You can download the manuscript template clicking here.
The Editorial Board of Journal of Translation Studies consider only the articles that are related to the subjects the journal covers and prepared in accordance with the writing rules. Turkish articles must comply with the writing rules of the Turkish Language Association and the articles sent in a foreign languages (English, French, German) must comply with the writing rules of the relevant language.
Articles that are not submitted in accordance with the writing rules will not be evaluated. Submitted articles must be between 5000-8000 words. In addition, the authors must sign the Declaration of Originality stating that the article is original and has not been published in any other publication before. Manuscripts sent to the journal are not returned, whether the article is published or not.
"Article Template" must be used for submission to the journal (see Writing Rules). The article must be edited in accordance with APA 7 (American Psychological Association) standards.
In accordance with the publication criteria of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, ORCID identification number is requested from the authors. You can find information on how to obtain this number by clicking the "ORCID" sub-tab in the "For Authors" tab. Articles that do not include an ORCID number will not be taken into consideration.
Articles sent to the journal must be typed on A4 (text size: 16.2 x 22.9 mm) size Word document. "Article Template" must be used for submission. The font must be 10 pt "Calibri", as in the template, and the texts must be arranged using single spacing. In terms of format, the article must be completely arranged as specified in the template.
I. Title
The title of the article must be typed in 12 font size, bold, with initials in capital letters. In Turkish articles, English title must be provided under the Turkish title, in articles written in a foreign language, a Turkish title must be written under the relevant title, and this second title must be 10 pt. size. The title must be short and informative about the subject. The length of the title must not exceed 12 words.
Author names must be given below the title in 10 pt. font, with the first name in lowercase with capital initial and the last name in uppercase.
* Assoc. Dr., First Name, LAST NAME, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Translation and Interpreting,, ORCID ID:
II. Abstract and Keywords
Abstracts in Turkish and English must be provided at the beginning of each article. If the language of the article is Turkish, "Abstract" must come first; and if it is in any foreign language, "Abstract" must come first. The abstract must be prepared in 200-300 words, including the details such as the aim of the study, methods, findings and conclusions. Each article must contain at least three and at most five keywords in Turkish and English. Abstract and keywords must be written in 9 pt. font size.
III. Sections and Subsections
First level main headings must be 11 points, bold and plain. In articles, the problem/subject of the study must be clearly stated in the introduction section. The introduction section must be followed by method, findings, interpretation/discussion and conclusion sections, respectively. Second level subheadings are 10 points, bold and italic; third-level subheadings in 10-point font and italics; Fourth-level subheadings must be in 10-point font, italic, and start one tab inset. The first letter of the words in each level heading must be written in capital letters. If the topic or content of the article is not suitable for such division and use of headings/subheadings, the author may ignore the rules of the article template regarding headings.
IV. Footnotes and References
References must be given in accordance with APA 7 (American Psychological Association) rules. When footnotes are required in articles, explanations must be numbered in the text and stated at the bottom of the page. Footnotes must be in 8-point font, and references must be in 9-point font at the end of the article.
V. Figures
The figure caption must be given above the figure, and if there is more than one figure in the text, it must be numbered. If the figure is taken from another source it must be cited.
VI. Tables
Tables must be given within the text, the table caption must be given above the table and numbered, and its content must be explained as a title next to the table number. Only the first letters of table titles must be capitalized. No text must be written to the right or left of the tables. Tables must only be created using the Table menu in the Word program. The table caption and content must be in 9 point size and arranged as a single line.
VII. Pictures
If images will be used in the article, each image must be placed within the text with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.