ISSN: 0564-5050
e-ISSN: 2651-5113
Founded: 1953
Publisher: Türk Dil Kurumu
Cover Image


Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belletenis an international, institutional, and open-access academic journal published twice a year by the Turkish Language Association on June 1st and December 1st. Information about the journal (both in Turkish and English) and the full texts of the published articles can be accessed through the institutional website ( or and the national journal platform (

• The journal has been published since 1953.

• The journal has been indexed in TR Dizin since the 66th volume 1st issue in 2018 and in Scopus since the 69th issue in 2020.

Publication Principles

• The primary publication language of the journal is Turkish. However, English articles can also be published.

• There is no specific deadline for submissions. Submissions can be made at any time during the year.

• Only applications from researchers holding a doctoral degree are accepted.

• Articles derived from a thesis or showing more than 5% similarity with a thesis are not accepted.

• Articles must not have been published elsewhere and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

• After the initial evaluation process, articles are subject to double-blind peer review by at least two referees. The Editorial Board has the right to manage the publication process of submitted articles (publication, non-publication, decision on which issue to publish, etc.). The Editorial Board/Editor may make minor revisions that do not alter the integrity of the article.

• A second article by the same author will not be accepted while the publication process of their first article is ongoing. Additionally, an article by the same author can be published at least two issues later.

• For articles with more than two authors, a detailed separate justification is required.

• Articles requiring Ethical Committee approval must obtain such approval, and this approval (committee name, date, and number) must be stated at the end of the article and in the methods section. For research requiring Ethical Committee approval, please refer to the journal's Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

• Submitted articles must adhere to all aspects of YÖK (Higher Education Council) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) scientific ethical principles. 

• Papers presented at an academic conference but not yet published are not accepted. Additionally, through the use of special programs for plagiarism detection, it is confirmed that articles have not been previously published and do not contain plagiarism. Authors are required to ensure that the similarity rate of the article does not exceed 15% through plagiarism detection programs.

• In cases of ethical problems related to the article, the procedure determined by COPE is applied. If an ethical violation is found after the investigation, the author's institution is informed about the situation and process, and no further articles are accepted from the same author.

• The scientific, intellectual, and literary responsibility for the published articles lies with the authors.

• Content from articles, photographs, tables, and figures published in the journal cannot be quoted without attribution.

• According to the Copyright, Publication, and Sales Regulation of the Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History and Its Affiliated Institutions, authors are paid copyright fees, and referees are paid review fees for articles published in the journal.