Open Access Policy

This magazine; adopting the principle that providing scientific research to the public free of charge will increase the global sharing of information, it provides instant open access to its content.

The Journal of Science Harmony also supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative, adopted on September 12, 2012. In this context, the open access policies adopted by the editorial board of our journal are available at

Based on the idea that open access will increase the universal use of information and have beneficial consequences for humanity, the Science Harmony has adopted the Open Access policy.. In this respect, Science Harmony Journal is responsible for all uses except for commercial use and content change, provided that it is cited in known standards in order to contribute to the promotion and development of universal Open Access to scientific rights, such as printing, copying, printing, reproduction and distribution in any physical environment, etc.). For commercial use of the content, written permission from the publisher is required.

Science Harmony provides immediate open access to its content by adopting the principle that providing scientific research to the public free of charge will increase the global sharing of knowledge.LOCKSS:

Budapest Open Access Initiative


An old tradition and a new technology combine to enable an unprecedented public benefit. The old tradition is that scientists publish their work outcomes free of charge in academic journals, in accordance with their wishes, in order to share research results and information obtained. The new technology is the Internet. The public interest is the worldwide distribution of peer-reviewed journal literature; it provides completely unlimited and free access to the literature for scientists, researchers, teachers, students and enthusiasts. Remove barriers to access to scientific literature; It accelerates research, develops education, shares the knowledge of the rich and the poor - the rich and the poor, makes this literature as useful as possible, and unites humanity in a common intellectual view and information search environment. Such free online use, which we call open access, is limited to a small part of the journal literature for various reasons.

Despite this limited collection, many different initiatives have shown that open access is economically viable. Open access gives readers the extra power to find and exploit literature resources; it provides writers and their work with broad and measurable new visibility environments, increasing the audience and impact.

We call on all interested institutions and individuals to help to ensure these gains for everyone, to make the rest of the literature accessible, to remove the barriers ahead and especially the price barrier.

As the number of supporters of this initiative increases, the benefits of open access together and more rapidly will be seen.

The literature that scientists present to the world without charge expectation should be freely accessible online.

This category primarily includes peer-reviewed journal articles; however, pre-pressures of authors who have not undergone any arbitration process, published by the authors for comment or to share important research results with colleagues, are also included in this category. There are many degrees and types of wider and easier access to scientific literature.

In this declaration, open access means that “the scientific literature can be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transferred to software without any financial, legal and technical barriers, and used for any legal purpose İnternet is used.

Restriction on replication-distribution and the copyright role in this area; should be given to authors to check the integrity of their work, to be properly recognized and quoted..

Although peer-reviewed journal literature is accessible to readers online free of charge, open-access journal publishing is not cost-effective


Experience shows, however, that the overall costs of open access are much lower than those of traditional delivery modes. 

Open access offers the opportunity to save information while expanding the scope of information dissemination. There is, however, a strong incentive for professional organizations, universities, libraries, foundations and other institutions to claim open access to improve their services.

The realization of open access will require new cost-sharing models and financing mechanisms, but the significant reduction in the total cost of distribution is indicative that the goal is not only preferable or utopian, but an achievable outcome. We recommend using two complementary strategies to ensure open access to scientific journal literature:

I. Personal Archiving: 

First, scientists need help and tools to place their peer-reviewed journal articles in open electronic archives, called personal archiving. When these archives comply with the standards established by the Open Access Initiative, search engines and other tools can treat individual archives as a single archive.

Thus, users do not need to know which archives exist and where they are located in order to find and exploit their content.

II. Open Access Journals

Second, scientists need the tool / method to start publishing next-generation journals that support open access and to contribute to journals that prefer open access. Since journal articles should reach as large an audience as possible, copyrights will not be used to limit access and use of material published in these new journals.

In the following process, copyrights and other tools will be used to ensure the permanence of all published articles in open access, rather than blocking them.. Since the price is an obstacle to access, these new magazines do not require subscription or access fees, and seek other methods to cover costs. For this purpose; donations to support research, foundations and governments that provide research money, universities and laboratories employing researchers, open access supporters, earnings from the sale of basic text plug-ins, closure or cancellation of traditional subscription or access fee alerts. and even researchers' self-involvement.


Not all disciplines or nations do not have to accept any of these solutions;, searching for different and creative alternatives should not be abandoned

The goal is to have open access to peer-reviewed journal literature.


(I) Personal archiving and new generation (II) open access journals are methods of achieving this goal. These are directly targeted tools as well as bring academics directly to each other without waiting for changes brought by the market or legislation.


In addition to supporting the two strategies outlined, we also encourage different ways of transitioning from existing delivery methods to open access. Flexibility, experimentation and adaptation in local conditions are the best methods for fast, safe and long-lasting progress in different environments. Founded by philanthropist George Soros, the Open Society Institute is committed to providing resources and basic assistance to realize the goal.

The Foundation will use its resources and influence to promote expansion and personal archiving, to publish new open access journals, and to establish an open access journal system that can maintain its own economic structure.

Although the commitment and resources of the Open Society Institute are important, this initiative needs other institutions / organizations to contribute to it with their strength and resources. We invite governments, universities, libraries, magazine editors, publishers, foundations, intellectuals, professional organizations and scientists to share our vision, join us to remove barriers to open access and build a more free education and research environment all over the world. 

February 14, 2002

Budapest, Hungary

Leslie Chan: Bioline International

Darius Cuplinskas: Director, Information Program, Open Society Institute

Michael Eisen: Public Library of Science

Fred Friend: Director Scholarly Communication, University College London

Yana Genova: Next Page Foundation

Jean-Claude Guédon: University of Montreal

Melissa Hagemann: Program Officer, Information Program, Open Society Institute

Stevan Harnad: Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Southampton, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

Rick Johnson: Director, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)

Rima Kupryte: Open Society Institute

Manfredi La Manna: Electronic Society for Social Scientists

István Rév: Open Society Institute, Open Society Archives

Monika Segbert: eIFL Project consultant

Sidnei de Souza: Informatics Director at CRIA, Bioline International

Peter Suber: Professor of Philosophy, Earlham College & The Free Online Scholarship Newsletter

Jan Velterop: Publisher, BioMed Central

Last Update Time: 7/24/19, 10:56:55 PM