—Analyzing traffic accidents, human behavior represents the most relevant problem; especially drivers’ behavior. In this regard, driver education becomes essential. In our project, we present a simulator consisting of both software and hardware including, a steering wheel, a pedal system, a shift knob, a seat and a visual display. This system needs a virtual platform modeled using Google Sketchup-3D Modeling Program. We used a Unity Game Engine in order to enable the platform. Owing to this simulator, prospective drivers will be able to acquire experience in a virtual environment without the risks of the real world. In the simulator, the driver is penalized for every infraction according to the Turkish traffic rules. For instance, if the driver runs a red light, then penalty points are given. If the driver does not follow traffic signalization, again the simulator penalizes the driver with penalty points
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Reviews |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 |
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