Research Article
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Year 2022, , 103 - 127, 30.12.2022



  • Akbana, Y. E., Rathert, S., & Ağçam, R. (2021). Emergency remote education in foreign and second language teaching. Turkish Journal of Education, 10(2), 97–124.
  • Alhawsawi, S. & Jawhar, S. S. (2021). Negotiating pedagogical positions in higher education during Covid- 19 pandemic: Teacher’s narratives. Heliyon, 7(6), e07158.
  • Altınpulluk, H. (2021). Türkiye’deki öğretim üyelerinin Covid- 19 küresel salgın sürecindeki uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarına ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(1), 53–89.
  • Atmojo, A. E. P., & Nugroho, A. (2020). EFL classes must go online! Teaching activities and challenges during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Register Journal, 13(1), 49–76.
  • Bolliger, D. U., & Wasilik, O. (2009). Factors influencing faculty satisfaction with online teaching and learning in higher education. Distance Education, 30(1), 103–116.
  • Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language Teaching, 36(2), 81–109.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2020). Koronavirüs (Covid- 19) pandemi süreci ve pandemi sonrası dünyada eğitime yönelik değerlendirmeler: Yeni normal ve yeni eğitim paradigması. Açıköğretim Uygulamaları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(3), 112–142.
  • Brereton, P. (2021). Emergency remote training: Guiding and supporting teachers in preparation for emergency remote teaching. Language Research Bulletin, 35, 1-13.
  • Cantürk, G., & Cantürk, A. (2021). Determining the opinions of English teachers about the distance online education experience in Covid- 19 pandemic by using metaphors. International Journal of Current Approaches in Language, Education and Social Sciences (CALESS), 3(1), 1-37.
  • Collazos, Y. D., & Burbano, N. A. D. (2021). Foreign language teachers’ experiences about the transition from face- to- face instruction to emergency remote teaching from a narrative perspective. Revista Boletin Repide, 11 (2), 355-365.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
  • Erarslan, A. (2021). English language teaching and learning during Covid- 19: A global perspective on the first year. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(2), 349-367.
  • Gao, L. X., & Zhang, L. J. (2020). Teacher learning in difficult times: Examining foreign language teachers’ cognitions about online teaching to tide over Covid- 19. Frontiers in Psychology, 2396.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., &Airasian, P. (2012). Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications (10th ed.) Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Giacosa, A., Salusso, D., & Zaccone, M. C. (2021, April). Using OERs in emergency distance language learning: A case study [Paper Presentation]. MOOCs, Language learning and mobility, design, integration, reuse, Online Conference, Italy.
  • Guri- Rosenblit, S. (2005). ‘Distance education’ and ‘e-learning’: Not the same thing. Higher Education, 49(4), 467-493.
  • Hazaea, A. N., Bin-Hady, W.R.A., & Toujani, M. M. (2021). Emergency remote English language teaching in the Arap league countries: Challenges and remedies. Computer- Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal, 22(1), 201-222.
  • Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T., & Bond, A. (2020). The difference between emergency remote teaching and online teaching. Educause Review, 1-15.
  • Jin, L., Xu, Y., Deifell, E., Angus, K. (2021). Emergency remote language teaching and U.S.- based college- level world language educators’ intention to adopt online teaching in postpandemic times. The Modern Language Journal, 105(2), 412–434.
  • Karakuş, N., Ucuzsatar, N., Karacaoğlu, M. Ö., Esendemir, N., Bayraktar, D. (2020). Türkçe öğretmeni adaylarının uzaktan eğitime yönelik görüşleri. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 220- 241.
  • Karataş, T. Ö., Tuncer, H. (2020). Sustaining language skills development of pre-service EFL teachers despite the Covid- 19 interruption: A case of emergency distance education. Sustainability, 12(19), 8188.
  • King, F., Young, M., Drivere- Richmond, K., & Schrader, P. (2001). Defining distance learning and distance education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Review, 9(1). 1-14.
  • Kurnaz, E. & Serçemeli, M. (2020). Covid-19 pandemi döneminde akademisyenlerin uzaktan eğitim ve muhasebe eğitimine yönelik bakış açıları üzerine bir araştırma. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi, 2(3), 262-288.
  • Lie, A., Tamah, S. M., Gozali, I., Triwidayati, K. R., Utami, T. S., & Jemadi, F. (2020). Secondary school language teachers’ online learning engagement during the Covid- 19 pandemic in Indonesia. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 803-832.
  • Mishra, L., Gupta, T., & Shree, A. (2020). Online teaching- learning in higher education during lockdown period of Covid -19 pandemic. International Journal of Educational research Open, 1, 100012.
  • Moore, J. L., Dickson- Deane, C., & Galven, K. (2011). E- learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same? The Internet and Higher Education, 14(2), 129-135.
  • Moore, M., & Kearsley, G. (2012). Distance Education: A system view of online learning (3rd ed.) Cengage Learning.
  • Moser, K. M., Wei, T., & Brenner, D. (2021). Remote teaching during Covid- 19: Implications from a national survey of language educators. System, 97, 102431.
  • Müller, A. M., Goh, C., Lim, L. Z., & Gao, X. (2021). Covid- 19 emergency elearning and beyond: Experiences and perspectives of university educators. Education Sciences, 11(1), 1-19.
  • Nugroho, A., Haghegh, M. & Triana, Y. (2021). Emergency remote teaching amidst global pandemic: voices of Indonesian EFL teachers. VELES Voices of English Language Education Society, 5(1), 66-80.
  • Potyrala, K., Demeshkant, N., Czerwiec, K., Jancarz- Lanczkowska, B., Tomczyk, L. (2021). Head teachers’ opinions on the future of school education conditioned by emergency remote teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 26(6), 7451-7475.
  • Saidi, M., & Afshari, M. (2021). Computer- assisted language learning in English for academic purposes courses: Eliciting the instructors’ perspectives within the Covid- 19 pandemic period. Future of Medical Education Journal, 11(1), 13-17.
  • Saykılı, A. (2018). Distance education: Definitions, generations, key concepts and future directions. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(1), 2-17.
  • Tsai, S., & Machado, P. (2002). E- learning, online learning, web-based learning, or distance learning: unveiling the ambiguity in current terminology. ELearn Magazine.


