AURUM Journal of Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed social science journal published biannually
(June – December). The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for critical scholarship across the social
sciences, for theoretical debates and empirical analyses that move away from narrow disciplinary
focus. AURUM JSS strongly encourages interdisciplinary and comparative research.
AURUM JSS publishes original research articles, book reviews, review articles, and commentaries that reflect the diversity of the journal’s scope. The journal also invites guest editors for special thematic issues. Each submission goes through a double blind review process. AURUM JSS policy is that published articles make original and strong theoretical and/or empirical contributions in their scholarly fields.
E-mail and web-site
Tel: (0 212) 604 01 00
Fax: (0 212) 445 81 71
Adress: Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Mahmutbey Dilmenler cad. No. 26, 34217 Bağcılar –
Guide for Contributors