General Rules
1. The study to be published in the journal should not have been published before or under evaluation of any other journal at the same time, or given the right to publish.
2. The author(s) agree to give the publication rights of the study to the Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science, if the article is accepted for publication.
3. The authors acknowledge that the paper submitted to the journal complies with the principles recommended for human and animal studies in the Declaration of Helsinki. The author(s) take the entire responsibility for that.
4. The plagiarism report of the submitted study taken from plagiarism programs such as iThenticate and Turnitin should be uploaded as an additional file. The report should be signed by author(s). The similarity rate should not exceed 15%, excluding citations.
5. If the study was supported by an institution/organization or prepared from a doctoral/master's thesis, it should be indicated as a footnote on the first page.
6. Information about the names of the authors and their institutions should not be given in the main text. Such details should be stated in the title page. The corresponding author of the study should be specified.
7. After the article is submitted to the journal for publication, none of the authors can be removed from the list of authors, no name can be added as an author, and the order of authors can not be changed without the written consent of all authors.
Author Guidelines
Title of the study;
• Should be bold, use Times New Roman font size 14, and each initials capitalized
• Should be written with the following sub-titles in the following order: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, references; appendices (as appropriate).
• Each sub-title’s initials should be capitalized, bold and should use Times New Roman font size 12
•Should be unstructured and contain between 150 and 250 words.
• Should contain between 3 and 5 keywords, separated by commas and initials-capitalized
• Should be single-spaced and use Times New Roman font size 10
Main text;
• should use Times New Roman font size 12 on paper size A4 with a 2,5 cm margins on each sides.
• Should use 1,5 line spacing.
• There should be no more than 40 references, and no more than 6 tables and figures (combined total).
• Spelling can be US or UK English so long as usage is consistent.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition) should be followed for all references, tables, figures and reporting the statistics.
Tables should be single-spaced and font size 10
Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour). Figures should be supplied in JPEG for high-quality concerns.
First level title (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Bibliography, etc.)
Please Use This Style for All Paragraph Beginnings. Times New Roman, 1.5 Line Spacing, Justified.
Second Level Title (Data Collection Tools, Participants, etc.)
Please Use This Style for All Paragraph Beginnings. Times New Roman, 1.5 Line Spacing, Justified.
Third Level Title
Please Use This Style for All Paragraph Beginnings. Times New Roman, 1.5 Line Spacing, Justified.
Tables, graphs and statistical reporting should be prepared according to APA 7 style. Table font should be written in 10 points, single spacing.
Example table;
Table 2
Title Should be Times New Roman 12 point. Table Number Should be Given Above.

In-text citations
Author information can be given in/out parentheses.
• In the citation in parentheses, the author's surname and publication date are included in parentheses. The author surname and date are added at the end of the sentence in parentheses and a comma is used after the author surname.
(Gülşen, 2020)
• In citation outside of parentheses (narrative), the author's surname is included as part of the sentence and the year is in parentheses.
Gülşen (2020)
• If a work has two authors, always include the surnames of both authors whenever you refer to the source.
(Gülşen and Yıldız, 2022)
Gülşen and Yıldız (2020)
• If a study has three or more authors, give only the surname of the first author and then “et al.,”
Gülşen et al. (2022)
(Gülşen et al., 2022)
• When more than one source is in parentheses, they should be cited in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons.

For a detailed review of the reference, please review the journal author guideline. Line spacing must be single. It should be in the 0 pt range first and then 8 pt. The second line of the bibliography should start with a 1 cm indent.
• References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the first author's surname and first letter.
• In studies with one or two authors, the conjunction "and" should be used between two authors.
• In studies with three or more authors, the conjunction "and" should be used before the last author.
*Retrieved from APA7
*Retrieved from APA7
*Retrieved from APA7
Conference Papers
Author, A. A. (Year, Month 1-30). Title of the study. Congress Name, (pp. 13-23). City, Country.
Author, A. (2022). The title of the thesis is in italics. Unpublished PhD thesis, University, Institute, Department, City.
Author Surname, Initial or Group name. (Date). Title of the study. The name of the website. The URL …. taken on.
World Health Organization (2020, 13 November). Coronavirus. World Health Organization.
Official Publications and Press Releases
Turkish Statistical Institute. (2020). Sports with statistics (Publication no. 1313). https://tuik....
Note: All references should be arranged according to APA 7