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Palm Yağında 3-MCPD ve Glisidol Esterleri Oluşumuna Proses Şartlarının Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 35 Issue: 2, 333 - 354, 01.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, yemeklik yağ ya da katkı olarak kullanılan palm olein yağının rafinasyonu sırasında
ağartma ajanları ve deodorizasyon sıcaklığı gibi rafinasyona yardımcı kimyasal malzemelerin ve rafinasyon parametrelerin değiştirilmesi ile “proses bulaşanı” olarak ifade edilen 3-MCPD (3-monokloropropan diol) ve GE (glisidol esterleri) oluşumunun önlenmesi ya da azaltılması için uygun proses şartlarını belirlemektir. İncelenecek yağ örnekleri ham yağ, nötralize çıkışı, ağartma çıkışı ve deodorizasyon çıkışından alınmış ve 3-MCPD ile glisidol esterlerinin miktarları DGF Standart Metodu ile GC/MS cihazı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Nötralize edilen ve nötr ağartma toprağı kullanılan örnekler RBD (rafine-ağartılmış-deodorize) palm olein ile karşılaştırıldığında, 3-MCPD ve GE değerlerindeki en dikkat çeken azalmalar %46.00 ile 220⁰C’de ve %87.85 ile 230⁰C’de deodorizasyon çıkışında tespit edilmiştir. Nötralize edilen ve asit aktive toprak kullanılan örneklerin 3-MCPD ve GE değerleri RBD palm olein ile karşılaştırıldığında ise en büyük azalma sırasıyla %22.80 ile nötralizasyon ve %85.22 ile 200⁰C’deki deodorizasyon çıkışında belirlenmiştir. Nötralize edilmeden nötr ağartma toprağı kullanılan örneklerde 3-MCPD değerinde gözlenen en yüksek azalma %69.91 ile 230⁰C’deki deodorize çıkışında, GE miktarında ise %90.32 ile ağartma çıkışında saptanmıştır. Nötralize edilmeden ve asit aktive toprak kullanılan örneklerde ise 3-MCPD değeri %14.02 ile 230⁰C’deki deodorize çıkışında en yüksek azalmayı gösterirken, GE sonuçlarında en fazla azalma %93.85 ile 230⁰C’deki deodorize çıkışında elde edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında 3-MCPD miktarının azaltılması hedeflendiğinde, RBD palm olein’de %69.91 düzeyinde azalmanın nötralize edilmeden, nötr ağartma toprağının kullanıldığı ve 230⁰C’de deodorizasyon prosesinin gerçekleştiği parametrelerle sağlandığı tespit edilmiştir. GE miktarının azaltılması hedeflendiğinde ise, %93.85’lik azalma için nötralize edilmeden, asit aktive ağartma toprağının kullanıldığı, 230⁰C’de gerçekleşen deodorizasyon koşulları optimum parametreler olarak tavsiye edilmektedir.


Bu tez çalışmasının gerçekleşmesinde katkı sağlayan Emek Yağ Sanayii A.Ş. Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Sayın Sait UYAR, Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Sayın Yasemin UYAR, Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Sayın Sühan ÇOKUŞUĞLU ile Üretim Müdürü Okan Meral’e ve analizlerin yürütülmesi hususunda desteğini esirgemeyen Sayın Orhan EREN ve Dr. Müge NEBİOĞLU’na teşekkür ederiz.


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The Impact of Process Conditions on the Formation of 3-MCPD and Glycidol Esters in Palm Oil

Year 2021, Volume: 35 Issue: 2, 333 - 354, 01.12.2021


The aim of the present study is to determine the suitable process conditions to prevent and/or reduce the formation of 3-MCPD and glycidol esters expressed as ”process contaminant” by modifying the refining-aid chemical materials and refining parameters, such as bleaching agents and deodorisation temperature during the refining of palm olein oil used as edible oil or additive. The samples were taken from RBD palm olein and outputs of neutralisation, bleaching and deodorisation. The amounts of 3-MCPD and glycidol esters in the samples were determined according to the DGF Standard Method by GC/MS. In the study by neutralizing and using neutral bleaching earth, the highest decrease in the 3-MCPD results was obtained as 46.00% from output of deodorization at 220⁰C, and the highest decrease in glycidol esters was obtained as 87.85% from output of deodorization at 230⁰C. The highest decrease in the 3-MCPD of neutralized and bleached with acid activated earth was obtained as 22.80% from output of neutralization, and the highest decrease in glycidol esters was obtained as 85.22% from output of deodorization at 200⁰C. The highest decrease in the 3-MCPD of nonneutralized and bleached with neutral earth was obtained as 69,91% from output of deodorization at 230⁰C, and the highest decrease in glycidol esters was obtained as %90,32 from output of bleaching. The highest decrease in the 3-MCPD of non-neutralized and bleached with acid activated earth was obtained as 14.02% from output of deodorization at 230⁰C, and the highest decrease in glycidol esters was obtained as 93.85% from output of deodorization at 230⁰C. If the focus is the reduction of 3-MCPD values in RBD palm olein the recommended refining parameters are non-neutralising, using neutral bleaching earth and deodorising at 230⁰C which result in 69.91% decrease. For GE the maximum reduction with 93.85% is obtained by non-neutralising, using acid activated bleaching earth and deodorising at 230⁰C.


