Writing Rules

The article template above should be used for articles submitted to the journal, and the book review template for book reviews. Please make sure that you follow the rules below:

  • As of 2023 June, the articles should be prepared according to the rules of APA 7.
  • Articles, excluding the bibliography, are recommended to be 3000-6000 words. It is recommended that the text should not exceed 1000-2000 words for book reviews and 1500 words for letters to the editor (notes).
  • If your work is based on a project, a dissertation or a thesis, the relevant explanation should be given in a footnote by adding an asterisk (*) to the title of the article.

Title: Do not exceed twelve (12) words, in Times New Roman font, fourteen (14) points, capital and bold, with the second language version in brackets below the title, with only the first letters capitalized. For studies written in Turkish, second language will be English, for studies written in English, second language will be Turkish. If it is written in other languages, the second language is Turkish or English.

Name of the author: The first letter of the name should be capitalised and the surname should be capitalised, centred under the title, a footnote number related to the surname and title, university (institution), email address and ORCID number should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the first page. Other authors should be listed similarly under the first name.

Abstract: At the beginning of the study, there should be a Turkish abstract of a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words, which briefly expresses the topic of the study. If the work is written in other languages, the abstract should be in the language in which it was written and in either Turkish or English.
Keywords should be given below the abstract, between 3 and 6 words. Keywords should be written in lower case letters and should be separated by a semicolon. Keywords should be compatible with the content of the article and should be comprehensive.
References to sources, figure and table numbers, etc. should not be included in the abstract.

Extended summary: A structured English summary of not less than 750 and not more than 1000 words should be added under the heading "Summary" after the abstract of the article. Keywords should be given under the extended abstract, minimum 3, maximum 6 words. Keywords should be written in lower case letters and should be separated by a semicolon. Keywords should be compatible with the content of the article and should be inclusive.

Main text: A4 paper (29.7 x 21 cm.), in MS Word, Times New Roman and normal font, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing; paragraph spacing should be 6 pt first and then 0 pt. Footnotes should be 10 pt.
A margin of 2 cm should be left on the edges of the pages and the pages should be numbered. The paper should not exceed six thousand (6000) words, including the abstract and the structured summary, excluding the bibliography. Italics, not boldface, should be used to emphasise parts of the text. Do not use double emphasis such as quotes or italics. Citations in the study should not exceed 20%.

Headings: Headings, subheadings and subtitles can be used to provide a systematic flow of information in the study. Main headings (main sections, references and appendices) should be written in capital letters; subheadings and sub-titles should only be written in capital letters and in bold type. Main headings (main sections, references and appendices) should be capitalised, lower case, 12 pt, bold, centred and spaced 12 pt.

Tables and figures: Tables should have a table number and a title at the top of the table. Vertical lines should not be used when drawing tables. Horizontal lines should only be used to separate the sub-headings within the table from each other.

Images: These should be sent as a high resolution scan and should be attached to the article as an appendix. Image captions should follow the table and figure rules.

Citations: The formats and citations of the studies used should be according to APA 7.0 (MLA in language studies) style. If an oral source is used, it should be given as K.K1, K.K.2 ... in the text, and the source person information should be given at the end of the study under the title of source persons, including Name, Surname, Profession, Education, Date and Place of Interview.

References: The bibliography of the studies used should be according to APA 7.0 style. The text of the references included in the bibliography should be hanging (in Word: paragraph - indents and spacing - special - hanging). At the end of the text, they should be arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the authors.

Manuscript submission and publication process

  1. Manuscripts prepared according to the specified rules will be submitted online via our website at DergiPark. Please contact bayterekdergisi@gmail.com in case of any problems.
  2. The manuscripts that are submitted to the journal for publication will first be checked by the editorial office in terms of the purpose, the subject, the content and the spelling rules. The main criteria for evaluating manuscripts submitted for publication are academic objectivity and scientific quality.
  3. According to the opinion of the members of the Editorial Board, the eligible manuscripts will be sent to three (3) referees, recognised for their works and studies in their fields, to be scientifically evaluated, concealing the names of the authors, and the authors are not informed of the names of the referees.
  4. Studies with a minimum of two (2) positive peer review reports will be published. The authors will take into account the criticisms, corrections and suggestions made by the reviewers, the editor and the editorial board. Authors may submit a report to the Editorial Board explaining why they disagree with the referees', editor's and Editorial Board's opinions.

Creative Commons
Bu eser Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-AynıLisanslaPaylaş 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.