Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 185 - 198, 01.06.2018



  • Abonyi J & Feil B (2007). Cluster Analysis for Data Mining and System Identification. 1st ed. Birkhauser Verlag AG, Berlin
  • Acar C & Gülez S (2002). Ecological and visual structure along Trabzon-Rize coastal highway in Turkey. Journal of Balkan Ecology 5(2): 119-133
  • Acar C & Günay K (2014). Kentsel ulaşım peyzajı üzerine tasarım ve planlama önerileri. In: Şehircilik ve Ulaşım Planlaması Sempozyumu, 26 Eylül 2014, Trabzon Bildirler Kitapçığı, pp. 71-88
  • Acar C, Kurdoğlu B Ç, Kurdoğlu O & Acar H (2006). Public preferences for visual quality and management in the Kackar Mountains National Park (Turkey). International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 13: 499-512
  • Acar C, Akkaya H, Ayhan N & Eroğlu E (2008). A visual assessment of coastline landscape design in eastern black sea region of Vakfıkebir. In: Abstract Book of MARENPOL 2008, Trabzon, pp. 38
  • Acar H, Eroğlu E & Acar C (2013). Landscape values of rocky habitats in urban and semi-urban context of Turkey: A study of Tokat city. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 11(2): 1200-1211
  • Akbar K F, Hale W & Headley A D (2003). Assessment of scenic beauty of the roadside vegetation in northern England. Landscape and Urban Planning 63: 139144
  • Atik M, Karagüzel O & Durak A (2013). Bitkisel tasarımda doğal bitki türleri ve Antalya örneğinde kullanım potansiyeli. In: V. Süs Bitkileri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı 1, 6-9 May, Yalova, pp. 117-125
  • Avşar M D & Ok T (2010). Using poplars (Populus spp. L.) in urban afforestation: Kahramanmaraş sample. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry 2: 127-135
  • Bell S (2004). Elements of Visual Design in the Landscape, 2nd ed. Spon Press, London and New York
  • Brown T C & Daniel T C (1990). Scaling of ratings: Concepts and methods. Research Paper RM-293.
  • Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 22
  • Bulut Z & Yilmaz H (2008). Determination of landscape beauties through visual quality assessment method: A case study for Kemaliye (Erzincan/Turkey). Environmental Monitoring and Assesment 141(1-3): 121-129
  • Cackowski J M & Nasar J L (2003). The restorative effects of roadside vegetation: implications for automobile driver anger and frustration. Environment and Behaviour 35(6): 736-751
  • Clay G R & Daniel T C (2000). Scenic landscape assessment: the effects of land management jurisdiction on public perception of scenic beauty. Landscape and Urban Planning 49(1-2): 1-13
  • Clay G R & Smidt R K (2004). Assessing the validity and reliability of descriptor variables used in scenic highway analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning 66(4): 239-255
  • Çepel N (1998). Peyzaj Ekolojisi. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications: 3510, İstanbul
  • Daniel T C & Vining J (1983). Methodological issues in the assessment of landscape quality. In: I Altman & F Wohlwill (Eds), Behavior and the Natural Environment, Plenum Press, New York
  • Dell’Acqua G & Russo F (2010). Descriptors in scenic highway analysis: A test study along Italian road corridors. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering 1(2): 73-88
  • Demir Z & Eroğlu E (2015). Visual effects of some roadside deciduous trees on road users. In: Abstract Book of Macodesu 2015, Trabzon, pp.140 Dirik H (2008). Plantasyon (Bitkilendirme ve Dikim) Teknikleri. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications: 4729, İstanbul
  • Eroğlu E & Acar C (2011). Visual landscape character of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) link.) mountain forests in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 19(3): 189197
  • Eroğlu E, Müderrisoğlu H & Kesim G A (2012). The effect of seasonal change of plants compositions on visual perception. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 20(3): 199-205
  • Everitt B S, Landau S & Leese M (2001). Cluster Analysis. Arnold/Hodder Headline Group, London
  • Fathi M & Masnavi M R (2014). Assessing environmental aesthetics of roadside vegetation and scenic beauty of highway landscape: Preferences and perception of motorists. International Journal of Environmental Ressearch 8(4): 941-952
  • Froment J & Domon G (2006). Viewer appreciation of highway landscapes: The contribution of ecologically managed embankments in Quebec, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning 78(1-2): 14-32
  • Görcelioğlu E (2002). Peyzaj Onarım Tekniği. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications: 4351, İstanbul
  • Güngör İ H (2005). Görsel Sanatlar ve Mimarlık için Temel Tasar. Esen Ofset, İstanbul Gürer L (1990). Temel Tasarım. Teknik Üniversite Matbaası, İstanbul
  • Kalaycı Ş (2010). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayınları Dağıtım, Ankara Kalıpsız A (1981). İstatistiksel Yöntemler. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları: 2837-294, İstanbul
  • Kaplan R & Kaplan S (1989). The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Mader G & Neubert-Mader L (2004). BäumeGestaltungsmittel in Garten, Landschaft und Städtebau. Komet Cologne, Germany A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey,
  • Müderrisoğlu H & Eroğlu E (2006). Differences in visual perception of some coniferous trees under snow load. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry 1: 136-146
  • Müderrisoğlu H, Eroğlu E, Ak K & Aydın Ş Ö (2006). Visual perception of tree form. Building and Environment 41: 796-806
  • Ode A, Fry G, Tveit M S, Messager P & Miller D (2009). Indicators of perceived naturalness as drivers of landscape preference. Journal of Environmental Management 90(1): 375-383
  • Osgood C E, Suci G J & Tannenbaum P H (1957). The Measurement of Meaning. The University of Illinois Press, Urbana IL
  • Osgood C E, May W H & Miron M S (1975). Crosscultural Universals of Affective Meaning. University of Illinois Press, Urbana IL
  • Özgen Y (1984). Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde Ordu-Rize arası kıyı yolunun peyzaj özellikleri, peyzaj mimarlığı açısından ortaya koyduğu sorunlar ve çözümü üzerine bir araştırma (Doktora Tezi Özeti). İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 34 (2): 1-3
  • Pellegrini P & Baudry S (2014). Streets as new places to bring together both humans and plants: Examples from Paris and Montpellier (France). Social & Cultural Geography 15(8): 871-900
  • Serpa A & Muhar A (1999). Effects of plant size, texture and colour on spatial perception in public green areas-a cross-cultural study. Landscape and Urban Planning 36(1): 19-25
  • Spooner P G & Lisa S (2009). Effects of road age on the structure of roadside vegetation in south-eastern Australia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129: 57-64
  • Strumse E (1996). Demographic differences in the visual preferences for agrarian landscapes in western Norway. Journal of Environmental Psychology 16(1): 17-31
  • Todorova A, Asakawa S & Aikoh T (2004). Preferences for and attitudes towards street flowers and trees in Sapporo, Japan. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 403-416
  • Trowbridge P J & Bassuk N L (2004). Trees in the Urban Landscape Site Assessment Design and Installation. Wiley, ISBN 0-471-39246-4, USA Ürgenç S İ (1998). Ağaç ve Süs Bitkileri Fidanlık ve Yetiştirme Tekniği, 2. Baskı, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, 3395-442, İstanbul
  • Weber F, Kowarik I & Saumel I (2014). A walk on the wild side: Perceptions of roadside vegetation beyond trees. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13(2): 205212
  • Wolf K L (2006). Assessing Public Response to Freeway Roadsides. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1984. National Academies, Washington DC, pp. 102-111
  • Yaltırık F (1993). Dendroloji Ders Kitabı II-Angiospermae (Kapalı Tohumlular), 2nd ed. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications, 3767-420, İstanbul
  • Yavuzşefik Y & Uzun O (2005). Peyzaj Onarım Tekniği, Düzce Yılmaz E (2008). Okaliptüsün su tüketimi ile kent ve yol ağacı olarak değeri hakkında rapor. Journal of DOA 14: 1-31 Yılmaz H (2012). Kırsal peyzaj karakterinin vazgeçilmezi; Kavaklar. Plant Dergisi 7: 64-66

