Research Article
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Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain

Year 2025, Volume: 31 Issue: 1, 207 - 229, 14.01.2025


Precise determination of the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is vital to studying the hydrological cycle. In addition, it plays a significant role in properly managing and allocating water resources in agriculture. The objective of this research was to examine the effectiveness of five different data-driven techniques, including artificial neural networks "multilayer perceptron" (ANN), gene expression programming (GEP), random forest (RF), support vector machine "radial basis function" (SVM), and multiple linear regression (MLR) to model the daily ET0. These methods were also compared with Hargreaves-Samani (HS), Oudin, Ritchie, Makkink (MAK), and Jensen Haise (JH) empirical models and their calibrated versions. The empirical models JH and MAK performed better than the models HS and Oudin after being calibrated by linear regression. All data-driven methods with four inputs were superior to the original and calibrated empirical models. Generally, data-driven models provided increased accuracy and enhanced generalization in predicting daily reference evapotranspiration compared to empirical models. The RF and ANN methods generally demonstrated better estimation accuracy than other data-driven methods. The performance of the RF and ANN models that utilized Tmax, Tmin, and Rs inputs, as well as those that incorporated Tmax, Tmin, Rs, and U2 inputs, proved to be superior to their corresponding MLR-based and GEP-based models for predicting ET0 in the Adana plain, which is characterized by a Mediterranean climate. Nevertheless, the GEP and MLR methods have the advantage of utilizing explicit algebraic equations, making them more convenient to apply, especially in the context of agricultural irrigation practices.


The paper's authors thank the Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS) for providing the required data for the present study.


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  • Achite M, Jehanzaib M, Sattari M T, Toubal A K, Elshaboury N, Wałęga A, Krakauer N Y, Yoo J & Kim T (2022). Modern techniques to modeling reference evapotranspiration in a semiarid area based on ANN and GEP models. Water 14(8): 1210.
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Year 2025, Volume: 31 Issue: 1, 207 - 229, 14.01.2025



