Writing Rules


Author’s may send their articles which are prepared in accordance with the below stated publishing and editorial principles, together with the “article presentation form” via e-mail to the provided addresses. Providing the permissions of the authors (the main author or the rightful publishing house) is obligatory for the translated texts and articles as well. The articles which are sent to their authors for further improvement and/or proofreading following the preliminary reviews and referee evaluations, should be edited accordingly and delivered back to the journal in one month at the latest. On the other hand, the articles which are found to be conflicting with this guideline, will be returned to their authors for further proofreading and will not be issued.

Publishing Principles
In the TFK Journal, which is based on Health Sciences; research, original studies, compilations, case reports that contribute to basic medical sciences and clinical branches at national and international levels and similar fields in health sciences, scientific studies are accepted and published. TFK Journal; is scanned in international indexes such as Dergipark, Google Scholar, Turkish Education Index and Asos Index.

Journal of Medical Clinics is a refereed journal published 3 times a year. Articles with original theoretical and/or experimental studies and educational explanations regarding fixed reference values ​​are accepted.

Journal of Medical Clinics is authorized to accept or not to accept articles upon the evaluation of international experts.

General Rules
-The language of the articles is Turkish and English
-If there is an institution that supports the study, the last word of the article title should be placed on (*) and the information on the same page as the footnote should be given.
-Manuscripts should not exceed 12.000 words including bibliography and annexes.
-Articles should be organized according to the APA reference system. Please make sure that the references in the text are in the references
-The upper limit for plagiarism determined by the editorial board for our journal is 20%. The filtering options in the plagiarism detection program are set as follows: -Excluding bibliography (excluding) -Excluding citations (excluding) -Excluding text sections with less than 5 word overlap (Limit match size to 5 words) -Other filtering options in the program menu are not included in the reporting.

Author Responsibility

The authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles with scientific rules. All authors must have a direct academic or scientific contribution to the submitted article.

The name determined as author(s) must have the following characteristics:

(1) Must have taken part in the idea, planning, method, data collection, data analysis/interpretation, drafting, critical review of the content, final approval and responsibility stages of the study in the article.

(2) Must accept the final version of the article.

If the publication contains direct or indirect commercial connections or if there is an organization that provides material support for the study, the authors must state on the presentation page to the editor that they have no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, company, etc. used, or if there is, what kind of relationship they have (consultant, other agreements). If a possible scientific error, suspicion or allegation of ethical violation is encountered in the research submitted for review, the journal reserves the right to submit the submitted article to the investigation of the supporting organizations or other authorities. The journal accepts the responsibility for properly following up on the issue, but does not assume the authority to conduct the actual investigation or make decisions about the errors.


Abbreviations used in the article should be used in internationally accepted forms, should be written clearly where they were first used, and their abbreviated form should be shown in parentheses. When using drug names, generic names of drugs are written with their Turkish pronunciation. Laboratory measurements should be reported in International System (US; Systéme International: SI) units.

Statistical evaluation

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the articles comply with the rules of biostatistics. All retrospective, prospective and experimental research articles should be evaluated biostatistically and should be stated with appropriate planning, analysis and reporting. P values ​​should be clearly given in the articles.

Writing Language

The journal's publication languages ​​are Turkish and English, and in Turkish articles, the spelling in accordance with the Turkish Language Association Turkish Dictionary or the Spelling Guide (www.tdk.gov.tr) is valid.

English articles and abstracts must be professionally reviewed for grammar rules, if necessary, before being sent to the journal. In addition, spelling and grammar errors in submitted articles are corrected by our editorial board in a way that does not affect the content of the article. Authors are responsible for the articles' compliance with spelling and grammar rules.

Writing Types and Features to be Submitted to the Journal

Journal of Medical Clinics publishes articles organized according to the rules known as “Vancouver style” (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. New England Journal of Medicine, 1997; 336:309-315).

