Current Perspectives on Health Sciences, which was established in 2020 within the Faculty of Health Sciences of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary open access scientific journal published three times a year in April, September and December since 2022.
Current Perspectives on Health Sciences, academic, scientific and research-based articles (research articles, reviews, case reports, letters to the editor) on emergency aid and disaster management, nutrition and dietetics, biology, child development, speech and language therapy, midwifery, ergotherapy, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, genetics, nursing, chemistry, audiology, health management, social work, veterinary medicine and other fields of health sciences in English and Turkish are published.
Current Perspectives on Health Sciences is indexed in ROAD ISSN, EuroPub, ResearchBib, Crossref ACARINDEX and Turkısh Medline.
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Research Article
Ürolitin-A’nın Non-Enfeksiyöz İshalli Buzağılarda Dışkı Skorları Üzerine Etkinliğinin Araştırılması