Research Article
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Year 2023, , 546 - 554, 31.03.2023



  • Acar R, Koç N, Çelik S A & Direk M (2016). The Some Grasses Forage Crops Grown in Arid Rangeland of the Central Anatolian and Properties of These Plants. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (3rd ICSAE) 26-28.
  • Akhazari D, Sepehry A, Pessarakli M & Barani H (2012). Studying the Effects of Salinity Stress on the Growth of Various Halophytic Plant Species (Agropyron elongatum, Kochia prostrata and Puccinellia distans). World Applied Sciences Journal 16(7): 998-1003.
  • Anonymous (2018). Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. General Directorate of Meteorology
  • Ashkan A & Jalal M (2013). Effects of Salinity Stress on seed germination and seedling vigor indices of two Halophytic Plant Species (Agropyron elongatum and A. pectiniforme). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) 5: 2669-2676.
  • Ashour N I, Serag M S & Abd El-Haleem A K (1997). Forage production from three grass species under saline irrigation in Egypt. Journal of Arid Environments 37(2): 299-307.
  • Atalay M & Secerli L (1971). Konya arazi tasnif raporu, Topraksu Bölge Müdürlüğü, Konya, (In Turkish).
  • Bennett S J & Barrett-Lennard E G (2013). Predictions of groundwater depth and salinity levels land capability assessment using site indicator species. Crop and Pasture Science 64(3): 285-294.
  • Birand H (1961). Salt Lake Barren Plants, Ministry of Agriculture, General Directorate of TOPRAKSU, Publications, Number: 103 (In Turkish).
  • Brotherson J D (1987). Plant community zonation in response to soil gradients in a saline meadow near Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah. Great Basin Natur. 47: 322-333.
  • Chiacchiera S, Bertram N, Taleisnik E, & Jobbágy E (2016). Effect of water table depth and salinity on growth dynamics of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana). Crop Pasture Sci. 67(8): 881-887.
  • Dieleman P J (1977). Reclamation of Salt Affected Soils in Iraq. Soil Hydrological and Agricultura Studies ILRI. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement 28: 175.
  • Ehsani A, Elham H Y, Shafeian M T G & Yeganeh H (2016). Determining suitable grazing time for Puccinella distans Parl. based on its phenology in West Azerbaijan Province of Iran. Journal of Plant Interactions 11(1): 67-73.
  • Grattan S R, Grieve C M, Poss J A, Robinson P H, Suarez D L, & Benes S E (2004). Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems: I. Biomass production. Agricultural Water Management 70: 109-120.
  • Hughes T D (1972). Puccinellia distans--a salt-tolerant grass, in Illinois Turfgrass Conference, ed. by Hughes TD. Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, Champaign, IL, pp. 76.
  • Kaffka S, Oster J & Corwin D (2004). Forage production and soil reclamation using saline drainage water. In: Proceedings, National Alfalfa Symposium, 13-15 December, San Diego, CA. UC Cooperative Extension, University of California, pp. 247-253.
  • Koç N & Acar R (2017). The Effect on Morphological Properties of Agropyron Species of Different Salt Concentrations. J Int Envir Application & Science 12(1): 9-13.
  • Kuşvuran A, Nazlı R I & Kuşvuran S (2014). Salinity Effects on Seed Germination in Different Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Schreb) Varieties. Agricultural Sciences Research Journal 7(2): 8-12.
  • Kyell Vist E (1971). Aslım floras Herbarium. Konya Regional TOPRAKSU Researche Instutute, Konya/Turkey.
  • Meester de T (1970). Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey, Agricultural Research Reports 740, Agricultural University, Department of Tropical Soil Science, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • Miyamoto S, Glenn E P & Singh N T (1994). Utilization of halophytic plants for fodder production with brackish water in subtropic deserts. In: Squires V R, Ayoub A T (eds). Halophytes as a resource for livestock and for rehabilitation of degraded lands. Tasks for vegetation science, Springer 32.
  • Öztan B (1965). A research on the value of Poaceae barren grass (Puccinellia) in terms of improvement of salt-affected soils in Central Anatolia conditions and its comparison with hard wheat (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Peng Y H, Zhu Y F, Mao Y Q, Wang Su S M W A & Tang Z C (2004). Alkali grass resists salt stress through high [K+] and an endodermis barrier to Na+. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 939-949.
  • Robinson P H, Grattan S R, Getachew G, Grieve C M, Poss J A, Suarez D L & Benes S E (2004). Biomass accumulation and potential nutritive value of some forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water. Animal. Feed Science and Technology 111: 175-189.
  • Scalia R, Oddo E, Saiano F, & Grisafi F (2009). Effect of salinity on Puccinellia (L.) Parl. Treates with NaCl and foliarly applied glycinebetaine. Plant Stress 3(1): 49-54.
  • Shidaei G & Namati N (1978). Modern Range Management and Forage Production in Iran. Forests and Rangelands Organization, Tehran, Iran.
  • Suyama H, Benes S E, Robinson P H, Grattan S R, Grieve C M, & Getachew G (2007). Forage yield and quality under irrigation with saline-sodic drainage water: Greenhouse Evaluation Agricultural Water management 88: 159-172.
  • Tosun F (1967). Some important problems of grassland forage culture in Turkey, Atatürk University, Agricultural Research Institute Technical Bulletin No: 26, Erzurum, (In Turkish).
  • Tosun F (1974). Legume and cereal forage crops culture, Atatürk University Publications No: 242, Agricultural Faculty, Publications No: 123, Erzurum (In Turkish).
  • Uçar I (1982). Sheep breeding and economy in artificial and natural pastures of Aslim salty-wet soils, Rural Services Konya Research Institute, General Publication No: 80.
  • Yurtsever N (1984). Deneysel İstatistik Metotlar, Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Genel Yayın No, 121. Teknik Yayın No; 56, 623 s. Ankara, (In Turkish).
  • Warren B E, Casson T & Ryall D H (1994). Production from grazing sheep on revegetated saltland in Western Australia. Halophytes as a Resource for Livestock and for Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands (Eds. Squires VR and Ayoub, AT), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 263-265.
  • Werner R K & Senghas K (1973). Flora von deutschland and scinen agrenzenden Gebisten Institut fur systematic botanic and botanicher der universite et Heidelberg.

