phytoplankton in 97 headwater lakes in insular Newfoundland. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 44, 639-649.
  • Fraser, P. C. and D. O. Trew, 1990. A Compendium of Limnological Data for 23 Lakes in the Beaver River Watershed. Environmental Quality Monitoring Branch. Environmental Protection Services. p.1-201, Edmonton.
  • Geitler, L., 1925. Cyanophyceae, Heft 12. In: A. Pascher, Die Süsswasser Flora Mitteleuropas. Verlag von Gustav Fisher, p. 1-481, Jena.
  • H ube r-P esta lozz i, G., 1938. Das P hytopla nkton d es Süsswassers, 2. Teil. Diatomeen In: A. Thienemann, Bie Binnengewasser, E. Schweizbart' sche Verlagsbuchhandlung , p. 1-549, Stuttgart.
  • Kenefick, S. L. , Hrudey, S. E. , E. E. Prepas, Motkosky and H. G. Peterson, 1992. Odorous substances and Cyanobacterial toxins in Prairie drinking water sources. Wat. Sci. Tech. 25(2), 147-154.
  • Kotak, B. G., S. L. Kenefick, D. V. Fritz, C.G. Rousseaux, E. E. Prepas and S. E. Hrudey, 1993. Occurence and toxicological evaluation of Cyanobacterial sources in Alberta lakes and farm dugouts. Wat. Res. 27(3), 495-506.
  • Lund, J. W. G., C. Kipling and E. D. Le Cren, 1958. The inverted microscope method for estimating algal numbers and statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia, 11,143-170.
  • McQueen, D. J. and D. R. S. Lean, 1987. Influence of water temperature and nitrogen phosphorus ratios on the dominance of blue-green algae in lake St. George, Ontario.
  • Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 44, 598-604. Pellander, A., I. Ojanpera, K. Sivonen, K. Himberg, M. Waris, K.
  • Niinivaara, E. Vuori, 1996. Screening for Cyanobacterial toxins in bloom and strain samples by thin layer chromatography. Wat. Res. 30(6), 1464-1470.
  • Prescott, G. W., 1973. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area, 5th ed., WM.0 Brown Co. Publ. P. 1-977, Dubuque.
  • Pulatsü, S., H. Çamdeviren ve E. Başp ı nar, 1997. Mogan gölünde (Ankara) klorofil-a konsantrasyonunun tahmininde çoklu regresyon ve Path analizi kullan ı m ı . Ankara Only. Ziraat Fak. Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi. 3(2), 65-68.
  • Rott, E., 1981. Some results from phytoplankton counting intercalibrations. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 43 (1), 34-59.
  • Smith, V. H., 1986. Light and nutrient effects on the relative biomass of blue-green algae in the phytoplankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 43,148-153.
  • Starmach, K., 1966. Cyanophyta. Flora Slodkowodna Polski, p:1- 807,Warszawa.
  • Trimbee, A. M. and E. E. Prepas, 1987. Evaluation of total phosphorus as a predictor of the relative biomass of bluegreen algae with an Emphasis on Alberta lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 44, 1337-1347.
  • Varis, O., 1993. Cyanobacteria dynamics in a restored Finnish lake : a long term stimulation study. Hydrobiologia, 268, 129-145.
  • Vezie, C., L. Brient, K. Sivonen, G. Bertru, J. C. Lefeuvre and M. Salkinoja-Sabnan, 1997. Occurence of microcystin containing Cyanobacterial blooms in freshwaters of Brittany (France). Arch. Hydrobiol. 139(3), 401-413.
  • Zhang, Y. and E. E. Prepas, 1996. Short term effect of Ca(OH)2 additions on phytoplankton biomass: a comparison of laboratory and in situ experiments. Wat. Res. 30(5), 1285- 1294.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Nilsun Demır This is me

Serap Pulatsu This is me

Handan Çamdeviren This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2000
Submission Date January 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000


APA Demır, N., Pulatsu, S., & Çamdeviren, H. (2000). Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 06(01), 63-66.
AMA Demır N, Pulatsu S, Çamdeviren H. Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2000;06(01):63-66. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000932
Chicago Demır, Nilsun, Serap Pulatsu, and Handan Çamdeviren. “Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06, no. 01 (January 2000): 63-66.
EndNote Demır N, Pulatsu S, Çamdeviren H (January 1, 2000) Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06 01 63–66.
IEEE N. Demır, S. Pulatsu, and H. Çamdeviren, “Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 06, no. 01, pp. 63–66, 2000, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000932.
ISNAD Demır, Nilsun et al. “Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06/01 (January 2000), 63-66.
JAMA Demır N, Pulatsu S, Çamdeviren H. Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2000;06:63–66.
MLA Demır, Nilsun et al. “Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 06, no. 01, 2000, pp. 63-66, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000932.
Vancouver Demır N, Pulatsu S, Çamdeviren H. Kurtboğazı Baraj Gölünün Mavi-Yeşil Alg Cyanobacteria Biyomasının Tahminine Yönelik Modeller. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2000;06(01):63-6.

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