Research Article
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The Quran From The Perspective Of Acceptance And Commitment Therapy

Year 2024, Volume: 28 Issue: 3, 1045 - 1066, 15.12.2024


The purpose of this study is to discuss how the verses in the Holy Quran can be related to the flexible hexagon of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The issues discussed in the six steps of the Act are the issues emphasized in the Quran in order to ensure the happiness of people in this world and the hereafter. For believers, religion is the most important element that directs their lives. For this reason, when individuals who aim to continue their worldly life according to religious values encounter a problem or pain and want to get psychological support, both the client and the counselor may hesitate. Seeing the similar aspects of the Quran verses with ACT will make the work of the counselor and the client easier in the psychotherapy process. While applying this therapy to a believing client, the counselor will be able to benefit from the Holy Quran, which is the most important source according to his belief; The client will feel the pleasure that the counselor cares about his religious values. Therefore, the fact that psychological counseling techniques coincide with the messages given by the verses of the Quran will make it easier for Muslim clients to overcome the pain they experience, cope with difficulties, and most importantly, they will be able to go through the counseling process happily because it does not contradict their beliefs. For this reason, in the study, the components of the Act are explained in detail and its relationship with the verses in the Holy Quran is revealed.


  • Ağılkaya Şahin, Zuhal. “Din ve psikoloji arasındaki uçurum gerçekten ne kadar derin? Psikoterapilerdeki dini izler”. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22(3) (2018), 1607-1632.
  • Bozorgi, Zahra Dasht – Homaei, Rezvan. “Effect of Acceptance And Commitment İntervention on Eating Behaviors in Obese Female Students in Primary School”. Quarterly Journal of Child Mental Health 6(1) (2019), 42-53.
  • Cullen, Chris.“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Act): A Third Wave Behaviour Therapy”. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 36(6) (2008), 667-673.
  • Çağrıcı, Mustafa. “Tevekkül”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 41/1-2. İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 2012.
  • Duman, Zeki Duman. Beyânu’l Hak. 2. Cilt. Ankara: Fecr Yayınları, 2006.
  • Ebussuûd Efendi. Ebussuûd Tefsiri. çev. Ali Akın. 7. Cilt. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları, 2006.
  • Eirfert, Georg H. – Forsyth, John P.. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications: 2005.
  • El-Mahallî, Celaleddin - Es-Suyûtî, Celaleddin. Tefsîrü’l-Celâleyn. çev. Ali Rıza Kaşeli. 2. Cilt. İstanbul: Sağlam Yayınları, 2015.
  • Eustis, Elizabeth H. et al..“Surviving and Thriving During Stress: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing A Brief Web-Based Therapist-Assisted Acceptance-Based Behavioral İntervention Versus Waitlist Control For College Students”. Behavior therapy 49(6) (2018), 889-903.
  • Fayda, Mustafa. “İfk Hadisesi,”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 21/507-509. İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 2000.
  • Fernandez, Sonia González et al.. “Treating Anxiety and Depression of Cancer Survivors: Behavioral Activation Versus Acceptance and Commitment Therapy”. Psicothema 30(1) (2018), 14-20.
  • Gharraee, Banafsheh et al.. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Compassion Focused Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder”. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 12(4) (2018), 1-8.
  • Givehki, Reza. “Effect of Acceptance And Commitment Therapy on Body Image Flexibility and Body Awareness in Patients With Psychosomatic Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Electronic physician 10(7) (2018), 1-9.
  • Harris, Russ. Act With Love: Stop Struggling, Reconcile Differences, And Strengthen Your Relationship With Acceptance And Commitm. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2009.
  • Harris, Russ. Mutluluk Tuzağı. çev. M.Hakan Türkçapar - K. Fatih Yavuz. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2022.
  • Harris, Russ. Act’i Kolay Öğrenmek. Çev, Fatma Betül Esen - K. Fatih Yavuz. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2022.
  • Havva, Said. el-Esâs fi’t-Tefsîr. çev. M. Beşîr Eryarsoy. 3. Cilt. İstanbul: Şamil Yayınevi, 1989.
  • Hayes, Steven C. – Strosahl, Kirk D.. A Practical Guide To Acceptance And Commitment Therapy. Newyork: Springer, 2004.