The format of the articles is as follows:

Articles to be submitted to the journal must consist of “Cover Page”, “Main Text”, “Plagiarism Report (not to exceed 20%), “Ethics Approval Letter”, “Copyright Form” and “Appendix” sections if necessary.

In original research articles based on scientific research, it is mandatory to include “Title”, “Abstract”, “Keywords”, “Introduction”, “Materials and Methods”, “Results”, “Discussion”, “Conclusion” and “References” sections. When necessary, the Findings and Discussion sections can be combined (Findings and Discussion).

1) Article Title: The title of the article should reflect the content of the text, should be written with only the first letter of the words capitalized, in 14 point, Times New Roman font, centered and bold, and there should be 2 lines of space after the title.

2) Turkish-English Abstract and Keywords: In studies prepared in Turkish, the Turkish title and abstract should be written first, followed by the English title and abstract of the article. There is no requirement for a Turkish title and abstract in studies prepared in English. The abstract of the article should be written in 10-point Times New Roman font, clearly stating the purpose, method and scope of the subject, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words.

Keywords directly related to the study should be written one line below the Turkish and English abstract, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5. Alternative words should be produced as much as possible instead of the words in the article title and should be formed from words that complement the title. Synonyms or similar words of the words in the title can also be used as keywords. Key words should be written in normal, lower case letters (the first letter of the first keyword is capitalized) and separated by commas.

3) Text: It should be written on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), with page margins of 2.5 cm from left, right, bottom and top, with 1.5 line spacing, in “Times New Roman” font size 12 in Microsoft Word. There should be no spaces between the line breaks. The text should be aligned on both sides. Abbreviations can be used for names that are repeated frequently in the text, consist of many words, and are specific to the subject of the article. The name to be abbreviated should be written clearly where it is first used and the abbreviated form should be indicated in parentheses. Only the abbreviated form should be used in subsequent uses. Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible in the title and abstract sections. In the Turkish text, a comma should be used as a decimal separator for fractional numbers, and a period should be used in the English text. When writing percentage signs, no space should be left between the numbers and the sign (Example: %25 for Turkish text, 25% for English text). In general use of the text, a space should be placed before the parentheses. All headings in the article should be left aligned and in bold. Titles and subheadings should be given without numbers. They should be as short as possible. In first level headings, all words should have their first letters capitalized. In second and third level headings, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized; third level headings should be italicized. Fourth level headings should not be used. Latin names should be italicized. The number of pages, excluding references, should not be less than 5 and more than 12 (In articles with a broad scope, the number of pages can be increased after the approval of the editorial board).

4) References and Footnotes: References should be numbered in parentheses at the end of sentences in the text and should be numbered in the References section.

5) Tables and/or Figures: Tables should have a number and title, and should be numbered separately by giving a serial number. The table number should be written in bold, justified to the left, and the table name should be written in normal Times New Roman font with a size of 10 points. No period should be placed at the end. All visuals used in the text, such as photographs, pictures, graphs, maps, diagrams, drawings, etc. that cannot be written in printing font, should be used with the figure name. Table and figure titles should be placed at the top of the table and figure. Titles should be placed on a separate line below the table and figure numbers. Table titles should be plain and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. Abbreviations and necessary explanations should be given under the table and figure. The point size in tables should be at least 9 and at most 12. If there is any text inside the figure, Times New Roman font should be used with a point size between 9 and 12 points. If additional information is required to make the data in the figure more understandable, this information should be added below the figure. In tables and figures quoted from another source (not produced from the study), the source reference should be shown at the end of the table and figure title; it should be included in the reference list. Tables and figures used in the article should be cited in the text. When citing, table/figure numbers should be used instead of expressions such as “above/below” or “in the table/figure on page X”, taking into account page changes and shifts that may occur during typesetting, as in the example “According to the data in Table/Figure 2…” In citations given at the end of a sentence, the period should be placed after the citation parenthesis.

