Adnan Fatih Kocamaz was born in the Arapgir district of Malatya in February 1979. After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Malatya, he graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Technology Electronics Engineering in 2001. After graduation, he worked as the Business Manager of Bursa Hilteks Enterprise. He started his academic career at Trakya University in 2002. After completing his master's degree in Computer Engineering at Trakya University in 2008 and his doctorate in the same department in 2011, he started to work as an Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering Department of Kırklareli University Engineering Faculty and served as the founding department chair. In 2013, he start to work at Malatya İnönü University Computer Engineering. He received the title of associate professor in 2019.
Assoc. Dr. A. Fatih Kocamaz works on indoor mobile robots, path planning algorithms for mobile robots, task sharing for multiple mobile robots, task optimizations, image-based mobile robot control and path planning algorithms. He has conducted dozens of international publications, 3 TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council), 2 BAP (Scientific Research Projects) in these fields and received a patent. He holds two more patents outside the field. BAP projects were carried out as an Industrial Organization Çalık Denim R&D Center and University-Industry Cooperation work. In the projects, infrastructure works were carried out to transform the company's in-building logistics processes into autonomous ones. In addition, another project prepared to TÜBİTAK within the scope of the Overseas Research Project was accepted. Within the scope of the project, the project named "Block Chain Based Dynamic Management System for Mobile Robots" was accepted at Japan Konan University for one year. Since October 2022, he continues her post-doctoral studies at Konan University, Department of Intelligence and Informatics.
In his academic career, Kocamaz has published 38 articles in international journals and 45 papers in international conferences, conducted 12 projects, and obtained three patents. There is currently a patent application for mobile robots. He also wrote the International Book on Mobile Robots published by Springer Book and is currently writing a book on ROS (Robot Operating System) which is ready to be published in Turkish. Kocamaz graduated with 5 master's and 10 doctorate students. He is currently continuing his studies with two doctoral students.
• Mugahed A. Al-Antari is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Daeyang AI Center, College of AI Convergence, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea.
• In August 2019, Dr. Al-antari received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the College of Electronics and Information at Kyung Hee University (KHU), Republic of Korea, where his thesis earned an excellent award for the topic of AI-based Breast Cancer Detection, Segmentation, and Classification.
• Dr. Al-Antari has over seven years of teaching experience in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, and Software at various public and private universities. He is currently employed at Sejong University.
• Dr. Al-antari currently leads domestic and international (Korea-Turkey) collaborative research projects funded by the government of the Republic of Korea.
• Dr. Al-antari has over five years of professional experience as a Senior Researcher and Executive Engineering Director at YOZMA BMTech Group, Seoul, developing mini- and whole-body DXA machines using X-ray pencil and fan beams.
• During his PostDoc position with Prof. Sungyoung Lee, CEO of UCLab, the Minister Award was received twice for the best research project (AI Doctor Platform) from the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Korea.
• Dr. Al-Antari's recent AI-based publications have garnered significant attention from international journal editorials and are recognized by distinguished editorial boards as Cornerstone of the AI modern medicine.
• Dr. Al-antari has been selected in August 2024 for “World's Top 2% Scientists” by the database analysis of Elsevier and Stanford University.
• Dr. Al-Antari has been a member of IEEE and IEEE EMBS since 2014 and his current research interests include Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) with Large Language Models (LLM), deep learning, machine learning, pattern recognition, medical signal and image processing, medical imaging of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and AI-based NLP for healthcare applications.
Zaid Al-Huda is is an Assistant Professor at Stirling College, Chengdu University, China. He received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Aleppo University (Syria), a Master's degree in AI from the University of Hyderabad (India), and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Technology from the School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Southwest Jiaotong University (China), where he also completed a postdoctoral fellowship. His research interests include Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) with Large Language Models (LLM), computer vision, deep learning, medical image analysis, image segmentation, pattern recognition, and infrastructure inspection.
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