Writing Rules

Spelling Rules
• Authors who want to submit an article to our journal should upload their work to the system after placing it in the sample template.
• CLICK HERE to download the article template.
• Articles that do not comply with the journal template will be returned to their authors.
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be clear and understandable in terms of language and expression in accordance with scientific standards.
• Articles submitted to our journal should not be less than 4,500 words and not more than 10,000 words, including abstract and bibliography.
• Manuscripts should be in A4 size, page margins should be 2.5 cm from the right, bottom, top and 3 cm from the left.
• Turkish and English abstracts should be at least 100 and at most 250 words. Keywords should consist of at least 3 and at most 5 words. There should be a comma between keywords and the initial letter of each word should be capitalised. Abstracts and keywords should be placed immediately after the title. The English title of the article, abstract and keywords should be written in full. Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords titles should be 11 pt, bold, left justified, and Abstract and Abstract texts should be Times New Roman 10 pt, 1.15 line spacing and justified.
• The typeface of the manuscript submitted to the journal should be Times New Roman, 1.15 line spacing, 11 pt, justified, spaced 6 pt before and after, and paragraphs indented 1.25 cm.
• The title of the study, section headings, table and figure headings should be written in bold font, except for this, bold font should not be used in the content and bibliography.
• The title of the article should express the content of the article in the best way and should not exceed 15 words.
• The title of the study should be written in Times New Roman 14 pt, single line spacing, bold, centred, capital letters.
• All subheadings specified after the main title of the article should be written in 12 pt, bold, left justified, spaced 6 pt before and after, indented 1.25 cm and capitalised.
• Tables, graphs and charts should be numbered consecutively. Titles of tables, graphs and charts should be written above the tables, graphs and charts, in Times New Roman 9 font size, the first letters of all words should be capitalised, bold and left justified.
• Figures and illustrations should be numbered consecutively. Figure and picture captions should be below the figures and pictures, Times New Roman 9 font size, the first letters of all words should be capitalised, bold and centred.
• In case of direct quotation in the manuscripts submitted to the journal, ‘double quotation marks’ should be used.
• Numbering in the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be expressed with a period instead of ‘th/third/tenth’ suffixes.
• The ‘%’ sign should be used for the percentage word used in the studies submitted to the journal; Decimal expressions should be separated with ‘,’ sign.
• Abbreviations in the text should be written clearly and in abbreviated form in brackets when they are first shown, and the abbreviated form should be given in subsequent expressions. For example; Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)
• If the study is supported by an institution/organisation or prepared from a doctoral/master's thesis, this should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the first page.
• Studies submitted to the journal are scanned for plagiarism using the software Intihal.net. The similarity rate of the articles submitted to our journal is expected to be 15% or less.

In-text Citation and Bibliography
References should be written in 10 pt, justified, single line spacing.
APA 6 style should be used for in-text citations and references.

Single Authored Books:
In the text; (Baharçiçek, 2020: 81)
In the bibliography; Baharçiçek, A. (2020). Turkish Foreign Policy in the New World Order. Ankara: Orion Bookstore.

Books with Two Authors:
In the text; (Görmez and Göka, 1993: 26)
In the bibliography; Görmez, K. and Göka, E. (1993). 99 Soruda Çocuk ve Çevre. Istanbul: Child Foundation Publications.

Books with More Than Two Authors:
In the text; (Mutlu et al., 2021: 41)
In the bibliography; Mutlu, Y., Çam, Z., & Çalışkan, E. F. (2021). Problems and Solution Suggestions Experienced by Dyscalculic Children. Ankara: Vize Publishing.

A Book Chapter in an Edited Book:
In Text; (İrdem & Demirkan, 2022: 350)
In the bibliography; Irdem, İ. and Demirkan, U. (2022). Women Migrants in the Struggle against Human Trafficking in Turkey. In Fatma Gökçe Çetin Can (Ed.), Women and Society Changing Roles, Relations, Consequences (341-365). Ankara: Orion Bookstore.

