Article Preparation
Language: Turkish, English, Arabic, German
Article Types: Articles, book reviews, symposium reviews and other types of scientific publications
Author Change: Only processed before the manuscript is accepted. Authors are required to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the final author list at the time of original submission.
Writing Guidelines:
The manuscript should not exceed 15,000 words, including Abstract, Abstract, Footnotes and References. (The Editorial Board is the final decision-maker if the limit is exceeded due to the nature of the work.)
The arrangement of the manuscript elements should be as follows:
1. Title in English
2. Abstract
3. Keywords
4. Title in Turkish (Maximum 10-12 words)
5. Abstract (should be between 150-250 words)
6. Keywords (It should consist of at least 5 and at most 8 words)
- Arabic Title (for Arabic articles)
- Arabic Abstract (150-250) words (for Arabic articles)
- Arabic Keywords (for Arabic articles)
7. Body Text
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
The text should be written in Microsoft Office Word program. The page size should be A4.
Margins: 3 cm should be left from each edge.
Title: A title that is compatible with the content of the article and expresses the content in the best way should be chosen and should be written in bold letters, 12 Punto Times New Roman, and each word should be capitalized. The title of the article should be between 10-12 words at most. The title should be arranged according to the ISNAD2 Citation System; it should be set as 0 pt from the top, 6 pt from the bottom and without indentation; it should be center aligned. Prepositions and conjunctions in the title should be written in lower case. In addition, titles should be bolded and italics should not be used except for book titles and special cases.
Titling based on the decimal system should be used.
Example of Titling in Decimal System:
1. ________________________________________
1.1. _________________________________
1.1.1. __________________________
Author name and institution information: Since the manuscript to be uploaded to the system will go to the referees, author name and institutional information should not be written. After the manuscript is approved for publication and before it is uploaded in its final form, Name-Surname, Institutional Information (TR&ENG), e-mail and Orcid ID should be written as specified in the article template. This information will be requested from the author later.
Abstract/Abstract: English-Turkish abstract (150-250 words). The abstract should be in Times New Roman font, 9 pt, aligned on both sides, single-spaced and unindented. References, figure and table numbers should not be mentioned in the abstract.
Summary/Abstract: Articles that are peer-reviewed and accepted for publication should be preceded by an English Summary and a Turkish Abstract of at least 750 and at most 1,500 words. The abstract should be in Times New Roman font, 9 pt, aligned on both sides, single-spaced. Paragraph beginnings should be indented 1.25 cm from the left; spaces should be set as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
Keywords: Keywords consisting of at least 5 and at most 8 words must be given below the abstract. Each word of the keywords should be capitalized and commas should be used between them. They should be written in 9-point font size, aligned on both sides, single-spaced and unindented.
Main Text: Manuscripts should not exceed 35 journal pages (15,000 words) including attachments such as pictures, figures, maps, etc. It should be written in Times New Roman font in 11 point size; aligned on both sides; 1.15 line spacing. Paragraph beginnings should be indented 1.25 cm from the left; spaces should be set as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph. The main text should be prepared according to the ISNAD2 Citation System (with footnotes). Arabic expressions in the text and footnotes should be in Traditional Arabic, 11-point font and bold.
Section Headings: Main, intermediate and subheadings can be used in the article, provided that they are compatible with the content. These headings should be capitalized for each word. They should be organized according to the ISNAD2 Citation System; they should be set as 0 pt from the top and bottom, unindented and single line; they should be aligned on both sides. It should be in Times New Roman font, 11 point size, bold.
Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered and titled. Tables and Figures should be organized according to the ISNAD2 Citation System. Tabular texts should be written in Times New Roman font with a font size of 10 points and should be aligned on both sides.
Table and Figure captions and references, if any, should be written in Times New Roman font, 8-point font size, aligned on both sides and single-spaced. Spacing should be set to 6 pt from the bottom and 0 pt from the top for Table and Figure captions, and 6 pt from the top and bottom for Table and Figure references.
Tables should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), and spacing should be set to 0 nk from the top and 6 nk from the bottom. Tables smaller than the page margins should be left-aligned.
Figures should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set to 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Tables smaller than the page margins should be left-aligned.
Images: They should be scanned in high resolution, print quality. Image naming conventions should follow the same rules as for figures and charts. Figures, charts and illustrations should not exceed a total of 10 pages (one third of the manuscript).
Citations and References: All direct quotations should be made in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System. If the direct quotation is a paragraph, it should be written in Times New Roman font with a font size of 10 points, aligned on both sides, and 1 line spacing. The beginning of the paragraph should be unindented, the whole paragraph should be indented 2 cm from left and right; spaces should be set as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
Footnotes Must comply with the ISNAD2 Citation System (with footnotes). They should be written in Times New Roman font in 9 point size; aligned on both sides; single-spaced. Spacing should be set to 0 pt from top and bottom.
References: It should start on the page after the conclusion.
References should be organized according to the ISNAD2 Citation System.
References should be written in Times New Roman font in 11 point size; aligned on both sides; single-spaced.
For each reference, the first line should be indented from the left, and the following lines should be indented 1.25 cm from the left. Spaces for each source should be 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom.
If more than one work of an author is included in the bibliography, the author's name should be written again for each work.
Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be made as specified in the ISNAD2 Citation System; if the abbreviation is not specified in the ISNAD2 Citation System, the author's preference should be specified in the description section when submitting the article.
- If an end-of-page explanation is to be made for the title of the article, the * sign should be used.
- No Header and Footer entries should be made.
- Page numbers should not be added.
For detailed information on citations and references, see:
See for the Principles of Edited Publication:
Article writing rules apply for translations.
The name and information of the translator should not be written in the translation.
The translation title should be the title of the translated text.
At the end of the translation title, a (*) should be added at the end of the page, and the type of the translated text (article, book chapter, paper, etc.) and the imprint of the text according to the ISNAD Citation System should be added at the end of the page.
Regardless of the citation system used in the original text, footnotes must comply with the ISNAD Citation System.
Tables and Figures should be organized according to the ISNAD Citation System. Tabular texts should be written in Times New Roman font with a font size of 10 points and aligned on both sides.
Abstract, keywords, abstract and keywords should be given as they appear in the original text. If not included in the text, 250-500 words of Abstract and Abstract, Keywords and keywords should be added.
Article writing rules apply for Book Reviews.
Abstract and Abstract consisting of 150-250 words should be included.
Book Reviews should be between 500-1500 words.
If an end-of-page explanation is to be made for the title of the Book Review, the * sign should be used.
Source Citation Style
Articles should be prepared according to ISNAD2 Citation System.
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