Writing Rules

Spelling Rules

Font and Page Layout

1. Studies submitted to Bozok Journal of Science should be prepared in Times New Roman, 10 font size, 1.15 line space according to the article template.
2. The page layout for the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be written in Times New Roman 10 font size, with 1.27 cm space from all sides of the page, with 1.15 line space, as mentioned in the article template.

Abstract, Title, Keyword

3. In the studies submitted to the journal, the abstract should be prepared in Times New Roman, 9 font size, justified and single-spaced.
4. Titles of studies should be written above the abstracts with the first letters of the first words capitalized and centered in accordance with Times New Roman, 14 font size and bold.
5. The title of the article should be written in lowercase letters, except for the first word and proper names. The title page should include the full title in sentences, the full names of all authors and institutions. Information about the corresponding author should be written at the end of the first page. All required notices or disclaimers should appear on the first page.
6. Below the abstract title, clear information about the research and the results should be given and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should not contain citations. The title and abstract of the article should not contain mathematical formulas.
7. Keywords (3-5) should be written under the abstract. The first letter of the words in Keywords should be capitalized. Keywords should not include abbreviations.


8. The main titles are Times New Roman, 11 font size, 1.15 line space. The manuscript should be Times New Roman, 10 font size, 1.15 line space. The first letter of each word in the subtitles should be capitalized.
9. It should discuss the status of the study, solely outline the main background and should not include findings or conclusions. It should not be a review of the subject field, but should end with a clear statement of the problem that is handled. Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses first and then used as abbreviations.
10. Authors should use the template to prepare an article for submission to Bozok Journal of Science. The article should be written in Microsoft Word. The manuscript in the related parts of the template can be changed by typing or copying and pasting, and the styles given in the template can be used. There should be 1 line space between paragraphs.
11. The studies submitted for publication in the journal should consist of; Title, Abstract, Keywords, followed by Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, References and Supplementary materials. In articles, British English rules should also be taken into consideration.
12. Extensive citations and discussions from published literature should be avoided. Research articles should not be longer than 25 pages and should have 40 references.

Chapter Titles

13. Research articles should be divided into the chapters listed below. The main chapters should be numbered sequentially (1. Introduction, 2. Material and Method etc.), the subchapters should be numbered as 1.1., 1.2. etc. More than three degrees of title should not be used. Reference list should not be numbered.

Symbols, Units and Abbreviations

14. If symbols such as ×, µ, η, ν are used, they should be added using Microsoft Word's Symbol menu. Microsoft Word equation should be used to write mathematical equations and formulas. Equations should not be in the form of pictures.
15. Degree symbols (°) should be used from the symbol menu, superscript letter o or number 0 should not be used. Multiplication symbols (×) should be used, the letter x should not be used. There should be spaces between numbers and units (eg 3 km) and numbers and mathematical symbols (+, –, ×, =, <, >), but should not be between numbers and percent symbols (eg 45%). Please use SI units.

In-text Citation

16. In the reference list, only works that are cited in the manuscript and that have been published or accepted for publication should be included. Unpublished results and personal communications should not be on the reference list. References should be added as APA format in the manuscript. References should be cited in the text, like (Delibaş, 2016), (Coşkun and Delibaş, 2016), (Delibaş et al., 2023), Eroğlu (2020), Eroğlu et al. (2015). All sources cited in the article should be included in the reference list and all sources in the reference list should be cited in the article. References should be given in alphabetical order, according to the APA formats given below. It is recommended to use reference management programs (Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, Refworks, etc.) to give citation numbers.

Author Names

17. Author names should be 10 font size and addresses should be 9 font size. Line space should not be left between author names and addresses.


18. Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible, but if necessary, they should be written at the bottom of the page where they are used, separated by a line.

Tables and Figures

19. At first, simple findings can be given directly in the text without the need for tables or figures. All drawings (photographs, drawings, graphics, etc.) except tables should be labeled as “Figure”. All tables and figures should have a title and/or description and be numbered (eg Table 1, Figure 2), in the case of a single table or figure the table or figure must be labeled "Table" or "Figure". Subtitles should be written in sentences (eg Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm). The font used in the figures should be Times New Roman. If symbols such as ×, μ, η or ν are used, they should be added using Word's Symbol menu. All tables and figures should be numbered consecutively as referenced in the text. Tables and Figures should be placed next to the related manuscript in the manuscript.
20. When the width is set to 16 cm, the resolution of the pictures should not be less than 118 pixels/cm. Images should be scanned at 1200 dpi resolution and be in jpeg or tiff format. Graphs and diagrams should be drawn with a line thickness between 0.5 and 1 point. Graphics and diagrams with line thickness less than 0.5 points or more than 1 point are not accepted. Scanned or photocopied charts and diagrams are not accepted. The figure style is given below.
21. Figures that are graphs, diagrams or drawings should be presented in an editable format, that is, the graphics staff should be able to change them. In addition, all tables should be presented as editable text, not as images, excel or pdf. It should not be pasted as an image file (tiff, jpeg or eps) unless it is a photo. Tables and figures, including titles, chapter titles and footnotes, should not exceed 16 × 20 cm and should not be less than 8 cm in width. For all tables, please use the Table feature of Microsoft Word.


