Publication Rules/ Copyright notice
Articles submitted for publication in the journal must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Studies previously presented at congresses will be accepted if this is stated. If the article contains some of the topics of a previously published article by the author(s), this should be stated. A copy of the previous article should be sent with the new article.
All articles submitted to the journal are screened using the similarity tool. The editor or member of the editorial board has the right not to publish manuscripts that do not meet the conditions for publication, to send them back to the author(s) for correction, to make format changes or to reject them. The editor or editorial board member will send the manuscript to the reviewer(s) for review. If necessary, corrections may be requested from the author(s). Requesting corrections from the author does not mean that the manuscript will be published. These corrections must be completed and sent to the journal within 15 days. Otherwise it will be considered as a new submission. The corresponding author will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of the articles.
- The ethical, scientific and legal responsibility for the articles published in the journal rests with the author(s) and does not reflect the views of the Editor and the members of the Editorial Board.
- Articles will not be returned to authors whether or not they are accepted for publication in the journal. No royalties are paid for articles published in the journal.
Editorial language of the journal.
The journal is published in Turkish and English. Articles in Turkish will be published with English abstracts. During the preparation of the manuscript, the Turkish Language Institution ( can be used for Turkish words.
Authorship Criteria
All authors must sign the "Transfer of Publication Rights Form" and upload it to the system. You can prepare the form in the format below:
"The author(s) named below have been actively involved in the writing, planning and data analysis of the article entitled "..................." and hereby declare that I (we) take full responsibility for this study. This article and any other study with similar content to this article have not been published or submitted for publication anywhere. We also guarantee to send all data related to the article to the editors if necessary. In the event that the ATAD Journal evaluates and publishes this article, we declare and accept that we transfer all our copyrights related to the article to the ATAD Journal. As authors, I (we) agree that the editor and editorial board of the ATAD Journal will not be held responsible for any claims or lawsuits brought by third parties for copyright infringement. Furthermore, I (we) guarantee that the article does not contain any criminal elements or illegal expressions, that no illegal materials and methods were used in the research, that we have obtained all legal permissions related to the study and that we have acted in accordance with ethical rules.
1 . First name and surname of author:
2nd author " ...... " :
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