Writing Rules

Article Writing Rules

In accordance with TR Index criteria, the articles to be sent to our journal must absolutely comply with the following points.

Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that are conducted in all disciplines and require ethical committee decision, this approval must be stated and documented in the article.

Articles should include a statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first / last page of the article.

It is necessary to comply with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.
At the end of the article; Researchers' Contribution Rate statement, Support and Appreciation Statement if available, Conflict Statement must be submitted.


Articles should be composed of such sections; Main Title, Abstract,  main title in Turkish, Abstract in Turkish, Introduction, Material and Method, Results and Discussion (may be separate), Conclusion, Acknowledgment or Information Note (if necessary) and Resources.


Manuscript should be written in white paper A4 (210 x 297 mm) form, in 10 point, Times New Roman font with 1.5 line space with the margins of 2 cm  from top and 2 cm from bottom, 2.5 cm from right and left and justified . The file type/format of the manuscript must be in the Microsoft Word format.

All headings, except for the main Title, should be written in small letters except the first letters, bold in 12-font, left-justified and a blank space at the top. After the headings, one line should be left between the headings and the text. The first paragraph should be started at the left-justified and the following paragraphs should be started from 0.5 cm inside.

The manuscript prepared in accordance with the following rules should not exceed 25 pages.

During the preparation of the article, writing process must be done based on the sample article.  Authors can use the manuscript template from here Word document.


Main Title: Title must be typewritten in bold 14-point font Times New Roman, centred, with 1.5 line space and title case.  If manuscript is prepared from a thesis or a project, it should be referenced by using a superscript number at the last character of title and should be added as a footnote at the end of the page. Title should not exceed 20 words.


Name(s) of the author(s): The first letters of the name(s) of the author(s) without a title should be capital in 12-point font Times New Roman, centered, with one line space with the title. Address(es) of the author(s) should be indicated with a superscript(s) number(s) and added as a footnote at the end of the page.

In the information given as a footnote to the authors, firstly, the information of the corresponding author (address information, e-mail and orcID) should be included with the statement "Corresponding author / sorumlu yazar". The sub-line should include address information, e-mail and OrcID information of the authors other than the corresponding author in the order.

In the next sub-line, citation information of the article should be given with the statement "Atıf / Citation". This information should include the surnames and the first letter of the authors, the year of the article, title of the article, Journal Name, Volume, Number, page number.


Abstract: Abstract should be written with two line space between author(s) reference(s) in 10-point font Times New Roman and must not exceed 300 words. Below the abstract “keywords” should be written with one line space in 10-point font Times New Roman and must not exceed 6.

Turkish Title: Turkish title should be written with two line space between key words, in bold 12-point font Times New Roman, centered.


Abstract (in Turkish): Abstract (in Turkish) should be written with two line space between author(s) reference(s) in 12-point font Times New Roman. Below the abstract Keywords (Anahtar Kelimeler) should be written with one line space in 10-point font Times New Roman.


Introduction: In this section, the problem should be explained and information about previous studies and publications should be given. The purpose of the study should be clearly stated in this section. The introduction section should be written below key words with 10-point font one line space.


Materials and Methods: All materials, analytical and statistical methods should be explained in this section.


Results and Discussion: The findings obtained in this section should be given and, if necessary, supported by figures and tables. The obtained data from the research should be discussed according to the results of previous literatures. Figures and tables must be cited in the text. Tables and Figures should be placed in the most appropriate place after the referral.


Conclusion: The contribution of the results to science and practice should be emphasized with the suggestions.


Acknowledgments (Information Note): The person who contributed to the study, fund and donations should be mentioned in this part of the article.


Figures and photographs:  All Figures and photographs should be numbered, and adjusted by taking into consideration page margins. The description of the figures should be written in 10-point font Times New Roman under the figures. Enumerating of figures and photographs should be in format of Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. in 10-point font Times New Roman bold. Main text should be written in 10-point font Times New Roman with one line space between figure descriptions. Enumerating of tables should be in format of Table 1, Table 2 etc. in 10-point font Times New Roman bold. Table description should be written in normal font with no space between table and description. Figures should be at least 300 dpi resolution.