Cover Page

The title of the article, information about the authors (the authors should be listed one below the other and the institution, e-mail address and ORCID number of each author should be stated below), and the name and contact information of the author responsible for correspondence should also be stated on the cover page. Master's and doctoral students should state the university, institute and department where they received their postgraduate education. If the study has been previously presented as a paper at a congress or symposium or was produced from the master's or doctoral thesis of one of the authors, it should be stated on this page.

Authors' contributions

Conceptualization, supervision, writing, review, editing, original draft preparation. (Only the initials of the authors’ names and surnames will be written in capital letters next to the relevant contributions. For example; Conceptualization; AB, KL, Writing; KL, BH.) It continued: “All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.” text will be added.

Article Types
1) Research Articles
These articles are original research articles that have not been published before.

Research articles should include;

–Turkish and English title,

–Turkish and English summary not exceeding 250 words

Turkish abstract format:


-Materials and methods




-Authors' contributions

-Conflict of interest

English abstract format:


-Materials and methods




–Authors' contributions

–Conflict of interest

–Turkish and English keywords


–Materials and Methods,




–References (maximum 30 references can be shown) sections should be included.

2) Case Reports
These are articles that indicate the scientific importance of one or more cases for clinical evaluation.

Case Reports;

–Turkish and English title

–Turkish and English abstracts

–Turkish and English keywords

–Main text (must include Introduction, Case Report and Discussion sections)

–References (Maximum 15 references can be shown).

–Consists of table/figure/picture sections.

Abstracts of case reports are not divided into sections and are limited to 250 words, while the main text of articles is limited to 1500 words.

3) Compilation
In compilation articles containing new and up-to-date information related to the field, written for the purpose of defining a specific subject, summarizing it in general terms, and highlighting gaps in the literature, the subject is detailed under main and subheadings after the “Introduction” section. A “Conclusion” section is a must in compilation articles. The sources examined in compilation articles must mainly belong to the last 5 years. In compilation studies, “a good scan, an impartial evaluation, a certain analysis and synthesis” are required.

These are scientific articles sent directly or by invitation to the Journal of Medical Clinics. There is a “Guest Editor” system in issues prepared by specialty associations and consisting of compilations.

Reviews consist of: 

-Turkish title

-Turkish abstract

-Turkish keywords

-English title

-English abstract

-English keywords

and the number of authors is limited to a maximum of five, the text file is limited to a maximum of 4000 words, and the number of references is limited to 40.

4) Letter to the Editor
Articles containing different opinions, experiences and questions of readers about articles published in the journal within the last year, maximum 500 words, and the number of references is limited to 5. There are no title or abstract sections. It should be stated which article (number, date) it is dedicated to and the name, institution and address of the author should be included at the end. If a reply is made to the letter, it will be given by the editor or the author(s) of the article, again by publishing it in the journal.

-At least one citation must be made from the articles in the TFK journal/Journal of Medical Clinics
-All references should be listed in order.
-In the articles with more than four authors, "et al." must be used.
-Journal names should be abbreviated as used in Index Medicus.

Journal: Author A, Author B, Author C. Title of the article. Abbreviation of the journal name Year; Volume: Page (s).
Book: Author A, Author B, Author C. Chapter title. In: Editor A, Editor B, Editor C, eds. The title of the book. Which is the repression. Publishing place: Publishing House; Year. Pages).

Journal Articles

Journal: Knyazev GG, Bocharov AV, Levin EA, Savostyanov AN, Slobodskoj-Plusnin JY. Anxiety and oscillatory responses to emotional facial expressions. Brain Res 2008 28;1227:174-88. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2008.06.108.


Books sections: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management içinde. 2nd Ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-478.

Book: Eyre HJ, Lange DP, Morris LB. Informed decisions: the complete book of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. 2nd ed. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; c2002. p.768.

Web Example

Hunzeker CM, Fangman W, Latkowski JM. Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides. Dermatology Online Journal. Available at:http://dermatology.cdlib.org/131/.

Last Update Time: 1/24/25, 3:15:14 PM

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