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Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu

Year 2007, , 95 - 100, 01.05.2007


Ayçiçeğinin Ekiz genotipinden seçilen 10 hattın olgunlaşmamış embriyo ve kotiledon eksplanları 20 mg/l sukroz ve farklı oranlarda kinetin ve naftalen asetik asit NAA içeren Murashige and Skoog MS ortamında kültüre alınmıştır. Denemelerde 1. hafta sonunda rejenerasyonu olumsuz etkileyen kaçak kökler steril koşullarda eksplantlardan uzaklaştırılmıştır. Özellikle olgunlaşmamış embriyo eksplantında çalışılan tüm hatlarda ve ortamlarda kallus ve sürgün oluşumu görülürken olgunlaşmamış kotiledon eksplantında tüm ortamlarda iyi bir kallus oluşumu gerçekleşmiş ancak daha az sürgün elde edilmiştir. Kallus çapı ve ağırlığının sürgün gelişimine etkisi olmadığı görülmüştür. Bitki doku kültürü çalışmalarında kullanılan eksplantların sürgün gelişimi için önemli faktörlerden birisi olduğu gözlenmistir


  • Badea, E., M. Prisecaru and H. Angheluta. 1989. Studies on gynogenesis in intraspecific and interspecific hybrids in the genus Helianthus. Cercet Genet Veg Anim, 1:l77-l83.
  • Baker, MC., N. Munoz-Fernandez and CD. Carter. 1999. Improved shoot development and rooting from mature cotyledons of sunflower. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult 58:39- 49
  • Bidney, D., C. Scelonge, J. Martich, M. Burrus, L. Sims and G. Huffman. 1992. Microprojectile bombardment of plant tissues increases transformation frequency by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Mol Biol., 18:301-313.
  • Bohorova, N, A., A. Atanassov and J. Georgieva-Todorova. 1985. In vitro organogenesis, androgenesis and embryo culture in the genus Helianthus. Z. Pflanzenzuchtg, 95:35-44.
  • Şekil 2.Ekiz genotipinden seçilen 10 ayçiçek hattıyla yapılan olgunlaşmamış kotiledon ile in vitro adventif sürgün rejenerasyon çalışması (a) 12/15 hattına ait kotiledon eksplantları üzerinde kültüre aldıktan 5 gün sonra kallus oluşumu başlangıcı (b) 10 gün sonra kallus oluşumu görüntüsü (c).15 günlük kallus üzerinde gelişen sürgün (d) ve 28 günlük kallus üzerinde gelişen sürgünler.
  • Burrus. M., C. Chanabe, G. Alibert and D. Bidney. 1991. Regeneration of fertile plants from protoplasts of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Cell Rep., 10:161-166.
  • Canpolat, N. 1989. Interspesific hybridization in the genus Helianthus trough embryo rescue.”,In partial fulfillment of the degree of master of science Colorado state university Fort Collins, Colorado,1-94.
  • Ceriani, MF., HE. Hopp, G. Hahne and AS. Escandon. 1992. Cotyledons: an explant for routine regeneration of sunflower plants. Plant Cell Physiol., 33:157-164.
  • Chraibi, KMB., J-C. Castelle, A. Latche, J-P. Roustan and J. Fallot. 1992a. A genotype-independent system of regeneration from cotyledons of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The role of ethylene. Plant Sci 86:215-221
  • Chraibi, KMB., J-C. Castelle, A. Latche, J-P. Roustan and J. Fallot. 1992b. Enhancement of shoot regeneration potential by liquid medium culture from mature cotyledons of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Cell Rep., 10:617-620.
  • Chraibi. KMB., A. Latche, J-P. Roustan and J. Fallot. 1991. Stimulation of shoot regeneration from cotyledons of Helianthus annuus by the ethylene inhibitors, silver and cobalt. Plant Cell Rep., 10:204-207.
  • Cooley, GL. and A. Wilcox. 1987. Sunflower regeneration through embryogenesis. United States Patent, 4: 670, 392.
  • Dedio, W. and ED. Putt. 1980. Sunflower. In: Hybridization of crop plants. W.R. Fehr and H H Hadley (eds). Amer Soc. Of agronomy, Madison, WI. pp 632-644.
  • Espinasse, A. and C. Lay. 1989. Shoot regeneration of callus derived from globular to torpedo embryos from 59 sunflower genotypes. Crop Sci., 29:201-205.
  • Finer, J. J. 1987. Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature embryos of hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on a high sucrose containing medium. Plant Cell Rep., 6: 372-374.
  • Fiore, MC., T. Trabace and F. Sunseri. 1997. High frequency of plant rejeneration in sunflower from cotyledons via somatic embriyogenesis.’’, Plant Cell Reports,16 (5) 295-298.
  • Freyssinet, M. And G. Freyssinet. 1988. Plant regeneration from sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) immature embryos. Plant Sci., 56:177-181.
  • Gelebart, P. and L. San. 1987. Obtention de plantlets haploids par culture in vitro d'ovaires non fecodes de tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.). Agronomie, 7:81-86.