The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops

Year 2023, , 546 - 554, 31.03.2023


Salinity is one of the most serious environmental factors limiting the yield of plants. Because many crops experience yield losses due to the harmful effects of high salt content in soil and water. The increase in the area of land affected by salt has the potential to create problems in terms of food safety. In this context, it is necessary to develop some cultural practices to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of salinity. This study investigated the effects of salty groundwater at different depths on the yield and soil salinity of some forage crops grown in semi-arid regions for three years. The experiment was conducted using the randomized block split-plot design. The effect of water table depths on the yields of the cultivars in the first year was found to have a statistically significant (p<0.01) effect while it was insignificant in the second year. According to the Duncan test results, it was determined that the H1 (40 cm groundwater depth) treatment in the first year provided the highest yield in all three cultivars and formed the first group (p<0.01) in the Duncan test. The interaction between water table depths and plant species was statistically significant at the p<0.05 level. At the end of the experiment, the salt concentration of the topsoil (40 cm depth) increased significantly (p=0.025) at all water table depths. Moreover, although the sodium adsorption ratio of the inlet water was low, it was determined that the exchangeable sodium percentage of the soils increased significantly at all groundwater levels at the end of the trial.


  • Acar R, Koç N, Çelik S A & Direk M (2016). The Some Grasses Forage Crops Grown in Arid Rangeland of the Central Anatolian and Properties of These Plants. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (3rd ICSAE) 26-28.
  • Akhazari D, Sepehry A, Pessarakli M & Barani H (2012). Studying the Effects of Salinity Stress on the Growth of Various Halophytic Plant Species (Agropyron elongatum, Kochia prostrata and Puccinellia distans). World Applied Sciences Journal 16(7): 998-1003.
  • Anonymous (2018). Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. General Directorate of Meteorology
  • Ashkan A & Jalal M (2013). Effects of Salinity Stress on seed germination and seedling vigor indices of two Halophytic Plant Species (Agropyron elongatum and A. pectiniforme). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) 5: 2669-2676.
  • Ashour N I, Serag M S & Abd El-Haleem A K (1997). Forage production from three grass species under saline irrigation in Egypt. Journal of Arid Environments 37(2): 299-307.
  • Atalay M & Secerli L (1971). Konya arazi tasnif raporu, Topraksu Bölge Müdürlüğü, Konya, (In Turkish).
  • Bennett S J & Barrett-Lennard E G (2013). Predictions of groundwater depth and salinity levels land capability assessment using site indicator species. Crop and Pasture Science 64(3): 285-294.
  • Birand H (1961). Salt Lake Barren Plants, Ministry of Agriculture, General Directorate of TOPRAKSU, Publications, Number: 103 (In Turkish).
  • Brotherson J D (1987). Plant community zonation in response to soil gradients in a saline meadow near Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah. Great Basin Natur. 47: 322-333.
  • Chiacchiera S, Bertram N, Taleisnik E, & Jobbágy E (2016). Effect of water table depth and salinity on growth dynamics of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana). Crop Pasture Sci. 67(8): 881-887.
  • Dieleman P J (1977). Reclamation of Salt Affected Soils in Iraq. Soil Hydrological and Agricultura Studies ILRI. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement 28: 175.
  • Ehsani A, Elham H Y, Shafeian M T G & Yeganeh H (2016). Determining suitable grazing time for Puccinella distans Parl. based on its phenology in West Azerbaijan Province of Iran. Journal of Plant Interactions 11(1): 67-73.
  • Grattan S R, Grieve C M, Poss J A, Robinson P H, Suarez D L, & Benes S E (2004). Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems: I. Biomass production. Agricultural Water Management 70: 109-120.
  • Hughes T D (1972). Puccinellia distans--a salt-tolerant grass, in Illinois Turfgrass Conference, ed. by Hughes TD. Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, Champaign, IL, pp. 76.
  • Kaffka S, Oster J & Corwin D (2004). Forage production and soil reclamation using saline drainage water. In: Proceedings, National Alfalfa Symposium, 13-15 December, San Diego, CA. UC Cooperative Extension, University of California, pp. 247-253.
  • Koç N & Acar R (2017). The Effect on Morphological Properties of Agropyron Species of Different Salt Concentrations. J Int Envir Application & Science 12(1): 9-13.
