Open Access Policy

License: CC BY-NC
Copyright: Copyright of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors and the right of commercial use belongs to the publisher.
Open Access Start Date: 01.12.2021
Journal web address: 
Journal Archive: Please click here to access the archive of past issues of our journal.

Open Access is the availability of publications online to anyone, free of charge and with few restrictions on reuse. For researchers' authors, readers, and funders in particular, free dissemination of their work is important. The Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license governs the open access publication of articles in Belgeler. As of 01.06.2013, Belgeler Journal has made every article available in PDF format since its inaugural issue (1964). It started to be published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as of 01.12.2021. Turkish Historical Society Publications believes that user rights and copyright ownership must be made explicit through licensing in order for open access to function well.

For commercial use, permission must be obtained from the journal publisher, the Turkish Historical Society. You can instantly view the entire text of any article published in Belgeler at

The following actions are permitted without restriction under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license:
Share: You are free to reproduce and distribute the work in any format or media.
Adaptation: You are free to combine, transfer, and expand upon of already completed work.
But the following prerequisites must be met:
Citation: In addition to providing information about any changes made, you must provide a proper citation and include a link to the license. Although you may carry out these actions legally, it does not follow that the licensee endorses you or your use.
Non-commercial: You may not use this content for commercial purposes.
There are no further limitations: The use of the permissions granted by the license cannot be legally restricted by putting technological or legal restrictions on it.

Last Update Time: 2/3/25, 11:57:07 PM

Please click here to access the archive of past issues of our journal.

Article submissions to our journal are made through the Publication Tracking System.