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Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi

Year 2000, , 20 - 26, 01.08.2000


Bu araşt ı rmada, ginogenetik gökkuşağı alabal ığı O. mykiss bireyleri elde etmek amac ı yla genetik olarak etkisiz hale getirilen inaktif spermalarla döllenen yumurtalara farkl ı bas ı nç şokları 7 7000, 8000, 9000 psi döllenmeden 300, 320, 330 dakika sonra 3 dakika süreyle uygulanm ışt ı r. Gözlekeli yumurta, keseli larva ve yem almaya ba şlam ış yavru aç ı s ı ndan en yüksek ba şarı oran ı sı ras ı yla %44.9, %36.1 ve %32.8 olarak döllenmeden 300 dakika sonra 7000 psi, en dü şük ise s ı ras ı yla %6.4, %1.8 ve %1.1 olarak döllenmeden 320 dakika sonra 9000 psi bas ı nç uygulanan grupta bulunmu ştur P


  • Bidwell, C. A., Chrisman, C. L. and G.S. Libey, 1985. Polyploidy Induced by Heat Shod< in Channel Catfı sh. Aquaculture, 51, 25-32.
  • Chourrout, D, 1980. Termal Induction of Diploid Gynogenesis and Triploidy in the Eggs of the Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson). Reprod. Nutr. Dev., 20: 727-733.
  • Chourrout, D. 1982. Gynogenesis Caused by Ultraviolet Radiation of Salmonid Sperm. J. Exp Zool 223:175-181.
  • Chourrout, D. and J. Itskovich, 1983. Three Manipulations Permitted by Artificial lnsemination in Tilapia: Induced Diploid Gynogenesis, Production of All Triploid Populations and Intergeneric Hybridization. in; Int Symp on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Nazareth, Israel, Pp 246-255.
  • Chourrout, D. 1984 Pressure - lnduced Retention of Second Polar Body and Suppression of First Cleavage in Rainbow Trout Production of All-Triploids and Heterezygous and Homozygous Diploid Gynogenetics. Aquaculture, 36, 111 - 126.
  • Don J. and R.R. Avtalion, 1986. The Induction of Triploidy in Oreochromis aureus by Heat Shock. Teor. Appl. Genet. 72:186-192
  • Düzgüneş , O. ve H.R. Ekingen, 1983. Genetik- Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nları : 555, Ders kitab ı : 187 (ikinci bask ı ) Ankara Üniversitesi Bas ı mevi-Ankara.
  • Fo ı s ı l, L. and D. Chourrout, 1992. Choromosome Doubling by Pressure Treatments for Tetraploidy and Mitotic Gynogenesis in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss (VValbaum):Re-Examination and Improvements. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 23, 567-575.
  • Hollebecq, M.G., Chourrout, D., Wohlfarth, G. and R. Billard, 1986. Diploid Gynogenesis lnduced by Heat Shocks After Activation With UV-irradiatede Sperm in Common Carp. Aquaculture, 54, 69-76.
  • Ijiri, K.I. and N. Egami, 1980. 'Hertwig Effect' Cause by UVIrradiation of Sperm Oryzias Latipes (Teleost) and İ ts Photoreactivation. Mutat Res 69:241-248.
  • Kirp ı chn ı kov, V. S. 1981. Genetic Bases of Fish Selection Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Newyork, 255-273.
  • Komen, J., Bongers, A.B.J., Richter, C.J.J., Muiswinkel, W.B. and E.A. Huisman, 1991. Gynogenesis in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) II.The Production of Homozygous Gynogenetic Clones and F1 Hybrids. Aquaculture, 92 : 127- 142.
  • Lemoine, H. L. and L.T. Smith, 1980. Polyploidy lnduced in Brook Trout By Cold Shock. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109:626-631.
