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Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 234 - 241, 01.03.2017


In the present study, we examined forage yield and quality features of annual ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. lines developed by using half-sib family selection breeding method. The study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications between 2009 and 2011 years in Samsun, Turkey. Based on the average of the results of two years, significant differences were found for all parameters. In the studied lines and varieties, dry matter yields were found between 6.66 and 9.37 t ha-1, crude protein contents 11.46-13.81%, crude protein yields 0.80-1.18 t ha-1, acid detergent fiber 31.41-34.75%, neutral detergent fiber 48.77-52.80%, total digestible nutrient contents 56.49-60.80%, total digestible nutrient yields 376.35-556.42 t ha-1 and relative feed values 109.33-122.83. Annual ryegrass lines 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 were selected for further regional yield assessments due to their superior yield and quality attributes


  • Aganga A A, Omphile U J, Thema T & Wilson L Z (2004). Chemical composition of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) at different stages of growth and ryegrass silages with additives. Journal of Biological Sciences 4(5): 645-649
  • Albayrak S & Güler M (2005). Nitrogen effects on yield and forage quality of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 10(1): 16-22
  • ANKOM (2005). The Ankom 200 Fiber Analyzer Procedures for ADF and NDF Analyses (Method 5 and 6). Retrieved in December, 15, 2012 from http://
  • AOAC (1990). Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. Arlington, VA
  • Balasko J A, Evers G W & Duell R W (1995). Bluegrasses, Ryegrasses and Bentgrasses In: Barnes R F, Miller D A & Nelson C J (Eds), Forages Vol.1: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, pp. 357-371
  • Butler T J, Muir J P & Provin T L (2007). Phosphorus fertilization of annual ryegrass and comparison of soil phosphorus extractants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30(1): 9-20
  • Callow M N, Michell P, Baker J E & Hough G M (2000). The effect of defoliation practice in Western Australia on tiller development of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and its association with forage quality. Grass and Forage Science 55(3): 232-241
  • Evers G W, Smith G R & Hoveland C S (1997). Ecology and production of annual ryegrass. In: F M Rouquette & L R Nelson (Eds), Ecology, Production, and Management of Lolium for Forage in the USA, (ecologyproducti), CSSA Special Publication 24, pp. 23-29
  • Ferret A, Plaixats J, Caja G, Gasa J & Prio P (1999). Using markers to estimate apparent dry matter digestibility, faecal output and dry matter intake in dairy ewes fed Italian ryegrass hay or alfalfa hay. Small Ruminant Research 33(2): 145-152
  • Johnston J & Bowman M (1998). Annual ryegrass for stored feed and pasture. Agdex 125, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Toronto, ON
  • Kapper D R (2004). Appendix A: Applied Nutrition. In: Reed S M, Bayly W M & Sellon D C (Eds), Equine Internal Medicine (Second Edition), Saint Louis, pp. 1543-1605
  • Koc A, Tan M & Erkovan H I (2012). An overview of fodder resources and animal production in Turkey. In: Options Mediterranean, Serie A/102, New approaches for grassland research in a context of climate and socio-economic changes, 3-6 October, Samsun, Turkey, pp. 15-22
  • Lemus R (2009). Utilization of annual Ryegrass. Forage News, Mississippi State University Extension Service, pp. 1-4
  • Lippke H & Ellis W C (1997). Forage quality of annual ryegrass. In: F M Rouquette & L R Nelson (Eds), Ecology, Production, and Management of Lolium for Forage in the USA, (ecologyproducti), CSSA Special Publication 24, pp. 71-78
  • Lopes V, Reis A, Barata A & Nunes E (2009). Morphological characterization of Portuguese Italian ryegrass landraces. Journal of Central European Agriculture 10(1): 89-99
  • Marais J P & Goodenough D C W (2000). Nutritive value and dry matter yield of annual ryegrass 121c. South African Journal of Animal Science 30(1): 74-75
  • Meissner H H (1996). A comparison of Italian ryegrass (Lolium moltiflorum Lam.) cultivars Exalta and Midmar with respect to their nutritive value for sheep. South African Journal of Animal Science 26(2): 37-41
  • Moore J E & Undersander D J (2002). Relative forage quality: An alternative to relative feed value and quality index. In: Proceedings 13th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium, 10-11 January, Florida, pp. 16-29
  • Pivorienė O & Pašakinskienė I (2007). Genetic differences between annual and perennial ryegrass revealed by ISSR markers and their sequence characteristics. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 94: 97-204
  • Redfearn D, Venuto B C, Pitman W, Alison M W & Ward J D (2002). Cultivar and environment effects on annual ryegrass forage yield, yield distribution, and nutritive value. Crop Science 42(6): 2049-2054
  • Redfearn D D, Venuto B C, Pitman W D, Blouin D C & Alison M W (2005). Multilocation annual ryegrass cultivar performance over a twelve-year period. Crop Science 45(6): 2388-2393
  • Sandrin C Z, Domingos M & Figueiredo-Ribeiro D C L (2006). Partitioning of water soluble carbohydrates in vegetative tissues of Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. italicum cv. Lema. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18(2): 299-305
  • SAS (1998). SAS/STAT users’ guide 7.0. SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA
  • Simić A, Vučković S, Maletić R, Sokolović D & Djordjević N (2009). The impact of seeding rate and inter-row spacing on Italian ryegrass for seed in the first harvest year. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 33(5): 425-433
  • Steel R G D & Torrie J H (1997). Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill Co, New York
  • Sürmen M, Yavuz T & Albayrak S (2013). Yield and forage quality of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) varieties in Black Sea Coastal Area of Turkey. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3(2): 87-92
  • Tran H, Algado P S & Lecomte F P (2009). Species, climate and fertilizer effects on grass fibre and protein in tropical environments. The Journal of Agricultural Science 147: 555-568

