Writing Rules

• The journal only accepts manuscripts in Turkish, English and Arabic.
• Submitted manuscripts should be appropriate to the purpose and scope of the journal.
• Original, unpublished manuscripts that are not in the evaluation process in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.
• All expenses of the journal are covered by the Publisher. The publication of articles in the journal and the execution of article processes are not subject to a fee. There is no processing fee or submission fee for articles submitted to the Journal or accepted for publication.
• After the article is submitted to the Journal for publication, none of the authors' names can be deleted from the list of authors without the written permission of all authors, and a new name cannot be added as an author and the order of authors cannot be changed.
• Multiple articles by one author cannot be published in the same issue.
• Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the journal's spelling rules.
• Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal website via the "Submit Manuscript" tab.
• All documents and files should be submitted as Word documents (.doc or .docx).
• ISNAD Citation System is followed in the writing rules of our journal. Articles that do not use the ISNAD Citation System will be returned to the author for revision.
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not include the author's name and institutional information. The information form below should be uploaded to the system.
• For articles that require Ethics Committee approval, Ethics Committee approval must be obtained and this approval (committee name, date and number) must be stated on the first page of the article and in the method section. Please refer to the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of the Journal for research requiring Ethics Committee approval.
• Articles exceeding the 8000 word limit will be returned to the author to reduce the word count.
• The title, keywords and bibliography of the Arabic article must be entered in Latin alphabet, not Arabic, when entering the article in DergiPark.
• Articles should contain an abstract of 150-200 words. Turkish and English abstracts for Turkish articles; English and Turkish abstracts for English articles; Arabic, English and Turkish abstracts for Arabic articles. Keywords should be between 5-8 words and the first word should refer to the relevant discipline. Foreign language abstracts must be written and checked by people who know the language; abstracts written with translation robots will not be evaluated.
• For book critiques, a 50-100 word abstract in Turkish and English should be included, and at least one work (which may be the work being critiqued) should be included in the bibliography.

Article Template

Article Information Form

 Page margins and text specifications should be as follows:
Paper Size : A4
Top Edge Gap : 3.5 cm
Bottom Edge Gap : 3.5 cm
Left Margin Space : 3 cm
Right Margin Space : 3 cm
Font Type : Gentium Plus
Font Style : Normal
Size (normal text) :11 point
Size (footnote text) : 9 pt.
Line Spacing : single
Paragraph Spacing: front 6 pt
1- The font should be Gentium Plus, 11 point and Bold.
2- All headings, such as the title of the article, English headings and in-article headings, should only have the first letter capitalized.
3- There should not be any numbering in the titles of Introduction and Conclusion, and the other titles should be numbered as 1., 2., 1.1., 1.2. 1.1.1., 1.1.2.
 Body Text:
1- Body text font should be Gentium Plus, 11 pt, justified, only the first line indented by 0.75 and single-spaced.
2- For articles written in Arabic, the font should be Traditional Arabic, 14 pt, justified, only the first line indented by 0.75 and single-spaced.
3- The text should be free of possible spelling errors as much as possible with the Spell Check Grammar scan.
1- The font should be Gentium Plus, 9 pt, justified, no line indentation and single-spaced.
1- Quotations should be italicized within double quotes ("....").
1- The font should be Gentium Plus, 9 pt, single-spaced, justified, no indentation, 0.5 cm hanging and written according to ISNAD 2 citation system.
2- There must be a space and a tab between footnote numbers and footnote text.
1- The font should be Gentium Plus, 9 pt, justified, no indent, hanging 0.75 cm and according to ISNAD 2 citation system. Especially in Arabic articles, the bibliography should be written in Latin letters.
• The Isnad 2nd Edition Citation System (The Isnad 2 Citation Style) should be used in citation and bibliography writing.
• References should start on a new page.
• Regardless of the language of writing, the title as References / References /المصادر should be used.

Last Update Time: 3/7/25, 1:57:27 AM

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