ISSN: 2687-2528
e-ISSN: 2687-2528
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Ümit YILDIZ
Cover Image

International Journal of Current Approaches in Language, Education and Social Sciences (CALESS) is a peer-reviewed journal. It welcomes original and qualified studies in the fields of language, language education, educational and social sciences; by this way, it aims to propose solutions and contribute to the relevant fields. The journal is published twice a year (June-December) in which Turkish, English and Russian studies are accepted. The journal follows an open access policy and is published electronically in order to increase the dissemination of information and to facilitate its access. No publication fee is charged from the studies submitted to the journal in the stages of submission, evaluation or publication. 

New announcement: As of March 2021, CALESS has started to be indexed in the MLA Directory of Periodicals, which is one of the leading indexes in the field of linguistics and language education and considered as a field index by some universities.


As of the next issue of CALESS (June 2021);

  1. Studies in Turkish, English and Russian will be included in the evaluation process. Studies in French will not be accepted.
  2. Except for the studies in English, all studies should include an extended English abstract.
  3. The scope of CALESS will be updated. CALESS will accept studies on the fields specified in the link as of June 2021.


Abstracting & Indexing

  1. MLA (Modern Language Association Directory of Periodicals) (USA) /
  2. Index Copernicus (Poland) /
  3. WorldCat (USA) /
  5. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine / Germany) /
  6. Miar (Spain),
  7. ISI (International Scientific Index / UAE) /
  9. Library Hub Discover (United Kingdom) /
  10. Acar ındex (Türkiye) /
  11. InfoBase Index (India) /
  12. DRJI (Directory of Research Journal Indexing) /
  13. Academic Resource Index: Research Bible (Japan) /
  14. Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) /
  15. Türk Eğitim İndeksi (Turkish Education Index / Türkiye) /
  16. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) (Kazakhstan) /
  17. Idealonline /
  18. Neliti /
  19. ASI (Advanced Science Index) /
  20. ROOT Indexing /
  21. CiteFactor /
  22. EuroPub /
  23. Google Scholar (USA) /
  24. Cosmos /
  25. Scilit /
  26. OpenAire /
  27. Refseek /
  28. Journals Directory /,-education-and-social-sciences-(caless).htm
  29. OPACplus (Germany) /,contains,BV046332275&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInstitution&vid=49BVB_BSB:VU1
  30. Academindex /
  31. LİVİVO /
  32. Oalib /
  33. /
  34.  WIKIDATA /
  35. ROAD /
  36. Fatcat /
  37. Crossref /
  38. ISSN /
  39. ...


New issue of CALESS will be published in December 2023. Article submission process has started for the new issue.  


1. Aim & Scope
2. Open Access Policy
3. Sponsorsip and Advertising
4. Publication Language
5. Publication Process
6. Writing and Publication Principles
7. Withdrawal of Studies
8. Revision Procedures in Published Studies
9. Copyright Notice
10. Plagiarism Detection
11. Assigning a DOI Number
12. Early View
13. References and Citation Control
14. Sample References

"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" (CC BY 4.0).
All articles published in CALESS are licensed with "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" (CC BY 4.0). This license entitles all parties to copy, share and redistribute all the articles, data sets, figures and supplementary files published in this journal in data mining, search engines, web sites, blogs and other digital platforms under the condition of providing references.