Research Article
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Year 2023, , 60 - 67, 31.01.2023



  • Addink J. W., Keller, J., Pair, C. H., Sneed, R. E. Wolfe, J. W. 1983. Design and operation of sprinkler systems. In: Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems (Ed. M.E. Jensen), ASAE Monograph, No.3, Michigan, USA, pp. 621-660.
  • Adin, A., Sacks, M. 1991. Dripper-clogging factors in wastewater irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 117(6):813-826.
  • Asomah, I. K., Napier-Munn, T. J. 1997. An empirical model of hydrocyclones, incorporating angle of inclination. Minerals Engineering, 10(3): 339–347.
  • Avcı, A., Erel, G. K. 2003. Siklon separatörlerde uzunluğun verime etkisi ve optimizasyonu. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1):101-109.
  • Bernardo, S., Mori, M., Peres, A. P., Dionisio, R. P. 2006. 3-D computational fluid dynamics for gas and gas-particle flows in a cyclone with different inlet section angles. Powder Technology,162(3): 190-200.
  • Bulancak, S., Demir, V., Yurdem, H., Uz, E. 2006. Determination of the efficiencies of different types of filters and filter combinations used in drip irrigation systems in open channel. Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 43(1): 85-96.
  • Cernecky, J., Plandorova, K. 2013. The effect of the introduction of an exit tube on the separation efficiency in a cyclone. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(3): 627-641.
  • Chauhdary, J. N., Shabbir, G., Ahmed, S., Waqas, A. 2017. Pressurized Irrigation Systems In: Applied Irrigation Engineering (Editors Bakhsh, A., Choudhry, M., R.,) p 275-306. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Chauhan, H. S. 1998. Product standardization in micro irrigation. In: Workshop on Micro irrigation & Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, 1, 1998, New Delhi. Proceedings New Delhi: Central Board of Irrigation and Power, pp. VI-3–VI-6.
  • Desai, G. A., Praveen, G. S. 2011. Study on design and performance evaluation of hydrocyclone separators for micro-irrigation systems. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 4(2): 200-205.
  • Dirgo, J., Leith, D. 1985. Cyclone collection efficiency: comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions. Aerosol science and technology, 4(4): 401-415.
  • Erbaş, M., Sofuoğlu, A., Bıyıkoğlu, A., Uslan, İ. 2013. Bir toz tutucu siklon ayrıcının tasarımı ve sayısal metodlar kullanılarak iyileştirilmesi. ULIBTK'13 19. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, 9-12 Eylül 2013, Samsun.
  • Erence, E., Kalafatoğlu, E., Örs, N., İzgi, Y. 1994. Siklon tasarım ve simülasyonu. TÜBİTAK-MAM Kimya Müh. Bölümü, Rappor No:255.
  • Fassani, F. L., Goldstein Jr, L. 2000. A study of the effect of high inlet solids loading on a cyclone separator pressure drop and collection efficiency. Powder Technology, 107(1-2): 60-65.
  • Feng, J., Xue, S., Liu, H. 2020. Review of filter and its performance testing in agricultural efficient water-saving drip irrigation system. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 474, No. 7, p. 072032). IOP Publishing.
  • Fıçıcı, F., Arı, V. 2008. Experimental investigation of effect of vent pipe diameter changing in tangential inlet reverse flow cyclones on pressure drop. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 14(2): 205-211.
  • Goyal, M. R., Panigrahi, P. 2015. Sustainable Micro Irrigation Design Systems for Agricultural Crops: Methods and Practices. CRC Press.
  • İşcan, S., Tepeli, E., Uyan, A., Yaşar, M., Çavdar, A. 2001. Sulamanın Temel Esasları I, T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Adana Zirai Üretim İşletmeleri ve Mekanizasyon Eğitim Merkez Müdürlüğü, Adana.
  • Keller, J., Bliesner, R. D. 1990. Sprinkle and trickle irrigation. An Avi book. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 651 pp.
  • Kenny, L. C., Thorpe, A., Stacey, P. 2017. A collection of experimental data for aerosol monitoring cyclones. Aerosol Science and Technology, 51(10): 1190-1200.
  • Klima, M. S., Kim, B. H. 1998. Dense-medium separation of heavy metal particles from soil using a wide angle hydrocyclone. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 1325-1340.
  • Kumbasar, V., Kip, F. 1986. Zemin Mekaniği Problemleri Kitabı- Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Liu, L., Dou, H. S., Chen, X. 2016. Effect of particle diameter and injection position on the separation performance of cyclone separators. The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 8(1): 40-47.
  • Mailapalli, D. R., Marques, P. A. A., Thomas, K. J. 2007. Performance Evaluation of Hydrocyclone Filter For Micro irrigation. Eng. Agric., Jaboticabal 27(2):373-382.
  • Martinez, L. F., Lavin, A. G., Mahamud, M. M., Bueno, J. L. 2008. Vortex finder optimum length in hydrocyclone separation. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47(2), 192–199. doi:10.1016/ j.cep.2007.03.003.
  • Nakayama, F. S., Bucks, D. A. 1991. Water quality in drip/trickle irrigation: a review. Irrigation science, 12(4): 187-192.
  • Parihar, A. K. S., Joshi, C., Sridhar, G. 2012. The performance of cyclones in producer gas cleaning: experimental and modeling studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 226(6): 776-793.
  • Sakura, G. B., Leung, A. Y. 2015. Experimental study of particle collection efficiency of cylindrical inlet type cyclone separator. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6(3): 160-164.
  • Shukla, S. K., Shukla, P., Ghosh, P. 2011. Evaluation of numerical schemes for dispersed phase modeling of cyclone separators. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5(2): 235-246.
  • Silva, M. A. P. 1989. Hidrociclones de Bradley: dimensionamento e análise de desempenho. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 81p. (Dissertação - Mestrado).
  • Smithy, I. C., Thew, M. T. 1996. A study of effect of dissolved gas on operation of liquid-liquid separation. In Hydrocyclones ed. Claxton D., Svarovsky, L.; Thew, M.T. London and Bury Saint Edmunds London p. 357-368.
  • Soccol, O. J., Botrel, T. A. 2004. Hydrocyclone for pre-filtering of irrigation water. Scientia Agricola, 61(2): 134-140.
  • Soccol, O. J., Rodrigues, L. N., Botrel, T. A., Ullmann, M. N. 2007. Evaluation of hydrocyclone as pre-filter in irrigation system. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 50:193-199.
  • Srivastava, S. K., Singh, K. K., Singh, P. K., Singh, R. P. 1998. Hydraulic performance study of drip irrigation hydrocyclone filter. In: Workshop on Micro irrigation & Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, 1, 1998, New Delhi. Proceedings. New Delhi: Central Board of Irrigation and Power, pp. III-33–III-38.
  • Tan, F., Karagöz, İ., Avcı, A. 2015. Çok fazlı akışlarda performans karakteristiklerinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi p:2783-2789, Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, 8-11 Nisan /İzmir.
  • U.S.S.L. 1954. U.S.Salinity Lab. Staff. Diagnosis and Improvement Saline and Alkali Soils. Agriculture Handbook 60, USA.
  • Yıldırım, O. 2003. Sulama Sistemlerinin Tasarımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Yayın No:1536, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:489. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Youngmin, J., Chi, T., Madhumita, B. R. 2000. Development of a post cyclone to improve the efficiency of reverse flow cyclones. Powder Technology, 113(9): 97-108.
  • Yurdem, H., Demir, V., Değirmencioğlu, A. 2010. Development of a mathematical model to predict clean water head losses in hydrocyclone filters in drip irrigation systems using dimensional analysis. Biosystems Engineering, 105(4): 495-506.

Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters

Year 2023, , 60 - 67, 31.01.2023


Hydrocyclones are used as pre-filter to reduce suspended particles in irrigation water on the subsequent filters. The aim of the study was to determine separation efficiency (SE) of hydrocyclones, called H1, H2 and H3 according to inlet/outlet diameters, at water velocities of 1.0 (V10), 1.5 (V15) and 2.0 (V20) ms-1, and sands diameter of 0.5 (D05), 1.0 (D10), 1.5 (D15), 2.0 (D20) and 2.5 (D25) mm. Therefore, a hydrocyclone laboratory test system was constituted using a water tank, motor pump, inverter, flowmeter, valve, hydrocyclone, disk filter, and polythene pipe. Separation efficiencies were calculated by dividing amounts of sand collected in collection box by feeding amount of sand. The lowest average separation efficiency was determined as 37% at H1V10D05 treatment and the highest ones as 97% at both H2V20D10 and H3V20D20, and the other ones changed between two values. Average separation efficiencies resulted as 69%, 88% and 88% for H1, H2 and H3 hydrocyclones, and 71%, 84% and 90% for V10, V15 and V20 water velocities, and 78%, 82%, 82%, 83% and 84% for D05, D10, D15, D20 and D25 sand diameters, respectively. Besides these, average separation efficiency for three parameters was 82%. Since the inlet size of H2 is smaller than that of H3 and its SE was higher than that of H1 and equal to that of H3, the most suitable hydrocyclone was determined as H2 to be used in the micro irrigation. The highest average separation efficiency was 90% at a water velocity of 2.0 ms-1. According to separation efficiency of the hydrocyclone, the optimum water velocity in the inlet of the hydrocyclone was determined as 2.0 ms-1. The separation efficiency of hydrocyclone showed that the efficiencies increased with increasing water velocity from 0.5 ms-1 to 2.0 ms-1 and sand diameters from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. In separation efficiency for micro irrigation, water velocities and suspended materials play crucial roles as well as hydrocyclone mechanical properties.