Year 2022, , 103 - 127, 30.12.2022


Distance education is a well-known type of education, which is conducted when students do not have the chance or time to attend school physically. With the Covid 19 pandemic, distance education has come to the fore under the name of emergency remote education. This study’s ultimate purpose is to explore the experienced emergency English language remote education process and compare the private and state universities from the perspectives of tertiary instructors. To take a photograph of the novel emergency remote education, the opinions of one hundred and thirty-four English language instructors who have been working for English preparatory programs at universities’ schools of foreign languages were asked. To collect the data, instructors were given a questionnaire. After the data collection, items were divided into 5 groups such as online education, instructors’ adaptation to online education, university support, learners, and instructors’ online course. Then each question was examined through SPSS. The means were found to see the highest value each item had. Also, the answers of both university instructors were compared using chi- square and the items which show a statistically significant difference were presented in the study. As a result, it was found that both university instructors have similar ideas about the emergency remote teaching during the Covid- 19.


  • Akbana, Y. E., Rathert, S., & Ağçam, R. (2021). Emergency remote education in foreign and second language teaching. Turkish Journal of Education, 10(2), 97–124.
  • Alhawsawi, S. & Jawhar, S. S. (2021). Negotiating pedagogical positions in higher education during Covid- 19 pandemic: Teacher’s narratives. Heliyon, 7(6), e07158.
  • Altınpulluk, H. (2021). Türkiye’deki öğretim üyelerinin Covid- 19 küresel salgın sürecindeki uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarına ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(1), 53–89.
  • Atmojo, A. E. P., & Nugroho, A. (2020). EFL classes must go online! Teaching activities and challenges during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Register Journal, 13(1), 49–76.
  • Bolliger, D. U., & Wasilik, O. (2009). Factors influencing faculty satisfaction with online teaching and learning in higher education. Distance Education, 30(1), 103–116.
  • Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language Teaching, 36(2), 81–109.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2020). Koronavirüs (Covid- 19) pandemi süreci ve pandemi sonrası dünyada eğitime yönelik değerlendirmeler: Yeni normal ve yeni eğitim paradigması. Açıköğretim Uygulamaları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(3), 112–142.
  • Brereton, P. (2021). Emergency remote training: Guiding and supporting teachers in preparation for emergency remote teaching. Language Research Bulletin, 35, 1-13.
  • Cantürk, G., & Cantürk, A. (2021). Determining the opinions of English teachers about the distance online education experience in Covid- 19 pandemic by using metaphors. International Journal of Current Approaches in Language, Education and Social Sciences (CALESS), 3(1), 1-37.
  • Collazos, Y. D., & Burbano, N. A. D. (2021). Foreign language teachers’ experiences about the transition from face- to- face instruction to emergency remote teaching from a narrative perspective. Revista Boletin Repide, 11 (2), 355-365.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
  • Erarslan, A. (2021). English language teaching and learning during Covid- 19: A global perspective on the first year. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(2), 349-367.
  • Gao, L. X., & Zhang, L. J. (2020). Teacher learning in difficult times: Examining foreign language teachers’ cognitions about online teaching to tide over Covid- 19. Frontiers in Psychology, 2396.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., &Airasian, P. (2012). Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications (10th ed.) Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Giacosa, A., Salusso, D., & Zaccone, M. C. (2021, April). Using OERs in emergency distance language learning: A case study [Paper Presentation]. MOOCs, Language learning and mobility, design, integration, reuse, Online Conference, Italy.
