Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

General Principles:
• Amasya University Journal of Economics Trade and Marketing is published 2 (twice) a year.
• Compliance with grammar rules is one of the most important issues for Amasya University Journal of Economics Trade and Marketing in scientific studies.
• Studies to be sent to Amasya University Journal of Economics Trade and Marketing must not have been published anywhere before and have not already been submitted for publication.
• The publishing language of Amasya University Journal of Economics Trade and Marketing is Turkish and English. The responsibility of the studies published in the journal in terms of science and language belongs to the author(s).
• Studies sent to Amasya University Journal of Economics Trade and Marketing are evaluated by the Editorial Board at the pre-flight stage, and those who can contribute to the literature are included in the referee process.
No royalty payments are made to the author(s) for the works published in the journal.
• If the studies submitted to the journal are supported by any institution or produced from a thesis, this should be included on the first page containing author information.
• Ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all branches of science that requires ethics committee permission, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
• All articles are scanned for plagiarism using Ithenticate software. The similarity rate is required to be less than 20%.
• All articles identified with unethical behavior such as plagiarism, duplication, false authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, publication by slicing, copyright violation and hiding conflict of interest will be removed from publication. This includes articles containing possible irregularities or improprieties detected after publication.

Responsibilities of the author(s):
• Author(s) should not submit an article that they have published or sent for publication elsewhere, or more than one article at the same time, to Amasya University Journal of Economics Trade and Marketing.
• The author(s) must correctly cite the sources they use while writing the article, in line with ethical principles.
• The author(s) are responsible for making all changes requested by the referees. Studies will not be published unless the desired changes are made.
• The names of people who did not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and changing the author order of an article applied for publication, removing or adding authors should not be recommended.
• Persons who have a conflict of interest regarding the article applied for publication must be notified to the editors.
• If authors are asked for information or data regarding their articles during the evaluation process, they must submit the requested information to the journal editorship.
• Author(s) must document that they have received permission to use the data they use in their articles, permissions for research and analysis, or the approval of the participants on whom they conducted research.
• The author(s) must contact the editor to inform, correct or withdraw when they notice an error regarding their article in the evaluation and early appearance stage or published electronically.

Last Update Time: 5/3/24, 11:00:44 AM