  • Abrishami N, Sepaskhah A R & Shahrokhnia M H (2019). Estimating wheat and maize daily evapotranspiration using artificial neural network. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 135: 945-958.
  • Achite M, Jehanzaib M, Sattari M T, Toubal A K, Elshaboury N, Wałęga A, Krakauer N Y, Yoo J & Kim T (2022). Modern techniques to modeling reference evapotranspiration in a semiarid area based on ANN and GEP models. Water 14(8): 1210.
  • Allen R G, Pereira L S, Raes D & Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration. Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper (56) Rome: FAO
  • Almorox J & Grieser J (2016). Calibration of the Hargreaves–Samani method for the calculation of reference evapotranspiration in different Köppen climate classes. Hydrology Research 47(2): 521-531.
  • Antonopoulos V Z & Antonopoulos A V (2017). Daily reference evapotranspiration estimates by artificial neural networks technique and empirical equations using limited input climate variables. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 132: 86-96.
  • Banda P, Cemek B & Küçüktopcu E (2018). Estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration by neuro computing techniques using limited data in a semiarid environment. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 64(7): 916-929.
  • Bayram S & Çıtakoğlu H (2023). Modeling monthly reference evapotranspiration process in Turkey: application of machine learning methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195(1): 67.
  • Benzaghta M A, Mohammed T A, Ghazali A H, Amin M S M & Soom M A B M (2012). Prediction of evaporation in tropical climate using artificial neural network and climate based models. Scientific Research and Essays 7(36): 3133-3148.
  • Breiman L (2001). Random forests. Machine Learning 45: 5-32
  • Chen Z, Zhu Z, Jiang H and Sun S (2020). Estimating daily reference evapotranspiration based on limited meteorological data using deep learning and classical machine learning methods. Journal of Hydrology 591(2020): 125286.
  • Choi Y, Kim M, O'Shaughnessy S, Jean J, Kim Y & Song W J (2018). Comparison of artificial neural network and empirical models to determine daily reference evapotranspiration. Journal of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 60(6): 43-54.
  • Citakoglu H, Cobaner M, Haktanir T & Kisi O (2014). Estimation of monthly mean reference evapotranspiration in Turkey. Water Resources Management 28: 99-113.
  • Cobaner M, Citakoglu H, Haktanir T & Kisi O (2017). Modifying Hargreaves–Samani equation with meteorological variables for estimation of reference evapotranspiration in Turkey. Hydrology Research 48: 480-497.
  • Corzo G & Solomatine D (2007). Baseflow separation techniques for modular artificial neural network modelling in flow forecasting. Hydrological Sciences Journal 52(3): 91-507.
  • CSB (2023). Urbanization and climate change. The governor of Adana, Ministry of Environment. izi-taniyalim-i-1222, Accessed 16 February 2023.
  • Cutler A, Cutler D R & Stevens J R (2012). Random forests. Ensemble machine learning: Methods and applications, pp. 157-175.
  • Dimitriadou S & Nikolakopoulos K G (2022). Multiple linear regression models with limited data for the prediction of reference evapotranspiration of the Peloponnese, Greece. Hydrology 9(7): 124.
  • Djaman K, Tabari H, Balde A B, Diop L, Futakuchi K & Irmak S (2016). Analyses, calibration and validation of evapotranspiration models to predict grass-reference evapotranspiration in the Senegal river delta. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 8: 82-94.
  • Dong J, Xing L, Cui N, Guo L, Liang C, Zhao L, Wang Z & Gong D (2024) Estimating reference crop evapotranspiration using optimized empirical methods with a novel improved Grey Wolf Algorithm in four climatic regions of China. Agricultural Water Management 291: 2024.
  • Dou X & Yang Y (2018). Evapotranspiration estimation using four different machine learning approaches in different terrestrial ecosystems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 148: 95-106.
  • Farias V D, Costa D L, Pinto J V, Souza P J, Souza E B & Ortega-Farias S (2020). Calibration of reference evapotranspiration models in Pará. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy 42.
  • Farzanpour H, Shiri J, Sadraddini A A & Trajkovic S (2019). Global comparison of 20 reference evapotranspiration equations in a semiarid region of Iran. Hydrology Research 50(1): 282-300.
  • Fauset L V (2006). Fundamentals of neural networks: architectures, algorithms and applications. Pearson Education India.
  • Feng Y, Cui N, Zhao L, Hu X & Gong D (2016). Comparison of ELM, GANN, WNN and empirical models for estimating reference evapotranspiration in humid region of Southwest China. Journal of Hydrology 536: 376-383.
  • Feng Y, Peng Y, Cui, N, Gong D & Zhang K (2017). Modeling reference evapotranspiration using extreme learning machine and generalized regression neural network only with temperature data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 136: 71-78.
  • Ferreira C (2001). Gene expression programming: A new adaptive algorithm for solving problems. Complex Systems 13(2): 87-129
  • Ferreira L B, Cunha F F, Duarte A B, Sediyama G C & Cecon P R (2018). Calibration methods for the Hargreaves-Samani equation. Ciencia E Agrotecnologia 42: 104-114.
  • Ferreira L B, Cunha F F, de Oliveira R A & Filho E I (2019). Estimation of reference evapotranspiration in Brazil with limited meteorological data using ANN and SVM - A new approach. Journal of Hydrology 572: 556-570.
  • Gao X, Peng S, Xu J, Yang S & Wang W (2015). Proper methods and its calibration for estimating reference evapotranspiration using limited climatic data in Southwestern China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 61(3): 415-426.
  • Gavili S, Sanikhani H, Kisi O & Mahmoudi M H (2018). Evaluation of several soft computing methods in monthly evapotranspiration modelling. Meteorological Applications 25(1): 128-138.
  • Gharehbaghi A & Kaya B (2022). Calibration and evaluation of six popular evapotranspiration formula based on the Penman-Monteith model for continental climate in Turkey. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 127, 103190.
  • Gocić M, Motamedi S, Shamshirband S, Petković D, Sudheer C, Roslan H & Muhammad A (2015). Soft computing approaches for forecasting reference evapotranspiration. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 113: 164-173.
  • Goldblum M, Finzi M, Rowan K & Wilson A G (2023). The no free lunch theorem, Kolmogorov complexity, and the role of inductive biases in machine learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05366.
  • Gomariz-Castillo F, Alonso-Sarria F & Cabezas-Calvo-Rubio F (2018). Calibration and spatial modelling of daily ET0 in semiarid areas using Hargreaves equation. Earth Science Informatics 11(3): 325-340.
  • Hargreaves G H & Samani Z A (1985). Reference crop evapotranspiration from temperature. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 1: 96-99.
  • Huo Z, Feng S, Kang S & Dai X (2012). Artificial neural network models for reference evapotranspiration in an arid area of northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments 82: 81-90.
  • Irmak S, Irmak A, Allen R G & Jones J W (2003). Solar and net radiation-based equations to estimate reference evapotranspiration in humid climates. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 129(5): 336-347.
  • Izadifar Z (2010). Modeling and analysis of actual evapotranspiration using data driven and wavelet techniques. Undergraduate Dissertation, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Jacovides C P & Kontoyiannis H (1995). Statistical procedures for the evaluation of evapotranspiration computing models. Agricultural Water Management 27: 365-371.
  • Jain S K, Nayak P C & Sudheer K P (2008). Models for estimating evapotranspiration using artificial neural networks, and their physical interpretation. Hydrological Processes 22(13): 2225-2234.
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There are 99 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Irrigation Systems
Journal Section Makaleler

Deniz Levent Koç 0000-0002-4495-3060

Semin Topaloğlu Paksoy 0000-0003-1693-0184

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date May 9, 2024
Acceptance Date September 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 31 Issue: 1


APA Koç, D. L., & Topaloğlu Paksoy, S. (2025). Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 207-229.
AMA Koç DL, Topaloğlu Paksoy S. Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2025;31(1):207-229. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1481207
Chicago Koç, Deniz Levent, and Semin Topaloğlu Paksoy. “Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Prediction Using Empirical and Data-Driven Approaches: A Case Study of Adana Plain”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 1 (January 2025): 207-29.
EndNote Koç DL, Topaloğlu Paksoy S (January 1, 2025) Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31 1 207–229.
IEEE D. L. Koç and S. Topaloğlu Paksoy, “Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 207–229, 2025, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1481207.
ISNAD Koç, Deniz Levent - Topaloğlu Paksoy, Semin. “Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Prediction Using Empirical and Data-Driven Approaches: A Case Study of Adana Plain”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31/1 (January 2025), 207-229.
JAMA Koç DL, Topaloğlu Paksoy S. Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2025;31:207–229.
MLA Koç, Deniz Levent and Semin Topaloğlu Paksoy. “Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Prediction Using Empirical and Data-Driven Approaches: A Case Study of Adana Plain”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 1, 2025, pp. 207-29, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1481207.
Vancouver Koç DL, Topaloğlu Paksoy S. Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction using empirical and data-driven approaches: A case study of Adana plain. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2025;31(1):207-29.

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