  • Greco, B., OA. Tanzarella, G. Carozzo and A. Blanco. 1984. Callus induction and shoot regeneration in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Sci Lett, 36:73-77.
  • Gürel, E. and K. Kazan. 1998. Development of an effcient plant rejeneration system in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Tr. J. of Botany, 22:381-387.
  • Prado, E. and A. Berville. 1990). Induction of somatic embryo development by liquid culture in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Sci., 67:73-82.
  • Jeannin, G., R. Bronner and G. Hahne. 1995. Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis induced on the immature zygotic embryo of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) cultivated in vitro: role of the sugar. Plant Cell Rep., 15:200-204.
  • Knittel, N., AS. Escandon and G. Hahne. 1991. Plant regeneration at high frequency from mature sunflower cotyledons. Plant Sci., 73:219-226.
  • Knittel, N., V. Gruber, G. Hahne and P. Lenee. 1994 Transformation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): a reliable protocol. Plant Cell Rep., 14:81-86.
  • Kolsarıcı, Ö., N. Bayraktar, N. İşler, M. Mert and B. Arslan. 1995. ‘’Yağlı tohumlu bitkilerin Üretim Projeksiyonları ve Üretim Hedefleri.’’IV.Teknik Tarım Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, cilt.I. Ankara, 467-483.
  • Krasnyanski, S. and L. Menczel. 1993. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from hypocotyl protoplasts of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Cell Rep., 12:260-263.
  • Lahaye, L., P. Ganier, J., Thibault and B. Sève. 2004. ‘’Technological processes of feed manufacturing affect protein endogenous losses and amino acid availability for body protein deposition in pigs.’’ Animal Feed Science and Technology., 113: 141–156.
  • Lupi, MC., A. Bennici, F. Locci and D. Gennai. 1987. Plantlet formation from callus and shoot-tip culture of Helianthus annuus (L.). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 11:47-55.
  • Monnier, M. 1978. Culture of zygotic embryos. In: Int cong. Plant tissue cell culture. Univ. Of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Pp 277-278.
  • Murashige, T. and F. Skkog. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant, 15: 473-497.
  • Nestares, GM., R. Zorzoli, LA. Mroginski and LA. Picardi. 1999. ’’Micropropogation and vitrification of sunflower genotypes.’’, Phyton Buenos Aires, 65:1-2, 107-112.
  • Paterson, KE. and NP. Everett. 1985. Regeneration of Helianthus annuus inbred plants from callus. Plant Sci., 42:126-132.
  • Pelissier, B., O. Bouchfra, R. Pepin and G. Freyssinet. 1990. Production of isolated somatic embryos from sunflower thin layers. Plant, Cell Rep 9:47-50.
  • Power, C. J. 1987. Organogenesis from Helianthus annuus inbreds and hybrids from cotyledons of zygotic embryos. Amer. J. Bot., 74: 497-503.
  • Sarrafi, A., AR. Bolandi, H. Serieys, A. Berville and G. Alibert. 1996. Analysis of cotyledon culture to measure genetic variability for organogenesis parameters in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)’’ Plant Sciences Limerick,121 (2), 213-219.
  • Snedecor, G.W. and W.G. Cochran. 1967. Statistical methods. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Iowa. USA.
  • Sujatha, M. and AJ. Prabakaran. 2001. High frequency embryogenesis in immature zygotic embryos of sunflower. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 65:23-29.
  • Thengane, SR., MS. Joshi, SS. Khuspe and AF. Mascarenhas. 1994. Anther culture in Helianthus annuus L., influence of genotype and culture conditions on embryo induction and plant regeneration. Plant Cell Rep., 13:222-226.
  • Verleyen, T., R. Verhe, L. Garcia, K. Dewettinck, A. Huyghebaert and W. De-Greyt. 2001. ‘’Gas chromatographic characterization of vegetable oil deodorization. Distillate J. .Chromatography A, 921:277– 285.
  • Wagner, K.-H., R. Tomasch and I. Elmadfa. 2001. Impact of diets containing corn oil or olive /sunflower oil mixture on the human plasma and lipoprotein lipid metabolism. Eur J Nutr, 40 : 161–167.
  • Wingender, R., H-J. Henn, S. Barth, D. Voeste, H. Machlab, H. Schnabl. 1996. A regeneration protocol for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) protoplasts. Plant Cell Rep., 15:742-745.
  • Witrzens, B., WR. Scowcroft, RW. Downes and PJ. Larkin. 1988. Tissue culture and plant regeneration from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and interspecific hybrids (H tuberosus x H. annuus). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 13:61-76.

Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Immature Embryo and Cotyledon Explants of Sunflower Helianthus annuus L.

Year 2007, , 95 - 100, 01.05.2007


Immature embryo and cotyledons of 10 lines of sunflower Helianthus annuus L were cultured on Murashige and Skoog MS medium supplemented with 20 mg/l sucrose and different concentrations of Kinetin and α Naphthalene acetic acid NAA . Development of precocious roots was observed after one week of culture, which were removed aseptically to induce callus and shoot regeneration. Induction of healthy shoots was observed on cotyledon and embryo explants on MS medium containing any concentration of kinetin and and NAA. This is an important development in the tissue culture research of sunflower


  • Badea, E., M. Prisecaru and H. Angheluta. 1989. Studies on gynogenesis in intraspecific and interspecific hybrids in the genus Helianthus. Cercet Genet Veg Anim, 1:l77-l83.
  • Baker, MC., N. Munoz-Fernandez and CD. Carter. 1999. Improved shoot development and rooting from mature cotyledons of sunflower. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult 58:39- 49
  • Bidney, D., C. Scelonge, J. Martich, M. Burrus, L. Sims and G. Huffman. 1992. Microprojectile bombardment of plant tissues increases transformation frequency by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Mol Biol., 18:301-313.
  • Bohorova, N, A., A. Atanassov and J. Georgieva-Todorova. 1985. In vitro organogenesis, androgenesis and embryo culture in the genus Helianthus. Z. Pflanzenzuchtg, 95:35-44.
  • Şekil 2.Ekiz genotipinden seçilen 10 ayçiçek hattıyla yapılan olgunlaşmamış kotiledon ile in vitro adventif sürgün rejenerasyon çalışması (a) 12/15 hattına ait kotiledon eksplantları üzerinde kültüre aldıktan 5 gün sonra kallus oluşumu başlangıcı (b) 10 gün sonra kallus oluşumu görüntüsü (c).15 günlük kallus üzerinde gelişen sürgün (d) ve 28 günlük kallus üzerinde gelişen sürgünler.
  • Burrus. M., C. Chanabe, G. Alibert and D. Bidney. 1991. Regeneration of fertile plants from protoplasts of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Cell Rep., 10:161-166.
  • Canpolat, N. 1989. Interspesific hybridization in the genus Helianthus trough embryo rescue.”,In partial fulfillment of the degree of master of science Colorado state university Fort Collins, Colorado,1-94.
  • Ceriani, MF., HE. Hopp, G. Hahne and AS. Escandon. 1992. Cotyledons: an explant for routine regeneration of sunflower plants. Plant Cell Physiol., 33:157-164.
  • Chraibi, KMB., J-C. Castelle, A. Latche, J-P. Roustan and J. Fallot. 1992a. A genotype-independent system of regeneration from cotyledons of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The role of ethylene. Plant Sci 86:215-221
  • Chraibi, KMB., J-C. Castelle, A. Latche, J-P. Roustan and J. Fallot. 1992b. Enhancement of shoot regeneration potential by liquid medium culture from mature cotyledons of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Cell Rep., 10:617-620.
  • Chraibi. KMB., A. Latche, J-P. Roustan and J. Fallot. 1991. Stimulation of shoot regeneration from cotyledons of Helianthus annuus by the ethylene inhibitors, silver and cobalt. Plant Cell Rep., 10:204-207.
  • Cooley, GL. and A. Wilcox. 1987. Sunflower regeneration through embryogenesis. United States Patent, 4: 670, 392.
  • Dedio, W. and ED. Putt. 1980. Sunflower. In: Hybridization of crop plants. W.R. Fehr and H H Hadley (eds). Amer Soc. Of agronomy, Madison, WI. pp 632-644.
  • Espinasse, A. and C. Lay. 1989. Shoot regeneration of callus derived from globular to torpedo embryos from 59 sunflower genotypes. Crop Sci., 29:201-205.