A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey

Year 2018, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 185 - 198, 01.06.2018


Roadside plantings along urban and rural road corridors are designed to create visual effects as well as to provide functional benefits such as shading, screening or routing. Considering their potential for daily public use, roads and road corridors, as significant visual impact centers, can attract people’s attention and affect their points of view. Poplar species, which grow rapidly and easily along road corridors and can adapt to different ecological conditions swiftly, are used widely in both urban and rural landscapes in Turkey. The main objective of this study was to determine the visual structures dependent on the road-plant relationships of the poplar compositions that play an important role in shaping the roadside landscapes. For this purpose, compositions of poplar trees in selected urban and rural road corridors throughout Turkey were photographed and visual analysis techniques (VATs) were applied to determine visual preferences. Participants (n= 35) were shown 30 photographs, selected from the nearly 1000 taken, of road corridor poplar plantings and their evaluations were recorded in a questionnaire. In this survey, the people were requested to evaluate their appreciation levels towards the plantings as well as to express their other visual preferences and to assess visual quality. In addition, the association of all these evaluations with the demographic characteristics of the participants were determined. A correlation analysis was then performed to identify the relationships among all the visual assessments and a cluster analysis was conducted according to the visual status of the photographs in order to determine their groups. In the results of the study, the poplar trees, either individually or in the form of compositions, were reported to have a significant visual diversity. Moreover, the cluster analysis found the resulting three groups to be associated with leaf density, seasonal conditions and the trees as individuals or in groups. The seasonal variation factor in particular was shown to be visually effective in the poplar compositions. It was determined that visual perception of the poplar plantations differed in accordance with the demographic differences. This work established that poplar plantations as single trees or in groups and their proximity to the road altered visual preferences, and consequently, some suggestions were made concerning the use of poplars in roadside landscape planning.