  • Addink J. W., Keller, J., Pair, C. H., Sneed, R. E. Wolfe, J. W. 1983. Design and operation of sprinkler systems. In: Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems (Ed. M.E. Jensen), ASAE Monograph, No.3, Michigan, USA, pp. 621-660.
  • Adin, A., Sacks, M. 1991. Dripper-clogging factors in wastewater irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 117(6):813-826.
  • Asomah, I. K., Napier-Munn, T. J. 1997. An empirical model of hydrocyclones, incorporating angle of inclination. Minerals Engineering, 10(3): 339–347.
  • Avcı, A., Erel, G. K. 2003. Siklon separatörlerde uzunluğun verime etkisi ve optimizasyonu. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1):101-109.
  • Bernardo, S., Mori, M., Peres, A. P., Dionisio, R. P. 2006. 3-D computational fluid dynamics for gas and gas-particle flows in a cyclone with different inlet section angles. Powder Technology,162(3): 190-200.
  • Bulancak, S., Demir, V., Yurdem, H., Uz, E. 2006. Determination of the efficiencies of different types of filters and filter combinations used in drip irrigation systems in open channel. Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 43(1): 85-96.
  • Cernecky, J., Plandorova, K. 2013. The effect of the introduction of an exit tube on the separation efficiency in a cyclone. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(3): 627-641.
  • Chauhdary, J. N., Shabbir, G., Ahmed, S., Waqas, A. 2017. Pressurized Irrigation Systems In: Applied Irrigation Engineering (Editors Bakhsh, A., Choudhry, M., R.,) p 275-306. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Chauhan, H. S. 1998. Product standardization in micro irrigation. In: Workshop on Micro irrigation & Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, 1, 1998, New Delhi. Proceedings New Delhi: Central Board of Irrigation and Power, pp. VI-3–VI-6.
  • Desai, G. A., Praveen, G. S. 2011. Study on design and performance evaluation of hydrocyclone separators for micro-irrigation systems. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 4(2): 200-205.
  • Dirgo, J., Leith, D. 1985. Cyclone collection efficiency: comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions. Aerosol science and technology, 4(4): 401-415.
  • Erbaş, M., Sofuoğlu, A., Bıyıkoğlu, A., Uslan, İ. 2013. Bir toz tutucu siklon ayrıcının tasarımı ve sayısal metodlar kullanılarak iyileştirilmesi. ULIBTK'13 19. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, 9-12 Eylül 2013, Samsun.
  • Erence, E., Kalafatoğlu, E., Örs, N., İzgi, Y. 1994. Siklon tasarım ve simülasyonu. TÜBİTAK-MAM Kimya Müh. Bölümü, Rappor No:255.
  • Fassani, F. L., Goldstein Jr, L. 2000. A study of the effect of high inlet solids loading on a cyclone separator pressure drop and collection efficiency. Powder Technology, 107(1-2): 60-65.
  • Feng, J., Xue, S., Liu, H. 2020. Review of filter and its performance testing in agricultural efficient water-saving drip irrigation system. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 474, No. 7, p. 072032). IOP Publishing.
  • Fıçıcı, F., Arı, V. 2008. Experimental investigation of effect of vent pipe diameter changing in tangential inlet reverse flow cyclones on pressure drop. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 14(2): 205-211.
  • Goyal, M. R., Panigrahi, P. 2015. Sustainable Micro Irrigation Design Systems for Agricultural Crops: Methods and Practices. CRC Press.
  • İşcan, S., Tepeli, E., Uyan, A., Yaşar, M., Çavdar, A. 2001. Sulamanın Temel Esasları I, T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Adana Zirai Üretim İşletmeleri ve Mekanizasyon Eğitim Merkez Müdürlüğü, Adana.
  • Keller, J., Bliesner, R. D. 1990. Sprinkle and trickle irrigation. An Avi book. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 651 pp.
  • Kenny, L. C., Thorpe, A., Stacey, P. 2017. A collection of experimental data for aerosol monitoring cyclones. Aerosol Science and Technology, 51(10): 1190-1200.
  • Klima, M. S., Kim, B. H. 1998. Dense-medium separation of heavy metal particles from soil using a wide angle hydrocyclone. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 1325-1340.
  • Kumbasar, V., Kip, F. 1986. Zemin Mekaniği Problemleri Kitabı- Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Liu, L., Dou, H. S., Chen, X. 2016. Effect of particle diameter and injection position on the separation performance of cyclone separators. The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 8(1): 40-47.
  • Mailapalli, D. R., Marques, P. A. A., Thomas, K. J. 2007. Performance Evaluation of Hydrocyclone Filter For Micro irrigation. Eng. Agric., Jaboticabal 27(2):373-382.
  • Martinez, L. F., Lavin, A. G., Mahamud, M. M., Bueno, J. L. 2008. Vortex finder optimum length in hydrocyclone separation. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47(2), 192–199. doi:10.1016/ j.cep.2007.03.003.
  • Nakayama, F. S., Bucks, D. A. 1991. Water quality in drip/trickle irrigation: a review. Irrigation science, 12(4): 187-192.
  • Parihar, A. K. S., Joshi, C., Sridhar, G. 2012. The performance of cyclones in producer gas cleaning: experimental and modeling studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 226(6): 776-793.
  • Sakura, G. B., Leung, A. Y. 2015. Experimental study of particle collection efficiency of cylindrical inlet type cyclone separator. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6(3): 160-164.
  • Shukla, S. K., Shukla, P., Ghosh, P. 2011. Evaluation of numerical schemes for dispersed phase modeling of cyclone separators. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5(2): 235-246.
  • Silva, M. A. P. 1989. Hidrociclones de Bradley: dimensionamento e análise de desempenho. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 81p. (Dissertação - Mestrado).
  • Smithy, I. C., Thew, M. T. 1996. A study of effect of dissolved gas on operation of liquid-liquid separation. In Hydrocyclones ed. Claxton D., Svarovsky, L.; Thew, M.T. London and Bury Saint Edmunds London p. 357-368.
  • Soccol, O. J., Botrel, T. A. 2004. Hydrocyclone for pre-filtering of irrigation water. Scientia Agricola, 61(2): 134-140.
  • Soccol, O. J., Rodrigues, L. N., Botrel, T. A., Ullmann, M. N. 2007. Evaluation of hydrocyclone as pre-filter in irrigation system. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 50:193-199.
  • Srivastava, S. K., Singh, K. K., Singh, P. K., Singh, R. P. 1998. Hydraulic performance study of drip irrigation hydrocyclone filter. In: Workshop on Micro irrigation & Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, 1, 1998, New Delhi. Proceedings. New Delhi: Central Board of Irrigation and Power, pp. III-33–III-38.
  • Tan, F., Karagöz, İ., Avcı, A. 2015. Çok fazlı akışlarda performans karakteristiklerinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi p:2783-2789, Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, 8-11 Nisan /İzmir.
  • U.S.S.L. 1954. U.S.Salinity Lab. Staff. Diagnosis and Improvement Saline and Alkali Soils. Agriculture Handbook 60, USA.
  • Yıldırım, O. 2003. Sulama Sistemlerinin Tasarımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Yayın No:1536, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:489. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Youngmin, J., Chi, T., Madhumita, B. R. 2000. Development of a post cyclone to improve the efficiency of reverse flow cyclones. Powder Technology, 113(9): 97-108.
  • Yurdem, H., Demir, V., Değirmencioğlu, A. 2010. Development of a mathematical model to predict clean water head losses in hydrocyclone filters in drip irrigation systems using dimensional analysis. Biosystems Engineering, 105(4): 495-506.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Cafer Gençoğlan 0000-0002-4559-4354

