Writing Rules

The rules that must be followed when writing articles to be sent to the journal are summarized below:

1. Çukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute is a refereed journal published at least twice a year.

2. The article to be sent must not have been published anywhere before.

3. Articles can be published in Turkish, English, French or German. If the article is written in English, French or German, a Turkish abstract and title must be included.

4. Articles must be written in accordance with the Turkish Language Association spelling rules.

5. Articles must be written in Microsoft Word 2003 or later versions and sent online via the internet.

6. The title of the article must be appropriate to the text, centered; short and clear; written in capital letters.

7. The author's name must be centered in the article; if there is more than one author, their names must be written side by side. Information about the authors (University name, Faculty name, e-mail address, Orcid No) must be given in a footnote.

8. The first page of the article should consist of only ABSTRACT and ABSTRACT, and this page should be created by placing it in the Article Template (see Article Template)

9. Paper size in articles: A-4 vertical, page structure bottom: 2.5 cm, top: 2.5 cm, left: 2.5 cm, right: 2.5 cm, header: 3 cm, footer: 3 cm, font: Times New Roman, point: 10, line spacing: single. The entire article should not exceed 8000 words.

10. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman font, 8 point and line spacing “single”. Footnotes should not be used except for notes on old-lettered text studies and important explanations about the study.

11. The abstract should be written in 8 point and Times New Roman font. It should consist of one paragraph (even if it consists of several paragraphs, it should fit into one paragraph), and line spacing should be set to “single”. It should consist of at least 150 and at most 200 words. The abstract should be placed in capital letters on the left side of the text.

12. In original articles, sections should be organized as follows:
INTRODUCTION (maximum 3 pages)

13. The main section headings above should be written in bold, capital letters, aligned to the left. Headings should not be numbered, and there should be no paragraph indentation.

14. Subsection headings should be written in bold, with the first letter of each word capitalized, and should start 0.5 cm. indentation. All paragraph indents should be aligned.

15. If tables are to be included in the text, they should be shown as follows: “Table 1.”. The name of the table should be written centered above the table, with the first letter of each word capitalized, and should not be italicized. In figures, it should be written centered under the figure, with the word “Figure 1.” capitalized. Figures and graphics should be drawn on the computer; photos or pictures should have high resolution and should be numbered.

16. If hypotheses will be included in the study, the hypothesis indication should be as follows: “H1:”. Hypotheses should not be written in italics.

17. The sources used in the article should be given under the title “RESOURCES” after the “RESULTS” section. It should be prepared with Times New Roman font, 10 points, right-left 0, hanging 1.25, and line spacing “single”. 1 line space should be left after each source.

18. The sources in the article should be written in accordance with APA 7 (https://apastyle.apa.org/) style. You can look at the Article Template to examine the sample source indication and the rules to be followed in article writing in detail.

19. You can access the article template for articles to be sent to the journal from this link. After your article is accepted, you need to transfer it to the template in this link.

Guidelines for writing articles to be sent to the journal: 1. The Journal of Institute of Social Sciences of Çukurova University is a peer-reviewed journal published at least twice a year.
2. Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere.
3. The articles can be written in Turkish, English, French or German. If the article has been written in English, French or German, a summary in Turkish must also be included.
4. The articles should be written in accordance with the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association.
5. Articles should be written in Microsoft Word 2003 or higher and they should be submitted through the online system.
6. Use a concise and clearly written title that reflects the paper's content. Use capital letters and center alignment.
7. Author names should be center aligned on the article; if there is more than one author, their names should be written side by side. Authorship information (University name, Faculty name, e-mail address, ORCID number) should be given in the footnote.
8. The first page of the article should consist of only SUMMARY and ABSTRACT using the Article Template (see Article Template).
9. Please adhere to the following formatting guidelines: a. Paper size: A-4 vertical b. Page layout: bottom 2.5 cm, top: 2.5 cm, left: 2.5 cm, right: 2.5 cm, header: 3 cm, footer: 3 cm.
c. Font: Times New

Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 7:09:32 PM