e-ISSN: 2528-987X
Founded: 1996
Cover Image


The articles submitted to the journal will initially be reviewed by the editorial board. This evaluation, which will take no longer than two weeks, will assess adherence to journal guidelines, the originality of the topic, the article’s contribution to the field, and compliance with academic standards. Articles considered adequate after this review will proceed to the peer-review process, while others will be rejected at the discretion of the editorial board.

Authors who will submit articles to our journal in English are kindly requested to select the defined Special Issue.

NOTE: If the number of manuscript submissions reaches a sufficient number, the system may be closed for manuscript submission before the manuscript acceptance dates.

Established in 1996, Cumhuriyet Theology Journal is an international academic journal published by the Faculty of Theology at Cumhuriyet University. The journal is issued three times a year: on June 15, December 15, and as a special issue in English. The article submission periods are as follows: January 15 to February 15 (until 23:59) for the June 15 issue; July 15 to August 15 (until 23:59) for the December 15 issue. For the English special issue, submissions will close once a sufficient number of articles have been accepted. The English special issue is scheduled to be published on December 15. CUID aims to publish and publicise research articles in the field of religious studies (Social Sciences and Humanities/Religion). Only studies of researchers with a PhD degree (for all authors) are accepted for evaluation. In our journal, more than one work of an author in the same period is not accepted for evaluation; articles of the same author are not published in two consecutive issues. ISNAD 2nd EDITION NOTATED Citation System is used in our journal. Before uploading the articles, the Writing Rules should be examined and the files should be prepared according to the Article Word Template.

Previous Title: Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (1996-2015), Former ISSN: 1301–1197, Former e-ISSN: 1304-9399, Former Issues: Vol 1, no. 1-Vol 19, no. 2

Emerging Sources Citation Index (Indexing and Abstracting Start:01/01/2016)

EBSCO Humanities International Index (Indexing and Abstracting Start:07/01/2016)

EBSCO Humanities Source Ultimate (Indexing and Abstracting Start:07/01/2016)

ATLA RDB©: ATLA Religion Database©  (Indexing and Abstracting Start: 20/05/2016)

MLA International Bibliography (Indexing and Abstracting Start: 14/06/2016)

ProQuest (Indexing and Abstracting Start: 27/10/2017)

Index Islamicus (Indexing and Abstracting Start: 13/12/2017)

Scopus (Accepted: 23/01/2018)

Opening Date for Article Submission: July 15, 2025

2024 - Volume: 28 Issue: 2