  • Guri- Rosenblit, S. (2005). ‘Distance education’ and ‘e-learning’: Not the same thing. Higher Education, 49(4), 467-493.
  • Hazaea, A. N., Bin-Hady, W.R.A., & Toujani, M. M. (2021). Emergency remote English language teaching in the Arap league countries: Challenges and remedies. Computer- Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal, 22(1), 201-222.
  • Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T., & Bond, A. (2020). The difference between emergency remote teaching and online teaching. Educause Review, 1-15.
  • Jin, L., Xu, Y., Deifell, E., Angus, K. (2021). Emergency remote language teaching and U.S.- based college- level world language educators’ intention to adopt online teaching in postpandemic times. The Modern Language Journal, 105(2), 412–434.
  • Karakuş, N., Ucuzsatar, N., Karacaoğlu, M. Ö., Esendemir, N., Bayraktar, D. (2020). Türkçe öğretmeni adaylarının uzaktan eğitime yönelik görüşleri. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 220- 241.
  • Karataş, T. Ö., Tuncer, H. (2020). Sustaining language skills development of pre-service EFL teachers despite the Covid- 19 interruption: A case of emergency distance education. Sustainability, 12(19), 8188.
  • King, F., Young, M., Drivere- Richmond, K., & Schrader, P. (2001). Defining distance learning and distance education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Review, 9(1). 1-14.
  • Kurnaz, E. & Serçemeli, M. (2020). Covid-19 pandemi döneminde akademisyenlerin uzaktan eğitim ve muhasebe eğitimine yönelik bakış açıları üzerine bir araştırma. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi, 2(3), 262-288.
  • Lie, A., Tamah, S. M., Gozali, I., Triwidayati, K. R., Utami, T. S., & Jemadi, F. (2020). Secondary school language teachers’ online learning engagement during the Covid- 19 pandemic in Indonesia. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 803-832.
  • Mishra, L., Gupta, T., & Shree, A. (2020). Online teaching- learning in higher education during lockdown period of Covid -19 pandemic. International Journal of Educational research Open, 1, 100012.
  • Moore, J. L., Dickson- Deane, C., & Galven, K. (2011). E- learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same? The Internet and Higher Education, 14(2), 129-135.
  • Moore, M., & Kearsley, G. (2012). Distance Education: A system view of online learning (3rd ed.) Cengage Learning.
  • Moser, K. M., Wei, T., & Brenner, D. (2021). Remote teaching during Covid- 19: Implications from a national survey of language educators. System, 97, 102431.
  • Müller, A. M., Goh, C., Lim, L. Z., & Gao, X. (2021). Covid- 19 emergency elearning and beyond: Experiences and perspectives of university educators. Education Sciences, 11(1), 1-19.
  • Nugroho, A., Haghegh, M. & Triana, Y. (2021). Emergency remote teaching amidst global pandemic: voices of Indonesian EFL teachers. VELES Voices of English Language Education Society, 5(1), 66-80.
  • Potyrala, K., Demeshkant, N., Czerwiec, K., Jancarz- Lanczkowska, B., Tomczyk, L. (2021). Head teachers’ opinions on the future of school education conditioned by emergency remote teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 26(6), 7451-7475.
  • Saidi, M., & Afshari, M. (2021). Computer- assisted language learning in English for academic purposes courses: Eliciting the instructors’ perspectives within the Covid- 19 pandemic period. Future of Medical Education Journal, 11(1), 13-17.
  • Saykılı, A. (2018). Distance education: Definitions, generations, key concepts and future directions. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(1), 2-17.
  • Tsai, S., & Machado, P. (2002). E- learning, online learning, web-based learning, or distance learning: unveiling the ambiguity in current terminology. ELearn Magazine.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

İzlem Paydaş This is me 0000-0002-2570-1132

Fatma Özlem Saka 0000-0003-0647-9983

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Paydaş, İ., & Saka, F. Ö. (2022). IN THE LENS OF EFL INSTRUCTORS: EMERGENCY REMOTE EDUCATION. International Journal of Current Approaches in Language, Education and Social Sciences, 4(2), 103-127.           