Hayri Şahin This is me

Serpil Gençoğlan 0000-0002-7390-8365

Publication Date January 31, 2023
Submission Date August 16, 2021
Acceptance Date February 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Gençoğlan, C., Şahin, H., & Gençoğlan, S. (2023). Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(1), 60-67.
AMA Gençoğlan C, Şahin H, Gençoğlan S. Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2023;29(1):60-67. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.983589
Chicago Gençoğlan, Cafer, Hayri Şahin, and Serpil Gençoğlan. “Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29, no. 1 (January 2023): 60-67.
EndNote Gençoğlan C, Şahin H, Gençoğlan S (January 1, 2023) Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 1 60–67.
IEEE C. Gençoğlan, H. Şahin, and S. Gençoğlan, “Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 60–67, 2023, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.983589.
ISNAD Gençoğlan, Cafer et al. “Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29/1 (January 2023), 60-67.
JAMA Gençoğlan C, Şahin H, Gençoğlan S. Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29:60–67.
MLA Gençoğlan, Cafer et al. “Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 1, 2023, pp. 60-67, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.983589.
Vancouver Gençoğlan C, Şahin H, Gençoğlan S. Determination of Separation Efficiency of Hydrocyclone Used Pre-Filter in Micro Irrigation at Different Inlet Velocities and Sand Diameters. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29(1):60-7.

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