  • Hayes, Steven C. et al.. (eds.). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Theoretical Rationale and Empirical Status.45-65. Newyork: The Guilford Pres,2004.
  • Hayes, Steven C. et al.. “Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Model, Processes And Outcomes”. Behaviour Research And Therapy 44(1) (2006), 1-25.
  • Hayes, Steven C.. “Making Sense of Spirituality”. Behaviorism 12 (1984), 99-110.
  • Hayes, Steven. “Experiential Avoidance and Behavioral Disorders: A Functional Dimensional Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment”. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 64(6) (1996), 1152-1168.
  • İbn Kesir, Ebü’l-Fidâ. Hadislerle Kuranı Kerim Tefsiri. çev. Bekir Karlıağa - Bedrettin Çetiner. 3. Cilt. İstanbul: Çağrı yayınları, 1988.
  • J. Grim, Brian - Hsu, Becky. “Estimating the Global Muslim Population: Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 7 (2011), 1-19.
  • Karaman, Hayrettin et al..Kur’an Yolu Türkçe Meâl ve Tefsir. 1. Cilt. Ankara: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, 2012.
  • Khalek, Ahmed M. Abdel. “Islam and Mental Health: A Few Speculations”. Mental Health, Religion & Culture 14(2) (2011), 87-92.
  • Kyllönen, Heidi Maria et al..“A Brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy İntervention for Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial with 3-Year Follow-Up for The İntervention Group”. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 10 (2018), 55-63.
  • Lappalainen, Päivi et al.. “Act for Sleep-Internet-Delivered Self-Help Act For Sub-Clinical and Clinical Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 12 (2019), 119-127.
  • Linehan, Marsha M.. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Treatment Of Borderline Personality Disorder: Implications For The Treatment Of Substance Abuse. Rockville: Nida research monograph, 1993.
  • Maksudoğlu, Mehmed. “Sabır”, Arapça-Türkçe Öğretici Sözlük. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Vakfı Yayınları, 1995.
  • Mchug, Louise et al.. “Knowing Me, Knowing You: Deictic Complexity in Falsebelief Understanding”. The Psychological Record 57 (2007), 533-542.
  • Mevdudi, Ebu’l al’â. Tefhimu’l Kuran. çev. Muhammed han Kayanî vd.. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 1995.
  • Puolakanaho, Anne et al.. “Reducing Stress And Enhancing Academic Buoyancy Among Adolescents Using A Brief Web-Based Program Based On Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48 (2019), 287-305.
  • Râzî, Fahruddin. Tefsîr-î Kebir Mefâtîhu’l Gayb. çev. Suat Yıldırım et al..6. Cilt. Ankara: Akçağ yayınları, 1989.
  • Sâbûnî, Muhammed Ali. Safvetü’t-Tefâsîr. çev. Sadrettin Gümüş ve Nedim Yılmaz. 3. Cilt. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2003.
  • Stefan, Simona et al.. “Cognitive‐Behavioral Therapy (Cbt) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Contrasting Various Cbt Approaches in A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Journal of Clinical Psychology 75(7) (2019), 1188-1202.
  • Strosahl, Kirk et al., Radikal Değişimler İçin Kısa Müdahaleler. çev. K. Fatih Yavuz-Merve Terzioğlu. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2022.
  • Süyûtî, Ebü’l-Fazl Celâlüddîn Abdurrahmân b. Ebî Bekr b. Muhammed el-Hudayrî. ed-Dürrü’l-Mensur fi’t-tefsîr bi’l-meʾs̱ûr: Hadislerle Kur’ân-ı Kerîm Tefsiri. çev.Zekeriya Yıldız et al..4. Cilt. İstanbul:Ocak Yayıncılık, 2013.
  • Tanhan, Ahmet - Francisco, Vincent T. “Muslims and Mental Health Concerns: A Social Ecological Model Perspective. Journal of Community” Psychology 47(4) (2019), 964-978.
  • Tanhan, Ahmet. “Beginning Counselorssupervision In Counseling And Challenges And Supports They Experience: Based On Develpmental Models”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 8/1 (2018), 49-71.
  • Tanhan, Ahmet. Spiritual Strength: The Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Muslim Clients (Rochester: University of Rochester, Master Thesis, 2014).
  • Twohig, Michael P..“Introduction: The Basics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy”, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 19(4) (2012), 499-507.
  • Yavuz, Ferhat. “ACT and Islam. ACT for Clergy and Pastoral Counselors: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Bridge Psychological and Spiritual Care”. ed. Jason A. Nieuwsmaet al. New Harbinger Publications: 2016.
  • Yazır, Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi. Hak Dini Kur’an Dili. sad. İsmail Karaçam et al..6. Cilt. İstanbul: Zehraveyn: 1992.
  • Zuhayli, Vehbe. Tefsirü’l-Münir. çev. Hamdi Arslan et al.1. Cilt. İstanbul: Bilimevi Basın Yayıncılık, 2005.