Single Authored Articles:
In the text; (Özer, 2000: 135)
In the bibliography; Özer, M. A. (2000). On the Analysis of the Concepts of Local Democracy, Democratic Local Governments and Democratisation of Local Governments. Turkish Administrative Journal, 72(426), 129-143.

Articles with Two Authors:
In the text; (Geniş and Akkirman, 2020: 5)
In the bibliography; Geniş, Ş. and Akkirman, D. K. (2020). Neighbourhoods as Spaces of Inequality and Women's Right to the City. Journal of Amme Administration, 53(1), 1-35

Articles with More Than Two Authors:
In the text; (Çam et al., 2016: 258)
In the bibliography; Çam, Ş. S., Yarar, G., Toraman, C., & Erdamar, G. K. (2016). The Effects of Gender on the Attitudes towards the Computer Assisted Instruction: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Educationand Training Studies, 4(5), 250-261.

In case an author has more than one publication with the same date:
In Text; (Özden, 2021a: 150), (Özden, 2021b: 16)
In the bibliography; Özden, Y. (2021a). The Development of the Relationship between Power and Civil Society in Turkey. In Mustafa Mete (Ed.) Research and Evaluations in Economic and Administrative Sciences (145 -166). Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı.
Özden, Y. (2021b). Personalisation of Politics in Turkey and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Ankara: Orion Bookstore.

Publications Without Author:
In Text; (TODAIE, 1991: 5)
In the bibliography; TODAIE (1991). Public Administration Research General Report Kaya Public Administration Research Project. Ankara: TODAIE Publication.

In Text; (Bilgin, 1991: 25)
In the bibliography; Bilgin, K. U. (1991). In the Light of Harmonisation Studies in the European Community and in the Member States, Harmonisation of Turkish Public Administration to the European Community. (Doctoral Dissertation). Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

Congress Proceedings:
In Text; (Sezik, 2022: 4)
In the bibliography; Sezik, M. (2022). Sezik, M. (2022). Migration as a Security Threat in Urban Spaces, I. International Social Sciences Congress Full Text Proceedings Book, Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.

Web Page:
In Text; (TÜİK, 2023)
References; TurkStat (2023). Consumer Price Index. Retrieved on 27.03.2023 from https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Tuketici-Fiyat-Endeksi-Subat-2023.

• Authors are required to send the Cover Page, Copyright Agreement, Author Declaration(s), Similarity Conclusion Report and Letter of Undertaking Forms with the manuscript file in the first submission.
• When uploading the main manuscript file, it should be ensured that this file does not contain any elements that decipher the identity of the author, as required by the double blind review process. The main manuscript file should not contain the title page; it should not contain any sections that contain author names or that may disclose author names (should be indicated on the cover page form).
• A Cover Page containing author information should be sent with the manuscript submitted for publication. The cover page should include the title of the article, the author or authors' affiliated institutions and titles, addresses where they can be reached, mobile, work and fax numbers, ORCID and e-mail addresses.
• The responsibility for the opinions in the published articles belongs to the author(s).
• Declaration of Contribution Ratio of the researchers, Declaration of Support and Acknowledgement, if any, and Conflict Declaration should be included. In addition, the Author Declaration Form should be completed and submitted with the manuscript file.
• In accordance with the plagiarism policy of the journal, the plagiarism result report after being scanned in the relevant programmes (turnitin, ithenticate) must be sent to the journal. In addition to the submitted reports, our journal uses Intihal.net software to scan for plagiarism at the preliminary review stage.
• In case the submitted article has not been published elsewhere or is not currently in the evaluation process for publication, and in case the articles sent for evaluation are accepted for publication, the Commitment Form regarding the acceptance that all publication rights belong to Bitlis Eren Journal of Social Research indefinitely should be filled out and signed and sent to the journal's editorial commission.
• Ethics committee approval must be obtained for research in all disciplines that require Ethics Committee Permission in accordance with TR Index criteria, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
• In accordance with TR Index criteria, in studies derived from postgraduate theses, the responsible author with the highest contribution rate should be the author of the study and the supervisor should be the second author.
• The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study can be requested from the relevant author upon reasonable request to be forwarded only to the referee without public disclosure.

Last Update Time: 3/7/25, 3:54:17 AM

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