Tek Yıllık Çim Lolium multiflorum Lam. Hatlarının Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 234 - 241, 01.03.2017


Bu çalışmada yarı kardeş aile seleksiyonu ıslah yöntemiyle geliştirilen tek yıllık çim hatlarının yem verim ve kalite özelikleri araştırılmıştır. Araştırma tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde üç tekerrürlü olarak 2009-2011 yılları arasında Samsun/Türkiye’de yürütülmüştür. İki yıllık ortalama sonuçlara göre incelenen tüm parametrelerde önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur. İncelenen hat ve çeşitlerde kuru madde verimleri 6.66-9.37 t ha-1, ham protein oranları % 11.46-13.81,ham protein verimleri 0.80-1.18 t ha-1, asit deterjan lif oranları % 31.41-34.75, nötral deterjan lif oranları % 48.77-52.80, toplam sindirilebilir besin oranları % 56.49-60.80, toplam sindirilebilir besin verimleri 376.35-556.42 t ha-1 ve nispi yem değerleri 109.33-122.83 arasında belirlenmiştir. Üstün verim ve kalite özellikleri nedeniyle 4, 5, 6, 10 ve 11 numaralı yıllık çim hatları bölge verim denmeler için seçilmişlerdir.


  • Aganga A A, Omphile U J, Thema T & Wilson L Z (2004). Chemical composition of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) at different stages of growth and ryegrass silages with additives. Journal of Biological Sciences 4(5): 645-649
  • Albayrak S & Güler M (2005). Nitrogen effects on yield and forage quality of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 10(1): 16-22
  • ANKOM (2005). The Ankom 200 Fiber Analyzer Procedures for ADF and NDF Analyses (Method 5 and 6). Retrieved in December, 15, 2012 from http://
  • AOAC (1990). Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. Arlington, VA
  • Balasko J A, Evers G W & Duell R W (1995). Bluegrasses, Ryegrasses and Bentgrasses In: Barnes R F, Miller D A & Nelson C J (Eds), Forages Vol.1: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, pp. 357-371
  • Butler T J, Muir J P & Provin T L (2007). Phosphorus fertilization of annual ryegrass and comparison of soil phosphorus extractants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30(1): 9-20
  • Callow M N, Michell P, Baker J E & Hough G M (2000). The effect of defoliation practice in Western Australia on tiller development of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and its association with forage quality. Grass and Forage Science 55(3): 232-241
  • Evers G W, Smith G R & Hoveland C S (1997). Ecology and production of annual ryegrass. In: F M Rouquette & L R Nelson (Eds), Ecology, Production, and Management of Lolium for Forage in the USA, (ecologyproducti), CSSA Special Publication 24, pp. 23-29
  • Ferret A, Plaixats J, Caja G, Gasa J & Prio P (1999). Using markers to estimate apparent dry matter digestibility, faecal output and dry matter intake in dairy ewes fed Italian ryegrass hay or alfalfa hay. Small Ruminant Research 33(2): 145-152
  • Johnston J & Bowman M (1998). Annual ryegrass for stored feed and pasture. Agdex 125, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Toronto, ON
  • Kapper D R (2004). Appendix A: Applied Nutrition. In: Reed S M, Bayly W M & Sellon D C (Eds), Equine Internal Medicine (Second Edition), Saint Louis, pp. 1543-1605
  • Koc A, Tan M & Erkovan H I (2012). An overview of fodder resources and animal production in Turkey. In: Options Mediterranean, Serie A/102, New approaches for grassland research in a context of climate and socio-economic changes, 3-6 October, Samsun, Turkey, pp. 15-22
  • Lemus R (2009). Utilization of annual Ryegrass. Forage News, Mississippi State University Extension Service, pp. 1-4
  • Lippke H & Ellis W C (1997). Forage quality of annual ryegrass. In: F M Rouquette & L R Nelson (Eds), Ecology, Production, and Management of Lolium for Forage in the USA, (ecologyproducti), CSSA Special Publication 24, pp. 71-78
  • Lopes V, Reis A, Barata A & Nunes E (2009). Morphological characterization of Portuguese Italian ryegrass landraces. Journal of Central European Agriculture 10(1): 89-99