SI (International System of Units) units of measure and decimal point must be used in all manuscripts. (Ex.1.25 not 1,25). While giving the units, “4g/kg” should not be used. The wright description should be as “ 4 g kg-1”  and a space should be given between units.


The formulas should be numbered and the formula number should be shown in brackets to the right next to the formula. The main characters and variables should be in italics, figures and mathematical expressions should be given in plain form as 10-point. If a citation is to be made in the text, it should be given as it “Equality 1” (related model, Equality 1).


References: Citations and references should be listed as described below and all citations and references should be in alphabetical order.


Citations in the text should be indicated using “author, year” format; Smith (2007), moreover, (Smith, 2007) if it is placed at the end of the sentence. For two authors, they are indicated as Smith and Cash (2007). Where three or more authors exist for a cited reference, the citation should be formatted as “first author et al. year”;

Smith et al. (2007).

References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author. Use “and” in listing two or more than two authors. Example: Smith, M., Hill, Z. and Nelson E. 2000.

In the references section, the same author's articles in the same year, should be indicated as adding the letters a, b, c, etc. to the end of the year.

Citations and references should be written in 10-point font Times New Roman, and the quoted sources  should be shown as indicated below according to Harvard reference system.




Buragohain, P., Sreedeep, S., Lin, P., Ni, J. and Garg, A. 2019. Influence of soil variability on single and competitive interaction of ammonium and potassium: experimental study on seven different soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(1):186-197.


Ferraro, A. and Scremin-Dias, E., 2018. Structural features of species of Asteraceae that arouse discussions about adaptation to seasonally dry environments of the Neotropics. Acta Botanica Brasilica32(1): 113-127.



Gardner, F.P., Pearce, R.B. and Mitchell, R.L. 2017. Physiology of crop plants (No. Ed. 2). Scientific Publishers.


Ensminger, M.E., Oldfield, J.E. and Heinemann, W.W. 1990. Feeds and nutrition digest: formerly, Feeds and nutrition—abridged, The Ensminger Publishing Company, Clovis, CA (1990), 110p.


Book Chapter:

Primmer, C. 2006. Genetic characterization of populations and its use in conservation decision-making in fish: The role of biotechnology in exploring and protecting agricultural genetic resources, Ed.: Ruane, J., Sonnino, A., FAO, Rome, Italy, pp: 97-104.



Susurluk, A., S. Hollmer, U.K. Mehta, R. Han, E. Tarasco, O. Triggian, A. Peters and R.-U. Ehlers. 2003. Molecular identification of entomopathogenic nematodes from Turkey, India, China, Italy, Norway, Albania and Germany by PCR-RFLP. 9th European Meeting of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group, p:101-103, 23-29 May 2003, Schloss Salzau, Germany.



Scheffe, H. 1973. Symptotic Theory of Sequential Fixed- Width Confidence Intervals. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Florida State University, Dept. of Statistics.



Anonymous 2005. Tarımsal Yapı. T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enst. Yayın No: 1579, Ankara. http://www.agri.ankara.edu.tr/tarimbilimleri (Date of access: 11.05.2008).  


TÜBİTAK 2008. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu, Türkiye Veri Servisi. http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tubives (Date of access: 11.05.2008).

* In articles submitted to the journal; it is strongly requested that at least one publication published in previous issues of the journal be cited on the subject.

Documents to be uploaded to the system for article application;

      (1) Full text manuscript (It should be prepared and uploaded as 2 separate files, with and without author names).
(2) Similarity report showing that the full text article has been scanned (Ithenticate, intihal.net) (must be below 20%).
Ethics Committee Decision Declaration Form
Article Application Form
Copyright Release Form
Authors Contribution Form
Conflict of Interest Declaration Form

* All documents must be signed with wet signatures and scanned and uploaded electronically to the DergiPark system at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/login during the application.

Last Update Time: 2/24/25, 11:04:23 AM


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