Journal Boards

Editör Kurulu

MD Tahir Özakkaş
Psikoterapi Enstitüsü- Kocaeli/TÜRKİYE

Doç. Dr. Fatümatü Zehra ERCAN
Selçuk Üniversitesi- Konya/TÜRKİYE

Specialist Tahir OZAKKAS Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Türkiye Web

He was born in Kayseri in 1958. He completed his primary and secondary education in Kayseri. He started his medical education in Hacettepe University in 1978. He graduated from Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine in 1986. During his years in the Faculty of Medicine, he completed Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences Department of Politics and Administration in 1983. He completed his obligatory service during 1986-88 in Kayseri İncesu district. In the same years he conducted his post graduate studies in Gazi University Faculty of Political Sciences on Psychology of Politics. During the years 1989-93 he completed his doctorate studies in Erciyes University Institute of Health Sciences on Public Health. During 1994-97 he specialized in Psychiatry in Azerbaijan University of Medicine. Then he got the master degree equivalence in Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine Department of Psychiatry. At the same time he maintained a lecturer position in Azerbaijan Medical School, also he got an associate professor degree. After passing from the associate professor equivalent science candidate exams he completed his thesis titled “Psycho, Pharmacological and Combined Therapy Response Specialties in Anxiety Disorders”. He currently continues his studies in Turkey.

Since 2005 he organizes Integrative Psychotherapy Training Program on theoretical, formulation and supervision levels for mental health professionals at the Psychotherapy Institute founded by him. He also gives regular trainings on Hypnosis, Masterson Approach, and Dream Work.

As the President of the Psychotherapy Institute, he signed cooperation agreements with several international organizations, and has been acting as the representative and training organizer of several psychotherapy schools in Turkey. The organizations and schools of training cooperation include Personality Disorders Institute (Transference-Focused Psychotherapy), Emotion-Focused Therapy Clinic, and Levenson Institute for Training (Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy).

He is the head of Turkey chapters of SEPI, and IsEFT, and Turkish institutional member of IAPSP. He is a member of the Advisory Board of SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration).

He received Arnkoff & Glass Award for Regional Network of the Year from SEPI in 2017. He led the organization of the 1st National Integrative Psychotherapy Congress in Turkey.

His areas of interest are psychotherapy and hypnotherapy applications in personality disorders and anxiety disorders. He has written many articles and books on these subjects, including Integrative Psychotherapy, Hypnosis 1-2, Hypnotherapy for Allergy and Dermatological Diseases, Hypnotherapy for Sexual Problems, Hypnotic Age Regression, Anxiety Disorders and Treatment, An Overview of Masterson Approach, and A Transtheoretical Journey in Jungian Subjectivity. He is in the editorial boards of the Turkish Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy, Journal of Unified Psychotherapy and Clinical Science, and Azerbaijan Psychiatry.

He is also a Certified Therapist on Transference-Focused Psychotherapy, Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy, Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy, and Masterson Approach.

Psychiatry, Cognition, Developmental Psychology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatümatüzehra ERCAN SELÇUK ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye
Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality, Social Work, Developmental Psychology

Alan Editörleri

Teorik Çalışmalar Editörü
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet ÇORAK
Marmara Üniversitesi- İstanbul/TÜRKİYE

Nitel Çalışmalar Editörü
Dr. Öğr.Üyesi Fatümatü Zehra ERCAN
Selçuk Üniversitesi- Konya/TÜRKİYE

Nicel Çalışmalar Editörü
Doç. Dr. Bahtiyar ERASLAN ÇAPAN
Anadolu Üniversitesi – Eskişehir/TÜRKİYE

Karma Yöntemler Editörü
Dr. Fatih USTA
Biruni Üniversitesi – İstanbul/TÜTKİYE

Olgu Çalışmaları Editörü
Uzman Psikolojik Danışman İzmir Analiz Psikoloji İzmir/TÜRKİYE

Kitap Kritik Editörü
Psikoterapi Enstitüsü – Kocaeli/TÜRKİYE

İstatistik Editörü
Doç. Dr. Muhammet ÖZTABAK
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Üniversitesi – İstanbul/TÜRKİYE

Türkçe Dil Editörü
Uzm. Klinik Psk. Gülten İKİZOĞLU
Sıradışı Psikoloji – İstanbul/TÜRKİYE

İngilizce Dil Editörü
Uzm. Klinik Psk. Yaşar Kubilay TANER
Psikoterapi Enstitüsü – Kocaeli/TÜRKİYE

Personality and Individual Differences, Community Psychology, Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics, Applied and Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Education, Quantitative Methods in Sociology, Personality and Individual Differences, Testing, Assessment and Psychometrics, Applied and Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology

Yayın Kurulu

1. Beatriz GOMEZ (ABD)
2. Cengiz GÜLEÇ (Türkiye)
3. Ercan ABAY (Türkiye)
4. Esra YAZICI (Türkiye)
5. Hüsnü ERKMEN (Türkiye)
6. İbrahim BALCIOĞLU (Türkiye)
8. Jeffrey MAGNAVITA (ABD)
10. Judith SCHOENHOLTZ-READ (Kanada)
11. Kamil TUZGÖL (Türkiye)
12. Kayıhan Oğuz KARAMUSTAFALIOĞLU (Türkiye)
13. M. Zihni SUNGUR (Türkiye)
14. Marvin GOLDFRIED (ABD)
15. Meliha Tuzgöl DOST (Türkiye)
16. Muhammet Übeydullah ÖZTABAK(Türkiye)
17. Mustafa BİLİCİ (Türkiye)
18. Özge KAPISIZ (Türkiye)
19. Paul WACHTEL (ABD)
20. Spyros ORFANOS (ABD)
21. Stanley MESSER (ABD)
22. Yasemin ÖZKAN (Türkiye)
23. Yıldırım B. DOĞAN (Türkiye)

Danışma Kurulu

Ahmet Çorak

İhsan Yamlı

Erkan Özen

Teknik Kurul

Yaşar Kubilay Taner

Buğra Kal