  • Kuşvuran A, Nazlı R I & Kuşvuran S (2014). Salinity Effects on Seed Germination in Different Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Schreb) Varieties. Agricultural Sciences Research Journal 7(2): 8-12.
  • Kyell Vist E (1971). Aslım floras Herbarium. Konya Regional TOPRAKSU Researche Instutute, Konya/Turkey.
  • Meester de T (1970). Soils of the Great Konya Basin, Turkey, Agricultural Research Reports 740, Agricultural University, Department of Tropical Soil Science, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • Miyamoto S, Glenn E P & Singh N T (1994). Utilization of halophytic plants for fodder production with brackish water in subtropic deserts. In: Squires V R, Ayoub A T (eds). Halophytes as a resource for livestock and for rehabilitation of degraded lands. Tasks for vegetation science, Springer 32.
  • Öztan B (1965). A research on the value of Poaceae barren grass (Puccinellia) in terms of improvement of salt-affected soils in Central Anatolia conditions and its comparison with hard wheat (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Peng Y H, Zhu Y F, Mao Y Q, Wang Su S M W A & Tang Z C (2004). Alkali grass resists salt stress through high [K+] and an endodermis barrier to Na+. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 939-949.
  • Robinson P H, Grattan S R, Getachew G, Grieve C M, Poss J A, Suarez D L & Benes S E (2004). Biomass accumulation and potential nutritive value of some forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water. Animal. Feed Science and Technology 111: 175-189.
  • Scalia R, Oddo E, Saiano F, & Grisafi F (2009). Effect of salinity on Puccinellia (L.) Parl. Treates with NaCl and foliarly applied glycinebetaine. Plant Stress 3(1): 49-54.
  • Shidaei G & Namati N (1978). Modern Range Management and Forage Production in Iran. Forests and Rangelands Organization, Tehran, Iran.
  • Suyama H, Benes S E, Robinson P H, Grattan S R, Grieve C M, & Getachew G (2007). Forage yield and quality under irrigation with saline-sodic drainage water: Greenhouse Evaluation Agricultural Water management 88: 159-172.
  • Tosun F (1967). Some important problems of grassland forage culture in Turkey, Atatürk University, Agricultural Research Institute Technical Bulletin No: 26, Erzurum, (In Turkish).
  • Tosun F (1974). Legume and cereal forage crops culture, Atatürk University Publications No: 242, Agricultural Faculty, Publications No: 123, Erzurum (In Turkish).
  • Uçar I (1982). Sheep breeding and economy in artificial and natural pastures of Aslim salty-wet soils, Rural Services Konya Research Institute, General Publication No: 80.
  • Yurtsever N (1984). Deneysel İstatistik Metotlar, Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Genel Yayın No, 121. Teknik Yayın No; 56, 623 s. Ankara, (In Turkish).
  • Warren B E, Casson T & Ryall D H (1994). Production from grazing sheep on revegetated saltland in Western Australia. Halophytes as a Resource for Livestock and for Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands (Eds. Squires VR and Ayoub, AT), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 263-265.
  • Werner R K & Senghas K (1973). Flora von deutschland and scinen agrenzenden Gebisten Institut fur systematic botanic and botanicher der universite et Heidelberg.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Barış Bahçeci 0000-0002-9693-0653

Ali Fuat Tarı 0000-0001-9157-1682

İdris Bahceci 0000-0001-9849-3939

Publication Date March 31, 2023
Submission Date May 2, 2021
Acceptance Date October 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Bahçeci, B., Tarı, A. F., & Bahceci, İ. (2023). The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2), 546-554.
AMA Bahçeci B, Tarı AF, Bahceci İ. The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2023;29(2):546-554. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.918734
Chicago Bahçeci, Barış, Ali Fuat Tarı, and İdris Bahceci. “The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29, no. 2 (March 2023): 546-54.
EndNote Bahçeci B, Tarı AF, Bahceci İ (March 1, 2023) The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 2 546–554.
IEEE B. Bahçeci, A. F. Tarı, and İ. Bahceci, “The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 546–554, 2023, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.918734.
ISNAD Bahçeci, Barış et al. “The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29/2 (March 2023), 546-554.
JAMA Bahçeci B, Tarı AF, Bahceci İ. The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29:546–554.
MLA Bahçeci, Barış et al. “The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 2, 2023, pp. 546-54, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.918734.
Vancouver Bahçeci B, Tarı AF, Bahceci İ. The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29(2):546-54.

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