  • Akinola, F.F., Oguntibeju, O.O., Adisa, A.W. and Owojuyigbe, O.S. 2010. Physico-chemical properties of palm oil from different palm oil local factories in Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(3&4): 264-269.
  • Akusu, M.O., Achinewhu and S.C., Mitchell, J. 2000. Quality attributes and storage stability of locally and mechanically extracted crude palm oils in selected communities in Rivers and Bayelsa states, Nigeria. Plant Foods and Human Nutrition, 55(2):119-126.
  • Bakhiya, N., Abraham, K., Gürtler, R., Appel, K.E. and Lampen, A. 2011. Toxicological assessment of 3- chloropropane-1,2-diol and glycidol fatty acid esters in food. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 55: 509-521.
  • Becalski, A., Feng, S., Lau, F.B.P. and Zhao, T.A. 2015. A pilot survey of 2- and 3-monochloropropanediol and glycidol fatty acid esters in foods on the Canadian market 2011-2013. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 37: 58-66.
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  • Berger, K.G. 2005. The use of palm oil in frying. Frying oil series. Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council (MPOPC). (Erşim tarihi: 16.08.2019)
  • Berger, K.G. and Martin, S.M. 2000. Palm oil. In: Kiple, K.F. and Ornelas K.C. (Eds.), The Cambridge World History of Food, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp: 397-411.
  • Bin Ismail, R. 2005. Palm oil and palm olein frying applications. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 4(4): 414-419.
  • Buhrke, T., Frenzel, F., Kuhlmann, J. and Lampen, A. 2015. 2-Chloro-1,3-propanediol (2-MCPD) and its fatty acid esters: cytotoxicity, metabolism, and transport by human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Archieves in Toxicology, 89: 2243-2251.
  • Cheng, W., Liu, G. and Liu, X. 2017a. Effects of Fe+3 and antioxidants on glycidyl ester formation in plant oil at high temperature and their influencing mechanism, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65: 4167-4176.
  • Cheng, W., Liu, G., Wang, L. and Liu, Z. 2017b. Glycidyl fatty acid esters in refined edible oils: A review on formation, occurrence, analysis, and elimination methods. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 16: 263-281.
  • Choudhary, M. and Grover, K. 2019. Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) oil. In: Ramadan, M. (Ed.), Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality, Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp: 789-802.
  • Čmolík, J. and Pokorný, J. 2000. Physical refining of edible oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 102(7): 472-486.
  • Codex Alimentarius. 1999. FAO/WHO Codex Standard for Named Vegetable Oils. y2774e/y2774e04.htm- (Erişim Tarihi: 29.08.2019).
  • Corley, R.H.V. and Tinker, P.B. 2015. The Oil Palm. 5th edition. Wiley Blackwell, UK, 627 p.
  • Craft, B.D., Chiodini, A., Garst, J. and Granvogl, M. 2013. Fatty acid esters of monochloropropanediol (MCPD) and glycidol in refined edible oils. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 30(1): 46-51.
  • Craft, B.D., Nagy, K., Sandoz, L. and Destaillats, F. 2012. Factors impacting the formation of monochloropropanediol (MCPD) fatty acid diesters during palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil production. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 29(3): 354-361.
  • DGF‐Einheitsmethoden C‐VI 18 (10). 2009. Standard Method C‐VI 18 (10) Fatt‐acid‐bound 3‐chloropropane‐ 1,2‐diol (3‐MCPD) and 2,3‐epoxipropane‐1‐ol (glycidol). Determination in oils and fats by GC/MS (Differential measurement). Deutsche Einheitsmethoden zur Untersuchung von Fetten, Fettprodukten, Tensiden und verwandten Stoffen, 2011.
  • EFSA. 2016. Risks for human health related to the presence of 3- and 2-monochloropropanediol (MCPD), and their fatty acid esters, and glycidyl fatty acid esters in food. EFSA Journal 14.5 (2016): e04426 (Erişim tarihi: 17.07.2019)
  • EFSA. 2017. Update of the risk assessment on 3-monochloropropane diol and its fatty acid esters. (Erişim tarihi: 17.07.2019)
  • EFSA. 2018a. Revised safe intake for 3-MCPD in vegetable oils and food. (Erişim tarihi: 17.07.2019)
  • EFSA. 2018b. Process contaminants in vegetable oils and foods. press/news/process-contaminants-vegetable-oils-and-foods- (Erişim tarihi: 21.08.2019)
  • EUFIC. 2019a. Palm Oil (Q&A). (Erişim Tarihi: 20.08.2019).
  • EUFIC. 2019b. 8 Facts About Fats. (Erişim Tarihi: 20.08.2019).
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There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Aslıhan Elmas 0000-0002-5261-6021

Arzu Akpınar Bayizit 0000-0003-1898-1153

Publication Date December 1, 2021
Submission Date January 23, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 35 Issue: 2


APA Elmas, A., & Akpınar Bayizit, A. (2021). Palm Yağında 3-MCPD ve Glisidol Esterleri Oluşumuna Proses Şartlarının Etkisi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(2), 333-354.


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