Year 2024, Volume: 28 Issue: 3, 1045 - 1066, 15.12.2024


The purpose of this study is to discuss how the verses in the Holy Quran can be related to the flexible hexagon of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The issues discussed in the six steps of the Act are the issues emphasized in the Quran in order to ensure the happiness of people in this world and the hereafter. For believers, religion is the most important element that directs their lives. For this reason, when individuals who aim to continue their worldly life according to religious values encounter a problem or pain and want to get psychological support, both the client and the counselor may hesitate. Seeing the similar aspects of the Quran verses with ACT will make the work of the counselor and the client easier in the psychotherapy process. While applying this therapy to a believing client, the counselor will be able to benefit from the Holy Quran, which is the most important source according to his belief; The client will feel the pleasure that the counselor cares about his religious values. Therefore, the fact that psychological counseling techniques coincide with the messages given by the verses of the Quran will make it easier for Muslim clients to overcome the pain they experience, cope with difficulties, and most importantly, they will be able to go through the counseling process happily because it does not contradict their beliefs. For this reason, in the study, the components of the Act are explained in detail and its relationship with the verses in the Holy Quran is revealed.


  • Ağılkaya Şahin, Zuhal. “Din ve psikoloji arasındaki uçurum gerçekten ne kadar derin? Psikoterapilerdeki dini izler”. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22(3) (2018), 1607-1632.
  • Bozorgi, Zahra Dasht – Homaei, Rezvan. “Effect of Acceptance And Commitment İntervention on Eating Behaviors in Obese Female Students in Primary School”. Quarterly Journal of Child Mental Health 6(1) (2019), 42-53.
  • Cullen, Chris.“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Act): A Third Wave Behaviour Therapy”. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 36(6) (2008), 667-673.
  • Çağrıcı, Mustafa. “Tevekkül”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 41/1-2. İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 2012.
  • Duman, Zeki Duman. Beyânu’l Hak. 2. Cilt. Ankara: Fecr Yayınları, 2006.
  • Ebussuûd Efendi. Ebussuûd Tefsiri. çev. Ali Akın. 7. Cilt. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınları, 2006.
  • Eirfert, Georg H. – Forsyth, John P.. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications: 2005.
  • El-Mahallî, Celaleddin - Es-Suyûtî, Celaleddin. Tefsîrü’l-Celâleyn. çev. Ali Rıza Kaşeli. 2. Cilt. İstanbul: Sağlam Yayınları, 2015.
  • Eustis, Elizabeth H. et al..“Surviving and Thriving During Stress: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing A Brief Web-Based Therapist-Assisted Acceptance-Based Behavioral İntervention Versus Waitlist Control For College Students”. Behavior therapy 49(6) (2018), 889-903.
  • Fayda, Mustafa. “İfk Hadisesi,”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 21/507-509. İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 2000.
  • Fernandez, Sonia González et al.. “Treating Anxiety and Depression of Cancer Survivors: Behavioral Activation Versus Acceptance and Commitment Therapy”. Psicothema 30(1) (2018), 14-20.
  • Gharraee, Banafsheh et al.. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Compassion Focused Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder”. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 12(4) (2018), 1-8.
  • Givehki, Reza. “Effect of Acceptance And Commitment Therapy on Body Image Flexibility and Body Awareness in Patients With Psychosomatic Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Electronic physician 10(7) (2018), 1-9.
  • Harris, Russ. Act With Love: Stop Struggling, Reconcile Differences, And Strengthen Your Relationship With Acceptance And Commitm. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2009.
  • Harris, Russ. Mutluluk Tuzağı. çev. M.Hakan Türkçapar - K. Fatih Yavuz. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2022.
  • Harris, Russ. Act’i Kolay Öğrenmek. Çev, Fatma Betül Esen - K. Fatih Yavuz. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2022.
  • Havva, Said. el-Esâs fi’t-Tefsîr. çev. M. Beşîr Eryarsoy. 3. Cilt. İstanbul: Şamil Yayınevi, 1989.
  • Hayes, Steven C. – Strosahl, Kirk D.. A Practical Guide To Acceptance And Commitment Therapy. Newyork: Springer, 2004.
  • Hayes, Steven C. et al.. (eds.). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Theoretical Rationale and Empirical Status.45-65. Newyork: The Guilford Pres,2004.
  • Hayes, Steven C. et al.. “Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Model, Processes And Outcomes”. Behaviour Research And Therapy 44(1) (2006), 1-25.
