Writing Rules

Page Structure

The text should be prepared on A4 paper, with 2.5 cm margins from the top, bottom and sides, justified and in a single column.

Except for the first page, page numbers should be located in the lower right corners of all pages,


12 point Times New Roman font should be used throughout the text.

All headings should be in 12 point and Bold.

Paragraph Structure

Indents section in the Paragraph tab; Indents section in the Paragraph tab;

1.25 cm (one tab) space should be defined at the beginning of the first line (except for the abstract and abstract), 6 pt and then 0 pt should be defined in the spacing tab.

One and a half spacing should be selected for line spacing.

Page Limit

The length of the prepared studies should not exceed 25 pages, including the references section. The long summary in English is not included in this limitation.

Study Sections


The title of the study should be written with the first letters capitalized and a maximum of 12 words. The title should be written in 14-point Times New Roman font, with single line spacing, in bold, and aligned to the middle of the page.

If the study has been presented before, or if it was produced from a project or thesis, an explanation should be made by adding a * footnote at the end of the title.

Author Names

Author names should be given in bold and 12-point font, and the names of the institutions they work for should be given in 10-point font and without bold.

The full names, titles, institutions they work for, addresses, telephone and e-mail information of the author(s) should be stated.

Abstract and Abstract

The abstract and abstract should not exceed 250-300 words. After the title page, the Turkish abstract should be given first, then the English abstract.

In the abstract/summary of research articles, the Purpose, Method, Findings and Conclusion sections should be included as headings with appropriate content:


A maximum of five keywords should be given at the end of the abstract/summary in lower case letters. All these regulations should also be applied to the English abstract starting on a separate page.

Main Text

Quantitative and qualitative studies should include Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion and Conclusion sections.

Introduction: The importance of the study, its status in the literature, how it will have an importance in sports sciences and the purpose should be clearly stated in the last paragraph.

The method should consist of the following sections,

Participants: Physical information of the participants in the study

Material; Brand of the tools used, place of production, etc.

Method: The methods used should be explained in detail and written as subheadings.

Statistical Analysis: The statistical analysis methods used should be specified.

Findings: Should be given as tables and/or graphs. The most important finding of the table and graph should be given as an explanation under the table.

Discussion; A correct and detailed interpretation of the obtained findings should be given. It should be noted that the literature to be used in this section is directly related to the authors' findings. The conclusion should be written clearly in the last paragraph.

Recommendations; According to the results obtained from the study, what can be suggested and applied to those who will work in this field in the light of the study should be written.

Acknowledgements: If there are any supporting institutions and/or helpers, they should be clearly stated.


Authors are responsible for the authenticity of the sources. Sources should be indicated in the text with the authors' surnames and the publication date of the article in parentheses and should be shown in alphabetical order in the references section without being numbered.

In citations, the expression and/and should be used between authors, not the & sign. The expression “et al.,/et al.,” should be used in parentheses for studies with more than two authors.

Example, (Bompa et al., 2002)

The bibliography should be started from a new page. The spelling rules specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th edition) published by the American Psychological Association should be applied both in the text and in the bibliography.

Authors are responsible for the authenticity of the sources. Sources should be indicated in the text with the authors' surnames and the publication date of the article in parentheses and should be listed in alphabetical order in the references section without numbering.

For journals: Author Name. (Date). Article name. Journal name. Volume (issue), page.

Example: Yilmaz E, Özen G, Koc H. (2018). Evaluation of alpine skiing injuries in terms of personal precautions: Erciyes sample. Turk J Sports Med. 53(1), 9-16.

For books: Author Name. (Year). Book Name, City: Publishing House.

Example: Özen, G. (2018). Talent Selection and Guidance in Sports. Ankara: Academician.

If taken from the internet: http://full web address of the file, Access: date of download of the file should be given.

English Summary

An English summary (summary) should be added after the references section of articles written in Turkish. A long summary in Turkish should be added to articles written in English. The long summary in Turkish should be between 750-1000 words. The English summary should be “Introduction”, “Method

Last Update Time: 2/9/25, 4:31:20 PM

Dear Researchers,

The ÇOMÜ Journal of Sports Sciences, which is an international and peer-reviewed journal covering studies in the field of Sports Sciences, will accept original research and compilation articles on topics within the scope of our journal for its March 2025 issue. In this sense, articles for the relevant issue can be sent until the end of February 2025. It is presented for your information.

Editor Prof. Dr. Hürmüz KOÇ