  • Lincoln, R. F.,Aulstad, D. and A. Grammeltvedt, 1974. Attempted Triploid Induction in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo sarar ) Using Cold Shock. Aquaculture 4, 287-290.
  • Linhart,O., Kvasnicka,P., Slechtova, V. and J. Pokorny, 1986. Induced Gynogenesis By Retention of the Second Polar Body in Common Carp, Cyprinus Carpio L., and Heterozygosity of Gynogenetic Progeny in Transferrin and Ldh-B' Loci. Aquaculture, 54:63-67.
  • Nagy, A., Rajki, K., Harvath, L. and V. Csanyi, 1978. Investigation on Carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Gynogenesis. J. Fish Biol., 13:215-224.
  • Onozato, H. 1984. Diploidization of Gynogenetically Activated Salmonid Eggs Using Hydrostatic Pressure. Aquaculture, 43:91-97.
  • Quillet, E., G. Pascale, and R. Guyomard, 1991. Analysis of All Homozygous Lines of Rainbow Trout by Gynogenesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology 61:2411-2416.
  • Palt ı , Y., Li J.J. and G.H. Thorgaard, 1997. Improved Efficiency of Heat and Pressure Shocks for Producing Gynogenetic Rainbow Trout. The Progressive Fish-Culturist, 59:1-13.
  • Pandian, T.J. and K. Varadaraj, 1990. Development of Monosex Female Oreochromis Mossambicus Broodstock by Integrating Gynogenetic Technique with Endocrine Sex Reversal. Thejournal of Experimental Zoology, 255: 88-96.
  • Pogany, G. C. 1971. Effect of Sperm Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Embryonic Development of Rana pipiens. Dev. Biol. 26:336- 345.
  • Purdom, C. E. 1969. Radiationlnduced Gynogenesis and Androgenesis in Fish. Heredity, 24:431-444.
  • Reftsie,T.,Stoss J. and E.M. Donaldson, 1982.Production of All Female Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) by Diploid Gynogenesis Using lrradiated Sperm and Cold Shock. Aquaculture 29:67-82.
  • Refstie, T. 1983. Induction of Diploid Gynogenesis in Atlantic Salmon and Rainbow Trout Using Irradiated Sperm and Heat Shock. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61:2411-2416.
  • Stanley, J. G. 1981. Manipulation of Developmental Events to Produce Monosex and Sterile Fish. Rapp. P.-V. Reun., Cons. Int. Explor. Mer, 178:485-491.
  • Stresinger, G., Walker, C., Dower, N., Knauber D. and E. Singer, 1981. Production of Clones and Homozygous Diploid Zebra Fish (Brachydanio rerio). Nature 291, 293-296.
  • Suziki, R., Oshiro, T.and T. Nakanishi, 1985. Survival, Growth and Fertility of Gynogenetic Diploids Induced in the Cyprinid Loach, Misgumus anguillicaudatus. Aquaculture 48:45-55.
  • Thorgaard, G., Jazwin, M.E. and A.R. Stier, 1981. Polyploidy Induced by Heat Shock in the Rainbow Trout. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.,110:546-550.
  • Thompson, D., and A.P. Scott, 1984. An Analysis of Recombination Data in Gynogenetic Diploid Rainbow Trout. Heredity, 53:441-452.
  • Volckaert, F. A. M., Galbusera, P., Hellemans, B., Van Den Haute, C., Vanstaen, D. and F. 011evier, 1994. Gynogenesis in the African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus): I. Induction of Meiogynogenesis with Thermal and Pressure Shocks. Aquaculture, 128, 221-233.