  • Finer, J. J. 1987. Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature embryos of hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on a high sucrose containing medium. Plant Cell Rep., 6: 372-374.
  • Fiore, MC., T. Trabace and F. Sunseri. 1997. High frequency of plant rejeneration in sunflower from cotyledons via somatic embriyogenesis.’’, Plant Cell Reports,16 (5) 295-298.
  • Freyssinet, M. And G. Freyssinet. 1988. Plant regeneration from sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) immature embryos. Plant Sci., 56:177-181.
  • Gelebart, P. and L. San. 1987. Obtention de plantlets haploids par culture in vitro d'ovaires non fecodes de tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.). Agronomie, 7:81-86.
  • Greco, B., OA. Tanzarella, G. Carozzo and A. Blanco. 1984. Callus induction and shoot regeneration in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Sci Lett, 36:73-77.
  • Gürel, E. and K. Kazan. 1998. Development of an effcient plant rejeneration system in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Tr. J. of Botany, 22:381-387.
  • Prado, E. and A. Berville. 1990). Induction of somatic embryo development by liquid culture in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Sci., 67:73-82.
  • Jeannin, G., R. Bronner and G. Hahne. 1995. Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis induced on the immature zygotic embryo of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) cultivated in vitro: role of the sugar. Plant Cell Rep., 15:200-204.
  • Knittel, N., AS. Escandon and G. Hahne. 1991. Plant regeneration at high frequency from mature sunflower cotyledons. Plant Sci., 73:219-226.
  • Knittel, N., V. Gruber, G. Hahne and P. Lenee. 1994 Transformation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.): a reliable protocol. Plant Cell Rep., 14:81-86.
  • Kolsarıcı, Ö., N. Bayraktar, N. İşler, M. Mert and B. Arslan. 1995. ‘’Yağlı tohumlu bitkilerin Üretim Projeksiyonları ve Üretim Hedefleri.’’IV.Teknik Tarım Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, cilt.I. Ankara, 467-483.
  • Krasnyanski, S. and L. Menczel. 1993. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from hypocotyl protoplasts of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Plant Cell Rep., 12:260-263.
  • Lahaye, L., P. Ganier, J., Thibault and B. Sève. 2004. ‘’Technological processes of feed manufacturing affect protein endogenous losses and amino acid availability for body protein deposition in pigs.’’ Animal Feed Science and Technology., 113: 141–156.
  • Lupi, MC., A. Bennici, F. Locci and D. Gennai. 1987. Plantlet formation from callus and shoot-tip culture of Helianthus annuus (L.). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 11:47-55.
  • Monnier, M. 1978. Culture of zygotic embryos. In: Int cong. Plant tissue cell culture. Univ. Of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Pp 277-278.
  • Murashige, T. and F. Skkog. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassay with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant, 15: 473-497.
  • Nestares, GM., R. Zorzoli, LA. Mroginski and LA. Picardi. 1999. ’’Micropropogation and vitrification of sunflower genotypes.’’, Phyton Buenos Aires, 65:1-2, 107-112.
  • Paterson, KE. and NP. Everett. 1985. Regeneration of Helianthus annuus inbred plants from callus. Plant Sci., 42:126-132.
  • Pelissier, B., O. Bouchfra, R. Pepin and G. Freyssinet. 1990. Production of isolated somatic embryos from sunflower thin layers. Plant, Cell Rep 9:47-50.