  • Hayes, Steven C.. “Making Sense of Spirituality”. Behaviorism 12 (1984), 99-110.
  • Hayes, Steven. “Experiential Avoidance and Behavioral Disorders: A Functional Dimensional Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment”. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 64(6) (1996), 1152-1168.
  • İbn Kesir, Ebü’l-Fidâ. Hadislerle Kuranı Kerim Tefsiri. çev. Bekir Karlıağa - Bedrettin Çetiner. 3. Cilt. İstanbul: Çağrı yayınları, 1988.
  • J. Grim, Brian - Hsu, Becky. “Estimating the Global Muslim Population: Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 7 (2011), 1-19.
  • Karaman, Hayrettin et al..Kur’an Yolu Türkçe Meâl ve Tefsir. 1. Cilt. Ankara: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, 2012.
  • Khalek, Ahmed M. Abdel. “Islam and Mental Health: A Few Speculations”. Mental Health, Religion & Culture 14(2) (2011), 87-92.
  • Kyllönen, Heidi Maria et al..“A Brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy İntervention for Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial with 3-Year Follow-Up for The İntervention Group”. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 10 (2018), 55-63.
  • Lappalainen, Päivi et al.. “Act for Sleep-Internet-Delivered Self-Help Act For Sub-Clinical and Clinical Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 12 (2019), 119-127.
  • Linehan, Marsha M.. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Treatment Of Borderline Personality Disorder: Implications For The Treatment Of Substance Abuse. Rockville: Nida research monograph, 1993.
  • Maksudoğlu, Mehmed. “Sabır”, Arapça-Türkçe Öğretici Sözlük. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Vakfı Yayınları, 1995.
  • Mchug, Louise et al.. “Knowing Me, Knowing You: Deictic Complexity in Falsebelief Understanding”. The Psychological Record 57 (2007), 533-542.
  • Mevdudi, Ebu’l al’â. Tefhimu’l Kuran. çev. Muhammed han Kayanî vd.. 1. Cilt. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 1995.
  • Puolakanaho, Anne et al.. “Reducing Stress And Enhancing Academic Buoyancy Among Adolescents Using A Brief Web-Based Program Based On Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48 (2019), 287-305.
  • Râzî, Fahruddin. Tefsîr-î Kebir Mefâtîhu’l Gayb. çev. Suat Yıldırım et al..6. Cilt. Ankara: Akçağ yayınları, 1989.
  • Sâbûnî, Muhammed Ali. Safvetü’t-Tefâsîr. çev. Sadrettin Gümüş ve Nedim Yılmaz. 3. Cilt. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2003.
  • Stefan, Simona et al.. “Cognitive‐Behavioral Therapy (Cbt) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Contrasting Various Cbt Approaches in A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Journal of Clinical Psychology 75(7) (2019), 1188-1202.
  • Strosahl, Kirk et al., Radikal Değişimler İçin Kısa Müdahaleler. çev. K. Fatih Yavuz-Merve Terzioğlu. İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2022.
  • Süyûtî, Ebü’l-Fazl Celâlüddîn Abdurrahmân b. Ebî Bekr b. Muhammed el-Hudayrî. ed-Dürrü’l-Mensur fi’t-tefsîr bi’l-meʾs̱ûr: Hadislerle Kur’ân-ı Kerîm Tefsiri. çev.Zekeriya Yıldız et al..4. Cilt. İstanbul:Ocak Yayıncılık, 2013.
  • Tanhan, Ahmet - Francisco, Vincent T. “Muslims and Mental Health Concerns: A Social Ecological Model Perspective. Journal of Community” Psychology 47(4) (2019), 964-978.
  • Tanhan, Ahmet. “Beginning Counselorssupervision In Counseling And Challenges And Supports They Experience: Based On Develpmental Models”. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 8/1 (2018), 49-71.
  • Tanhan, Ahmet. Spiritual Strength: The Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Muslim Clients (Rochester: University of Rochester, Master Thesis, 2014).
  • Twohig, Michael P..“Introduction: The Basics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy”, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 19(4) (2012), 499-507.
  • Yavuz, Ferhat. “ACT and Islam. ACT for Clergy and Pastoral Counselors: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Bridge Psychological and Spiritual Care”. ed. Jason A. Nieuwsmaet al. New Harbinger Publications: 2016.
  • Yazır, Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi. Hak Dini Kur’an Dili. sad. İsmail Karaçam et al..6. Cilt. İstanbul: Zehraveyn: 1992.
  • Zuhayli, Vehbe. Tefsirü’l-Münir. çev. Hamdi Arslan et al.1. Cilt. İstanbul: Bilimevi Basın Yayıncılık, 2005.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Islamic Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatıma Firdevs Adam

Rukiye Gögen 0000-0002-0725-4578

Publication Date December 15, 2024
Submission Date July 30, 2024
Acceptance Date October 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 28 Issue: 3


ISNAD Adam, Fatıma Firdevs - Gögen, Rukiye. “The Quran From The Perspective Of Acceptance And Commitment Therapy”. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28/3 (December 2024), 1045-1066.