The Effect of Different Pressure Shocks on The Early Life Stages of Gynogenetic Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum

Year 2000, , 20 - 26, 01.08.2000


In this research, different pressure shocks 7000, 8000 and 9000 psi applied 300,320 and 330 min after insemination for 3 min duration to eggs fertilized by genetically inactivated sperm to produce gynogenetic rainbow trout O. mykiss . The best result regarding eyed eggs, yolk-sac larvae, feed started fry were obtained at 300 min after insemination and 7000 psi pressure as 44.9%, 36.1% and 32.8%, respectively. In contrast, the lowest result were obtained at 320 min after insemination and 9000 psi pressure as 6.4%, 1.8% and 1.1%, respectively P


  • Bidwell, C. A., Chrisman, C. L. and G.S. Libey, 1985. Polyploidy Induced by Heat Shod< in Channel Catfı sh. Aquaculture, 51, 25-32.
  • Chourrout, D, 1980. Termal Induction of Diploid Gynogenesis and Triploidy in the Eggs of the Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson). Reprod. Nutr. Dev., 20: 727-733.
  • Chourrout, D. 1982. Gynogenesis Caused by Ultraviolet Radiation of Salmonid Sperm. J. Exp Zool 223:175-181.
  • Chourrout, D. and J. Itskovich, 1983. Three Manipulations Permitted by Artificial lnsemination in Tilapia: Induced Diploid Gynogenesis, Production of All Triploid Populations and Intergeneric Hybridization. in; Int Symp on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Nazareth, Israel, Pp 246-255.
  • Chourrout, D. 1984 Pressure - lnduced Retention of Second Polar Body and Suppression of First Cleavage in Rainbow Trout Production of All-Triploids and Heterezygous and Homozygous Diploid Gynogenetics. Aquaculture, 36, 111 - 126.
  • Don J. and R.R. Avtalion, 1986. The Induction of Triploidy in Oreochromis aureus by Heat Shock. Teor. Appl. Genet. 72:186-192
  • Düzgüneş , O. ve H.R. Ekingen, 1983. Genetik- Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nları : 555, Ders kitab ı : 187 (ikinci bask ı ) Ankara Üniversitesi Bas ı mevi-Ankara.
  • Fo ı s ı l, L. and D. Chourrout, 1992. Choromosome Doubling by Pressure Treatments for Tetraploidy and Mitotic Gynogenesis in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss (VValbaum):Re-Examination and Improvements. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 23, 567-575.
  • Hollebecq, M.G., Chourrout, D., Wohlfarth, G. and R. Billard, 1986. Diploid Gynogenesis lnduced by Heat Shocks After Activation With UV-irradiatede Sperm in Common Carp. Aquaculture, 54, 69-76.
  • Ijiri, K.I. and N. Egami, 1980. 'Hertwig Effect' Cause by UVIrradiation of Sperm Oryzias Latipes (Teleost) and İ ts Photoreactivation. Mutat Res 69:241-248.
  • Kirp ı chn ı kov, V. S. 1981. Genetic Bases of Fish Selection Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Newyork, 255-273.
  • Komen, J., Bongers, A.B.J., Richter, C.J.J., Muiswinkel, W.B. and E.A. Huisman, 1991. Gynogenesis in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) II.The Production of Homozygous Gynogenetic Clones and F1 Hybrids. Aquaculture, 92 : 127- 142.
  • Lemoine, H. L. and L.T. Smith, 1980. Polyploidy lnduced in Brook Trout By Cold Shock. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109:626-631.
  • Lincoln, R. F.,Aulstad, D. and A. Grammeltvedt, 1974. Attempted Triploid Induction in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo sarar ) Using Cold Shock. Aquaculture 4, 287-290.
  • Linhart,O., Kvasnicka,P., Slechtova, V. and J. Pokorny, 1986. Induced Gynogenesis By Retention of the Second Polar Body in Common Carp, Cyprinus Carpio L., and Heterozygosity of Gynogenetic Progeny in Transferrin and Ldh-B' Loci. Aquaculture, 54:63-67.
  • Nagy, A., Rajki, K., Harvath, L. and V. Csanyi, 1978. Investigation on Carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Gynogenesis. J. Fish Biol., 13:215-224.
  • Onozato, H. 1984. Diploidization of Gynogenetically Activated Salmonid Eggs Using Hydrostatic Pressure. Aquaculture, 43:91-97.
  • Quillet, E., G. Pascale, and R. Guyomard, 1991. Analysis of All Homozygous Lines of Rainbow Trout by Gynogenesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology 61:2411-2416.
  • Palt ı , Y., Li J.J. and G.H. Thorgaard, 1997. Improved Efficiency of Heat and Pressure Shocks for Producing Gynogenetic Rainbow Trout. The Progressive Fish-Culturist, 59:1-13.
  • Pandian, T.J. and K. Varadaraj, 1990. Development of Monosex Female Oreochromis Mossambicus Broodstock by Integrating Gynogenetic Technique with Endocrine Sex Reversal. Thejournal of Experimental Zoology, 255: 88-96.
  • Pogany, G. C. 1971. Effect of Sperm Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Embryonic Development of Rana pipiens. Dev. Biol. 26:336- 345.
  • Purdom, C. E. 1969. Radiationlnduced Gynogenesis and Androgenesis in Fish. Heredity, 24:431-444.
  • Reftsie,T.,Stoss J. and E.M. Donaldson, 1982.Production of All Female Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) by Diploid Gynogenesis Using lrradiated Sperm and Cold Shock. Aquaculture 29:67-82.
  • Refstie, T. 1983. Induction of Diploid Gynogenesis in Atlantic Salmon and Rainbow Trout Using Irradiated Sperm and Heat Shock. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61:2411-2416.
  • Stanley, J. G. 1981. Manipulation of Developmental Events to Produce Monosex and Sterile Fish. Rapp. P.-V. Reun., Cons. Int. Explor. Mer, 178:485-491.
  • Stresinger, G., Walker, C., Dower, N., Knauber D. and E. Singer, 1981. Production of Clones and Homozygous Diploid Zebra Fish (Brachydanio rerio). Nature 291, 293-296.
  • Suziki, R., Oshiro, T.and T. Nakanishi, 1985. Survival, Growth and Fertility of Gynogenetic Diploids Induced in the Cyprinid Loach, Misgumus anguillicaudatus. Aquaculture 48:45-55.
  • Thorgaard, G., Jazwin, M.E. and A.R. Stier, 1981. Polyploidy Induced by Heat Shock in the Rainbow Trout. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.,110:546-550.
  • Thompson, D., and A.P. Scott, 1984. An Analysis of Recombination Data in Gynogenetic Diploid Rainbow Trout. Heredity, 53:441-452.
  • Volckaert, F. A. M., Galbusera, P., Hellemans, B., Van Den Haute, C., Vanstaen, D. and F. 011evier, 1994. Gynogenesis in the African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus): I. Induction of Meiogynogenesis with Thermal and Pressure Shocks. Aquaculture, 128, 221-233.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Doğan Atay This is me