  • Abonyi J & Feil B (2007). Cluster Analysis for Data Mining and System Identification. 1st ed. Birkhauser Verlag AG, Berlin
  • Acar C & Gülez S (2002). Ecological and visual structure along Trabzon-Rize coastal highway in Turkey. Journal of Balkan Ecology 5(2): 119-133
  • Acar C & Günay K (2014). Kentsel ulaşım peyzajı üzerine tasarım ve planlama önerileri. In: Şehircilik ve Ulaşım Planlaması Sempozyumu, 26 Eylül 2014, Trabzon Bildirler Kitapçığı, pp. 71-88
  • Acar C, Kurdoğlu B Ç, Kurdoğlu O & Acar H (2006). Public preferences for visual quality and management in the Kackar Mountains National Park (Turkey). International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 13: 499-512
  • Acar C, Akkaya H, Ayhan N & Eroğlu E (2008). A visual assessment of coastline landscape design in eastern black sea region of Vakfıkebir. In: Abstract Book of MARENPOL 2008, Trabzon, pp. 38
  • Acar H, Eroğlu E & Acar C (2013). Landscape values of rocky habitats in urban and semi-urban context of Turkey: A study of Tokat city. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 11(2): 1200-1211
  • Akbar K F, Hale W & Headley A D (2003). Assessment of scenic beauty of the roadside vegetation in northern England. Landscape and Urban Planning 63: 139144
  • Atik M, Karagüzel O & Durak A (2013). Bitkisel tasarımda doğal bitki türleri ve Antalya örneğinde kullanım potansiyeli. In: V. Süs Bitkileri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı 1, 6-9 May, Yalova, pp. 117-125
  • Avşar M D & Ok T (2010). Using poplars (Populus spp. L.) in urban afforestation: Kahramanmaraş sample. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry 2: 127-135
  • Bell S (2004). Elements of Visual Design in the Landscape, 2nd ed. Spon Press, London and New York
  • Brown T C & Daniel T C (1990). Scaling of ratings: Concepts and methods. Research Paper RM-293.
  • Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 22
  • Bulut Z & Yilmaz H (2008). Determination of landscape beauties through visual quality assessment method: A case study for Kemaliye (Erzincan/Turkey). Environmental Monitoring and Assesment 141(1-3): 121-129
  • Cackowski J M & Nasar J L (2003). The restorative effects of roadside vegetation: implications for automobile driver anger and frustration. Environment and Behaviour 35(6): 736-751
  • Clay G R & Daniel T C (2000). Scenic landscape assessment: the effects of land management jurisdiction on public perception of scenic beauty. Landscape and Urban Planning 49(1-2): 1-13
  • Clay G R & Smidt R K (2004). Assessing the validity and reliability of descriptor variables used in scenic highway analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning 66(4): 239-255
  • Çepel N (1998). Peyzaj Ekolojisi. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications: 3510, İstanbul
  • Daniel T C & Vining J (1983). Methodological issues in the assessment of landscape quality. In: I Altman & F Wohlwill (Eds), Behavior and the Natural Environment, Plenum Press, New York
  • Dell’Acqua G & Russo F (2010). Descriptors in scenic highway analysis: A test study along Italian road corridors. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering 1(2): 73-88
  • Demir Z & Eroğlu E (2015). Visual effects of some roadside deciduous trees on road users. In: Abstract Book of Macodesu 2015, Trabzon, pp.140 Dirik H (2008). Plantasyon (Bitkilendirme ve Dikim) Teknikleri. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications: 4729, İstanbul
  • Eroğlu E & Acar C (2011). Visual landscape character of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) link.) mountain forests in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 19(3): 189197
  • Eroğlu E, Müderrisoğlu H & Kesim G A (2012). The effect of seasonal change of plants compositions on visual perception. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 20(3): 199-205
  • Everitt B S, Landau S & Leese M (2001). Cluster Analysis. Arnold/Hodder Headline Group, London
  • Fathi M & Masnavi M R (2014). Assessing environmental aesthetics of roadside vegetation and scenic beauty of highway landscape: Preferences and perception of motorists. International Journal of Environmental Ressearch 8(4): 941-952
  • Froment J & Domon G (2006). Viewer appreciation of highway landscapes: The contribution of ecologically managed embankments in Quebec, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning 78(1-2): 14-32
  • Görcelioğlu E (2002). Peyzaj Onarım Tekniği. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications: 4351, İstanbul
  • Güngör İ H (2005). Görsel Sanatlar ve Mimarlık için Temel Tasar. Esen Ofset, İstanbul Gürer L (1990). Temel Tasarım. Teknik Üniversite Matbaası, İstanbul
  • Kalaycı Ş (2010). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayınları Dağıtım, Ankara Kalıpsız A (1981). İstatistiksel Yöntemler. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları: 2837-294, İstanbul