  • Power, C. J. 1987. Organogenesis from Helianthus annuus inbreds and hybrids from cotyledons of zygotic embryos. Amer. J. Bot., 74: 497-503.
  • Sarrafi, A., AR. Bolandi, H. Serieys, A. Berville and G. Alibert. 1996. Analysis of cotyledon culture to measure genetic variability for organogenesis parameters in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)’’ Plant Sciences Limerick,121 (2), 213-219.
  • Snedecor, G.W. and W.G. Cochran. 1967. Statistical methods. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Iowa. USA.
  • Sujatha, M. and AJ. Prabakaran. 2001. High frequency embryogenesis in immature zygotic embryos of sunflower. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 65:23-29.
  • Thengane, SR., MS. Joshi, SS. Khuspe and AF. Mascarenhas. 1994. Anther culture in Helianthus annuus L., influence of genotype and culture conditions on embryo induction and plant regeneration. Plant Cell Rep., 13:222-226.
  • Verleyen, T., R. Verhe, L. Garcia, K. Dewettinck, A. Huyghebaert and W. De-Greyt. 2001. ‘’Gas chromatographic characterization of vegetable oil deodorization. Distillate J. .Chromatography A, 921:277– 285.
  • Wagner, K.-H., R. Tomasch and I. Elmadfa. 2001. Impact of diets containing corn oil or olive /sunflower oil mixture on the human plasma and lipoprotein lipid metabolism. Eur J Nutr, 40 : 161–167.
  • Wingender, R., H-J. Henn, S. Barth, D. Voeste, H. Machlab, H. Schnabl. 1996. A regeneration protocol for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) protoplasts. Plant Cell Rep., 15:742-745.
  • Witrzens, B., WR. Scowcroft, RW. Downes and PJ. Larkin. 1988. Tissue culture and plant regeneration from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and interspecific hybrids (H tuberosus x H. annuus). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 13:61-76.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ülkü Binboğa Meral This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2007
Submission Date January 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007


APA Binboğa Meral, Ü. (2007). Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(02), 95-100.
AMA Binboğa Meral Ü. Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 2007;13(02):95-100. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000445
Chicago Binboğa Meral, Ülkü. “Ayçiçeği Helianthus Annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo Ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13, no. 02 (May 2007): 95-100.
EndNote Binboğa Meral Ü (May 1, 2007) Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13 02 95–100.
IEEE Ü. Binboğa Meral, “Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 13, no. 02, pp. 95–100, 2007, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000445.
ISNAD Binboğa Meral, Ülkü. “Ayçiçeği Helianthus Annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo Ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13/02 (May 2007), 95-100.
JAMA Binboğa Meral Ü. Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2007;13:95–100.
MLA Binboğa Meral, Ülkü. “Ayçiçeği Helianthus Annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo Ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 13, no. 02, 2007, pp. 95-100, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000445.
Vancouver Binboğa Meral Ü. Ayçiçeği Helianthus annuus L. ’nin Olgunlaşmamış Embriyo ve Kotiledon Eksplantlarından Adventif Sürgün Rejenerasyonu. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2007;13(02):95-100.

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