Süleyman Bekcan This is me

Murtaza Ölmez This is me

Hasan H. Atar This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2000
Submission Date August 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000


APA Atay, D., Bekcan, S., Ölmez, M., Atar, H. H. (2000). Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 06(03), 20-26.
AMA Atay D, Bekcan S, Ölmez M, Atar HH. Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2000;06(03):20-26. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000964
Chicago Atay, Doğan, Süleyman Bekcan, Murtaza Ölmez, and Hasan H. Atar. “Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06, no. 03 (August 2000): 20-26.
EndNote Atay D, Bekcan S, Ölmez M, Atar HH (August 1, 2000) Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06 03 20–26.
IEEE D. Atay, S. Bekcan, M. Ölmez, and H. H. Atar, “Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 06, no. 03, pp. 20–26, 2000, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000964.
ISNAD Atay, Doğan et al. “Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06/03 (August 2000), 20-26.
JAMA Atay D, Bekcan S, Ölmez M, Atar HH. Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2000;06:20–26.
MLA Atay, Doğan et al. “Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 06, no. 03, 2000, pp. 20-26, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000964.
Vancouver Atay D, Bekcan S, Ölmez M, Atar HH. Farklı Basınç Şoku Uygulamalarının Ginogenetik Gökkuşağı Alabalığının Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum Erken Hayat Evrelerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2000;06(03):20-6.

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