22. Authors should report technical assistance, source of specific materials, and financial support. The names of the funding organizations should be written in full.

The Contributions of the Authors

23. The contributions of all authors in the study should be clearly stated.


24. Do not include personal communications, unpublished data, websites or other unpublished material as references even though such material is included in the manuscript (in parentheses). If the author of a reference is an institution or organization, use their name in the reference list (using an abbreviation in the citation, if appropriate); Do not use “anonymous”. References should be given in alphabetical order, according to the APA formats given below.
Check carefully to make sure that the spelling of the article, author's names and years is exactly the same in the manuscript as in the reference list. References should be formatted as follows (please note punctuation and capitalization)..

Journal Article

Baş, H., & Kalender, Y. (2016). Nephrotoxic effects of lead nitrate exposure in diabetic and nondiabetic rats: involvement of oxidative stress and the protective role of sodium selenite. Environmental Toxicology, 31(10), 1229-1240., Doi:10.1002/tox.22130.
Eroğlu, H. E. (2015). Which chromosomes are subtelocentric or acrocentric? A new karyotype symmetry/asymmetry index. Caryologia, 68(3), 239-245. Doi:10.1080/00087114.2015.1032614
Kartaloğlu, N., Akçin, S. E., Eren, M., & Delibaş, A. (2023). Waterborne hybrid (alkyd/styrene acrylic) emulsion polymers and exterior paint applications. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 20(5), 1621-1637. Doi: 10.1007/s11998-023-00767-6


Kalender, Y. (2021). Biyolojik Bilimlerde Çalışma Metotları. Ankara: Palme Yayınevi.
Şahingöz, R. (2015). Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.

Book Chapter

Lattemann, S., Rodriguez, S. G. S., Kennedy, M. D., Schippers, J. C., & Amy, G. L. (2012). Environmental and performance aspects of pretreatment and desalination technologies. Advances in Water Desalination, 79-195. Doi: 10.1002/9781118347737.ch2.
Pérez‐Salinas, P., López‐Domínguez, P., Rosas‐Aburto, A., Hernández‐Ortiz, J. C., & Vivaldo‐Lima, E. (2021). RAFT crosslinking polymerization. RAFT Polymerization: Methods, Synthesis and Applications, 2, 873-932.

Conference Proceedings

Duykop, H. N., Benk, A., Coşkun, R., & Delibaş, A. (2022). Katyonik Hidrojellerin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Anyonik Boya Gideriminde Kullanılması. Uluslaraarası Katılımlı VIII. Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi (pp.113). Malatya, Turkey.
Yağcı, E., & Eroğlu, H. E. (2022). Termik santral bölgesinde yaşayan kişilerde mikronükleus testi ile genotoksik potansiyelin belirlenmesi . 5th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (pp.197). Ankara, Turkey.


Çelebi, G., (2016). The Methods of Finding Stability Regions of Uncertain Linear Systems, PhD Dissertation, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Türkiye.


DHMİ, “İstatistik,” http://www.dhmi.gov.tr/istatistik.aspx. [Access Date: 13-September-2016].

25. Authors who encounter situations that are not specified in the spelling rules should consider the issues accepted in scientific articles.

a. The author retains the copyright of the study and gives the first publication right to the journal. The study is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows it to be shared by others, provided the author is indicated and initially published in this journal.

b. The author may make separate contractual arrangements for the publication of a published version of the study in the journal without full authorization (eg. sending it to an institutional database or publishing it in a book).

c. Authors are encouraged to share their studies online (eg. in an institutional database or on their own websites) before submitting to the journal or in the submission process; this can lead to both fruitful exchanges of ideas and more citations (see Impact of Open Access).

a. Articles should be prepared as mentioned in the spelling rules and template and sent to the journal as a Word or Latex file.
b. The printout of the Copyright Form should be obtained from the system, it should be signed by all authors and sent in PDF format after filling in the necessary information.
c. In the pre-control step, the corrections mentioned in the study will be shown only once as an example. The study should be arranged by the author(s) in line with the explanations and sample markings and errors should be corrected. (eg. if there is an edit in the reference list of the study, all other references should be checked).
d. Unless the arrangements mentioned in the pre-control step are made by the author, they will not be reviewed.
e. The arrangements mentioned by the Layout team during the publication process should be made by the specified date. Otherwise, your article will be published in the next issue.

Last Update Time: 2/18/25, 1:22:25 PM