  • Marais J P & Goodenough D C W (2000). Nutritive value and dry matter yield of annual ryegrass 121c. South African Journal of Animal Science 30(1): 74-75
  • Meissner H H (1996). A comparison of Italian ryegrass (Lolium moltiflorum Lam.) cultivars Exalta and Midmar with respect to their nutritive value for sheep. South African Journal of Animal Science 26(2): 37-41
  • Moore J E & Undersander D J (2002). Relative forage quality: An alternative to relative feed value and quality index. In: Proceedings 13th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium, 10-11 January, Florida, pp. 16-29
  • Pivorienė O & Pašakinskienė I (2007). Genetic differences between annual and perennial ryegrass revealed by ISSR markers and their sequence characteristics. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 94: 97-204
  • Redfearn D, Venuto B C, Pitman W, Alison M W & Ward J D (2002). Cultivar and environment effects on annual ryegrass forage yield, yield distribution, and nutritive value. Crop Science 42(6): 2049-2054
  • Redfearn D D, Venuto B C, Pitman W D, Blouin D C & Alison M W (2005). Multilocation annual ryegrass cultivar performance over a twelve-year period. Crop Science 45(6): 2388-2393
  • Sandrin C Z, Domingos M & Figueiredo-Ribeiro D C L (2006). Partitioning of water soluble carbohydrates in vegetative tissues of Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. italicum cv. Lema. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18(2): 299-305
  • SAS (1998). SAS/STAT users’ guide 7.0. SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA
  • Simić A, Vučković S, Maletić R, Sokolović D & Djordjević N (2009). The impact of seeding rate and inter-row spacing on Italian ryegrass for seed in the first harvest year. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 33(5): 425-433
  • Steel R G D & Torrie J H (1997). Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill Co, New York
  • Sürmen M, Yavuz T & Albayrak S (2013). Yield and forage quality of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) varieties in Black Sea Coastal Area of Turkey. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3(2): 87-92
  • Tran H, Algado P S & Lecomte F P (2009). Species, climate and fertilizer effects on grass fibre and protein in tropical environments. The Journal of Agricultural Science 147: 555-568
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Tamer Yavuz This is me

Mustafa Sürmen

Sebahattin Albayrak This is me

Necda Çankaya This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Yavuz, T., Sürmen, M., Albayrak, S., Çankaya, N. (2017). Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 234-241.
AMA Yavuz T, Sürmen M, Albayrak S, Çankaya N. Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2017;23(2):234-241.
Chicago Yavuz, Tamer, Mustafa Sürmen, Sebahattin Albayrak, and Necda Çankaya. “Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium Multiflorum Lam. Lines”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 2 (March 2017): 234-41.
EndNote Yavuz T, Sürmen M, Albayrak S, Çankaya N (March 1, 2017) Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 2 234–241.
IEEE T. Yavuz, M. Sürmen, S. Albayrak, and N. Çankaya, “Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 234–241, 2017.
ISNAD Yavuz, Tamer et al. “Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium Multiflorum Lam. Lines”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/2 (March 2017), 234-241.
JAMA Yavuz T, Sürmen M, Albayrak S, Çankaya N. Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:234–241.
MLA Yavuz, Tamer et al. “Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium Multiflorum Lam. Lines”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2017, pp. 234-41.
Vancouver Yavuz T, Sürmen M, Albayrak S, Çankaya N. Determination of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Annual Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Lines. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(2):234-41.

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