e-ISSN: 2822-2938
Founded: 2022
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Welcome to the Cukurova University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences.

The Cukurova University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal published by Cukurova University. This journal evaluates articles in areas related to Natural and Applied Sciences, including Computer Science, Information Systems, Biology, Industrial Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Mechanics, Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Organic Agriculture, Animal Science, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Agricultural Economics and Policy, Agricultural Engineering, Soil Science, and related fields.

The journal is open access, international, and employs a double-blind peer review process. It publishes articles in English, and does not charge any article processing fees. As of Augsut 29, 2024, each accepted article is assigned a DOI number.

All articles must be submitted online through the journal's official website, where authors can easily track the submission and review processes. Manuscript guidelines and further details are available on the journal's website.

Journal Archive : https://fbe.cu.edu.tr/cu/e-dergi/makaleler .
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