  • Kaplan R & Kaplan S (1989). The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Mader G & Neubert-Mader L (2004). BäumeGestaltungsmittel in Garten, Landschaft und Städtebau. Komet Cologne, Germany A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey,
  • Müderrisoğlu H & Eroğlu E (2006). Differences in visual perception of some coniferous trees under snow load. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Forestry 1: 136-146
  • Müderrisoğlu H, Eroğlu E, Ak K & Aydın Ş Ö (2006). Visual perception of tree form. Building and Environment 41: 796-806
  • Ode A, Fry G, Tveit M S, Messager P & Miller D (2009). Indicators of perceived naturalness as drivers of landscape preference. Journal of Environmental Management 90(1): 375-383
  • Osgood C E, Suci G J & Tannenbaum P H (1957). The Measurement of Meaning. The University of Illinois Press, Urbana IL
  • Osgood C E, May W H & Miron M S (1975). Crosscultural Universals of Affective Meaning. University of Illinois Press, Urbana IL
  • Özgen Y (1984). Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde Ordu-Rize arası kıyı yolunun peyzaj özellikleri, peyzaj mimarlığı açısından ortaya koyduğu sorunlar ve çözümü üzerine bir araştırma (Doktora Tezi Özeti). İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 34 (2): 1-3
  • Pellegrini P & Baudry S (2014). Streets as new places to bring together both humans and plants: Examples from Paris and Montpellier (France). Social & Cultural Geography 15(8): 871-900
  • Serpa A & Muhar A (1999). Effects of plant size, texture and colour on spatial perception in public green areas-a cross-cultural study. Landscape and Urban Planning 36(1): 19-25
  • Spooner P G & Lisa S (2009). Effects of road age on the structure of roadside vegetation in south-eastern Australia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129: 57-64
  • Strumse E (1996). Demographic differences in the visual preferences for agrarian landscapes in western Norway. Journal of Environmental Psychology 16(1): 17-31
  • Todorova A, Asakawa S & Aikoh T (2004). Preferences for and attitudes towards street flowers and trees in Sapporo, Japan. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 403-416
  • Trowbridge P J & Bassuk N L (2004). Trees in the Urban Landscape Site Assessment Design and Installation. Wiley, ISBN 0-471-39246-4, USA Ürgenç S İ (1998). Ağaç ve Süs Bitkileri Fidanlık ve Yetiştirme Tekniği, 2. Baskı, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, 3395-442, İstanbul
  • Weber F, Kowarik I & Saumel I (2014). A walk on the wild side: Perceptions of roadside vegetation beyond trees. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13(2): 205212
  • Wolf K L (2006). Assessing Public Response to Freeway Roadsides. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1984. National Academies, Washington DC, pp. 102-111
  • Yaltırık F (1993). Dendroloji Ders Kitabı II-Angiospermae (Kapalı Tohumlular), 2nd ed. İstanbul University Faculty of Forestry Publications, 3767-420, İstanbul
  • Yavuzşefik Y & Uzun O (2005). Peyzaj Onarım Tekniği, Düzce Yılmaz E (2008). Okaliptüsün su tüketimi ile kent ve yol ağacı olarak değeri hakkında rapor. Journal of DOA 14: 1-31 Yılmaz H (2012). Kırsal peyzaj karakterinin vazgeçilmezi; Kavaklar. Plant Dergisi 7: 64-66
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Engin Eroğlu

Cengiz Acar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Submission Date March 18, 2015
Acceptance Date February 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 24 Issue: 2


APA Eroğlu, E., & Acar, C. (2018). A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(2), 185-198.
AMA Eroğlu E, Acar C. A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. June 2018;24(2):185-198. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446436
Chicago Eroğlu, Engin, and Cengiz Acar. “A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 2 (June 2018): 185-98.
EndNote Eroğlu E, Acar C (June 1, 2018) A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 2 185–198.
IEEE E. Eroğlu and C. Acar, “A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 185–198, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.446436.
ISNAD Eroğlu, Engin - Acar, Cengiz. “A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/2 (June 2018), 185-198.
JAMA Eroğlu E, Acar C. A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:185–198.
MLA Eroğlu, Engin and Cengiz Acar. “A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 2, 2018, pp. 185-98, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446436.
Vancouver Eroğlu E, Acar C. A Visual Assessment of Roadside Poplar Plantings in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(2):185-98.

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